Class Float
- All Implemented Interfaces:
- Comparable, Serializable
- public final class Float
- extends Number
- implements Comparable
JML's specification of java.lang.Float.
- Version:
- $Revision: 1.19 $
- Author:
- Brandon Shilling, David R. Cok, Gary T. Leavens
Class Specifications |
public represents theFloat <- this.floatValue(); |
Specifications inherited from class Object |
represents objectState <- org.jmlspecs.lang.JMLDataGroup.IT;
public represents _getClass <- \typeof(this); |
Specifications inherited from interface Comparable |
instance public invariant ( \forall java.lang.Comparable x; x != null; x.compareTo(x) == 0);
instance public invariant ( \forall java.lang.Comparable x, y; x != null&&y != null&&this.definedComparison(x,y)&&this.definedComparison(y,x); this.sgn(x.compareTo(y)) == -this.sgn(y.compareTo(x)));
instance public invariant ( \forall int n; n == -1||n == 1; ( \forall java.lang.Comparable x, y, z; x != null&&y != null&&z != null&&this.definedComparison(x,y)&&this.definedComparison(y,z)&&this.definedComparison(x,z); this.sgn(x.compareTo(y)) == n&&this.sgn(y.compareTo(z)) == n ==> this.sgn(x.compareTo(z)) == n));
instance public invariant ( \forall int n; n == -1||n == 1; ( \forall java.lang.Comparable x, y, z; x != null&&y != null&&z != null&&this.definedComparison(x,y)&&this.definedComparison(y,z)&&this.definedComparison(x,z); (this.sgn(x.compareTo(y)) == 0&&this.sgn(y.compareTo(z)) == n||this.sgn(x.compareTo(y)) == n&&this.sgn(y.compareTo(z)) == 0) ==> this.sgn(x.compareTo(z)) == n));
instance public invariant ( \forall java.lang.Comparable x, y, z; x != null&&y != null&&z != null&&this.definedComparison(x,y)&&this.definedComparison(x,z)&&this.definedComparison(y,z); this.sgn(x.compareTo(y)) == 0 ==> this.sgn(x.compareTo(z)) == this.sgn(y.compareTo(z))); |
Model Method Summary |
static boolean |
identical(float a,
float b)
Returns true if a and b represent the same double value;
the usual == does not work to distinguish positive and negative
zeros or to identify two NaN values as equal. |
static boolean |
isNegativeZero(float a)
Returns true if the argument is a negative (and not positive) zero;
the usual == returns true for comparing positive and negative zero. |
static boolean |
isPositiveZero(float a)
Returns true if the argument is a positive (and not negative) zero;
the usual == returns true for comparing positive and negative zero. |
static boolean |
parseable(String s)
Returns true if the string is parseable as a float value (but not
an infinite or NaN value). |
public float theFloat
public static final float POSITIVE_INFINITY
public static final float NEGATIVE_INFINITY
public static final float NaN
public static final float MAX_VALUE
public static final float MIN_VALUE
public static final Class TYPE
- Specifications: non_null
public Float(float value)
- Specifications: (class)pure
public normal_behavior
assignable theFloat;
ensures identical(this.theFloat,value);
public Float(double value)
- Specifications: (class)pure
public normal_behavior
assignable theFloat;
ensures identical(this.theFloat,(float)value);
public Float(String s)
throws NumberFormatException
- Throws:
- Specifications: (class)pure
public normal_behavior
requires parseable(s);
assignable theFloat;
ensures identical(this.theFloat,parseFloat(s));
- also
public exceptional_behavior
requires !parseable(s);
signals (java.lang.NumberFormatException) true;
public static boolean parseable(String s)
- Returns true if the string is parseable as a float value (but not
an infinite or NaN value).
- Specifications: pure
public normal_behavior
requires s != null;
requires s.equals("NaN");
ensures !\result ;
- also
requires s.equals("Infinity")||s.equals("-Infinity");
ensures !\result ;
- also
requires s.equals("");
ensures !\result ;
- also
requires s.equals("0.0")||s.equals("-0.0");
ensures \result ;
- also
requires (* s is parseable to a float by the IEEE 754 standards *);
ensures \result ;
- also
requires !(* s is parseable to a float by the IEEE 754 standards *);
ensures !\result ;
- |}
public static boolean isNegativeZero(float a)
- Returns true if the argument is a negative (and not positive) zero;
the usual == returns true for comparing positive and negative zero.
- Specifications: pure
public static boolean isPositiveZero(float a)
- Returns true if the argument is a positive (and not negative) zero;
the usual == returns true for comparing positive and negative zero.
- Specifications: pure
public static boolean identical(float a,
float b)
- Returns true if a and b represent the same double value;
the usual == does not work to distinguish positive and negative
zeros or to identify two NaN values as equal.
