Larch/C++ to HTML Conversion (lcpp2html)


The Perl script, lcpp2html, allows you to make a HTML file from a Larch/C++ specification module. This makes it possible to make hypertext versions of Larch/C++ modules available to the internet (or to a local network).

Given the name of a file, such as Spec.lcc, as an argument, the program creates the file Spec.html in the current directory. There is also an option (-I) to create an index (in the file index.html) for all the .lcc and .lsl files in a directory.

When processing Larch/C++ files, the LARCH_PATH environment variable is searched for other directories in which imported Larch/C++ specification files or LSL trait files may be found and cross-referenced. For cross-referencing to work on the WWW, you need to put a URL prefix in the file

in each directory of your LARCH_PATH. For example, you might put the following line in the .lsl2htmlURL file in the directory that has your copy of the LSL Handbook of Guttag and Horning
which will make the cross-referencing work out. See the cross-referencing section below for details.

Getting it

You can download the current version. The current version also serves as its own Unix manual page.

You can also read an ASCII version of the current manual page.


Browse a directory of sample specifications that ships with the Larch/C++ release, which has examples processed using lcpp2html.


Many thanks to John Penix, who developed the lsl2html script, on which lcpp2html is based.

The development of Larch/C++ and this program is supported by (US) National Science Foundation grant CCR-9593168.

Gary T. Leavens