As Gary point out, we can still drop or add headings. Eg, some specific questions that should be answered for each of the tools: - is the tool is publicly available - some impression about the size of program it can handle, e.g. what the biggest example that has been handled successfully Here's the new outline suitable for dropping into the latex document sections: \subsubsection{Overview and Goals} % A discussion of the suggested "Goals" or problem solved by the tool % The "methodolgy for using the tool", if any. \subsubsection{Design of the Tool} % Discuss the approach to solving the problems, % meeting the goals, i.e. the "design decisions, rationale" for the tool. \subsubsection{Example} % Discuss in more detail how the tool is used and the % features that enable it to solve the problems (meet the goals) % from its users' point of view. This includes a: % discussion on how the tool checks or generates documentation of % some of the specifications in Figure 1 \subsubsection{Experience} % Experience when using the tool (describe any case studies, users...) % - give some impression about the size of program it can handle, % e.g., what the biggest example that has been handled successfully % - Some summary "Assessment of the tool". \subsubsection{Future Work} % Discussion of ongoing work related to the tool's development, if any. % Omit this subsubsection if the tool is no longer being developed. \subsubsection{Availability} % Where and how to get the tool, if that's different than the JML web page.