Theory Spring 2019

Structure: TR 1330-1445
(1:30PM-2:45PM); HEC-103;
28 class periods, each 75 minutes long.
Go To Week 1, 2, 3, 4,
5, 6, 7,
8, 9, 10,
11, 12, 13,
14, 15, 16
Instructor: Charles Hughes; Harris Engineering Center 247C
Office Hours: TR 3:15PM-4:30PM
GTA: Harish Raviprakash;; HEC-308
Hours: MW 1:30PM-3:00PM
Required Reading: Notes (PowerPoint Version)
Recommended Reading:
- Cooper, Computability
Theory 2nd Ed., Chapman-Hall/CRC Mathematics Series,
- Garey&Johnson, Computers
Intractability: A Guide to the Theory of NP-Completeness,
H. Freeman & Co., 1979.
- Davis, Sigal&Weyuker, Computability,
and Languages 2nd Ed., Acad. Press (Morgan Kaufmann),
- Papadimitriou & Lewis, Elements
the Theory of Computation, Prentice-Hall, 1997.
- Bernard Moret, The Theory of Computation, Addison-Wesley, 1998.
- Hopcroft, Motwani&Ullman, Intro to Automata Theory, Languages and Computation 3rd Ed.,
Prentice-Hall, 2006.
- Oded Goldreich, Computational
A Conceptual Approach, Cambridge University Press,
Draft available at
- Oded Goldreich, P, NP, and
NP-Completeness: The Basics of Complexity Theory,
University Press, 2010.
Draft available at
- Arora&Barak, Computational
A Modern Approach, Cambridge University Press, 2009.
Draft available at
- Sipser, Introduction to the
Theory of Computation 3rd Ed., Cengage Learning, 2013.
Web Pages:
Base URL:
Assignments: Around 6 to 10; Paper + Presentation
Exams: midterm and a final.
Exam Dates (Tentative): Exam#1 Thursday,
March 7; Spring Break March 11-16; Withdraw Deadline
March 20;
Study Day Tuesday, April 23; Final Tues., April 30,
Evaluation (Tentative):
- Mid Term 125 points; Final Exam 200 points (balance
weights will be adjusted in your favor)
- Assignments 75 points; Paper and Presentation 75 points
- Extra -- 25 points used to increase weight of best exam,
or maybe presentation, always to your benefit
- Total Available: 500
- Grading will be A >= 90%, B+ >= 85%, B >= 80%,
>= 75%, C >= 70%, D >= 50%, F < 50%; minus grades
might be
Weeks#1: (1/8, 1/10) -- Notes
pp. 2-86; Syllabus
- Ground rules
- Decision problems
- Solving vs checking
- Procedures vs algorithms
- Introduction to theory of computation
- Terminology, goals and some historical perspective
- Review of automata (finite, pushdown, linear bounded,
Turing machines)
- Review of formal languages (regular, context free,
context sensitive, phrase structured)
- Review material created by Prof. Jim Rogers, Earlam College
- Review material from Prof. Workman, UCF
- COT4210 material from Prof. Matt Gerber, UCF
- COT4210 material by me on Automata Theory and Formal Languages
Financial Aid (Assignment#1)
Survey at Webcourses
Due: Friday, January 11 at 5:00 PM
Week#2: (1/15,
-- Notes
pp. 87-179
- Continue Automata/Formal Languages Review
- MyHill-Neroda as proof of min DFA uniqueness
- Myhill-Nerodaa s a tool to show languages are not regular.
- The chosen language is
L = { an bm | n is not equal to m}.
This can be shown easily in an indirect manner by showing its
complement is not regular, A direct approach is using right invariant
equivalence classes as it is not amenable to the Pumping Lemma.
- Review of reduced CFGs
- Chomsky Normal Form (CNF)
- The use of CNF in the Cocke-Kasami-Younger O(N3) parsing of CFLs generated by CNFs.
Week#3: (1/22, 1/24) -- Notes
pp. 180-243
- Pumping Lemma for CFLs
- Show L = { ww | w is in {a,b}+ } is not a CFL
- CSG for L
- CFG for the complement of L
{ xy | |x| = |y| but x is not the same as y }
can be first viewed as
{x1 a x2 y1 b y2 | |x1|=|x2|, |y1|=|y2|} Union
{x1 b x2 y1 a y2 | |x1|=|x2|, |y1|=|y2|}.
But this can also be seen as
{x1 a y1 x2 b y2 | |x1|=|x2|, |y1|=|y2|}.Union
{x1 b y1 x2 a y2 | |x1|=|x2|, |y1|=|y2|}.
The above is easy to show as a CFL. We then union this with odd length and we have L1 complement.
- Basic notions of computability and complexity
- Existence of unsolvable problems (counting and
- Solved, solvable (decidable, recursive), unsolved,
unsolvable, re, non-re
- Hilbert's Tenth
- Undecidable problems made a
more concrete
- Lots about problems and their complexity
- Halting Problem (HALT) is re, not
- Set of algorithms (TOT) is
- Halting Problem seen as fun
- Some consequences of non-re nature of
- Turing Machines
Assignment #2
Posted on Webcourses

