CAP6135: Malware and Software
Vulnerability Analysis
Schedule notes
Class 1 (01/13): Course
introduction, Software
security introduction
Class 2 (01/15): Software security intro
(continue); term
project description (potential
term project topics)
Class 3 (01/20): Basic
network security introduction
Class 4 (01/22): Network security intro (continue);
Stack Overflow I: Attack
Class 5 (01/27): Stack Overflow I: Attack Introduction
Class 6 (01/29): Stack Overflow I: continue;
Stack Overflow example
using GDB; Programming Project 1 is released and
due Feb. 9th midnight via WebCourse
Class 7 (02/03): Stack
Overflow II: Defense
Class 8 (02/05): Find Software
Class 9 (02/10):
Find software bugs (continue); Introduce instructor's ACSAC'07 best student award paper on
Class 10 (02/12): Email Spam
and Phishing Attacks; Homework 1 is assigned and due
Feb. 19th midnight
Class 11 (02/17): Email Spam (continue); Example of
man-made vulnerable code (fuzzTest-target.c,
fuzzTest100.c ) and
explanation slides
Class 12 (02/19): Explanation of program project 2;
Programming project 2 is assigned and due Mar. 3rd
midnight; Term project proposal slides are due Mar. 4th
Class 13 (02/24): Program
Verification & Other Types of Vulnerabilities
Class 14 (02/26): Botnets; Paper presentation and
Paper summary
Class 15 (03/03): Network
Traffic Monitoring Using Wireshark
Class 16 (03/05): Term project
proposal presentation
Class 17
(03/17): Paper presentation:
Continue Wireshark
introduction; Programming project 3 is
released and due Mar. 29th midnight via
(Joshua Keller) "Analyzing
Spammers' Social Networks For Fun and Profit
-- A Case Study of Cyber Criminal Ecosystem on
Class 18 (03/19): Paper
Durvasula) "The Impact of Vendor
Customizations on Android
(Mohammed ALMARRI)
"Timing Analysis of Keystrokes and
Timing Attacks on SSH"
Nikolaev) "BotSniffer: Detecting
Botnet Command and Control
Channels in Network Traffic."
19 (03/24): Paper
"Efficient and
Scalable Socware
Detection in Online
Social Networks"
Bhatti) "Vetting
Undesirable Behaviors
in Android Apps with
Permission Use
Veeriah) "EXE:
generating inputs of
20 (03/26): First paper
summary assignment is assigned
for online session students
Paper presentation:
(Vishnu Vidyan)
"DART: directed automated random
(Vinay Chander)
"Preserving Link Privacy in Social
Network Based Systems"
(Aritz Lopez de
Brinas Gorosabel) "Detecting
Passive Content Leaks and
Pollution in Android
Class 21 (03/31): Paper presentation:
(Anusuya Arunachalam) "Verifiable
privacy-preserving multi-keyword text search
in the cloud supporting similarity-based
Kalidindi) "Lares: An Architecture for
Secure Active Monitoring Using
Class 22 (04/02): Paper presentation:
(Tripti Gupta) "TaintEraser:
protecting sensitive data leaks using
application-level taint tracking"
(Sindhu Muttineni)
"Privacy-preserving public auditing for
data storage security in cloud computing"
(Segrey Kovalenko) "An
Advanced Hybrid Peer-to-Peer Botnet"
Class 23 (04/07): Paper presentation:
(Gangadhar Mahadevan) "DTA++: Dynamic Taint
Analysis with Targeted Control-Flow
(Vinay Hegde Ganapati) "Dynamic taint
analysis for automatic detection,
analysis, and signature generation of
exploits on commodity software"
Athelli) "On the Feasibility of
Side-Channel Attacks with Brain-Computer
Class 24 (04/09): Paper presentation:
(Shrutha Keerthi Gandla) "TaintScope: A
Checksum-Aware Directed Fuzzing Tool for
Automatic Software Vulnerability Detection"
(Guillermo A. Gomez) "Large-Scale
Privacy-Preserving Mapping of Human
Genomic Sequences on Hybrid Clouds"
(Kumar Raghav
Poojari) "BotMiner: Clustering Analysis of
Network Traffic for Protocol- and
Structure-Independent Botnet Detection."
