Uses of Interface

Packages that use Collection JML Specifications for the corresponding types in the Java Developement Kit (JDK). 
java.util JML Specifications for the corresponding types in the Java Developement Kit (JDK). 
org.jmlspecs.jmlrac.qexpr Translates JML quantified expressions into Java source code to evaluate them at runtime. 
org.jmlspecs.models This package is a collection of types with immutable objects; it also enumerators (which have mutable objects) for the types of the immutable collections in the package. 
org.jmlspecs.models.resolve This package is a collection of types with immutable objects based on the RESOLVE specification language's mathematical models. 
org.multijava.mjc Implements mjc, a MultiJava compiler. 

Uses of Collection in

Methods in that return Collection
 Collection Provider.values()

Uses of Collection in java.util

Subinterfaces of Collection in java.util
 interface List
          JML's specification of java.util.List.
 interface Set
          JML's specification of java.util.Set.
 interface SortedSet
          JML's specification of java.util.SortedSet.

Classes in java.util that implement Collection
 class AbstractCollection
 class AbstractList
          JML's specification of java.util.AbstractList.
 class AbstractSequentialList
 class AbstractSet
          JML's specification of java.util.AbstractSet.
 class ArrayList
          JML's specification of ArrayList.
 class HashSet
          JML's specification of java.util.HashSet.
 class LinkedHashSet
 class LinkedList
          JML's specification of java.util.LinkedList.
(package private)  class RandomAccessSubList
 class Stack
          JML's specification of Stack.
(package private)  class SubList
 class TreeSet
          JML's specification of java.util.TreeSet.
 class Vector
          JML's specification of java.util.Vector.

Fields in java.util declared as Collection
(package private)  Collection AbstractMap.values

Methods in java.util that return Collection
abstract  Collection Map.values()
 Collection Hashtable.values()
 Collection AbstractMap.values()
 Collection HashMap.values()
 Collection TreeMap.values()

Methods in java.util with parameters of type Collection
abstract  boolean List.containsAll(Collection c)
abstract  boolean List.addAll(Collection c)
abstract  boolean List.addAll(int index, Collection c)
abstract  boolean List.removeAll(Collection c)
abstract  boolean List.retainAll(Collection c)
abstract  boolean Collection.containsAll(Collection c)
abstract  boolean Collection.addAll(Collection c)
abstract  boolean Collection.removeAll(Collection c)
abstract  boolean Collection.retainAll(Collection c)
 boolean AbstractCollection.containsAll(Collection c)
 boolean AbstractCollection.addAll(Collection c)
 boolean AbstractCollection.removeAll(Collection c)
 boolean AbstractCollection.retainAll(Collection c)
 boolean AbstractList.addAll(int index, Collection c)
 boolean ArrayList.addAll(Collection c)
 boolean ArrayList.addAll(int index, Collection c)
 boolean AbstractSet.removeAll(Collection c)
abstract  boolean Set.containsAll(Collection c)
abstract  boolean Set.addAll(Collection c)
abstract  boolean Set.retainAll(Collection c)
abstract  boolean Set.removeAll(Collection c)
 boolean AbstractSequentialList.addAll(int Param0, Collection Param1)
 boolean LinkedList.addAll(Collection c)
 boolean LinkedList.addAll(int index, Collection c)
 boolean Vector.containsAll(Collection c)
 boolean Vector.addAll(Collection c)
 boolean Vector.removeAll(Collection c)
 boolean Vector.retainAll(Collection c)
 boolean Vector.addAll(int index, Collection c)
 boolean SubList.addAll(Collection c)
 boolean SubList.addAll(int index, Collection c)
 boolean TreeSet.addAll(Collection c)

Constructors in java.util with parameters of type Collection
ArrayList(Collection c)
HashSet(Collection c)
LinkedList(Collection c)
Vector(Collection c)
TreeSet(Collection c)

Uses of Collection in org.jmlspecs.jmlrac.qexpr

Fields in org.jmlspecs.jmlrac.qexpr declared as Collection
private  Collection QInterval.xvars

Methods in org.jmlspecs.jmlrac.qexpr with parameters of type Collection
 boolean QInterval.CheckRecursion.isRecursive(JExpression expr, Collection xvars)
          Returns true if the expression expr contains any references to local variables in xvars.

Constructors in org.jmlspecs.jmlrac.qexpr with parameters of type Collection
QInterval(JExpression expr, String var, Collection xvars, CType type)
          Construct a QInterval object representing the quantifed interval for a (quantified) variable var with respect to the expression expr.

