Computer Science III
Fall 1999

Charles E. Hughes
Digital Media Laboratory
Computer Science Department
University of Central Florida
Orlando, FL 32816-2362


Course Home Page:
Meeting Times and Place: TR 8:30 to 9:45 in BA 122 plus recitation in COMM 114.
Office Hours: TR 10:15-11:45; W 1:00-3:00 in CSB 206. Note: Check CSB 110 if I'm not in my office.
Additional Hours Covered by TAs:
    Ms. Ying Zhang in CC1 202, M 9:00-10:00; F 9:00-11:00
    Mr. Mounire ElHoumaidi in CC1 202, W 9:00-11:00; R 2:00-3:00
    Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in Java, Weiss, Addison-Wesley, 1999.
    Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++, 2nd Edition, Weiss, Addison-Wesley, 1999.
    lecture overheads(Page 261-287 modified 12/1/99 at 11;30PM)
        These overheads are an outline of the material presented in class.
        The classroom lectures will provide additional material on each topic.
    supplementary notes
        These provide additional examples and explanations of the course content.
        Text's web site (all code samples):
        Java Zip File  or C++ Zip File
        Web tutorials on Java
        STL Tutorial
        Tutorial, Exercise Solutions
Students are responsible for the material presented in class and should not assume that the text, lecture overheads and supplementary notes provide sufficient detail to pass the quizzes and exams.
Software IDEs: JBuilder3 (Java); Visual C++ (C++)
Assignments: (total 150 points)
    Programming Assignments: Five or so small to moderate sized ones for 110 points total
    Non-Programming Assignments: At least four for 40 points total
Tests: (total 300 points)
    Quizzes: Two for 50 points each (100 total)
    MidTerm Exams: 80 points
    Final exam: 120 points
Better of Assigns/Tests: (total 50 points)
Letter Grades are Based on the Standard (60%,70%,80%,90%) Divisions
Important Dates (Quiz Dates are Subject to Change):
    Quiz#1-- September 28; MidTerm -- October 7
    Withdraw Deadline -- October 15
    Quiz#2 -- November 18; Final -- December 7, 7:00-9:50 (Aargh!!)
    Holidays -- November 11, 25

A schedule of lecture topics, exam dates, quiz dates and assignment due dates are provided on this web page. Check it frequently for updates and additional information.

Cheating will not be tolerated in this courses since students are expected to do their own work. However, discussing (not copying) assignments with your classmates is fine and is encouraged within the rules provided in the separate agreement that all you must read, sign and turn in to me by the end of the fourth class meeting (August 31).

