Systems Programming
Spring 2011

Lectures: TR 1200-1315 (12:00PM to 1:15PM), HEC-118;
28 class periods, each 75 minutes long.
Labs: Section 11: Thursday
8:30-9:20; Section 12: Thursday 9:30-10:20
Go To Week 1, 2, 3, 4,
5, 6, 7,
8, 9, 10,
11, 12, 13,
Instructor: Charles Hughes; Harris Engineering Center 247C;
823-2762 (use e-mail; I spend most of my time in my lab)
Office Hours: TR 9:45AM-11:15AM
GTA: Remo Pillat, rpillat@knights.ucf.edu,
HEC308; OH: M 1430-1630 (2:30PM to 4:30PM)
Rees, serneum@gmail.com,
HEC308; OH: W 1500-1630 (3:00PM to 4:30PM)
Text: System
Software Knights (SSK),
University of Central Florida Custom Edition, Pearson Custom Publishing
ISBN 978-0-555-04647-0+Notes
Secondary References:
Principles, Techniques, & Tools, Second Edition by Alfred V.
Monica S. Lam, Ravi Sethi,
and Jeffrey D. Ullman
System Software: An Introduction to
Systems Programming, Third Edition by Leland Beck
Concepts of Programming Languages,
Edition by Robert W. Sebesta
Operating Systems: Internals and
Design Principles, Sixth Edition by William Stallings
Prerequisites: COP3502 (Computer Science I)
Web Pages:
Base URL: http://www.cs.ucf.edu/courses/cop3402/spring2011
Notes URL: http://www.cs.ucf.edu/courses/cop3402/spring2011/Notes/COP3402NotesSpring2011.pdf
Assignments: 6 to 10. Each assignment will have a due date
and 10% will be subtracted for each day late (up to 2 days late, 20%
off; more than two days late
results in no credit)
Exams: One or two midterms and a final
Material: I will draw heavily from text and especially from
Aho, Lam, Sethi and Ullman. You are responsible
material discussed in notes and in in-class discussions. Not all of
this is addressed in either of these texts. I highly recommend
attending class, interacting with me and listening very carefully when
I say a topic is important to me; hint, hint about exam questions ;-)
Exam Dates (Tentative): Exam#1 -- February 22;
Withdraw Deadline -- March 4; Exam#2 -- MAYBE; Final -- Thursday,
April 28,
10:00AM-12:50PM; Spring Break -- March 7-12
Evaluation (Tentative):
Mid Term(s) -- 20%
Final Exam -- 30%
Programming and Other Assignments -- 20%
Final Programming Project -- 25%
Wild Card -- 5% (for instance, to add weights to exams if I do a second
will be A >= 90%, B+ >= 87%, B >=
80%, C+ >= 77%, C >= 70%, D >= 60%, F < 60%.
Week#1: (1/11, 1/13) -- Notes
pp. 1-48 (Chapter 1, Pages 1-42 of SSK); Syllabus
- Goals, expectations and rules of the course
- A bit of an insight into what I
do and what my background is in this domain
- Introduction to systems software
- Machine organization overview:
Von Neumann architecture
Week#2: (1/18, 1/20)
-- Notes
49-108 (Chapter 2 & 3, Pages 43-110, Chapter 4,
148-156 of SSK)
- Virtual machines overview: p-code (stack architecture)
- Language Processors: Compilers,
interpreters and analyzer
- Phases of a compiler
- Lexical analysis
- Syntactic analysis
- Context Analysis/Type Checking
- Semantic Analysis/Intermediate
code generation
- Code optimization (improvement)
- Code generation
- Handcrafted lexical analyzer
Assignment #1
Due: Part 1: February 1 by 11:59PM; Part
2: February 15 by 11:59PM(Key: C, H ) Test Cases
(1A); Grading
Criteria (1A)

Week#3: (1/25, 1/27) --
Notes pp.
67-72(again),109-137 (Chapter 5,
Pages 181-244)
- Another look at the phases, especially syntax analysis
- Regular
- Building a lexical analyzer through
regular expressions
- FLEX lexical analyzer generator
(look for download specific to your platform)
- History of finite state automata
(FSA) -- circuits and pattern matching
- Regular expressions and FSAs
- FSAs and Regular Grammars
- Deterministic vs non
deterministic FSAs
Assignment #2
Starting with pascal.lex, change the rules in my
regular expressions to accommodate exponents in numbers.
Note: An integer followed by an exponent is a real.
Change it to include //, %, ++ and -- as you did in Assign#1. I already
did the comments, except for directives.
You do not need to manage directives in this assignment.
While you must just submit the modified grammar, I strongly recommend
you download FLEX and try it.
That's what we will do for checking your changes.
Due: February 17 by 11:59PM (Key) Comments