Uses of Collection in org.jmlspecs.models

Methods in org.jmlspecs.models with parameters of type Collection
static JMLValueSet JMLValueSet.convertFrom(Collection c)
          Return the set containing all the value in the given collection.
 boolean JMLValueSet.containsAll(Collection c)
          Tell whether, for each element in the given collection, there is a ".equals" element in this set.
static JMLObjectSequence JMLObjectSequence.convertFrom(Collection c)
          Return the sequence containing all the object in the given collection in the same order as the elements appear in the collection.
 boolean JMLObjectSequence.containsAll(Collection c)
          Tell whether, for each element in the given collection, there is a "==" element in this sequence.
static JMLValueSequence JMLValueSequence.convertFrom(Collection c)
          Return the sequence containing all the value in the given collection in the same order as the elements appear in the collection.
 boolean JMLValueSequence.containsAll(Collection c)
          Tell whether, for each element in the given collection, there is a ".equals" element in this sequence.
static JMLValueBag JMLValueBag.convertFrom(Collection c)
          Return the bag containing all the value in the given collection.
 boolean JMLValueBag.containsAll(Collection c)
          Tell whether, for each element in the given collection, there is a ".equals" element in this bag.
static JMLEqualsSet JMLEqualsSet.convertFrom(Collection c)
          Return the set containing all the object in the given collection.
 boolean JMLEqualsSet.containsAll(Collection c)
          Tell whether, for each element in the given collection, there is a ".equals" element in this set.
static JMLObjectSet JMLObjectSet.convertFrom(Collection c)
          Return the set containing all the object in the given collection.
 boolean JMLObjectSet.containsAll(Collection c)
          Tell whether, for each element in the given collection, there is a "==" element in this set.
static JMLEqualsSequence JMLEqualsSequence.convertFrom(Collection c)
          Return the sequence containing all the object in the given collection in the same order as the elements appear in the collection.
 boolean JMLEqualsSequence.containsAll(Collection c)
          Tell whether, for each element in the given collection, there is a ".equals" element in this sequence.
static JMLObjectBag JMLObjectBag.convertFrom(Collection c)
          Return the bag containing all the object in the given collection.
 boolean JMLObjectBag.containsAll(Collection c)
          Tell whether, for each element in the given collection, there is a "==" element in this bag.
static JMLEqualsBag JMLEqualsBag.convertFrom(Collection c)
          Return the bag containing all the object in the given collection.
 boolean JMLEqualsBag.containsAll(Collection c)
          Tell whether, for each element in the given collection, there is a ".equals" element in this bag.

Uses of Collection in org.jmlspecs.models.resolve

Methods in org.jmlspecs.models.resolve with parameters of type Collection
static StringOfObject StringOfObject.from(Collection c)
          Make a collection into a string.
 StringOfObject StringOfObject.addAll(Collection c)
          Add all the elements of c, at the end of this string, in the order determined by c's iterator.

Uses of Collection in org.multijava.mjc

Classes in org.multijava.mjc that implement Collection
(package private)  class JTypeDeclaration.DispatcherClassList
(package private)  class JTypeDeclaration.MethodList
(package private)  class JTypeDeclaration.PleomorphSet

Methods in org.multijava.mjc that return Collection
 Collection CClass.fields()
          Returns a Collection of CField values, one for each field in this class.
 Collection CClass.directlyVisibleTypes()
          Returns the set of types (excluding non-reference types) that are directly visible from this class.
 Collection CClassType.directlyVisibleTypes()
          Returns the set of types (excluding non-reference types) that are directly visible from this type.
static Collection CClassType.getVisibleTypesFrom(Collection dirVisTypes)
          Returns the set of visible types by finding the reflexive, transitive closure of directlyVisibleTypes() on each type in the given collection.
 Collection CCompilationUnit.visibleMethods()
          Returns a string representation of this.
 Collection CCompilationUnit.directlyVisibleTypes()
          Returns the set of (non-reference) types that are directly visible in this compilation unit.
 Collection CCompilationUnit.visibleTypes()
          Returns the set of (non-reference) types that are directly or transitively visible in this compilation unit.
 Collection CFieldTable.fields()
          Returns a Collection of CField objects contained in this CFieldTable.
 Collection CArrayType.directlyVisibleTypes()
          Returns the set of types (excluding non-reference types) that are directly visible from this type.

Methods in org.multijava.mjc with parameters of type Collection
static Collection CClassType.getVisibleTypesFrom(Collection dirVisTypes)
          Returns the set of visible types by finding the reflexive, transitive closure of directlyVisibleTypes() on each type in the given collection.

Uses of Collection in org.multijava.relaxed.runtime

Fields in org.multijava.relaxed.runtime declared as Collection
private  Collection RMJSignature.HasIntersection.intersection

Methods in org.multijava.relaxed.runtime that return Collection
(package private)  Collection RMJClassLoader.computeIntersection(Class cls1, Class cls2)
 Collection RMJSignature.intersect(RMJSignature other, RMJClassLoader loader)
private  Collection RMJSignature.generateCrossProduct(Object[] tupleOfSets)
private  Collection RMJSignature.generateCrossProductTo(Object[] tupleOfSets, int pos)
 Collection RMJSignature.HasIntersection.getIntersection()

Methods in org.multijava.relaxed.runtime with parameters of type Collection
protected  boolean RMJClassLoader.checkCollectionForResolvingSig(Collection sigs, RMJOperation op, Object[] intersection, RMJSignature nsig, RMJSignature osig)

Constructors in org.multijava.relaxed.runtime with parameters of type Collection
RMJSignature.HasIntersection(Collection i)

Uses of Collection in org.multijava.util

Methods in org.multijava.util that return Collection
 Collection MjcHashRelation.getImage(Object key)
          Returns the collection of values mapped to by the given key, or null if this key is not in the domain of the theRelation.
 Collection MjcHashRelation.putImage(Object key, Collection image)
          Adds a mapping from the given key to the given image.

Methods in org.multijava.util with parameters of type Collection
 Collection MjcHashRelation.putImage(Object key, Collection image)
          Adds a mapping from the given key to the given image.
static ArrayList ArrayListCache.request(Collection content)
          Returns an ArrayList whose initial contents are the given collection.


JML is Copyright (C) 1998-2002 by Iowa State University and is distributed under the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This release depends on code from the MultiJava project and is based in part on the Kopi project Copyright (C) 1990-99 DMS Decision Management Systems Ges.m.b.H.