Week#4: (1/29, 1/31) -- Notes
pp. 244-333
- Insights from intro computability material
- Models of computation
- Turing machines
- Register machines
- Factor replacement systems (FRS)
- Systems related to FRS (Petri Nets, Vector Addition,
Abelian Semi-Groups)
- RM simulated by
Ordered FRS
- Primitive Recursive Functions (prf)
- Initial functions
- Closure under composition and recursion
- Primitive recursive functions SNAP, TERM,
- Primitive Recursive Function in detail
- Addition and multiplication examples
- Sample functions and predicates
- Closure under cases
- Bounded minimization
- Arithmetic fuctions that use bounded search
- Pairing functions
- Limitations of primitive
- mu-recursion and the partial recursive functions
- Notions of instantaneous descriptions
- Encodings
- Equivalence of models
- TMs to Register Machines
- RM to Factor Replacement Systems

Week#5: (2/5, 2/7) -- Notes
pp. 334-398
- Factor Replacement to Recursive Functions
- Gory details on FRS to REC
- Universal machines
- Recursive Functions to TMs
- Consequences of equivalence
- Review Undecidability (Halting Problem, shown by
- RE sets and semidecidability
- The set of all re sets W0, W1, W2,
- Enumeration Theorem
- The set K = { n | n is in the
n-th re set } = { n | n is in Wn } is re,
- The set K0 = HALT
= { <n,x> | x is in the n-th re set }
- Alternative
characterizations of re sets
- Parameter Theorem (aka Sm,n Thearem)
- Quantification and re sets
- Quantification and Co-re sets
- Diagonalization revisited (set of algorithms is non-re
and K0 (Lu) = HALT is non-rec)
- Reduction
- Classic sets Ko (Lu), NON-EMPTY (Lne),
- Reduction from Ko that
shows undecidability of K, HasZero, IsNonEmpty
- Complete re set (K and K0 as
- Note: To be re-complete a set must be re
Assignment #3
Posted in Webcourses
Due: 2/14 (Key)
Week#6: (2/12, 2/14) -- Notes
pp. 399-441
- Reduction from Ko that
shows undecidability of K, HasIndentity,
TOTAL, IsZero, IsEmpty, IsIdentity
- Equivalence of certain re
sets (K, HasZero, IsNonEmpty, HasIndentity) to Ko
- Equivalence of centain non-re sets
(IsZero, IsEmpty, IsIdentity) to TOTAL
- Quantification of Non-re, Non-Co-re sets
- Reducibility and degrees (many-one, one-one, Turing)
- Hierarchy or RE equivalence
class (m-1 and 1-1 degrees)
- Rice's Theorem
- "Picture" proofs for Rice's Theorem
- Constant Time and Mortal Machines
- Practice Probelms (I will provide solutions next week)
- Introduction to rewriting systems (Thue, Post)
- Semi-Thue systems
- Word problems
Assignment #4
Posted in Webcourses
Sample with key
Due: 2/26 (Key)
Week#7: (2/19, 2/21) -- Notes pp. 442-488
- Simulating Turing Machine by Semi-Thue System
- Simulating by Thue Systems
- Post Canonical Forms
- Post Correspondence Problem
- Grammars and re sets
- Unsolvable problems related to context-free
- Ambiguity of
- Non-Emptiness of CFL
- Context-Sensitive Grammars and
Unsolvability Results
- Valid (CSL) and Invalid Traces
- Intersection and
Quotients of CFLs
- Details on Valid (CSL) and
Invalid Traces (CFL)
- Intersection of CFLs revisited
- Quotients of CFLs revisited
- Type 0 grammars and Traces
- L = S*
for L a Regular or CFL
- L=L^2 for L a CFL
- Finite Convergence
- Finite Power Problem for
Week#8: (2/26, 2/28) -- Notes
pp. 477-515
- Summary of Grammar Results
- Revisit Set Real-Time
- Real-Time and Mortal
- Finite Power Problem for
- Closure properties for re and recursive sets
- Propositional Calculus
- Axiomatizable Fragments
- Unsolvability for Membership
in Fragments of Diadic Partial Implicational Propositional Calculus
