Uses of Class

Packages that use IOException JML Specifications for the corresponding types in the Java Developement Kit (JDK). 
java.lang JML Specifications for the corresponding types in the Java Developement Kit (JDK). 
java.math JML Specifications for the corresponding types in the Java Developement Kit (JDK). JML Specifications for the corresponding types in the Java Developement Kit (JDK). JML Specifications for the corresponding types in the Java Developement Kit (JDK). 
java.util JML Specifications for the corresponding types in the Java Developement Kit (JDK). 
org.multijava.mjc Implements mjc, a MultiJava compiler. 
org.multijava.mjdoc.mjdoc_142 The mjdoc tool documents java programs that contain MultiJava (MJ) extensions to the Java progamming language; it produces html pages very similar to those produced by the javadoc tool. 
org.multijava.util.backend Provides an optimizer for methods for the compilers in MultiJava and the Java Modeling Language
org.multijava.util.classfile Provides an editor for classfiles used by MultiJava and the Java Modeling Language
org.multijava.util.compiler Provides utilities and superclasses for the compilers in MultiJava and the Java Modeling Language
org.multijava.util.jperf Defines the perfect hashing function generator Package Specification JPerf is the perfect hashing function generator for the compilers in MultiJava and the Java Modeling Language
org.multijava.util.testing Provides JUnit testing utilities for all of the parts of MultiJava and the Java Modeling Language

Uses of IOException in

Subclasses of IOException in
 class UnsupportedEncodingException

Methods in that return IOException
private  IOException ObjectInputStream.readFatalException()

