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Distributed systems are often represented as a set of objects distributed on networks. An object is composed of some data and offers some services. An object specification is an abstraction of object data and services which is independent of its implementation. Recently, the distributed systems development is based on the client/server paradigm. The client/server paradigm represents communication between two processes, the client and the server, the client requiring some services given by the server. In this paradigm, distributed systems are specified in terms of interfaces between objects. Some current specification languages (CORBA/IDL [COR93], DCE/IDL [KTW93], ODL [ODL96], etc) base their system representations on this paradigm. The IDL (Interface Definition Language) generic name is associated to these languages.
However, specifying object interfaces is not sufficient because IDL languages do not specify the system behaviour, or even the object behaviour. Object behaviours are related to object states. An object state is the set of data values and offered services that the object can deliver at a certain time. In fact, an object life is a sequence of states. In object state terms, an object behaviour can represent :
An object state change is a set of properties that must be respected when an object switches state. A state change can be a consequence of :
An object services can have parameters, and particularly output parameters. During a service call, their output parameters take new values, so an object behaviour can specify these output values.
In the telecommunications world, object behaviours are defined by some specification languages (GDMO [GDM92], SNMP/MIB [RM90], etc), however, in these languages, behaviours are described informally. Our work is to simulate system specifications, so formalizing objects behaviour is of interest to us.
Object behaviour specification can be formulated using logical formalisms. An object state can be described by a formula if the formula is made true when the logical constants of the formula are mapped in the state computer variables, and we say that a state satisfies a formula if that formula describes it [Mor90]. In this context, an object invariant is the common logical assertion that the different states of the object satisfy, and an object service behaviour is a pair of pre and post-conditions (logical assertions). A pre-condition describes the object state before a service call, a post-condition describes the object state and the output values after a service call. An interpretation of a pair of pre/post-condition is : if the previous object state satisfies the pre-condition then the next object state satisfies the post-condition, otherwise we do not know what will happen.
To illustrate the use of logic to formalize
object behaviours, we give the example of a telephone dispatcher object
invariant and the pre and post-conditions description of
its state
change when the addition of a
subscriber is realized :
The use of logical assertions to specify object behaviours is compatible
with existing distributed system specification languages. Many
specification languages are defined on the object paradigm. Object oriented descriptions permit reuse, transparency,
etc. For example,the inheritance concept maps reuse in object oriented
descriptions. The above mentioned languages (CORBA/IDL, GDMO, ODL, etc) all respect inheritance of
specialization [Boo92], i.e. a daughter interface is completely
compatible with its mother interfaces. Figure 1
represents inheritance of object behaviour specified with logical
assertions (in this figure, the symbol represents
logical implication).
When a daughter interface inherits from a mother interface, the daughter interface behaviour is a composition of the mother interface behaviour, so the composition mechanism of logical assertions must respect the inheritance of specialization. For this, the composition mechanism proposed by EIFFEL [Mey92] respects the inheritance of specialization, and is reviewed in these expressions :
Alain Cougoulic