Class 25 (04/14): Paper presentation:
(Anvesh Thota) Garfinkel, Tal and Pfaff, Ben
and Chow, Jim and Rosenblum, Mendel and
Boneh, Dan. "Terra: A Virtual Machine-based
Platform for Trusted Computing"
(Basundhara Dey) "A Study
of Android Application Security"
Class 26 (04/16): Paper presentation:
(Kexin Liao) "P2PWNED:
Modeling and Evaluating the Resilience of
Peer-to-Peer Botnets"
(Navjot Singh Chhoker) "Protecting Browsers
from Extension Vulnerabilities"
Class 27 (04/21): Paper presentation:
(Shreyas Somashekara) "Whispers in the
Hyper-space: High-bandwidth and Reliable
Covert Channel Attacks inside the Cloud"
(Josh Eberst) "Hey, You,
Get Off of My Cloud: Exploring Information
Leakage in Third-Party Compute Clouds"
Class 28 (04/23): Virus Introduction; Our
Globecom'14 paper on click-tracking
Term project
presentation at the Final exam time (05/05
10:00am-12:50pm): Term project submission is
due May 3rd midnight via WebCourse; each
presentation lasts 10 to 15 minutes
In-Class Paper Presentation Paper List:
1. (Vishnu Vidyan) "DART:
directed automated random testing", Godefroid,
Patrice; Klarlund, Nils; Sen, Koushik. ACM
SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and
Implementation (PLDI), 2005.
2. (Vivek Veeriah) "EXE: automatically
generating inputs of death", Cadar, Cristian and
Ganesh, Vijay and Pawlowski, Peter M. and Dill, David L.
and Engler, Dawson R. ACM Transaction on Information
System Security, 2008.
3. (Shrutha Keerthi Gandla) "TaintScope:
A Checksum-Aware Directed Fuzzing Tool for Automatic
Software Vulnerability Detection", Tielei Wang, Tao
Wei, Guofei Gu, Wei Zou. IEEE Symposium on
Security & Privacy (Oakland'10), 2010. (Best
Student Paper Award)
Tainted Analysis
1. (Vinay Hegde Ganapati) "Dynamic
taint analysis for automatic detection, analysis, and
signature generation of exploits on commodity software",
James Newsome, Dawn Song, Network and Distributed
Systems Security Symposium (NDSS), 2005.
2. (Gangadhar Mahadevan) "DTA++:
Dynamic Taint Analysis with Targeted Control-Flow
Propagation". Min Gyung Kang, Stephen McCamant,
Pongsin Poosankam, and Dawn Song. Proceedings of the
18th Annual Network and Distributed System Security
Symposium (NDSS), 2011.
3. (Tripti Gupta) "TaintEraser:
protecting sensitive data leaks using application-level
taint tracking". David (Yu) Zhu, Jaeyeon Jung,
Dawn Song, Tadayoshi Kohno, and David Wetherall. SIGOPS
Oper. Syst. Rev.,vol. 45(1), page(s): 142-154.
January 2011.
Cloud Security
1. (Josh Eberst) "Hey,
You, Get Off of My Cloud: Exploring Information Leakage
in Third-Party Compute Clouds", Thomas Ristenpart,
Eran Tromer, Hovav Shacham, and Stefan Savage, Proceedings
of the ACM Conference on Computer and Communications
Security (CCS), Chicago, IL, November 2009.
2. (Anusuya Arunachalam) "Verifiable
privacy-preserving multi-keyword text search in the
cloud supporting similarity-based ranking," W. Sun,
B. Wang, N. Cao, M. Li, W. Lou, Y.T. Hou, and H. Li,
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems
(TPDS), 2014.
3. (Sindhu Muttineni) "Privacy-preserving
public auditing for data storage security in cloud
computing", Cong Wang, Qian Wang, Kui Ren, Wenjing
Lou, IEEE INFOCOM, 2010.
4. (Guillermo A. Gomez) "Large-Scale
Privacy-Preserving Mapping of Human Genomic Sequences on
Hybrid Clouds", Yangyi Chen, Bo Peng, Xiaofeng Wang
and Haixu Tang, NDSS Symposium 2012
1. (Kumar Raghav Poojari) Guofei Gu,
Roberto Perdisci, Junjie Zhang, and Wenke Lee. "BotMiner:
Clustering Analysis of Network Traffic for Protocol- and
Structure-Independent Botnet Detection." In
Proceedings of the 17th USENIX Security Symposium
(Security'08), San Jose, CA, 2008.
2. (Segrey Kovalenko) Ping Wang, Sherri
Sparks, Cliff C. Zou. "An
Advanced Hybrid Peer-to-Peer Botnet", IEEE
Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, 7(2),
113-127, April-June,2010.
3. (Kexin Liao) "P2PWNED:
Modeling and Evaluating the Resilience of Peer-to-Peer
Botnets", Rossow, C.; Andriesse, D.; Werner, T.;
Stone-Gross, B.; Plohmann, D.; Dietrich, C.J.; Bos, H.,
IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, 2013.
