JMLSPEC(l) JMLSPEC(l) NAME jmlspec - generate or compare specification skeletons from Java source files SYNOPSIS jmlspec [option] ... [] ... jmlspec -diff [option] ... file1 [file2] ... jmlspec-gui [option] ... [] ... DESCRIPTION The command jmlspec and the graphical user interface ver- sion jmlspec-gui have two major modes: generation of spec- ification skeletons and comparing specification files. In generation mode (when there is no -diff option), for each Java(TM) source file on the command-line, jmlspec generates a file that refines the given source file and has a empty placeholders for one to write in the specifi- cations. By default the generated specification skeleton file has a name that is the same as the Java source file but with the suffix `.refines-spec'. For example, if the tool is given a file named `', then it generates a file `Foo.refines-spec'. The user is supposed to edit the `Foo.refines-spec' file to add specifications (which are presumably not in the `') file. In comparison mode (with a -diff option), for each file on the command-line, jmlspec finds all matching files on the classpath and compares the declarations within those files, printing to the standard output any differences found in their declarations. Matching files are those in the same package, with the same file name, but with any other of the standard suffixes for refinement files. If a java file is present, jmlspec will compare all specifica- tion files against the java file; otherwise, if a class file exists, all refinements are compared against the class file; otherwise all refinements are compared against the first file of the set listed on the command line. The jmlspec script sets the CLASSPATH and then runs the Java class org.jmlspecs.jmlspec.Main, which generates a skeleton specification file (or compares files) for each named source file. The jmlspec-gui script is similar, but just runs the Java class org.jmlspecs.jmlspec.JspGUI, which brings up a graphical user-interface to do the work. OPTIONS The jmlspec script and the graphical user interface sup- port the options described below. On the command line, one can give the options in the form described below; the graphical user interface has other ways to select files and set the options. Both options without arguments and options with arguments simply set the option as indicated by the description below. Multiple uses of the same option generally have no effect that is different than a single use of that option. For the command line, each option has both a short form and two long forms. The long forms consists of one or two hyphens and a word. To avoid duplication, we only show the long forms with two hyphens, since these are unambigu- ous; however one can use the forms with a single hyphen if desired. To avoid ambiguity between multiple short form options and the long form with a single hyphen, one should give each option separately. The short form consists of a hyphen and a single letter. In the synopsis below, the long form is separated from the short form by a comma (,), but in actual usage, you would pick one of these forms and not use the comma. Note that options on the command line are case sensitive. --annotation , -A Determines the style of annotation comment to be placed before each method declaration: 'none' pro- duces no annotation; 'comment' produces three lines of empty annotation (the default); 'also' produces three lines of annotation including the keyword 'also' (this is a reminder that the keyword 'also' may be necessary and will produce an output file that must be edited before it will successfully pass the jml checker); or a custom annotation. A custom annotation is a quoted String consisting of the lines of the desired annotation, each preceded by an arbitrary printable character that does not appear in the text, and then concatenated. For example, a custom annotation might be ":/*@: @ requires true;: @ ensures true;: @*/". Here the colon marks the beginning of each line (and is not included in the output text), and four lines of annotation are produced. --classAnnotation Determines the style of annotation to be placed at the beginning of each class and interface body. The default is the same as the method annotation (with -annotation) except that the 'also' option for the method produces a simple 'comment' style annotation for the class and interface. If a sepa- rate value is provided for this option, 'none' means no annotation, 'comment' means a simple three-line comment annotation; a custom annotation in the same form as in the -annotation option is also allowed. --classpath , -C Use the given string as the CLASSPATH during compi- lation. By default the value of the environment variable CLASSPATH is used instead. --debug, -c Produces (copious) debugging information. The default is not to produce this information. --deprecation, -D Generate skeleton specifications for deprecated members in the Java source files. The default is not to generate skeleton specifications for such deprecated members. --destination , -d Writes files (such as a `.refines-spec' files) in a subdirectory corresponding to the file's package name, relative to the named destination directory; parent direcctories that do not exist are created. The default is to write such files in or relative to the directory in which the source files reside (which may not be the current directory). --diff Applies the tool in comparision (difference) mode; the default is generation mode. --filter , -f Make the warning filter be the named class. The default is org.multijava.mjc.DefaultFilter. --help, -h Display the help information and exit. The default is not to do this. --generic, -G Accept the Java 1.5 generic syntax. This feature is still experimental. The default is not to do this. --keepGoing, -k Keep going when errors are encountered. Be warned that this may cause the tool to die with an excep- tion. The default is to not keep going. --multijava, -M Accept MultiJava source code. The default is to not accept Multijava constructs. --nomultijava Do not accept MultiJava source code. This turns off acceptance of Multijava constructs. --norecursive Turn off processing of subdirectories recursively. This is the default. --overwrite, -O Allow overwriting of existing skeleton files with newly generated files; without this option existing files are (silently) preserved. --relaxed, -r Accept Relaxed MultiJava source code. The default is not to allow the special constructs in Relaxed MultiJava. --path, -p Causes some filenames to be printed as absolute paths, in order to provide unambiguous information about which files are being compared (-diff mode only). --package Generate or