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Answers to these questions are important for component-based system engineering because they are a necessary link in defining precisely certain relations involving operational program components, specifications, and templates. These relations are central to understanding component-based systems and to performing component-level maintenance activities [EGWZ97,Gib97] because they allow a software engineer to reason about the behavioral effects of substituting one operational program component for another. Here is a quick intuitive overview of some of the most important relations, with C/Ci, S/Si, and T/Ti taken to be operational program components, specifications, and templates, respectively:
The first relation, uses , is the usual connection
between software components. This connection allows to be ``constructed'' bottom-up [Edw95]. That is, suppose
C2 mentions C1 in its context (i.e., brings it into scope,
in the programming language sense). If C2 invokes some operation
of C1, then
is defined in terms of
. The meaning of the uses
relation as defined above can be formalized independently of the
meanings of specifications and templates. But the meanings of the
other relations above cannot be so formalized; yet these other
relations lie at the heart of component-based system design and
maintenance [Gib97].
David S. Gibson and Bruce W. Weide