- Specifications: pure
public static String toString(float f)
- Specifications: pure non_null
public normal_behavior
ensures !isNaN(f)&&!isInfinite(f) ==> parseable(\result );
ensures !isNaN(f)&&!isInfinite(f) ==> identical(f,parseFloat(\result ));
ensures isNaN(f) ==> \result .equals("NaN");
ensures (f == Infinity) ==> \result .equals("Infinity");
ensures (f == -Infinity) ==> \result .equals("-Infinity");
public static Float valueOf(non_null String s)
throws NumberFormatException
- Throws:
- Specifications: pure non_null
public normal_behavior
requires s != null&&parseable(s);
ensures \result .equals(new java.lang.Float(parseFloat(s)));
- also
public exceptional_behavior
requires s != null&&!parseable(s);
signals (java.lang.NumberFormatException) true;
public static float parseFloat(non_null String s)
throws NumberFormatException
- Throws:
- Specifications: pure
public normal_behavior
requires s != null&&parseable(s);
ensures true;
- also
public exceptional_behavior
requires s != null&&!parseable(s);
signals (java.lang.NumberFormatException) true;
public static boolean isNaN(float v)
- Specifications: pure
public normal_behavior
ensures \result == !(v == v);
public static boolean isInfinite(float v)
- Specifications: pure
public normal_behavior
ensures \result == (v == Infinity||v == -Infinity);
public boolean isNaN()
- Specifications: (class)pure
public normal_behavior
requires true;
ensures \result == !(this.theFloat == this.theFloat);
public boolean isInfinite()
- Specifications: (class)pure
public normal_behavior
ensures \result == (this.theFloat == Infinity||this.theFloat == -Infinity);
public String toString()
- Overrides:
in class Object
- Specifications: non_null (class)pure
- also
ensures \result .equals(toString(this.floatValue()));
- Specifications inherited from overridden method in class Object:
non_null -
public normal_behavior
assignable objectState;
ensures \result != null&&\result .equals(this.theString);
ensures (* \result is a string representation of this object *);
- also
public code normal_behavior
assignable \nothing;
ensures \result != null&&(* \result is the instance's class name, followed by an @, followed by the instance's hashcode in hex *);
- also
public code model_program { ... }
- implies_that
assignable objectState;
ensures \result != null;
public byte byteValue()
- Overrides:
in class Number
- Specifications: (class)pure
- also
public normal_behavior
ensures \result == (byte)this.theFloat;
- Specifications inherited from overridden method in class Number:
pure -
public normal_behavior
ensures (* \result is an byte approximation to the value of this object *);
public short shortValue()
- Overrides:
in class Number
- Specifications: (class)pure
- also
public normal_behavior
ensures \result == (short)this.theFloat;
- Specifications inherited from overridden method in class Number:
pure -
public normal_behavior
ensures (* \result is an short approximation to the value of this object *);
public int intValue()
- Specifications: (class)pure
- also
public normal_behavior
ensures \result == (int)this.theFloat;
- Specifications inherited from overridden method in class Number:
pure -
public normal_behavior
ensures (* \result is an int approximation to the value of this object *);
public long longValue()
- Specifications: (class)pure
- also
public normal_behavior
ensures \result == (long)this.theFloat;
- Specifications inherited from overridden method in class Number:
pure -
public normal_behavior
ensures (* \result is an long approximation to the value of this object *);
public float floatValue()
- Specifications: (class)pure
- also
public normal_behavior
ensures identical(this.theFloat,\result );
- Specifications inherited from overridden method in class Number:
pure -
public normal_behavior
ensures (* \result is an float approximation to the value of this object *);
public double doubleValue()
- Specifications: (class)pure
- also
public normal_behavior
ensures java.lang.Double.identical(this.theFloat,\result );
- Specifications inherited from overridden method in class Number:
pure -
public normal_behavior
ensures (* \result is an double approximation to the value of this object *);
public int hashCode()
- Overrides:
in class Object
- Specifications: (class)pure
- also
public normal_behavior
ensures (* \result is a hashcode value for this object *);
- Specifications inherited from overridden method in class Object:
public behavior
assignable objectState;
ensures (* \result is a hash code for this object *);
- also
public code normal_behavior
assignable \nothing;
public boolean equals(nullable Object obj)
- Overrides:
in class Object
- Specifications: (class)pure
- also
public normal_behavior
requires obj != null&&(obj instanceof java.lang.Float);
ensures \result == identical(this.theFloat,((java.lang.Float)obj).floatValue());
- also
public normal_behavior
requires obj != null&&!(obj instanceof java.lang.Float);
ensures !\result ;
- Specifications inherited from overridden method equals(Object obj) in class Object:
pure -
public normal_behavior
requires obj != null;
ensures (* \result is true when obj is "equal to" this object *);
- also
public normal_behavior
requires this == obj;
ensures \result ;
- also