compare members in the skeleton speci- fication only for the public, protected, and pack- age visibility members in the the named files. This is the default and is equivalent to the -L2 option. --private Generate or compare members in the skeleton speci- fication for all members at all visibility levels in the the named files. This is equivalent to the -L3 option. --protected Generate or compare members in the skeleton speci- fication only for the public and protected members in the the named files. This is equivalent to the -L1 option. --public Generate or compare members in the skeleton speci- fication only for the public members in the the named files. This is equivalent to the -L0 option. --quiet, -q Do not suppress information on compilation passes completed. The default is to suppress this infor- mation. --Quiet, -Q Very quiet. Suppress all output except errors and warnings so that a successful run is silent. The default is to provide selected information. --recursive, -R Process all subdirectories of given directory and package arguments recursively. The default is not to process subdirectories. --safemath, -s Turns on safe math mode. This is an experimental feature, currently under development, in which the checker will report a compile-time error if the evaluation of a constant integral expression causes an overflow. The default is not to report such errors. --source Accept code containing source for the given Java version. When the release-number is "1.4", the compiler accepts code containing Java 1.4 assert statements, and treats `assert' as a reserved word in Java code. The default is "1.3", meaning that `assert' is not a reserved word in Java code (although it is in annotations). In some future release of JML, the default will change to "1.4". --sourcepath , -S Use the given path when searching for Java and annotation source files. A path is a list of directories separated by either colons (on Unix) or semicolons (on Windows). The default is to use the CLASSPATH. --specLevel=, -L Select, according to their declared access level, the set of specification members to included in the generated or compared skeleton file. Possible val- ues are: 0 for public, 1 for public and protected, and 2 for public, protected and package, and 3 for all levels. For example, specifying 0 includes in the generated skeleton file only the public meth- ods, constructors, and fields. The default is 2, which includes all but the private members. --suffix , -F The suffix to use for the generated file. By default, if this option is not used, for a file `', this generated skeleton specification file would be put in a file named `Foo.refines- spec'. With this option, the suffix for the gener- ated file can be changed from `.refines-spec' to something else, such as `.refines-java' or `.refines-jml'. --suppressInheritance, -i If enabled, suppresses output about methods in a specification file that are not present in the class file, but are inherited from a super class. The default is to display this information. --suppressMissing, -m If enabled, suppresses output about methods that are not present in a specification file but are present in the corresponding java or class file. The default is to display this information. --synch, -Y Make comparisons (in diff mode) be such that syn- chronized modifiers must match exactly between the files being compared. The default is a looser com- parison, where the synchronized modifiers are ignored. --universesx , -E Specify the degree of support for the Universe type system (UTS). Available option strings: "no" UTS features are disabled and no keywords are reserved. Only the \xxx version of the key- words are allowed (all UTS keywords have to be prefixed by a backslash). This is the default. "parse" the UTS keywords are reserved and parsed. "check" UTS typechecking is performed. "dynchecks" code for UTS runtime checks (for downcasts and array updates) is gen- erated. This also turns on the "check" option, because the runtime checks rely on a type-checked program. "purity" purity of methods is checked with a conservative method, which might forbid some methods that do not mod- ify existing objects. "xbytecode" Universe type information is stored in special bytecode attributes. This also turns on the "check" option, because it is important that the stored information is type- checked. The resulting class-file is compati- ble with standard Java VMs. "annotations" Universe type information is stored in Java 5 annotations. This also turns on the "check" option, because it is important that the stored information is type- checked. The resulting class-file is compati- ble with Java 5 VMs. "full" all UTS features except "annota- tions" are enabled; this corresponds to the --universes flag below. The options "no" and "full" must be used alone. All other options can be combined by separating them with commas. First all options are turned off and then the given options (and the options implic- itly turned on by the given options) are turned on. --universes, -e Enable the default Universe type system features. This corresponds to the "--universesx full" flag. This option is disabled by default. --verbose, -v Display verbose information during compilation. The default is not to display this information. --version, -V Instead of doing anything else, print the checker's version information on standard output and exit. The default is not to do this. --warning=, -w Set the `pickiness' of warnings displayed to the given integer. The default is 1. Using 2 gener- ates more picky warnings, and 3 more picky still. --Xnoversion Omits printing the version in help messages, which is useful for regression testing (but not normally by users). The default is to print the version in help messages. ENVIRONMENT The CLASSPATH environment variable is used to find Java class and source files, as well as JML specification files. NOTES This tool simply parses the input files; it does not resolve class names. Thus in comparison mode, two instances of a type (e.g. return or argument types) may be deemed to match if one is qualified and the other is not, but resolves to a different type than the qualified name. SEE ALSO jml(1), jmlc(1), java(1), jmldoc(1) AUTHOR David R. Cok COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2003 by Iowa State University JML is free software; you can redistribute it and/or mod- ify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either ver- sion 2, or (at your option) any later version. JML is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with JML; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cam- bridge, MA 02139, USA. $Date: 2005/08/09 13:38:51 $ JMLSPEC(l)