CAP6135: Malware and Software
Vulnerability Analysis
Schedule notes
Class 1 (01/06): Course
introduction, Software
security introduction
Class 2 (01/08): Software security intro
(continue); term project description
(possible term project
Class 3 (01/13): Software security intro (continue);
Basic network security
Class 4 (01/15): Network security introduction (continue)
Class 5 (01/22): Network security intro (continue);
Stack Overflow I: Attack
after class reading materials: "Smashing The Stack
For Fun And Profit", Alpha One
Overflows: Attacks and Defenses for the Vulnerability of the
Decade," Crispin Cowan, et al.
Class 6 (01/27): Stack
Overflow I (continue)
Class 7 (01/29): Stack Overflow
example using GDB; Project
1 is assigned and due Feb. 12th midnight via WebCourse (written notes)
Class 8 (02/03): Stack
Overflow II: Defense
Class 9 (02/05): Find Software Bugs (written notes)
Class 10 (02/10): Introduce instructor's ACSAC'07 best student award paper
on fuzzing; Example of man-made
vulnerable code (fuzzTest-target.c,
fuzzTest100.c ) and
explanation slides
Class 11 (02/12): Explanation
of program project 2; Programming
project 2 is assigned and due Mar. 2nd midnight; Term
project proposal slides are due Feb. 25th midnight
Class 12 (02/17): Program
Verification & Other Types of Vulnerabilities
Class 13 (02/19): Email Spam
Class 14 (02/24): Network
Traffic Monitoring Using Wireshark
Class 15 (02/26): Term project proposal
presentation for face-to-face session students
Class 16 (03/10): Email spam homework is
assigned and due Mar. 23rd midnight; explaining
of the email spam homework; Listen to CS
Distinguished Lecture Series seminar from Dr. Kang Shin on
mobile application security
Class 17 (03/12): Two student paper presentation:
Prachi Shivhare (ppt),
Charly Collin (pdf)
Class 18 (03/17): Network traffic monitoring (continue);
Programming project 3 is released ...
Class 19 (03/19): Student paper presentation: Awrad
Mohammed Ali (ppt),
Hyanglim You (ppt)
Class 20 (03/24): Student paper presentation: Victor
Parece (pdf),
Ke Chen (ppt)
Class 21 (03/26): Student paper presentation: Kushal Mehta
Ankur Verma (ppt)
Class 22 (03/31): Botnets,
Student paper presentation: Michael Christakos (pdf)
Class 23 (04/02): Student paper presentation:
Saurabh Mankar (ppt),
Karthik Balasubramanian (ppt)
Class 24 (04/07): Student paper presentation: Talal Basaif
Salih Safa Bacanli (pdf)
Class 25 (04/09): Student paper presentation:
Prateek Basavaraj (ppt),
Aman Goel (ppt)
Class 26 (04/14): Student paper presentation: Dilip
Simha.C.R. (ppt),
Vidhur Goyal (ppt)
Class 27 (04/16): Student paper presentation: Sruthi
Chiluka (ppt),
Sidhanth Sheelavanth (pdf)
Class 28 (04/21): Student paper presentation: Sagar Patel
(pdf), Rajiv
Marothu (ppt)
Venkata Sagi (ppt),
Aishwarya Nayak (ppt),
Manik Challana (ppt)
Class 29 (04/28) 10:00am -
12:50pm: Term project presentation by face-to-face
session students
1. "Automated
Whitebox Fuzz Testing", P. Godefroid, M.Y. Levin, D. Molnar, Annual Network
& Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS) 2008.
2. (Hyanglim You) "TaintDroid: An Information-Flow
Tracking System for Realtime Privacy Monitoring on Smartphone", William Enck, Peter Gilbert, Byung-gon Chun, Landon P.
Cox, Jaeyeon Jung, Patrick McDaniel, and Anmol N. Sheth, USENIX
Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation (OSDI),
3. (Prachi Shivhare) "Protecting
Browsers from Extension Vulnerabilities", Adam Barth, Adrienne
Porter Felt, Prateek Saxena, and Aaron Boodman. 17th Network and
Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS), 2010.
4. (karthik balasubramanian) "Hey,
You, Get Off of My Cloud: Exploring Information Leakage in
Third-Party Compute Clouds", Thomas Ristenpart, Eran Tromer, Hovav Shacham, and
Stefan Savage, Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Computer and
Communications Security, Chicago, IL, November 2009.
5. "Countering
Kernel Rootkits with Lightweight Hook Protection," Zhi Wang, Xuxian Jiang, Weidong Cui, Peng Ning,
Proceedings of the 16th ACM Conference on Computer and
Communications Security (CCS 2009), Chicago, IL, November 2009.
6. (Saurabh Mankar) "VEX:
Vetting Browser Extensions for Security Vulnerabilities", Sruthi Bandhakavi, Samuel T. King, P. Madhusudan, and
Marianne Winslett, USENIX Security Symposium (Usenix), 2010 (best
paper award).
7. (Sruthi Chiluka) "Vanish:
Increasing Data Privacy with Self-Destructing Data", Roxana Geambasu, Tadayoshi Kohno, Amit A. Levy, and
Henry M. Levy, USENIX Security Symposium (Usenix), 2009 (best
student paper award).