Methods in that throw IOException
 void InputStream.close()
abstract  int
 int[] b)
 int[] b, int off, int len)
 long InputStream.skip(long n)
 int InputStream.available()
 void InputStream.reset()
abstract  void DataInput.readFully(byte[] b)
abstract  void DataInput.readFully(byte[] b, int off, int len)
abstract  int DataInput.skipBytes(int n)
abstract  boolean DataInput.readBoolean()
abstract  byte DataInput.readByte()
abstract  int DataInput.readUnsignedByte()
abstract  short DataInput.readShort()
abstract  int DataInput.readUnsignedShort()
abstract  char DataInput.readChar()
abstract  int DataInput.readInt()
abstract  long DataInput.readLong()
abstract  float DataInput.readFloat()
abstract  double DataInput.readDouble()
abstract  String DataInput.readLine()
abstract  String DataInput.readUTF()
 String File.getCanonicalPath()
 File File.getCanonicalFile()
 boolean File.createNewFile()
static File File.createTempFile(String prefix, String suffix, File directory)
static File File.createTempFile(String prefix, String suffix)
 void OutputStream.close()
 void OutputStream.flush()
abstract  void OutputStream.write(int i)
 void OutputStream.write(byte[] b)
 void OutputStream.write(byte[] b, int off, int len)
 void ByteArrayOutputStream.close()
 void ByteArrayOutputStream.writeTo(OutputStream)
abstract  void Reader.close()
 void Reader.reset()
 boolean Reader.ready()
 void Reader.mark(int Param0)
 long Reader.skip(long Param0)
 int[] Param0)
abstract  int[] Param0, int Param1, int Param2)
 void BufferedReader.close()
private  void BufferedReader.ensureOpen()
private  void BufferedReader.fill()
 void BufferedReader.reset()
 boolean BufferedReader.ready()
 void BufferedReader.mark(int)
 long BufferedReader.skip(long)
 int[], int, int)
private  int BufferedReader.read1(char[], int, int)
 String BufferedReader.readLine()
(package private)  String BufferedReader.readLine(boolean)
abstract  void Writer.close()
abstract  void Writer.flush()
 void Writer.write(int)
 void Writer.write(char[])
abstract  void Writer.write(char[], int, int)
 void Writer.write(String)
 void Writer.write(String, int, int)
 void FilterOutputStream.close()
 void FilterOutputStream.flush()
 void FilterOutputStream.write(int Param0)
 void FilterOutputStream.write(byte[] Param0)
 void FilterOutputStream.write(byte[] Param0, int Param1, int Param2)
 byte ObjectInputStream.readByte()
 char ObjectInputStream.readChar()
 double ObjectInputStream.readDouble()
 float ObjectInputStream.readFloat()
 int ObjectInputStream.available()
 int ObjectInputStream.readInt()
 int ObjectInputStream.readUnsignedByte()
 int ObjectInputStream.readUnsignedShort()
 long ObjectInputStream.readLong()
 short ObjectInputStream.readShort()
 void ObjectInputStream.close()
 void ObjectInputStream.defaultReadObject()
protected  void ObjectInputStream.readStreamHeader()
private  void ObjectInputStream.skipCustomData()
 boolean ObjectInputStream.readBoolean()
 int ObjectInputStream.skipBytes(int)
 void ObjectInputStream.readFully(byte[])
 int[], int, int)
 void ObjectInputStream.readFully(byte[], int, int)
private  IOException ObjectInputStream.readFatalException()
 ObjectInputStream.GetField ObjectInputStream.readFields()
protected  ObjectStreamClass ObjectInputStream.readClassDescriptor()
private  ObjectStreamClass ObjectInputStream.readClassDesc(boolean)
private  ObjectStreamClass ObjectInputStream.readNonProxyDesc(boolean)
private  ObjectStreamClass ObjectInputStream.readProxyDesc(boolean)
private  Class ObjectInputStream.readClass(boolean)
private  Object ObjectInputStream.readNull()
 Object ObjectInputStream.readObject()
protected  Object ObjectInputStream.readObjectOverride()
 Object ObjectInputStream.readUnshared()
private  Object ObjectInputStream.readArray(boolean)
private  Object ObjectInputStream.readHandle(boolean)
private  Object ObjectInputStream.readObject0(boolean)
private  Object ObjectInputStream.readOrdinaryObject(boolean)
 String ObjectInputStream.readLine()
(package private)  String ObjectInputStream.readTypeString()
