CDA 6530: Performance
Models of Computers and Networks
Fall 2014
Lecture notes
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The "written notes" are what the instructor writes on
tablet PC whiteboard in each class.
1. (08/18) Class
review of probability (intro, prob-1, written notes)
2. (08/20) Probability (continue, written notes)
3. (08/25) Probability continue; Review of
random vairable (random, written notes)
4. (08/27) Random variable continue (written notes); Explaining
of Homework 1 (Homework 1 is assigned and due Sept. 7th via
5. (09/03) Examples of random variable (written notes)
6. (09/08) Introduction of Matlab (matlab)
(written notes)
7. (09/10) Generating random number and random variables
(generate-rv, written notes, matlab code
of loadedDice.m);
programming project 1 is assigned and due Sept. 17th
8. (09/15) Generate r.v. (continue); Continue examples of
random variables (written
9. (09/17) Contiue examples of random variables (written notes)
10. (09/22) Matlab Simulink for numerical solutions of
differential equations (simple worm model simulink example, RC
circut example, written notes);
Programming project 2 is assigned and due Oct. 1st midnight (tips
on how to present figures)
11. (09/24) Explaining solution to project 1 and further
explain Project 2 (written
12. (09/29) Continue examples of random variable (written notes, simulink function
13. (10/01) Stochastic process: Counting, Bernulli (stochastic, written notes)
14. (10/06) Stochastic process (continue) (written notes)
15. (10/13) Discrete-time simulation (discreteTime-simulation);
programming project 3 is assgined and due Oct. 26th midnight (written notes)
16. (10/15) Stochastic process (continue)
17. (10/20) Explain of project 3 (project3QA);
stochastic process (continue) (written notes)
18. (10/22) Hidden-Markov model (HMM-intro)
(written notes)
19. (10/27) Basic queuing theory:
M/M/1 queue (queue-1) (written notes)
20. (10/29) Basic queuing theory (continue); explain solution
to programming project 3 (written notes)
21. (11/05) M/M/*/* queue (continue)
22. (11/10) Queuing theory examples (queue-examples);
basic queuing network (queue-network)
(written notes)
23. (11/12) Discrete-event simulation (discreteEvent-simulation,
code,written notes)
24. (11/17) Example of discrete-event simulation of three caller
problem (DiscreteEventSimulation-example,
Matlab code1,
Matlab code 2);
Programming project 4 is released and due Nov. 30th (written notes)
25. (11/19) Mid-term review (mid-review);
Statistical analysis of simulated data (confidence-interval, matlab code);
Transform theory (transform) (written notes)
26. (11/24) Take-home midterm exam
27. (11/26) NS2 tutorial: part 1 (NS2-tutorial, twoNode example code, 2UDP3Nodes)
28. (12/01) Explanation of Programming project 4; NS2
tutorial: part 2 ( TCP3Source,