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Refinement Calculus
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Course Syllabus
The table below gives the planned syllabus for the course.
This syllabus is subject to change. If it becomes necessary to
revise the schedule, then this page will be updated to reflect
the changes.
The references in the readings are given in the bibliography below.
Dates |
Topics |
Readings |
Optional Readings |
Jan. 14-18 |
No class (instructor away) |
[BvW98] Ch. 1 |
[Morgan98] Ch. 1-7 |
Jan. 21 |
No class (University holiday) |
[BvW98] Ch. 1 |
[Morgan98] Ch. 1-7 |
Jan. 23 |
Introduction |
Handouts, Course Web Site |
Jan. 23-Feb. 1 |
Overview |
[BvW98] Ch. 1 |
[Morgan98] Ch. 1-7 |
Feb. 1-Feb. 4 |
Lattices, and Categories |
[BvW98] Ch. 2 |
[Cohen90] Ch. 0-1 & 6,
Feb. 6-Feb. 11 |
Logic |
[BvW98] Ch. 3 |
[Cohen90] Ch. 2-3,
[Morgan98] Ch. 2,
Feb. 11-Feb. 15 |
Functions |
[BvW98] Ch. 4 |
[Cohen90] Ch. 2-3,
Feb. 18-Mar. 1 |
and State Transformers |
[BvW98] Ch. 5 |
[Cohen90] Ch. 2-3,
Mar. 1-15 |
Truth Values |
[BvW98] Ch. 6 |
Mar. 18-Mar. 22 |
Spring Break, no class |
Mar. 25 |
Review for Exam 1 |
[BvW98] Ch. 1-8 |
[Cohen90] Ch. 1-3 & 6,
[Morgan98], Ch. 1-6
Mar. 27 |
Exam 1 |
[BvW98] Ch. 1-8 |
[Cohen90] Ch. 1-3 & 6,
[Morgan98], Ch. 1-6
Mar. 29-Apr. 1 |
and Sets |
[BvW98] Ch. 7 |
Apr. 3 |
Boolean Expressions and Conditionals |
[BvW98] Ch. 8 |
[Cohen90] Ch. 2-3,
[Morgan98] Ch. 2,
Apr. 3-15 |
Relations |
[BvW98] Ch. 9 |
[Dijkstra-Scholten90] |
Apr. 17-May 1 |
Predicate Transformers |
[BvW98] Ch. 11 |
[Dijkstra-Scholten90] |
May 3 |
Summary and Evaluation |
Thurs., May 9, 2:15-4:15p.m. |
Final Exam |
[BvW98] Ch. 7-9, 11 |
[Cohen90] Ch. 2-3,
[Morgan98] Ch. 2,
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- [BvW98]
Ralph-Johan Back and Joakim von Wright.
Refinement Calculus: A Systematic Introduction.
Springer-Verlag, New York, N.Y., 1998.
- [Cohen90]
Edward Cohen.
Programming in the 1990s:
An Introduction to the Calculation of Programs.
Springer-Verlag, New York, N.Y., 1990.
- [Dijkstra-Scholten90]
Edsger W. Dijkstra and Carel S. Scholten.
Predicate Calculus and program semantics.
Springer-Verlag, New York, N.Y., 1990.
- [Dijkstra76]
Edsger W. Dijkstra.
A Discipline of Programming.
Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1976.
- [Gries91]
David Gries.
Teaching Calculation and Discrimination: A More Effective Curriculum.
Comm. ACM, 34(3):44-55 (March, 1991).
- [Morgan98]
Carroll Morgan.
Programming from Specifications, Second Edition.
Prentice-Hall International, 1998.
On-line at
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Course Content and Policies
The course's content
and grading polices
are described on separate web pages. See the links on the top
left of this page.
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Last modified Monday, August 26, 2002.