 String ObjectInputStream.readUTF()
private  String ObjectInputStream.readString(boolean)
private  void ObjectInputStream.readExternalData(Externalizable, ObjectStreamClass)
private  void ObjectInputStream.defaultReadFields(Object, ObjectStreamClass)
private  void ObjectInputStream.readSerialData(Object, ObjectStreamClass)
protected  Class ObjectInputStream.resolveClass(ObjectStreamClass)
protected  Class ObjectInputStream.resolveProxyClass(String[])
private  Object ObjectInputStream.checkResolve(Object)
protected  Object ObjectInputStream.resolveObject(Object)
abstract  int ObjectInput.available()
abstract  int
abstract  void ObjectInput.close()
abstract  long ObjectInput.skip(long)
abstract  int[])
abstract  int[], int, int)
abstract  Object ObjectInput.readObject()
 void InputStreamReader.close()
 boolean InputStreamReader.ready()
 int[] Param0, int Param1, int Param2)
 void StringWriter.close()
(package private)  void OutputStreamWriter.flushBuffer()
 void OutputStreamWriter.write(int i)
 void OutputStreamWriter.write(char[] ca, int i, int j)
 void OutputStreamWriter.write(String s, int i, int j)
 void OutputStreamWriter.flush()
 void OutputStreamWriter.close()
abstract  void DataOutput.writeDouble(double)
abstract  void DataOutput.writeFloat(float)
abstract  void DataOutput.write(int)
abstract  void DataOutput.writeByte(int)
abstract  void DataOutput.writeChar(int)
abstract  void DataOutput.writeInt(int)
abstract  void DataOutput.writeShort(int)
abstract  void DataOutput.writeLong(long)
abstract  void DataOutput.writeBoolean(boolean)
abstract  void DataOutput.write(byte[])
abstract  void DataOutput.write(byte[], int, int)
abstract  void DataOutput.writeBytes(String)
abstract  void DataOutput.writeChars(String)
abstract  void DataOutput.writeUTF(String)
 byte RandomAccessFile.readByte()
 char RandomAccessFile.readChar()
 double RandomAccessFile.readDouble()
 float RandomAccessFile.readFloat()
 int RandomAccessFile.readInt()
 int RandomAccessFile.readUnsignedByte()
 int RandomAccessFile.readUnsignedShort()
 long RandomAccessFile.getFilePointer()
 long RandomAccessFile.length()
 long RandomAccessFile.readLong()
 short RandomAccessFile.readShort()
 void RandomAccessFile.close()
private  void RandomAccessFile.close0()
 boolean RandomAccessFile.readBoolean()
 void RandomAccessFile.writeDouble(double)
 void RandomAccessFile.writeFloat(float)
 int RandomAccessFile.skipBytes(int)
 void RandomAccessFile.write(int)
 void RandomAccessFile.writeByte(int)
 void RandomAccessFile.writeChar(int)
 void RandomAccessFile.writeInt(int)
 void RandomAccessFile.writeShort(int)
 void RandomAccessFile.setLength(long)
 void RandomAccessFile.writeLong(long)
 void RandomAccessFile.writeBoolean(boolean)
 void RandomAccessFile.readFully(byte[])
 void RandomAccessFile.write(byte[])
 int[], int, int)
private  int RandomAccessFile.readBytes(byte[], int, int)
 void RandomAccessFile.readFully(byte[], int, int)
 void RandomAccessFile.write(byte[], int, int)
private  void RandomAccessFile.writeBytes(byte[], int, int)
 FileDescriptor RandomAccessFile.getFD()
 String RandomAccessFile.readLine()
 String RandomAccessFile.readUTF()
 void RandomAccessFile.writeBytes(String)
 void RandomAccessFile.writeChars(String)
 void RandomAccessFile.writeUTF(String)

Constructors in that throw IOException
FileWriter(File, boolean)
FileWriter(String, boolean)

Uses of IOException in java.lang

Methods in java.lang that throw IOException
protected  Enumeration ClassLoader.findResources(String)
private static Enumeration ClassLoader.getBootstrapResources(String)
 Enumeration ClassLoader.getResources(String)
static Enumeration ClassLoader.getSystemResources(String)
 Process Runtime.exec(String command)
 Process Runtime.exec(String command, String[] envp)
 Process Runtime.exec(String command, String[] envp, File dir)
 Process Runtime.exec(String[] cmdarray)
 Process Runtime.exec(String[] cmdarray, String[] envp)
 Process Runtime.exec(String[] cmdarray, String[] envp, File dir)