public code normal_behavior
requires obj != null;
ensures \result <==> this == obj;
- also
diverges false;
ensures obj == null ==> !\result ;
public static int floatToIntBits(float value)
- Specifications: pure
public normal_behavior
requires value == Infinity;
ensures \result == 2139095040;
- also
requires value == -Infinity;
ensures \result == -8388608;
- also
requires new java.lang.Float(value).isNaN();
ensures \result == 2143289344;
- also
ensures (* \result is the bits that represent the floating-point number *);
- also
ensures identical(value,intBitsToFloat(floatToIntBits(value)));
- |}
- implies_that
public normal_behavior
requires !isNaN(value);
ensures intBitsToFloat(\result ) == value;
public static int floatToRawIntBits(float value)
- Specifications: pure
public normal_behavior
requires value == Infinity;
ensures \result == 2139095040;
- also
requires value == -Infinity;
ensures \result == -8388608;
- also
requires isNaN(value);
ensures (* is the int representing the actual NaN value *);
- also
ensures (* \result is the bits that represent the floating-point number *);
- also
ensures identical(value,intBitsToFloat(floatToRawIntBits(value)));
- |}
- implies_that
public normal_behavior
requires !isNaN(value);
ensures intBitsToFloat(\result ) == value;
public static float intBitsToFloat(int bits)
- Specifications: pure
public normal_behavior
requires bits == 2139095040;
ensures \result == Infinity;
- also
requires bits == -8388608;
ensures \result == -Infinity;
- also
requires (2139095041 <= bits&&bits <= 2147483647)||(-8388607 <= bits&&bits <= -1);
ensures new java.lang.Float(\result ).isNaN();
- also
ensures (* \result is floating-point value with the same bit pattern as bits *);
- |}
public int compareTo(non_null Float anotherFloat)
- Specifications: (class)pure
public normal_behavior
requires anotherFloat != null;
requires this.isNaN()&&anotherFloat.isNaN();
ensures \result == 0;
- also
requires !this.isNaN()&&anotherFloat.isNaN();
ensures \result < 0;
- also
requires this.isNaN()&&!anotherFloat.isNaN();
ensures \result > 0;
- also
requires isPositiveZero(this.theFloat)&&isNegativeZero(anotherFloat.floatValue());
ensures \result > 0;
- also
requires isNegativeZero(this.theFloat)&&isPositiveZero(anotherFloat.floatValue());
ensures \result < 0;
- also
requires !(this.isNaN()||anotherFloat.isNaN())&&!(isPositiveZero(this.theFloat)&&isNegativeZero(anotherFloat.floatValue()))&&!(isNegativeZero(this.theFloat)&&isPositiveZero(anotherFloat.floatValue()));
requires this.theFloat < anotherFloat.floatValue();
ensures \result < 0;
- also
requires this.theFloat == anotherFloat.floatValue();
ensures \result == 0;
- also
requires this.theFloat > anotherFloat.floatValue();
ensures \result > 0;
- |}
- |}
- Specifications inherited from overridden method compareTo(Object o) in interface Comparable:
pure -
public behavior
requires o != null;
ensures (* \result is negative if this is "less than" o *);
ensures (* \result is 0 if this is "equal to" o *);
ensures (* \result is positive if this is "greater than" o *);
signals_only java.lang.ClassCastException;
signals (java.lang.ClassCastException) (* the class of o prohibits it from being compared to this *);
- also
public behavior
requires o != null&&o instanceof java.lang.Comparable;
ensures this.definedComparison((java.lang.Comparable)o,this);
ensures o == this ==> \result == 0;
ensures this.sgn(\result ) == -this.sgn(((java.lang.Comparable)o).compareTo(this));
signals (java.lang.ClassCastException) !this.definedComparison((java.lang.Comparable)o,this);
public int compareTo(non_null Object o)
- Specified by:
in interface Comparable
- Specifications: (class)pure
- also
public normal_behavior
requires o != null&&(o instanceof java.lang.Float);
ensures \result == this.compareTo((java.lang.Float)o);
- also
public exceptional_behavior
requires o == null||!(o instanceof java.lang.Float);
signals (java.lang.ClassCastException) true;
- Specifications inherited from overridden method compareTo(Object o) in interface Comparable:
pure -
public behavior
requires o != null;
ensures (* \result is negative if this is "less than" o *);
ensures (* \result is 0 if this is "equal to" o *);
ensures (* \result is positive if this is "greater than" o *);
signals_only java.lang.ClassCastException;
signals (java.lang.ClassCastException) (* the class of o prohibits it from being compared to this *);
- also
public behavior
requires o != null&&o instanceof java.lang.Comparable;
ensures this.definedComparison((java.lang.Comparable)o,this);
ensures o == this ==> \result == 0;
ensures this.sgn(\result ) == -this.sgn(((java.lang.Comparable)o).compareTo(this));
signals (java.lang.ClassCastException) !this.definedComparison((java.lang.Comparable)o,this);
public static int compare(float f1,
float f2)
- Specifications: pure
public normal_behavior
assignable \nothing;
ensures \result == new java.lang.Float(f1).compareTo(new java.lang.Float(f2));
JML is Copyright (C) 1998-2002 by Iowa State University and is distributed under the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This release depends on code from the MultiJava project and is based in part on the Kopi project Copyright (C) 1990-99 DMS Decision Management Systems Ges.m.b.H.