CDA 6530: Performance
Models of Computers and Networks
Fall 2015
Lecture notes
1. Homework 1:
Probability and Random Variables (PDF,
Word) (Due: Sept. 13th midnight on
2. Programming Assignment 1:
Random number generation (PDF,
Word) (Due: Sept. 30th midnight on WebCourse)
3. Programming Assignment 2: Simulink (PDF,
Word) (Due: Oct. 11th midnight on WebCourse)
4. Programming Assignment 3: Discrete-time simulation (PDF,
Word) (Due: Oct. 25th midnight on WebCourse)
5. Programming Assignment 4: Discrete-Event Simulation (PDF,
Word) (Due: Nov. 15th midnight via WebCourse)
6. Programming Assignment 5: Discrete-time simulation of wolf chasing rabbit
(PDF, Word) (Due:
Dec. 10th midnight on WebCourse)