Uses of IOException in java.math

Methods in java.math that throw IOException
private  void BigDecimal.readObject(ObjectInputStream)

Uses of IOException in

Subclasses of IOException in
 class MalformedURLException

Methods in that throw IOException
 URLConnection URL.openConnection()
 InputStream URL.openStream()
 Object URL.getContent()
 Object URL.getContent(Class[] classes)
protected abstract  URLConnection URLStreamHandler.openConnection(URL)
abstract  void URLConnection.connect()
 InputStream URLConnection.getInputStream()
private static boolean URLConnection.checkfpx(InputStream)
private static long URLConnection.skipForward(InputStream, long)
private static int URLConnection.readBytes(int[], int, InputStream)
 OutputStream URLConnection.getOutputStream()
 Object URLConnection.getContent()
 Permission URLConnection.getPermission()
 Object URLConnection.getContent(Class[])
static String URLConnection.guessContentTypeFromStream(InputStream)

Uses of IOException in

Methods in that throw IOException
 void Provider.load(InputStream)
 byte[] AlgorithmParameters.getEncoded()
 void AlgorithmParameters.init(byte[])
 byte[] AlgorithmParameters.getEncoded(String)
 void AlgorithmParameters.init(byte[], String)

Uses of IOException in java.util

Methods in java.util that throw IOException
 void Properties.load(InputStream)
private static void Properties.writeln(BufferedWriter, String)
 void, String)
private  void Random.readObject(ObjectInputStream)
private  void Random.writeObject(ObjectOutputStream)
(package private)  void TreeMap.readTreeSet(int size, ObjectInputStream s, Object defaultVal)

Uses of IOException in javax.servlet

Methods in javax.servlet that throw IOException
 ServletOutputStream ServletResponseWrapper.getOutputStream()
 PrintWriter ServletResponseWrapper.getWriter()
 void ServletResponseWrapper.flushBuffer()
abstract  ServletOutputStream ServletResponse.getOutputStream()
abstract  PrintWriter ServletResponse.getWriter()
abstract  void ServletResponse.flushBuffer()
 void ServletOutputStream.print(String s)
 void ServletOutputStream.print(boolean b)
 void ServletOutputStream.print(char c)
 void ServletOutputStream.print(int i)
 void ServletOutputStream.print(long l)
 void ServletOutputStream.print(float f)
 void ServletOutputStream.print(double d)
 void ServletOutputStream.println()
 void ServletOutputStream.println(String s)
 void ServletOutputStream.println(boolean b)
 void ServletOutputStream.println(char c)
 void ServletOutputStream.println(int i)
 void ServletOutputStream.println(long l)
 void ServletOutputStream.println(float f)
 void ServletOutputStream.println(double d)
abstract  void Filter.doFilter(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response, FilterChain chain)
abstract  ServletInputStream ServletRequest.getInputStream()
abstract  BufferedReader ServletRequest.getReader()
abstract  void FilterChain.doFilter(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response)
 int ServletInputStream.readLine(byte[] b, int off, int len)
abstract  void RequestDispatcher.forward(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response)
abstract  void RequestDispatcher.include(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response)
abstract  void Servlet.service(ServletRequest req, ServletResponse res)
 ServletInputStream ServletRequestWrapper.getInputStream()
 BufferedReader ServletRequestWrapper.getReader()
abstract  void GenericServlet.service(ServletRequest req, ServletResponse res)

Uses of IOException in javax.servlet.http

Methods in javax.servlet.http that throw IOException
abstract  void HttpServletResponse.sendError(int sc, String msg)
abstract  void HttpServletResponse.sendError(int sc)
abstract  void HttpServletResponse.sendRedirect(String location)
protected  void HttpServlet.doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp)
protected  void HttpServlet.doHead(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp)
protected  void HttpServlet.doPost(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp)
protected  void HttpServlet.doPut(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp)
protected  void HttpServlet.doDelete(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp)
protected  void HttpServlet.doOptions(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp)
protected  void HttpServlet.doTrace(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp)
protected  void HttpServlet.service(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp)
 void HttpServlet.service(ServletRequest req, ServletResponse res)
 void HttpServletResponseWrapper.sendError(int sc, String msg)
 void HttpServletResponseWrapper.sendError(int sc)
 void HttpServletResponseWrapper.sendRedirect(String location)

Uses of IOException in javax.xml.parsers

Methods in javax.xml.parsers that throw IOException
 void SAXParser.parse(File, HandlerBase)
 void SAXParser.parse(InputStream, HandlerBase)
 void SAXParser.parse(String, HandlerBase)
 void SAXParser.parse(InputSource, HandlerBase)
 void SAXParser.parse(File, DefaultHandler)
 void SAXParser.parse(InputStream, DefaultHandler)
 void SAXParser.parse(String, DefaultHandler)
 void SAXParser.parse(InputSource, DefaultHandler)
 void SAXParser.parse(InputStream, HandlerBase, String)
 void SAXParser.parse(InputStream, DefaultHandler, String)

Uses of IOException in org.jmlspecs.jmldoc.jmldoc_142

Methods in org.jmlspecs.jmldoc.jmldoc_142 that throw IOException
static boolean JmldocStandard.start(com.sun.javadoc.RootDoc root)
          The "start" method as required by Javadoc.

