Class JMLObjectToValueMap

  extended byorg.jmlspecs.models.JMLObjectToValueRelation
      extended byorg.jmlspecs.models.JMLObjectToValueMap
All Implemented Interfaces:
Cloneable, JMLCollection, JMLType, Serializable

public class JMLObjectToValueMap
extends JMLObjectToValueRelation

Maps (i.e., binary relations that are functional) from non-null elements of Object to non-null elements of JMLType. The first type, Object, is called the domain type of the map; the second type, JMLType, is called the range type of the map. A map can be seen as a set of pairs, of form (dv, rv), consisting of an element of the domain type, dv, and an element of the range type, rv. Alternatively, it can be seen as a partial function that maps each element of the domain to an element of the range type.

This type is a subtype of JMLObjectToValueRelation, and as such as can be treated as a binary relation or a set valued function also. See the documentation for JMLObjectToValueRelation and for the methods inherited from this supertype for more information.

This type considers elements val and dv of the domain type, to be distinct just when _val_not_equal_to_dv_. It considers elements of r and rv of the range type to be distinct just when _r_not_equal_to_rv_. Cloning takes place for the domain or range elements if the corresponding domain or range type is JMLType.

$Revision: 1.35 $
Gary T. Leavens, Clyde Ruby
See Also:
JMLCollection, JMLType, JMLObjectToValueRelation, JMLObjectToValueRelationEnumerator, JMLObjectToValueRelationImageEnumerator, JMLValueSet, JMLObjectSet, JMLObjectToObjectMap, JMLValueToObjectMap, JMLObjectToValueMap, JMLValueToValueMap, JMLObjectToValueRelation.toFunction()

Class Specifications
public invariant this.isaFunction();
public invariant_redundantly ( \forall java.lang.Object dv; this.isDefinedAt(dv); this.elementImage(dv).int_size() == 1);

Specifications inherited from class JMLObjectToValueRelation
public invariant ( \forall java.lang.Object obj; this.theRelation.has((org.jmlspecs.models.JMLType)obj); obj != null&&obj instanceof org.jmlspecs.models.JMLObjectValuePair&&((org.jmlspecs.models.JMLObjectValuePair)obj).key != null&&((org.jmlspecs.models.JMLObjectValuePair)obj).value != null);
public invariant_redundantly (* Every element of 'theRelation'is a JMLObjectValuePair whose key and value are not null *);
public invariant this.elementType == \type(org.jmlspecs.models.JMLObjectValuePair);
public invariant !this.containsNull;
protected invariant this.imagePairSet_.int_size() == this.domain_.int_size()&&( \forall java.lang.Object dv; dv != null&&this.domain_.has(dv); this.imagePairSet_.has(new org.jmlspecs.models.JMLObjectValuePair(dv, this.elementImage(dv))));
protected invariant_redundantly this.imagePairSet_ == this.imagePairSet();
protected invariant this.size_ == this.theRelation.int_size();
protected invariant this.size_ >= 0;
public invariant this.owner == null;
protected represents theRelation <- this.toSet();

Specifications inherited from class Object
represents objectState <- org.jmlspecs.lang.JMLDataGroup.IT;
public represents _getClass <- \typeof(this);

Specifications inherited from interface JMLCollection
instance public constraint this.elementType == \old(this.elementType);
instance public constraint this.containsNull == \old(this.containsNull);