Week Topic
1 (1 day) Overview of course -- read chapters 1, 2 and 3 of W as a review 
Java/C++ overviews
Assignment #1: Problems 1.8a,b,c, 1.12.  Be complete and neat.  This is individual work.  If you have problems, see me. Turn in on Thursday, August 26.
W 1
2 More Java/C++ overviews
    classes and objects (constructors)
    is-a versus has-a; class versus parts hierarchy
    protocols (services); levels of protection
    encapsulation, polymorphism, dynamic binding, inheritance; abstract vs concrete classes
    explicit pointers versus object handles
    single vs multiple inheritance
    genericity through interfaces and templates
    argument passing
    destructors and garbage collection (automatic versus user-directed)
Maximum Sublist Problem (book calls it subsequence -- it's not)
Order Analysis (Big-O, Omega, Theta, little-o)
    (notion of witnesses c and n0)
    Example: Suppose f(n) is O(g(n)), show that max(f(n),g(n)) is O(g(n)).
Recursion and recurrence equations
    four solutions and their analyses
Assignment # 2: Problems 2.15, 2.17. Prove the correctness of Algorithm 4, Figure 2.8. This is individual work.  If you have problems, see me. Turn in on Thursday, September 2. 
Assignment # 3:Diagnostic Test (completness check only). Turn in on Thursday, September 2.
Programming Assignment #1: Turn in on Thursday, September 9. Write a Java or C++ program that implements all four of the maximum contiguous subsequence (sublist) algorithms shown in the text. Add instrumenting code that allows you to count the actual number of iterations and method calls performed. Analyze the results you get for values of N = 8, 32, 128 and 512, using randomly generated test values in the range [-15, 16]. Develop a table like that seen in Figure 2.13, providing a brief justification of the results you get.  Of course your compares are to based on the appropriate theoretical bounds and comparison counts, not times.
Note: Most of your code is in the text and available in Java or C++
Turn in: Source listing, analysis, floppy disk with source and executable (.cpp, .h, .exe in C++) (.java, .class and .jpr in Java.) Your name must appear in the header of each file.
This is individual work.  If you have problems, see me.
Help: to get random numbers
  #include <stdlib.h>
  int r = rand() % N; // generates an integer number in range [0 and N-1]
  import java.util.Random;
  Random random = new Random();
  int r = random.nextInt(32); // generates an integer number in range [0 and N-1]
W 1,2
App. A,B
3 Proofs of correctness (usually induction or contradiction)
Order Analysis (Big-O, Omega, Theta, little-o)
Order analysis for parallel algorithms; time, work/cost, work/cost efficiency
  parallel sort (even/odd transposition)
Algorithm classifications
    greedy, divide and conquer, dynamic programming
    sequences, stacks, queues, priority queues, sets, bags 
Abstract representations: 
    lists, trees, binary trees, binary search trees, priority ordered trees, graphs 
Text merges ADTs and abstract representations
Data structures: 
    linked lists, arrays, heaps 
Graph data model and competing data structures
Dynamic Programming and the LCS problem
Programming Assignment #2: Turn in on Thursday, September 30. Write a program in Java or C++ to solve the longest increasing subsequence problem.  This is actually posed in the text as problem 10.53.  Your program reads a sequence of n integers, and produces all longest increasing subsequences. Be sure to do this using an O(n2) algorithm (dynamic programming). 
Turn in: Source listing, floppy disk with source and executable (.cpp, .exe in C++) (.java, .class and .jpr in Java.) Your name must appear in the header of each file.
This is individual work. If you have problems, see me.
See details on assignment#2.
 W 2,3
4 List Data Model
    stacks, queues, deques
Discussion of problem 2.17 b -- find the minimal positive sublist (consecutive subsequence) sum
    n lg n based on sort of cumulative sums (a[0] ... a[k]), k<n
Discussion of programming assignment#2
    applicability of Principle of Optimality to longest increasing subsequence problem
Tree Data model. Binary Trees. 
    representations, traversals
W 3,4 
5 Hurricane Floyd 
More on longest increasing subsequence problem
    an evil recursive solution
Expression trees. Code generation.
Tree data model use for abstract implementations of dictionaries. 
    BST; Tries
Key to Diagnostic Test
Sample Quiz
W 4
6 Key to Sample Quiz
Balanced Search Trees (AVL Trees).
    associativity and rotations
    We will defer Splay Trees and B-Trees.Set model;
    hash function
    open addressing 
        sequential, linear, random, quadratic, double, virtual, extendible
    use for finding a pair of equals in a sequence of random numbers