Constructors in org.jmlspecs.jmldoc.jmldoc_142 that throw IOException
JmldocClassWriter( configuration, String path, String filename, com.sun.javadoc.ClassDoc classdoc, com.sun.javadoc.ClassDoc prev, com.sun.javadoc.ClassDoc next, classtree, boolean nopackage)

Uses of IOException in org.jmlspecs.util.dis

Methods in org.jmlspecs.util.dis that throw IOException
 ClassInfo JmlDisassembler.JmlDisassemblerHelper.createClassInfo(DataInput in)
          Creates a class info by reading bytecode from the given data stream.

Uses of IOException in org.multijava.dis

Methods in org.multijava.dis that throw IOException
 ClassInfo Disassembler.DisassemblerHelper.createClassInfo(DataInput in)

Uses of IOException in org.multijava.mjc

Methods in org.multijava.mjc that throw IOException
 void CClass.genClassFile(Destination dest)
          Generate the code in a class file.
 void CSourceClass.genCode(Destination destination)
          Generate a class file for the class represented by this.
 void CSourceDispatcherClass.genCode(Destination destination)
          Generate a class file for the class represented by this.

Constructors in org.multijava.mjc that throw IOException
CMethodInfo(DataInput in, ConstantPool cp, boolean interfaceOnly)
          Constructs an instance by reading bytecode from the given stream in and referring to the constant pool cp.

Uses of IOException in org.multijava.mjdoc.mjdoc_142

Methods in org.multijava.mjdoc.mjdoc_142 that throw IOException
static boolean MjdocStandard.start(com.sun.javadoc.RootDoc root)
          The "start" method as required by Javadoc.
protected  void MjdocAllClassesFrameWriter.generateAllClassesFile(boolean wantFrames)
          Print all the classes in table format in the file.

Constructors in org.multijava.mjdoc.mjdoc_142 that throw IOException
MjdocClassWriter( configuration, String path, String filename, com.sun.javadoc.ClassDoc classdoc, com.sun.javadoc.ClassDoc prev, com.sun.javadoc.ClassDoc next, classtree, boolean nopackage)
MjdocMethodWriter( config, String path, String filename, MjDoc methoddoc, MjMethodDoc prev, MjMethodDoc next, ArrayList methods, boolean nopackage)
MjdocGFWriter( configuration, String path, String filename, MjMethodDoc methoddoc, MjMethodDoc prev, MjMethodDoc next, ArrayList methods, boolean nopackage)
MjdocPackageWriter( config, String path, String filename, com.sun.javadoc.PackageDoc packagedoc, com.sun.javadoc.PackageDoc prev, com.sun.javadoc.PackageDoc next)
MjdocEMWriter( configuration, String path, String filename, MjExtMethodsDoc methoddoc, MjExtMethodsDoc prev, MjExtMethodsDoc next, ArrayList methods, boolean nopackage)
MjdocPackageFrameWriter( configuration, String path, String filename, com.sun.javadoc.PackageDoc packagedoc)
          Constructor to construct PackageFrameWriter object and to generate "package-frame.html" file in the respective package directory.
MjdocAllClassesFrameWriter( configuration, String filename, indexbuilder)
          Construct AllClassesFrameWriter object.

Uses of IOException in org.multijava.relaxed.runtime

Methods in org.multijava.relaxed.runtime that throw IOException
protected  byte[] RMJClassLoader.readAll(InputStream strm)

Uses of IOException in org.multijava.util.backend

Methods in org.multijava.util.backend that throw IOException
protected  void Trace.write(String s)
protected  void Trace.close()
private  void TraceControlFlow.trace(BasicBlock block)
          Prints a trace of quadruples
private  void TraceControlFlow.generateBlock(int pos, String label)
private  void TraceControlFlow.generateLink(int pos, int toPos, int nb, int count)
private  void TraceControlFlow.generateHeader()
private  void TraceInferenceGraph.trace(InferenceNode node)
          Prints a trace of quadruples
private  void TraceInferenceGraph.generateNode(String pos, String label, int color)
private  void TraceInferenceGraph.generateHeader()