- Review session and sample exams
- Exam Topics
- Sample exam1; Sample exam1 key
- Sample exam2; Sample exam2 key
- Sample exam3; Sample exam3 key
- Key to Samples from Notes
- Yet Other Examples (Focused on Formal Languages and Automata Theory)
- Yet Other Examples key (Focused on Formal Languages and Automata Theory)
- Midterm Legal Cheat Sheet
Week#9: (3/5, 3/7) -- Notes
pp. 516-633; Midterm Help Session 10-noon on Wednesday, 3/6 in HEC-101A; Midterm on Thursday, 3/7
- Basics of Complexity Theory
- Decision vs Optimization
Problems (achieving a goal vs achieving min cost)
- Polynomial == Easy;
== Hard
- Polynomial reducibility
- Verifiers versus solvers
- P as solvable in
polynomial time
- NP as solvable in
non-deterministic polynomial time
- NP as verifiable in
deterministic polynomial time
- Concepts of NP-Complete and
- Canonical NP-Complete
SAT (Satisfiability)
- Some NP problems that do not
appear to be in P: SubsetSum, Hamiltonian Path, k-Clique
- Million dollar question: P =
NP ?
- Construction that maps
every problem solvable in non-deterministic polynomial time on
- SAT is polynomial reducible
to (<=P)
- 3SAT as a second NP-Complete
- Integer Linear Programming
- Midterm (Thursday)
Presentation Stage #1
Turn in a list of team
members (3 preferred)
Turn in a citation to
being proposed as basis for paper and Presentation
Your paper that
summarizes and highlights must be at least 6 pages,
single column
Topics (see SampleTopics Folder)
Due: 3/23
Assignment #5
See Notes, Page 680
Due: 3/28 (Key)
Week#11: (3/19 (3/20 is
Deadline), 3/21) -- Notes
pp. 634-681
- Note: 3/20 is the
- 3SAT <=P SubsetSum
- SubsetSum <=P Partition
- Partition
equivalence to SubsetSum
- Discussion of group presentations
- Reduction
of 3SAT to k-Vertex Cover
- 3-SAT to 3-Coloring
- Isomophism of
k-Coloring with k-Register Aloocation of live variables
- Scheduling problems
- Scheduling on multiprocessor
- Scheduling problems (fixed
number of
processors, minimize final finishing time)
- N processors, M tasks, no
- Partition and scheduling
- Greedy heuristics
- 2 processor scheduling --
greedy based in list, sorted long to short, sorted short to long, optimal. Tradeoffs.
- Scheduling anomalies, level
strategy for UET trees, level strategy for UET dags
- Precedences (lists, delays,
- Anomalies (reducing
increasing processors, reducing times)
- Unit Execution Time: Trees,
forest, anti forests
- UET: DAGs and m=2
- Midterm Key
- Sample Presentation (paper and abstract) from 2015
This one was a group of two (smaller class size)
The paper started with a 1998 thesis and brought us up to date (2015 pubs)
- Sample presentation (paper only) from 2014
This was also a group of two
The paper started with a 2011 paper and worked backwards to those from which the 2011 result built
- Both of the above were really well-done; for this Saturday evening, I just want
Citation with pdf of paper that you will use to start your journey
Brief abstract of your goals
Team members
- For
Final paper and presenation I would like that the conclusion
include your own take on the importance of the results relative to your
own research including potential extensions. I am okay if you pick a
single challenging paper and dissect it so others can understand the
results and techniques. I am also fine with a journay (actually
preferred) of papers that either start with a classic and bring us up
to today or start with today and help us understand today's results in
terms of other prior research.