8. (Charly Collin)
A Checksum-Aware Directed Fuzzing Tool for Automatic Software
Vulnerability Detection", Tielei Wang, Tao Wei, Guofei Gu, Wei Zou, 31st IEEE
Symposium on Security & Privacy (Oakland), Oakland, CA, May
2010. (Best Student Paper Award).
9. (Awrad Mohammed Ali ) "Detecting
Spammers on Social Networks", Gianluca Stringhini, Christopher Kruegel, Giovanni
Vigna, Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC),
2010. (Best student paper award).
10. (vidhur goyal) "Dude,
where�s that IP? Circumventing measurement-based IP geolocation", Phillipa Gill, Yashar Ganjali, David Lie, Bernard Wong.
Proceedings of the 19th USENIX Symposium on Security, 2010.
11. "CryptDB:
Protecting Confidentiality with Encrypted Query Processing", Raluca Ada Popa, Catherine M. S. Redfield, Nickolai
Zeldovich, Hari Balakrishnan, 23rd ACM Symposium on Operating
Systems Principles (SOSP), 2011.
12. (Michael Christakos) "HomeAlone:
Co-Residency Detection in the Cloud via Side-Channel Analysis", Yinqian Zhang, Ari Juels, Alina Oprea, Michael K. Reite,
IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy 2011.
13. (Aishwarya Nayak) "Click
Trajectories: End-to-End Analysis of the Spam Value Chain", Kirill Levchenko, Andreas Pitsillidis, Neha Chachra,
Brandon Enright, Mark Felegyhazi, Chris Grier, Tristan Halvorson,
Chris Kanich, Christian Kreibich, He Liu, Damon McCoy, Nicholas
Weaver, Vern Paxson, Geoffrey M. Voelker, Stefan Savage. IEEE
Symposium on Security and Privacy 2011,
14. (Sagar Patel) "On
Limitations of Designing Leakage-Resilient Password Systems:
Attacks, Principles and Usability", Qiang Yan, Jin Han,
Yingjiu Li and Robert H. Deng,NDSS 2012 (Distinguished Paper Award).
15. (Prateek Basavaraj) "Social
Networking with Frientegrity: Privacy and Integrity with an
Untrusted Provider", Ariel J. Feldman, Aaron Blankstein,
Michael J. Freedman, and Edward W. Felten, Usenix Security
Symposium, 2012. (Best Student Paper)
16. (Sidhanth Sheelavanth) "Memento:
Learning Secrets from Process Footprints", Suman Jana and
Vitaly Shmatikov, IEEE Symposium on Security and
Privacy, 2012. (Best Student Paper)
17. (Manik Challana) "User-Driven
Access Control: Rethinking Permission Granting in Modern
Operating Systems", Franziska Roesner, Tadayoshi
Kohno, Alexander Moshchuk, Bryan Parno, Helen J. Wang, and
Crispin Cowan, IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy,
2012. (Best Practical Paper)
18. (Ke Chen) "I can be you:
Questioning the use of Keystroke Dynamics as Biometrics", Tey Chee Meng,
Payas Gupta and Debin Gao, NDSS 2013. (Best Paper Award)
19. (Ankur Verma) "The
Postman Always Rings Twice: Attacking and Defending postMessage
in HTML5 Websites", Sooel Son and Vitaly Shmatikov, NDSS
2013. (Best Student Paper)
20. (Aman Goel) "Routing
Around Decoys" Max Schuchard, John Geddes, Christopher
Thompson, Nicholas Hopper. CCS 2012. (Best Student Paper
21. (Venkata Sagi) "IntScope:
Automatically Detecting Integer Overflow Vulnerability in X86
Binary Using Symbolic Execution", Tielei Wang , Zhiqiang
Lin, NDSS 2009.
22. "P2PWNED:
Modeling and Evaluating the Resilience of Peer-to-Peer Botnets",
Rossow, C.; Andriesse, D.; Werner, T.; Stone-Gross, B.; Plohmann,
D.; Dietrich, C.J.; Bos, H., IEEE Symposium on Security and
Privacy, 2013.
23. (Dilip Simha.C.R.) "Security
and Privacy for Implantable Medical Devices", Daniel
Halperin, Thomas S. Heydt-Benjamin, Kevin Fu, Tadayoshi Kohno, and
William H. Maisel, IEEE Pervasive Computing, 7(1), January-March
24. (Talal Basaif) "Controlling
Data in the Cloud: Outsourcing Computation without Outsourcing
Control" Chow, R.;
Golle, P.; Jakobsson, M.; Shi, E.; Staddon, J.; Masuoka, R.;
Molina, J., Proceedings of the 2009 ACM Workshop on Cloud
Computing Security (CCSW 2009); 2009.
25. (Victor Parece) "Blueprint:
Robust Prevention of Cross-site Scripting Attacks for Existing
Browsers", Ter Louw, M.; Venkatakrishnan, V.N., 30th IEEE
Symposium on Security and Privacy, 2009.
26. (Kushal Mehta) "Mobile-Sandbox:
Having a Deeper Look into Android Applications",
Spreitzenbarth, Michael and Freiling, Felix and Echtler, Florian
and Schreck, Thomas and Hoffmann, Johannes, 28th Annual ACM
Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC), 2013.
27. (Safa Bacanli) "Static
analysis of Android programs", �tienne Payet, Fausto
Spoto, Elsevier Journal of Information and Software Technology
54 (2012) pp. 1192�1201.