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6.1.10 Larch/C++ Special Primaries

The Larch/C++ special primaries are as follows.

lcpp-primary ::= literal | this | self | result
        | pre | post | any | returns
        | throws ( type-id )
        | thrown ( type-id )
        | sizeof ( type-id )
        | fresh ( term-list )
        | trashed ( store-ref-list )
        | unchanged ( store-ref-list )

See section 4.13 Literals for the syntax and meaning of C++ literals.

An lcpp-primary of the form sizeof(tn), where tn is a type-id, denotes an int. Since sizes are C++-implementation dependent, this integer is not uniquely determined by Larch/C++. (See See section 8.3 Instantiation of Templates for the syntax of type-id.)

See section 6.2.3 The Modifies Clause for the syntax and meaning of store-ref-list and the forms of lcpp-primary beginning with unchanged (see section Unchanged). See section 6.3.2 The Trashes Clause for the forms of lcpp-primary beginning with trashed (see section Trashed). See section 6.11 Exceptions for the meaning of the forms of lcpp-primary beginning with returns, throws, and thrown. The others are explained in this section.

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