Week#12: (3/26, 3/28) -- Notes
pp. 682-753
- Hamiltonian Path
- Travelling Salesman
- Knapsack (relation to
SubsetSum), Dynamic Programming Approach
- Bin packing (fixed
minimize number of bins)
- Pseudo polynomial-time
solution for
Knapsack using dynamic programming with changed parameters,
n*W versus
- Reduction techniques
- Tiling the plane and Bounded Tiling
- Bounded PCP
Assignment #6
Posted in Webcourses
Due: 4/4 (Key)
Week#13: (4/2, 4/4)
pp. 754-791
- You must send me preferred day
of presentation by 4/7 at 6:00PM.
- The days to choose from are 4/9, 4/11, 4/16, 4/18.
- You must send me an abstract of
your presentation by 6:00 PM, two days prior to your scheduled
day (one to two paragraphs)
- The abstract must include title and team member names
- It is designed so everyone is mentally prepared for your
- All papers and final versions
of presentation slides are due as pdf files by 11:59 on 4/26
- Your papers must include one or two questions you would ask
your audience
- I would also like the files (word, power point, tex, etc.)
used to create these in a zip or rar
- co-NP
- P = co-P ; P contained in
of NP and co-NP
- NP-Hard
- QSAT as an example of NP-Hard,
possibly not NP
- NP-Hard problems are in general
functional not necessarily decision problems
- NP-Complete are decision problems
as they are in NP
- NP-Easy -- these are problems
that are polynomial when using an NP oracle
- NP-Equivalent is the class of
NP-Easy and NP-Hard problems
- In essence this is
functional equivalent of NP-Complete but also of co-NP
- NP-Equivalent uses a Turing
machine polynomial time reduction so just uses rather than
accepts answers from oracle
- Optimization versions of SubsetSum and of K-Color
- ATM (Alternating NDTM)
- QSAT. Petri Nets, Presburger
- FP is functional equivalent to P;
R(x,y) in FP if can provide value y for input x via
deterministic polynomial time algorithm
- FNP is functional equivalent to NP;
R(x,y) in FNP if can verify any pair (x,y) via deterministic
polynomial time algorithm
- TFNP is the subset of FNP where a
solution always exists, i.e., there is a y for each x such that
- Task of a TFNP algorithm is to find a y, given x, such that
- Unlike FNP, the search for a y is always successful
- FNP properly contains TFNP contains FP (we don't know if
- Factoring is in TFNP, but is it in
- If TFNP in FP then TFNP = FP
- P = (NP intersect Co-NP) is interesting analogue to
intersection of RE and co-RE but may not hold here
- It appears that TFNP does not have any complete problems!!!
- The deal is that there is no known recursive enumeration of
TFNP but there is of FNP
- This is similar to total versus partially recursive
functions (analogies are everywhere)
- Sample slides from prior years -- mostly anonymized so you don't bug the authors
(GMCP, Multiple object tracking as ILP, Self Assembly, Theorem Proving

Week#14: (4/9,
- Validity of SubsetSum optimization reduction to SubsetSum Decision Problem Oracle
- Final Exam Topics
- Sample Final
Exam (Key)
- 4/11 Presentations (In order as below; Group letters are for my convenience)
A (4/11) Abusnaina: How computational models can help unlock biological systems (Abstract)
H (4/11) Cunningham: Memcomputing: Leveraging memory and physics (Abstract)
L (4/11) Jamal: GMMCP for multiple object tracking (Abstract)
M (4/11) Lamar: Decidability of Shared Memory Safety (Abstract)
O (4/11) Shelopugin: Parameterized tractability of single machine scheduling with rejection (Abstract)

Week#15: (4/16, 4/18)
- 4/16 Presentations (In order as below; Group letters are for my convenience)
B (4/16) Al Hasan: Neural Combinatorial Optimization with Reinforcement Learning (Abstract)
C (4/16) Al Ruabye: Minimum Weight Vertex Cover Problem (Abstract)
F (4/16) Chouhan: LSTM to Transformer to Star-Transformer (Abstract)
G (4/16) Cimen: Bounded PCP (Abstract)
N (4/16) Li: The Raod from Simulated Annealing to GNNs (Abstract)
- 4/18 Presentations (In order as below; Group letters are for my convenience)
D (4/18) Ardebili: Oracle Separation of BQP and PH (Abstract)
E (4/18) Belcher: Message Passing Neural Networks (Abstract)
I (4/18) Duarte: Data-Driven Approximations to NP-Hard Problems (Abstract)
J (4/18) Fahmi: Multiple Sequence Alignment (Abstract)
K (4/18) Hu: Tackling Reinforcement Learning with Deep Neural Networks (Abstract)

Week#16: (4/23
-- Review Day in HEC-103 From 1:30PM To 2:45PM)
- Complete
- Due on Friday,
4/26 by midnight
- Paper associated with presentation
- Presentation (pptx, pdf, or whatever)
- Note: pdf files should be accompanied by zip of source
Final Exam is Tuesday April 30; 1:00PM to 3:50PM in
İ UCF (Charles E. Hughes)
-- Last Modified 4/28/2019