Global Optimization
COP-5621, Spring 2024

Table of Contents


local optimizations review


live vars intuition won't work

need info from previous blocks

also when you having branches, you've got multiple previous blocks how do we handle this?

if doing dce, what would this mean? what can we conclude? what if the branch is never taken? (why have it in the cfg?) overapproximation soundness, analysis/rewriting -> the same, but not vice-versa (same doesn't necessarily mean analysis and rewriting will happen) sound, analysis says live vars -> actual live vars at runtime complete, live vars at runtime -> analysis says live vars (

live vars

x := inparam
y := x
outparam := y

live vars, connecting basic blocks

x := inparam
y := x
if y < 0 then
  y := y * -1
outparam := y

live vars unioning

x := 2
y := x + 1  # rewrite to y := 3
if inparam > 0 then
  t := x
  t := y
outparam := t

reaching definitions which definitions of a variable can reach each point in the program?

if inparam == 0 then
  x := 1
  x := 2
outparam := x

constant prop

if inparam == 0 then
  x := 1
  y := 2
  x := 2
  y := 1
outparam := x + y

reaching defs, undefined var

if inparam == 0 then
  x := 1
outparam := x

reaching defs, cycle

x := 1
while inparam > 0 then
  inparam := inparam - x

multiple reaching definitions due to cycle

x := 1
while inparam > 0 then begin
  inparam := inparam - x;
  x := 2

loop invariants

b := inparam
c := 10
while x > 0 do begin
  a := b + c;
  y := y + a;
  x := x - 1
outparam := y

available expressions common subexpression elimination

a := inparam
b := 5
x := a + b
y := 10
outparam := a + b
a := inparam
b := 5
x := a + b
a := 5
outparam := a + b
a := inparam
b := 5
x := a + b
if inparam > 0 then
  y := 10
  y := 11
# a + b in both sets
outparam := a + b
a := inparam
b := 5
x := a + b
if inparam > 0 then
  y := 10
  a := 5
# a + b only in one set
outparam := a + b

union makes sense for live vars (any possible path) and reaching definitions (any possible path). but for available expressions, we want all possible paths.

union vs. intersection join states at multiple edges

union means any path intersection means all paths

data flow framework direction initial state values transfer functions (gen and kill) join operator (union or intersection)

fixed-point iteration https://web.stanford.edu/class/archive/cs/cs143/cs143.1128/lectures/15/Slides15.pdf

lattices (union and intersection form a partial-order, always finding hopefully least upper bound https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Partially_ordered_set


Straightline code

local, like interpreting the instructions, but collecting sets of states


combine all possibilities (want to have all possible states)

  • notice that this will either be overapproximate (more states/traces than the real program) or underapproximate (fewer states/traces than the real program)
  • in the compiler world, we want equivalence, so we overapproximate (and avoid making an optimization unless its equivalent even the overapproximate version)

Conflict data on multiple paths

all paths or some path?

  • for our set-based states, any path is union, e.g., live vars we want to know if its live on any path (may be overapproximate, but don't remove dead code unless dead on all paths)
  • all paths is intersection, e.g., copy propagation, want to make sure the copy is true on all paths


CFG shows them as always infinite

  • reach overapproximation in finite number of steps so that analysis will terminate
  • dataflow analysis: have a finite set, always enlarge (or shrink) the set

Properties of the the data-flow state

Recall that to handle cycles, we want to overapproximate the state and have a finite number of iterations

Modeling data-flow state

  • We can guarantee termination by
    • having a finite range of values
    • having an operation that combines values in that range
  • When combining paths, always increase those values

Total order

  • Number line with finite number of states
  • Modeling value of x: 0, 1, infinity
  • We know which elements are greater than each other
  • Simple example: if we see x++ with a cycle, we can keep picking a new element, but we'll eventually hit a single maximum value that never changes (fixpoint)

Partial order

Some states we want for data-flow don't fit in a total order

Example: live vars

  • if we see live vars {x, y} and {y, a}, which is greater or less? well neither
    • what about {x, y, a} and {x, y} which is greater?
    • for live vars, we want to know set inclusion, so greater here is "is superset of"

Partially-ordered set

Just like a number line, but when some elements are neither greater nor less than

This is a nice model for the data we have in data-flow analyses, it has the properties we want

- We have a way to combine elements in a minimal way (least upper bound)
- If we make it finite, we can ensure analysis terminates (whether or not program does)
- We always combine (join) at multiple in-edges, so we ensure we'll always terminate and overapproximate

Example: live vars

What if {x, y}, {y, a} come in from inedges/cycle?



A partial order with operators to find least upper bound (and/or greatest lower bound)

What makes up a lattice?

  • Partial order (values and comparison operator)
  • Join (operator for least upper bound, supremum)
  • Meet (operator for greatest lower bound, infimum)
  • Example lattice: program variables and superset
    • Join (union)
    • Meet (intersection)
    • (Diagram)

Framing data-flow analysis as a lattice

  • Values: sets of definitions
  • Order operation: superset
  • Join: union
  • Do we need meet?
  • (Diagram)

Putting it all together

  • Local analysis state transfer functions
  • Combining data from multiple inedges
  • States that overapproximate actual runtime state
    • Finite and monotonic (can only reach maximum value in finite time)
  • Fixpoint: compute states over and over until no more change
  • (Diagrams)


slide 88


Program Analysis Discussion

Next time

How to implement the data-flow framework?

Author: Paul Gazzillo

Created: 2024-03-06 Wed 14:44