Model Field Summary
Model fields inherited from class org.jmlspecs.models.JMLObjectToValueRelation
Model fields inherited from class java.lang.Object
_getClass, objectState, theString
Model fields inherited from interface org.jmlspecs.models.JMLCollection
Ghost Field Summary
Ghost fields inherited from class java.lang.Object
objectTimesFinalized, owner
Ghost fields inherited from interface org.jmlspecs.models.JMLCollection
containsNull, elementType
Field Summary
static JMLObjectToValueMap EMPTY
          The empty JMLObjectToValueMap.
Fields inherited from class org.jmlspecs.models.JMLObjectToValueRelation
domain_, imagePairSet_, size_, TOO_BIG_TO_UNION
Constructor Summary
          Initialize this map to be the empty mapping.
  JMLObjectToValueMap(non_null Object dv, non_null JMLType rv)
          Initialize this map to be a mapping that maps the given domain element to the given range element.
  JMLObjectToValueMap(non_null JMLObjectValuePair pair)
          Initialize this map to be a mapping that maps the key in the given pair to the value in that pair.
protected JMLObjectToValueMap(JMLValueSet ipset, JMLObjectSet dom, int sz)
          Initialize this map based on the representation values given.
Model Method Summary
Model methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
Model methods inherited from interface org.jmlspecs.models.JMLCollection
Method Summary
 JMLType apply(Object dv)
          Return the range element corresponding to dv, if there is one.
 JMLObjectToValueMap clashReplaceUnion(JMLObjectToValueMap othMap, JMLType errval)
          Return a new map that is like the union of the given map and this map, except that if both define a mapping for a given domain element, then each of these clashes is replaced by a mapping from the domain element in question to the given range element.
 Object clone()
          Return a clone of this object.
 JMLObjectToValueMap compose(non_null JMLObjectToObjectMap othMap)
          Return a new map that is the composition of this and the given map.
 JMLValueToValueMap compose(non_null JMLValueToObjectMap othMap)
          Return a new map that is the composition of this and the given map.
 JMLObjectToValueMap disjointUnion(non_null JMLObjectToValueMap othMap)
          Return a map that is the disjoint union of this and othMap.
 JMLObjectToValueMap extend(non_null Object dv, non_null JMLType rv)
          Return a new map that is like this but maps the given domain element to the given range element.
 JMLObjectToValueMap extendUnion(non_null JMLObjectToValueMap othMap)
          Return a new map that is like the union of the given map and this map, except that if both define a mapping for a given domain element, then only the mapping in the given map is retained.
 boolean isaFunction()
          Tells whether this relation is a function.
 JMLObjectToValueMap rangeRestrictedTo(non_null JMLValueSet rng)
          Return a new map that is like this map but only contains associations that map to range elements in the given set.
 JMLObjectToValueMap removeDomainElement(Object dv)
          Return a new map that is like this but has no association for the given domain element.
 JMLObjectToValueMap restrictedTo(non_null JMLObjectSet dom)
          Return a new map that only maps elements in the given domain to the corresponding range elements in this map.
static JMLObjectToValueMap singletonMap(non_null Object dv, non_null JMLType rv)
          Return the singleton map containing the given association.
static JMLObjectToValueMap singletonMap(non_null JMLObjectValuePair pair)
          Return the singleton map containing the association described by the given pair.
Methods inherited from class org.jmlspecs.models.JMLObjectToValueRelation
add, associations, compose, compose, difference, domain, domainElements, elementImage, elements, equals, has, has, has, hashCode, image, imagePairs, imagePairSet, insert, int_size, intersection, inverse, inverseElementImage, inverseImage, isDefinedAt, isEmpty, iterator, range, rangeElements, remove, remove, removeFromDomain, restrictDomainTo, restrictRangeTo, singleton, singleton, toBag, toFunction, toSequence, toSet, toString, union
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final JMLObjectToValueMap EMPTY
The empty JMLObjectToValueMap.

See Also:
Specifications: non_null
Constructor Detail


public JMLObjectToValueMap()
Initialize this map to be the empty mapping.

See Also:
Specifications: (class)pure
public normal_behavior
assignable theRelation, owner, elementType, containsNull;
ensures this.theRelation.equals(new org.jmlspecs.models.JMLValueSet());
ensures_redundantly this.theRelation.isEmpty();


public JMLObjectToValueMap(non_null Object dv,
                           non_null JMLType rv)
Initialize this map to be a mapping that maps the given domain element to the given range element.

See Also:
singletonMap(Object, JMLType), JMLObjectToValueMap(JMLObjectValuePair)
Specifications: (class)pure
public normal_behavior
requires dv != null&&rv != null;
assignable theRelation, owner, elementType, containsNull;
ensures (this.theRelation.int_size() == 1)&&this.elementImage(dv).has(rv);
ensures_redundantly this.isDefinedAt(dv);


public JMLObjectToValueMap(non_null JMLObjectValuePair pair)
Initialize this map to be a mapping that maps the key in the given pair to the value in that pair.

See Also:
singletonMap(JMLObjectValuePair), JMLObjectToValueMap(Object, JMLType)
Specifications: (class)pure
public normal_behavior
requires pair != null;
assignable theRelation, owner, elementType, containsNull;
ensures (this.theRelation.int_size() == 1)&&this.elementImage(pair.key).has(pair.value);
ensures_redundantly this.isDefinedAt(pair.key);


protected JMLObjectToValueMap(JMLValueSet ipset,
                              JMLObjectSet dom,
                              int sz)
Initialize this map based on the representation values given.