Uses of IOException in org.multijava.util.classfile

Methods in org.multijava.util.classfile that throw IOException
abstract  Attribute tag, DataInput in, ConstantPool cp)
          Checks the next attribute in the given input, in, and parses it if it is recognized.
abstract  Attribute AttributeParser.readInterfaceOnly(String tag, DataInput in, ConstantPool cp)
          Checks the next attribute in the given input, in, and parses it if it is recognized, but skips CodeInfo attributes.
abstract  Attribute AttributeParser.readCodeInfoAttribute(String tag, DataInput in, ConstantPool cp, Instruction[] insns)
          Checks the next attribute in the given input, in, and parses it if it is recognized, but only parses attributes that may appear within a CodeInfo attribute.
protected abstract  void Attribute.write(ConstantPool cp, DataOutput out)
          Write this class into the the file (out) getting data position from the constant pool
(package private)  void ConstantPool.write(DataOutput out)
          Write this class into the the file (out) getting data position from the constant pool
(package private) abstract  void Instruction.write(ConstantPool cp, DataOutput out)
          Write this class into the the file (out) getting data position from the constant pool
 void MethodInfo.write(ConstantPool cp, DataOutput out)
          Write this class into the the file (out) getting data position from the constant pool
protected  void CodeInfo.write(ConstantPool cp, DataOutput out)
          Write this class into the the file (out) getting data position from the constant pool
(package private)  void FieldInfo.write(ConstantPool cp, DataOutput out)
          Write this class into the the file (out) getting data position from the constant pool
 void ClassInfo.write(DataOutput out)
          Writes the content of the class to the specified output stream
 void ClassInfo.write(Destination dest)
          Writes the contents of the class to a file.
(package private) abstract  void PooledConstant.write(ConstantPool cp, DataOutput out)
          Write this class into the the file (out) getting data position from the constant pool
(package private)  void ClassConstant.write(ConstantPool cp, DataOutput out)
          Write this class into the the file (out) getting data position from the constant pool
(package private)  void InnerClassInfo.write(ConstantPool cp, DataOutput out)
          Write this class into the the file (out) getting data position from the constant pool
(package private) static Attribute in, ConstantPool cp)
          This method calls each member of the attribute parsing chain-of-responsibility in order to read the next attribute in the given input stream.
(package private) static Attribute AttributeList.readInterfaceOnly(DataInput in, ConstantPool cp)
          This method calls each member of the attribute parsing chain-of-responsibility in order to read the next attribute in the given input stream.
(package private) static Attribute AttributeList.readCodeInfoAttribute(DataInput in, ConstantPool cp, Instruction[] insns)
          This method calls each member of the attribute parsing chain-of-responsibility, in order, to read the next CodeInfo attribute in the given input stream.
(package private)  void AttributeList.write(ConstantPool cp, DataOutput out)
          Write this class into the the file (out) getting data position from the constant pool
 DataInput ClassPath.Data.getDataInput()
 ClassInfo ClassInfoCreator.createClassInfo(DataInput data, boolean interfaceOnly)
          Creates a class info object by reading bytecode from the data input stream data.
 FieldInfo ClassInfoCreator.createFieldInfo(DataInput data, ConstantPool cp)
          Creates a field info object by reading bytecode from the data input stream data.
 MethodInfo ClassInfoCreator.createMethodInfo(DataInput data, ConstantPool cp, boolean interfaceOnly)
          Creates a method info object by reading bytecode from the data input stream data.
static Instruction[] in, ConstantPool cp)
          Constructs an array of instructions from a class file stream
private  void InstructionIO.readInstructions()
private  int InstructionIO.readTableSwitch(int start)
private  int InstructionIO.readLookupSwitch(int start)
(package private)  void ClassRefInstruction.write(ConstantPool cp, DataOutput out)
          Write this instruction into a file
(package private)  void FieldRefInstruction.write(ConstantPool cp, DataOutput out)
          Write this instruction into a file
(package private)  void IincInstruction.write(ConstantPool cp, DataOutput out)
          Write this instruction into a file
(package private)  void InvokeinterfaceInstruction.write(ConstantPool cp, DataOutput out)
          Write this instruction into a file
(package private)  void JumpInstruction.write(ConstantPool cp, DataOutput out)
          Write this instruction into a file
(package private)  void LocalVarInstruction.write(ConstantPool cp, DataOutput out)
          Write this instruction into a file
(package private)  void MethodRefInstruction.write(ConstantPool cp, DataOutput out)
          Write this instruction into a file
(package private)  void MultiarrayInstruction.write(ConstantPool cp, DataOutput out)
          Write this instruction into a file
(package private)  void NewarrayInstruction.write(ConstantPool cp, DataOutput out)
          Write this instruction into a file
(package private)  void NoArgInstruction.write(ConstantPool cp, DataOutput out)
          Write this instruction into a file
(package private)  void PushLiteralInstruction.write(ConstantPool cp, DataOutput out)
          Write this instruction into a file
(package private)  void SwitchInstruction.write(ConstantPool cp, DataOutput out)
          Write this instruction into a file
(package private)  void ReferenceConstant.write(ConstantPool cp, DataOutput out)
          Write this class into the the file (out) getting data position from the constant pool
 void GenericFunctionInfo.write(ConstantPool cp, DataOutput out)
          Write this class into the the file (out) getting data position from the constant pool
(package private)  void LineNumberInfo.write(DataOutput out)
          Write this class into the the file (out) getting data position from the constant pool
(package private)  void LocalVariableInfo.write(ConstantPool cp, DataOutput out)
          Write this class into the the file (out) getting data position from the constant pool
(package private)  void HandlerInfo.write(ConstantPool cp, DataOutput out)
          Write this class into the the file (out) getting data position from the constant pool
protected  void InnerClassTable.write(ConstantPool cp, DataOutput out)
          Write this class into the the file (out) getting data position from the constant pool
(package private)  void AsciiConstant.write(ConstantPool _cp, DataOutput out)
          Write this class into the the file (out) getting data position from the constant pool
protected  void ExceptionsAttribute.write(ConstantPool cp, DataOutput out)
          Write this class into the the file (out) getting data position from the constant pool
(package private) abstract  void AnnotElementValue.write(ConstantPool cp, DataOutput out)
          Write this value to a classfile stream.
(package private)  void AnnotLongElementValue.write(ConstantPool cp, DataOutput out)
          Write this value to a classfile stream.
(package private)  void LongConstant.write(ConstantPool cp, DataOutput out)
          Write this class into the the file (out) getting data position from the constant pool
protected  void SourceFileAttribute.write(ConstantPool cp, DataOutput out)
          Write this class into the the file (out) getting data position from the constant pool