Priority queue ADT, priority ordered tree (POT) abstract implementation 
    balanced POT (BPOT) abstract implementation
Heap data structure
    use for balanced trees (it's more general than just for BPOTs)
    use for BPOT
Heap Sort 
    analysis of Heapify (O(N))
    use for k largest (k O(ln N) + O(N) = O(N))
    we will defer variants of simple min and max heaps
Java Applet related to sequence assignments
    Netscape version
    IE version
Review for Quiz # 1
Topics and Promises
W 5, 6 
7 Quiz # 1 on Tuesday, September 28
Discussion of Quiz#1 (key)
W 7 
8 More on Sorting; Some additional hints for Exam#1 
Exam # 1 on Thursday, October 7
W 7 
9 Discussion of Exam#1 (key)
Withdraw Deadline on Friday, October 15
Quick Sort and Quick Selection
Set model; relations
Equivalence Classes and Union/Find Problem
Assignment # 4: Programming Assignment#2 could be attacked with an O(N2) algorithm to get the LIS lengths, but we discussed no bounds on how hard it was to extract all the actual subsequences of this length. Show mathematically a lower bound on this (Omega(?(N))), based on a worst case count of the number of such subsequences may occur in a sequence of length N. Now, present and analyze an algorithm to extract such subsequences, given an LIS length vector. You may either analyze the algorithm you developed for your program, come up with a new algorithm, or find one in the literature. You may use any resource you want, including up to two other class mates. Be sure to include a list of all your sources. Turn in by 4:00 PM on Tuesday, October 26.
Programming Assignment #3: Turn in on Monday, November 1. Write a program in Java or C++ to compare the use of a hash table versus a "balanced" tree for finding duplicates in a text file.  The details of this assignment are found at PgmAssign3.html
This is due on Monday, November 1, by 4:00 PM. (Okay, you win, I'll accept up to Monday, November 8 by 8:30 AM without lateness. But then no acceptances after that.) This is individual work. If you have problems, see me.
Extra Credit Programming Assignment: This can be used to replace your grade in programming assignment#1 or programming assignment#2, or as an extra measure in calculating your midterm result. In the latter case, this will count for up to 18 percent of your Q+E grade, reducing the weight of the lower of your quiz or midterm by the same percentage. In effect, this makes it possible to have a bad test count for only 20% of the combined quiz/midterm grade. The task is to take the "Better Quick Sort" that I presented in the notes (pages 176-178) and the Quick Sort from the text, and create an even better Quick Sort that combines ideas from both. As a first step implement (in effect copy) these solutions. Develop a main program that exercises these with large randomized and specialized data, comparing their performances. Now, add into the mix your version, hopefully based upon what you learned in the previous experiments. Rerun your experiments and draw appropriate conclusions. Write all this up with comments about the relative strengths and weaknesses of all three approaches. Turn in a disk with all your code (source and executable), analysis documents, and any instructions we need to replicate your experiments. Turn in by 4:00 PM on Monday, November 8.
W 7,8 
10 Relational data model
    complexity analysis; algebraic simplifications
W 8, Notes
11 Graph Model: various data structures
Connected components and partitions
Spanning trees (Kruskal's versus Prim's algorithm)
Proofs of correctness of 
W 9 
12 Parallelization of Prim's Algorithm
Topological sort
Shortest path problems
  All pairs shortest path
Proof of correctness for Floyd's algorithm
W 9,10.3.4 
13 (1 day) Depth first search
Scheduling Problems
Holiday on Thursday, November 11
Programming Assignment #4: Turn in on Friday, December 3 at 4:00PM. Write a program in Java or C++ to read in a graph and do all sorts of wonderous stuff to and with it.  The details of this assignment are found at PgmAssign4.html
This is individual work. If you have problems, see me.
W 9.6.1, 9.6.4,
14 More Scheduling
Sample Quiz#2
Review for Quiz#2
Quiz#2 on Thursday, November 18
15 (1 day) Revisit Quick Sort analysis
More depth first search
Thanksgiving on November 25
W 9.4,9.6
16 Cocke-Kasami-Younger (CKY) Parser
  O(N3) recognizer for arbitrary Chomsky Normal Form Grammar
Distributed computing
Networked programming; remote method invocation; JavaSpace ; Jini
Discussion of Quiz#2 (key)
Review for Final Exam
PPT Notes
Final December 7, 7:00AM-9:50AM   
Note1: Wx refers to chapter x of the Weiss text.
Note2: Notes and support material will be on-line. Visit the course web site regularly.

Copyright © 1999, Charles E. Hughes -- Last Updated December 1, 1999.