Specifications: (class)pure
requires ipset != null&&dom != null&&0 <= sz;
assignable theRelation, owner, elementType, containsNull;
ensures this.imagePairSet_ == ipset&&this.domain_ == dom&&this.size_ == sz;
Method Detail


public static JMLObjectToValueMap singletonMap(non_null Object dv,
                                               non_null JMLType rv)
Return the singleton map containing the given association.

See Also:
JMLObjectToValueMap(Object, JMLType), singletonMap(JMLObjectValuePair)
Specifications: pure non_null
public normal_behavior
requires dv != null&&rv != null;
ensures \result != null&&\result .equals(new org.jmlspecs.models.JMLObjectToValueMap(dv, rv));


public static JMLObjectToValueMap singletonMap(non_null JMLObjectValuePair pair)
Return the singleton map containing the association described by the given pair.

See Also:
JMLObjectToValueMap(JMLObjectValuePair), singletonMap(Object, JMLType)
Specifications: pure non_null
public normal_behavior
requires pair != null;
ensures \result != null&&\result .equals(new org.jmlspecs.models.JMLObjectToValueMap(pair));


public boolean isaFunction()
Tells whether this relation is a function.

isaFunction in class JMLObjectToValueRelation
Specifications: pure
public normal_behavior
ensures \result ;
Specifications inherited from overridden method in class JMLObjectToValueRelation:
public normal_behavior
ensures \result == ( \forall java.lang.Object dv; this.isDefinedAt(dv); this.elementImage(dv).int_size() == 1);


public JMLType apply(Object dv)
              throws JMLNoSuchElementException
Return the range element corresponding to dv, if there is one.

dv - the domain element for which an association is sought (the key to the table).
JMLNoSuchElementException - when dv is not associated to any range element by this.
See Also:
JMLObjectToValueRelation.isDefinedAt(java.lang.Object), JMLObjectToValueRelation.elementImage(java.lang.Object), JMLObjectToValueRelation.image(org.jmlspecs.models.JMLObjectSet)
Specifications: non_null (class)pure
public normal_behavior
requires this.isDefinedAt(dv);
ensures this.elementImage(dv).has(\result );
public exceptional_behavior
requires !this.isDefinedAt(dv);
signals_only org.jmlspecs.models.JMLNoSuchElementException;


public Object clone()
Description copied from class: JMLObjectToValueRelation
Return a clone of this object.