 void AnnotBooleanElementValue.write(ConstantPool cp, DataOutput out)
          Write this value to a classfile stream.
(package private)  void IntegerConstant.write(ConstantPool cp, DataOutput out)
          Write this class into the the file (out) getting data position from the constant pool
(package private)  void AnnotIntegerElementValue.write(ConstantPool cp, DataOutput out)
          Write this value to a classfile stream.
protected  void UniverseFieldAttribute.write(ConstantPool cp, DataOutput out)
          Write this class into the the file (out) getting data position from the constant pool.
protected  void GenericFunctionsAttribute.write(ConstantPool cp, DataOutput out)
          Write this class into the the file (out) getting data position from the constant pool
protected  void UniverseMethodAttribute.write(ConstantPool cp, DataOutput out)
          Write this class into the the file (out) getting data position from the constant pool.
(package private)  void AnnotFloatElementValue.write(ConstantPool cp, DataOutput out)
          Write this value to a classfile stream.
(package private)  void FloatConstant.write(ConstantPool cp, DataOutput out)
          Write this class into the the file (out) getting data position from the constant pool
(package private)  void DoubleConstant.write(ConstantPool cp, DataOutput out)
          Write this class into the the file (out) getting data position from the constant pool
protected  void RMJAttribute.write(ConstantPool cp, DataOutput out)
          Write this class into the the file (out) getting data position from the constant pool
(package private)  void AnnotShortElementValue.write(ConstantPool cp, DataOutput out)
          Write this value to a classfile stream.
protected  void DispatcherAttribute.write(ConstantPool cp, DataOutput out)
          Write this class into the the file (out) getting data position from the constant pool
protected  void RuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotationsAttribute.write(ConstantPool cp, DataOutput out)
          Write this attribute into the file (out) getting data position from the constant pool.
(package private)  void Annotation.write(ConstantPool cp, DataOutput out)
          Write the annotation structure to a classfile.
protected  void SyntheticAttribute.write(ConstantPool cp, DataOutput out)
          Write this class into the the file (out) getting data position from the constant pool
protected  void LocalVariableTable.write(ConstantPool cp, DataOutput out)
          Write this class into the the file (out) getting data position from the constant pool
abstract  void PushLiteralInstruction.Operand.write(ConstantPool cp, DataOutput out)
          Write this class into the the file (out) getting data position from the constant pool
 void PushLiteralInstruction.ByteOperand.write(ConstantPool cp, DataOutput out)
 void PushLiteralInstruction.ShortOperand.write(ConstantPool cp, DataOutput out)
 void PushLiteralInstruction.ConstantOperand.write(ConstantPool cp, DataOutput out)
(package private)  void StringConstant.write(ConstantPool cp, DataOutput out)
          Write this class into the the file (out) getting data position from the constant pool
protected  void RuntimeVisibleAnnotationsAttribute.write(ConstantPool cp, DataOutput out)
          Write this attribute into the file (out) getting data position from the constant pool.
(package private)  void AnnotCharElementValue.write(ConstantPool cp, DataOutput out)
          Write this value to a classfile stream.
protected  void LineNumberTable.write(ConstantPool cp, DataOutput out)
          Write this class into the the file (out) getting data position from the constant pool
protected  void DeprecatedAttribute.write(ConstantPool cp, DataOutput out)
          Write this class into the the file (out) getting data position from the constant pool
(package private)  void NameAndTypeConstant.write(ConstantPool cp, DataOutput out)
          Write this class into the the file (out) getting data position from the constant pool
 Attribute tag, DataInput in, ConstantPool cp)
          Checks the next attribute in the given input stream, and parses it if is is recognized.
 Attribute UniverseAttributeParser.readInterfaceOnly(String tag, DataInput in, ConstantPool cp)
          Checks the next attribute in the given input stream, and parses it if is is recognized, but skips CodeInfo attributes Returns an Attribute instance if the attribute is recognized, or null otherwise.
 Attribute UniverseAttributeParser.readCodeInfoAttribute(String tag, DataInput in, ConstantPool cp, Instruction[] insns)
          Checks the next attribute in the given input stream, and parses it if is is recognized, but only parses attributes that may appear within a CodeInfo attribute.
protected  void AnchorAttribute.write(ConstantPool cp, DataOutput out)
          Write this class into the the file (out) getting data position from the constant pool
protected  void SignatureAttribute.write(ConstantPool cp, DataOutput out)
          Write this class into the the file (out) getting data position from the constant pool
protected  void UniverseClassAttribute.write(ConstantPool cp, DataOutput out)
          Write this class into the the file (out) getting data position from the constant pool.
protected  void ConstantValueAttribute.write(ConstantPool cp, DataOutput out)
          Write this class into the the file (out) getting data position from the constant pool
 Attribute tag, DataInput in, ConstantPool cp)
          Checks the next attribute in the given input, in, and parses it if it is recognized.
 Attribute MJAttributeParser.readInterfaceOnly(String tag, DataInput in, ConstantPool cp)
          Checks the next attribute in the given input, in, and parses it if it is recognized, but skips CodeInfo attributes.
 Attribute MJAttributeParser.readCodeInfoAttribute(String tag, DataInput in, ConstantPool cp, Instruction[] insns)
          Checks the next attribute in the given input, in, and parses it if it is recognized, but only parses attributes that may appear within a CodeInfo attribute.
(package private)  void AnnotStringElementValue.write(ConstantPool cp, DataOutput out)
          Write this value to a classfile stream.
(package private)  void Annotation.ElementValuePair.write(ConstantPool cp, DataOutput out)
          Write this element-value pair to a stream.
 Attribute tag, DataInput in, ConstantPool cp)
          Checks the next attribute in the given input, in, and parses it if it is recognized.
 Attribute BaseAttributeParser.readInterfaceOnly(String tag, DataInput in, ConstantPool cp)
          Checks the next attribute in the given input, in, and parses it if it is recognized, but skips CodeInfo attributes.
 Attribute BaseAttributeParser.readCodeInfoAttribute(String tag, DataInput in, ConstantPool cp, Instruction[] insns)
          Checks the next attribute in the given input, in, and parses it if it is recognized, but only parses attributes that may appear within a CodeInfo attribute.
protected  void RedirectorAttribute.write(ConstantPool cp, DataOutput out)
          Write this class into the the file (out) getting data position from the constant pool
protected  void GenericAttribute.write(ConstantPool cp, DataOutput out)
          Write this class into the the file (out) getting data position from the constant pool
(package private)  void AnnotByteElementValue.write(ConstantPool cp, DataOutput out)
          Write this value to a classfile stream.
protected  void MultimethodBodyAttribute.write(ConstantPool cp, DataOutput out)
          Write this class into the the file (out) getting data position from the constant pool
(package private)  void AnnotDoubleElementValue.write(ConstantPool cp, DataOutput out)
          Write this value to a classfile stream.

