- ESEC/FSE 2018
- Modularity'15
- OOPSLA 2009
- Foundations of
Aspect-Oriented Languages (FOAL) workshop series.
- Foundations
of OO Languages (FOOL)
- Foundations of
OO Languages (FOOL 2), Paris, July, 1994.
- Mathematical Foundations of Programming Semantics, Eleventh
Annual Conference, March 29 to April 1, 1995. Electronic
Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, Volume 1.
Foundations of OO Languages (FOOL 4), Paris, January, 1997.
Foundations of Component Based Systems (FoCBS), Zurich, September
- Formal
Underpinnings of Java Workshop at OOPSLA '98.
Formal Techniques for Java Programs workshop, June 14,
Formal Techniques for Java Programs workshop, June 12, 2000
at ECOOP 2000.
Formal Techniques for Java Programs, workshop at ECOOP 2001.
- Formal
Techniques for Java-like Programs, workshop at ECOOP 2002.
- NII Shonan Meeting about JML, May 13-16, 2012.
- Specifying and
Checking Properties of Software, 2001 University of Washington
and Microsoft
Research Summer Institute.
- Specification
and Verification of Component-Based Systems (SAVCBS)
- Specification
and Verification of Component-Based Systems, workshop at
- Java
Verification Workshop, 2002
- Verified Software:
Theories, Tools, Experiments, Zurich, 2005
Verified Software: Theories, Tools, Experiments,
Third International Conference, VSTTE 2010, Edinburgh, UK, August 16-19,
2010, Proceedings.
Transactions on Aspect-Oriented Software Development
The Journal of Object Technology
Last update $Date: 2022/08/18 14:26:04 $
Gary T. Leavens