Week#4: (2/1, 2/3)
-- Notes
pp. 138-175 (Chapter
4, 111-141 of SSK)
- Syntax-directed translation
- Context free grammars
- Parse trees
- Notion of push down automata
(stack memory)
- Ambiguity and its relation to
- Non-ambiguity in expressions:
associativity and precedence
- Grammars for various programming
constructs: Expressions
- Syntax directed translation:
attributes and program fragments (semantic actions)
- Synthesized versus inherited
- Simple syntax-directed
translation amenable to automated parser generation
- Left vs right recursion and
top-down (predictive) vs bottom-up parsing

Week#5: (2/8, 2/10)
-- Notes pp.
176-211 (Chapter 4, 142-147, 263-300
of SSK)
- Expression grammars (precedence
and associativity)
- Extended BNF
- Converting left to right
recursion, maintaining semantic actions
- Left factoring
- Syntax graphs / Railroad charts
- Designing a recursive descent parser from a
right recursive grammar
Week#6: Notes pp.
212-228 (2/15, 2/17 (Review in Class; Help Sessions in Lab))
- Predictive parsing (First and
Follow sets)
- Nullable symbols and effect on
First and Follow
- Parsing table from First and
- Top down vs bottom up parsing
- CKY parsing (great example of
dynamic programming)
- Basic conflicts on top down and
on bottom up parsing
- Topics and Promises for
MidTerm # 1
- Sample Exam
-- Complete this for
discussion on 2/17 (key)
- Review and go over sample questions
Week#7: (2/22 (Midterm), 2/24) -- Notes pp. 229-257 (pp. 157-177 of SSK)
- Midterm
- Symbol tables
- Lexical, syntactic and
intermediate code based on flex and bison
- Notions of error recovery in
both various types of parsers
- While language processor: while.l and while.y
Assignment #3
Consider the grammar
S → AB | BA
A → CD | a
B → CE | b
C → a | b
D → AC
E → BC
Use CKY to determine if the following strings are in the associated language.
Report any ambiguity you encounter.
Answer Form is available to fill in.
Due: March 3 by 11:59PM (Key)
Week#8: (3/1, 3/3) -- Notes pp. 229-257 (pp. 157-177 ; 300-305 of SSK)
- Bottom up parsing of While language using Bison
- Symbol table management for While language
- Symbol table management and hash coding
- Symbol tables for nested declarations
- Intermediate code representation as triples
- Error recovery
- Clues on recursive descent parsing of While langauge
- Error recovery in recursive descent
- Initial discussion of data flow analysis
- Midterm Exam#1 Key
- Note: 3/4 is the
Withdraw Deadline
Assignment #4
Rewrite the While language compiler to intermediate code using recursive descent
You must provide the same features that I did on Bison/Flex version.
While language write-up; Reference solution: while.l and while.y
I have also placed Niklaus Wirth's full Pascal-S compiler and interpreter on the site.
Wirth's generated code is not useful but his parser and error recovery should help you.
Due: March 22 by 11:59PM
Week#9: (3/15, 3/17) -- Notes pp. 258-289 (pp. 305-331 of SSK)
- Bottom up vs top down and leftmost versus rightmost (once again)
- Finite state automata and pushdown automata
- Non-deterministic parsing via PDAs
- LR Parsing
- SLR as first example
- Basic algorithm
- LR(0) items and sets of items
- Closure of sets of items
- Action and Goto functions
- Building the parser
Week#10: (3/22, 3/24) -- Notes pp. 290-328 (pp. 331-359 of SSK)
- LR(1) items and sets of items
- Closure of sets of items
- Action and Goto functions
- Building the canonical LR parser
- Merging states and the LALR parser
- Reduce/reduce errors that might arise
- Ambiguity
- Error recovery
- Back to Recursive Descent (show code skeleton for Expression)
- Parse Trees versus Syntax Trees
- Code generation
- Triples versus Quads (compact versus easy to move)

Week#11: (3/29,
3/31) -- Notes pp. 329-344 (pp. 359-374 of SSK)
- Syntax directed translation
- Attributes (synthesized vs inherited)
- S-attributed and L-attributed parse trees
- Side effects during translation
- Creating syntax trees via attributes
- Code generation
- Triples versus Quads (compact versus easy to move)
- Indirect triples as a compromise
- Project discussion
Due: April 26 by 11:59PM
Week#12: (4/5, 4/7)
-- Material comes from project description and Reference Solution
- Project Discussions -- lots of them
- Peephole optimizations
- Handling of function returns (not required in your project)
- Handling of Case (not required) -- Jump tables versus hashed jump tables vs if--then
- Equivalence classes (motivated by alias) -- union/find started
Week#13: (4/12,
4/14) -- Notes pp. 345-385
- Reference Solution in folder Assignments/Project/ReferenceSolution/
- Data flow anlysis
Week#14: (4/19, 4/21 (Review
in Class; Help Sessions in Lab)) -- Notes pp. 345-388
- Some data flow
- Interpreter for Rascal in folder Assignments/Projects/Triples Interpreter
- Union/Find -- almost constant
- Final Exam Topics
- Sample Final
Final Exam; Thursday April
28; 10:00 - 12:50 in HEC118
© UCF (Charles E. Hughes)
-- Last Modified April 23, 2011