Constructors in org.multijava.util.classfile with parameters of type IOException
ClassFileReadException(IOException original, String name)
          Constructs an exception to communicate an I/O problem

Constructors in org.multijava.util.classfile that throw IOException
ConstantPool(DataInput in)
          Constructs a constant pool structure from a class file
MethodInfo(DataInput in, ConstantPool cp, boolean interfaceOnly)
          Constructs a method entry from a class file stream
CodeInfo(DataInput in, ConstantPool cp)
          Make up a new attribute
FieldInfo(DataInput in, ConstantPool cp)
          Constructs a field entry from a class file stream
ClassInfo(DataInput in, boolean interfaceOnly)
ClassInfo(DataInput in, boolean interfaceOnly, ClassInfoCreator cr)
          Constructs a class info structure from a class file
InnerClassInfo(DataInput in, ConstantPool cp)
          Create a classes entry within an InnerClasses attribute.c
AttributeList(DataInput in, ConstantPool cp, boolean noCode)
          Constructs an attribute list from a class file stream
AttributeList(DataInput in, ConstantPool cp, Instruction[] insns)
          Constructs an sub-attribute list of CodeInfo from a class file stream
GenericFunctionInfo(DataInput in, ConstantPool cp)
          Constructs a generic function info structure from a class file stream
LineNumberInfo(DataInput in, ConstantPool cp, Instruction[] insns)
          Create an entry in the line number table from a class file stream
LocalVariableInfo(DataInput in, ConstantPool cp, Instruction[] insns)
          Create an entry in the line number table from a class file stream
HandlerInfo(DataInput in, ConstantPool cp, Instruction[] insns)
          Constructs a new exception handler info entry from a class file
InnerClassTable(DataInput in, ConstantPool cp)
          Constructs an InnerClasses attribute from a class file stream.
ExceptionsAttribute(DataInput in, ConstantPool cp)
          Constructs a exceptions attribute from a class file stream.
AnnotLongElementValue(ConstantPool cp, DataInput in)
          Construct a new element-value from a classfile stream.
SourceFileAttribute(DataInput in, ConstantPool cp)
          Constructs a source file attribute from a class file stream.
AnnotBooleanElementValue(ConstantPool cp, DataInput in)
          Construct a new element-value from a classfile stream.
AnnotIntegerElementValue(ConstantPool cp, DataInput in)
          Construct a new element-value from a classfile stream.
UniverseFieldAttribute(DataInput in, ConstantPool cp)
          Constructs a universe field attribute from a class file stream.
GenericFunctionsAttribute(DataInput in, ConstantPool cp)
          Constructs a generic functions attribute from a class file stream.
UniverseMethodAttribute(DataInput in, ConstantPool cp)
          Constructs a Universe Method Attribute from a class file stream.
AnnotFloatElementValue(ConstantPool cp, DataInput in)
          Construct a new element-value from a classfile stream.
MultimethodInfo(DataInput in, ConstantPool cp, short number, String topConcMethColl)
          Constructs a multimethod info data structure from a class file stream
AnnotShortElementValue(ConstantPool cp, DataInput in)
          Construct a new element-value from a classfile stream.
DispatcherAttribute(DataInput in, ConstantPool cp)
          Constructs a dispatcher attribute from a class file stream.
RuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotationsAttribute(DataInput in, ConstantPool cp)
          Constructs a RuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations attribute from a classfile stream.
Annotation(ConstantPool cp, DataInput in)
          Read an annotation structure from a classfile.
SyntheticAttribute(DataInput in, ConstantPool cp)
          Constructs a synthetic attribute from a class file stream.
LocalVariableTable(DataInput in, ConstantPool cp, Instruction[] insns)
          Constructs a line number table attribute from a class file stream.
RuntimeVisibleAnnotationsAttribute(DataInput in, ConstantPool cp)
          Construct a new RuntimeVisibleAnnotations attribute from a classfile stream.
AnnotCharElementValue(ConstantPool cp, DataInput in)
          Construct a new element-value from a classfile stream.
LineNumberTable(DataInput in, ConstantPool cp, Instruction[] insns)
          Constructs a line number table attribute from a class file stream.
DeprecatedAttribute(DataInput in, ConstantPool cp)
          Constructs a deprecated attribute from a class file stream.
AnchorAttribute(DataInput in, ConstantPool cp)
          Constructs an anchor attribute from a class file stream.
SignatureAttribute(DataInput in, ConstantPool cp)
          Constructs a Signature (generic) attribute from a class file stream.
UniverseClassAttribute(DataInput in, ConstantPool cp)
          Constructs a universe version attribute from a classfile stream.
ConstantValueAttribute(DataInput in, ConstantPool cp)
          Constructs a constant value attribute from a class file stream.
AnnotStringElementValue(ConstantPool cp, DataInput in)
          Construct a new element-value from a classfile stream.
Annotation.ElementValuePair(ConstantPool cp, DataInput in)
          Construct an element-value pair in an annotation structure from a classfile stream.
RedirectorAttribute(DataInput in, ConstantPool cp)
          Constructs a dispatcher attribute from a class file stream.
SkippedCodeInfo(DataInput in, ConstantPool cp)
          Make up a new attribute
GenericAttribute(AsciiConstant name, DataInput in, ConstantPool cp)
          Make up a new attribute
AnnotByteElementValue(ConstantPool cp, DataInput in)
          Construct a new element-value from a classfile stream.
MultimethodBodyAttribute(DataInput in, ConstantPool cp)
          Constructs a multimethod body attribute from a class file stream.
AnnotDoubleElementValue(ConstantPool cp, DataInput in)
          Construct a new element-value from a classfile stream.

Uses of IOException in org.multijava.util.compiler

Methods in org.multijava.util.compiler that throw IOException
private  void Compiler.readList(ArrayList accum, String name)
          Parses the file referenced by name, extracting the list of files that it contains.

Constructors in org.multijava.util.compiler that throw IOException
InputBuffer(String name, File file)
          Constructs a new input buffer.
InputBuffer(File file)
          Constructs a new input buffer.

Uses of IOException in org.multijava.util.jperf

Methods in org.multijava.util.jperf that throw IOException
 void JPerf.genCode(String fileName)
          Dumps result to class source.
private static String[] Main.readHeader(RandomAccessFile input)
          read and skip the declaration part Assume that file is already open and file pointer is already set correctly
private static String[] Main.readFooter(RandomAccessFile input)
          Reads unction section Assume that file is already open and file pointer is already set correctly
static void Main.main(String[] args)
          The main driver.

Uses of IOException in org.multijava.util.testing

Methods in org.multijava.util.testing that throw IOException
static ArrayList Utils.parseResult(String command)
          Executes the given command as an external executable, reads the text produced and tokenizes it into Strings (separated by whitespace).
static ArrayList Utils.parseFoundLine(String content, String filename)
          Finds the first line with the given String in the given file and parses the content into tokens.
static String Utils.readFile(String filename, byte[] cb)
          Reads the contents of the file with the given name, returning a String.
static String Utils.readFile(String filename)
          Reads the contents of the file with the given name, returning a String.
static Diff Utils.compareStringToFile(String s, String rootname)
          Compares the given string to the content of the given file using a comparator that ignores platform differences in line-endings.
 void FileCompareTestCase.runTest()
          The runTest method required by a Test - calling this executes the test.

Constructors in org.multijava.util.testing that throw IOException
FileIterator(String filename)
          Starts an iterator reading from the given external process.
ExternalInputIterator(String program)
          Starts an iterator reading from the given external process.


JML is Copyright (C) 1998-2002 by Iowa State University and is distributed under the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This release depends on code from the MultiJava project and is based in part on the Kopi project Copyright (C) 1990-99 DMS Decision Management Systems Ges.m.b.H.