4. (Aleksandr Nikolaev) Guofei Gu, Junjie
Zhang, and Wenke Lee. "BotSniffer:
Detecting Botnet Command and Control Channels in Network
Traffic." In Proceedings of the 15th Annual
Network and Distributed System Security Symposium
(NDSS'08), San Diego, CA, February 2008.
Smartphone Security
1. (Aritz Lopez de Brinas Gorosabel) Yajin
Zhou, Xuxian Jiang, "Detecting
Passive Content Leaks and Pollution in Android
Applications," Proceedings of the 20th Network and
Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS 2013), San
Diego, CA, February 2013.
2. (Basundhara Dey) "A Study of
Android Application Security", William Enck, Damien
Octeau, Patrick McDaniel,and Swarat Chaudhuri, USENIX
Security Symposium, August 2011.
3. (Rohit Durvasula) Lei Wu, Michael Grace,
Yajin Zhou, Chiachih Wu, Xuxian Jiang, "The
Impact of Vendor Customizations on Android Security,"
Proceedings of the 20th ACM Conference on Computer and
Communications Security (CCS 2013), Berlin, Germany,
November 2013.
4. (Jaskaran Bhatti) Yuan Zhang, Min Yang,
Bingquan Xu, Zhemin Yang, Guofei Gu, Peng Ning, X. Sean
Wang and Binyu Zang. "Vetting
Undesirable Behaviors in Android Apps with Permission
Use Analysis." In Proc. of the 20th ACM Conference
on Computer and Communications Security (CCS’13), Berlin,
Germany, November 2013.
Social Networking Security
1. (Joshua Keller) Chao Yang, Robert Harkreader,
Jialong Zhang, Suengwon Shin, and Guofei Gu. "Analyzing
Spammers' Social Networks For Fun and Profit -- A Case
Study of Cyber Criminal Ecosystem on Twitter." in
Proceedings of the 21st International World Wide Web
Conference (WWW'12), Lyon, France, April 2012.
2. (Vinay Chander) "Preserving
Link Privacy in Social Network Based Systems".
Prateek Mittal, Charalampos Papamanthou, Dawn Song.
Proceedings of the 19th Annual Network and Distributed
System Security Symposium (NDSS). February 2013.
3. (Rouda Al-Kuwari) "Efficient
and Scalable Socware Detection in Online Social Networks",
Md Sazzadur Rahman, Ting-Kai Huang, Harsha V. Madhyastha,
Michalis Faloutsos, USENIX Security Symposium 2012 .
Virtual Machine Security
1. (Anvesh Thota) Garfinkel, Tal and Pfaff, Ben and
Chow, Jim and Rosenblum, Mendel and Boneh, Dan. "Terra:
A Virtual Machine-based Platform for Trusted Computing",
Proceedings of the Nineteenth ACM Symposium on Operating
Systems Principles (SOSP'03), 2003.
2. (Sailakshmivaishnavi Kalidindi) Payne, Bryan D.
and Carbone, Martim and Sharif, Monirul and Lee,
Wenke, "Lares:
An Architecture for Secure Active Monitoring Using
Virtualization", Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE
Symposium on Security and Privacy (SP '08), 2008.
3. Ryan Riley, Xuxian Jiang, Dongyan Xu, "Guest-Transparent
Prevention of Kernel Rootkits with VMM-based Memory
Shadowing," Proceedings of the 11th International
Symposium on Recent Advances in Intrusion Detection (RAID
2008), Boston, MA, September 2008.
4. Zhi
Wang, Xuxian Jiang, "HyperSafe:
A Lightweight Approach to Provide Lifetime Hypervisor
Control-Flow Integrity," Proceedings of the 31st
IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (Oakland 2010),
Oakland, CA, May 2010.
Side-Channel Attack
1. (Mohammed ALMARRI) "Timing
Analysis of Keystrokes and Timing Attacks on SSH".
Song, Dawn Xiaodong and Wagner, David and Tian, Xuqing,
USENIX Security Symposium, 2001.
2. (Nishanth Athelli) "On
the Feasibility of Side-Channel Attacks with
Brain-Computer Interfaces", Ivan Martinovic, Doug
Daviesy, Mario Franky, Daniele Peritoy, Tomas Rosz, Dawn
Song, USENIX Security Symposium 2012.
3. (Shreyas Somashekara) Zhenyu Wu,
Zhang Xu, and Haining Wang, "Whispers
in the Hyper-space: High-bandwidth and Reliable Covert
Channel Attacks inside the Cloud", To appear in
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 2014.
Web Security
1. (Navjot Singh Chhoker) "Protecting
Browsers from Extension Vulnerabilities", Adam Barth
, Adrienne Porter Felt, Prateek Saxena, Aaron Boodman,
NDSS Symposium 2010.