Specified by:
clone in interface JMLType
clone in class JMLObjectToValueRelation
Specifications: pure non_null
public normal_behavior
ensures \result instanceof org.jmlspecs.models.JMLObjectToValueMap&&((org.jmlspecs.models.JMLObjectToValueMap)\result ).theRelation.equals(this.theRelation);
Specifications inherited from overridden method in class JMLObjectToValueRelation:
public normal_behavior
ensures \result instanceof org.jmlspecs.models.JMLObjectToValueRelation&&((org.jmlspecs.models.JMLObjectToValueRelation)\result ).theRelation.equals(this.theRelation);
Specifications inherited from overridden method in class Object:
protected normal_behavior
requires this instanceof java.lang.Cloneable;
assignable \nothing;
ensures \result != null;
ensures \typeof(\result ) == \typeof(this);
ensures (* \result is a clone of this *);
protected normal_behavior
requires this.getClass().isArray();
assignable \nothing;
ensures \elemtype(\typeof(\result )) == \elemtype(\typeof(this));
ensures ((java.lang.Object[])\result ).length == ((java.lang.Object[])this).length;
ensures ( \forall int i; 0 <= i&&i < ((java.lang.Object[])this).length; ((java.lang.Object[])\result )[i] == ((java.lang.Object[])this)[i]);
requires this.getClass().isArray();
assignable \nothing;
ensures \elemtype(\typeof(\result )) == \elemtype(\typeof(this));
ensures java.lang.reflect.Array.getLength(\result ) == java.lang.reflect.Array.getLength(this);
ensures ( \forall int i; 0 <= i&&i < java.lang.reflect.Array.getLength(this); ( \exists java.lang.Object result_i; result_i == java.lang.reflect.Array.get(\result ,i); (result_i == null&&java.lang.reflect.Array.get(this,i) == null)||(result_i != null&&result_i.equals(java.lang.reflect.Array.get(this,i)))));
protected exceptional_behavior
requires !(this instanceof java.lang.Cloneable);
assignable \nothing;
signals_only java.lang.CloneNotSupportedException;
protected normal_behavior
requires \elemtype(\typeof(this)) <: \type(java.lang.Object);
assignable \nothing;
ensures \elemtype(\typeof(\result )) == \elemtype(\typeof(this));
ensures ((java.lang.Object[])\result ).length == ((java.lang.Object[])this).length;
ensures ( \forall int i; 0 <= i&&i < ((java.lang.Object[])this).length; ((java.lang.Object[])\result )[i] == ((java.lang.Object[])this)[i]);
protected normal_behavior
requires \elemtype(\typeof(this)) == \type(int);
assignable \nothing;
ensures \elemtype(\typeof(\result )) == \elemtype(\typeof(this));
ensures ((int[])\result ).length == ((int[])this).length;
ensures ( \forall int i; 0 <= i&&i < ((int[])this).length; ((int[])\result )[i] == ((int[])this)[i]);
protected normal_behavior
requires \elemtype(\typeof(this)) == \type(byte);
assignable \nothing;
ensures \elemtype(\typeof(\result )) == \elemtype(\typeof(this));
ensures ((byte[])\result ).length == ((byte[])this).length;
ensures ( \forall int i; 0 <= i&&i < ((byte[])this).length; ((byte[])\result )[i] == ((byte[])this)[i]);
protected normal_behavior
requires \elemtype(\typeof(this)) == \type(char);
assignable \nothing;
ensures \elemtype(\typeof(\result )) == \elemtype(\typeof(this));
ensures ((char[])\result ).length == ((char[])this).length;
ensures ( \forall int i; 0 <= i&&i < ((char[])this).length; ((char[])\result )[i] == ((char[])this)[i]);
protected normal_behavior
requires \elemtype(\typeof(this)) == \type(long);
assignable \nothing;
ensures \elemtype(\typeof(\result )) == \elemtype(\typeof(this));
ensures ((long[])\result ).length == ((long[])this).length;
ensures ( \forall int i; 0 <= i&&i < ((long[])this).length; ((long[])\result )[i] == ((long[])this)[i]);
protected normal_behavior
requires \elemtype(\typeof(this)) == \type(short);
assignable \nothing;
ensures \elemtype(\typeof(\result )) == \elemtype(\typeof(this));
ensures ((short[])\result ).length == ((short[])this).length;
ensures ( \forall int i; 0 <= i&&i < ((short[])this).length; ((short[])\result )[i] == ((short[])this)[i]);
protected normal_behavior
requires \elemtype(\typeof(this)) == \type(boolean);
assignable \nothing;
ensures \elemtype(\typeof(\result )) == \elemtype(\typeof(this));
ensures ((boolean[])\result ).length == ((boolean[])this).length;
ensures ( \forall int i; 0 <= i&&i < ((boolean[])this).length; ((boolean[])\result )[i] == ((boolean[])this)[i]);
protected normal_behavior
requires \elemtype(\typeof(this)) == \type(float);
assignable \nothing;
ensures \elemtype(\typeof(\result )) == \elemtype(\typeof(this));
ensures ((float[])\result ).length == ((float[])this).length;
ensures ( \forall int i; 0 <= i&&i < ((float[])this).length; (java.lang.Float.isNaN(((float[])\result )[i])&&java.lang.Float.isNaN(((float[])this)[i]))||((float[])\result )[i] == ((float[])this)[i]);
protected normal_behavior
requires \elemtype(\typeof(this)) == \type(double);
assignable \nothing;
ensures \elemtype(\typeof(\result )) == \elemtype(\typeof(this));
ensures ((double[])\result ).length == ((double[])this).length;
ensures ( \forall int i; 0 <= i&&i < ((double[])this).length; (java.lang.Double.isNaN(((double[])\result )[i])&&java.lang.Double.isNaN(((double[])this)[i]))||((double[])\result )[i] == ((double[])this)[i]);
Specifications inherited from overridden method in interface JMLType:
public normal_behavior
ensures \result != null;
ensures \result instanceof org.jmlspecs.models.JMLType;
ensures ((org.jmlspecs.models.JMLType)\result ).equals(this);
ensures \result != null&&\typeof(\result ) <: \type(org.jmlspecs.models.JMLType);


public JMLObjectToValueMap extend(non_null Object dv,
                                  non_null JMLType rv)
Return a new map that is like this but maps the given domain element to the given range element. Any previously existing mapping for the domain element is removed first.

See Also:
JMLObjectToValueRelation#insert(Object, JMLType)
Specifications: non_null (class)pure
public normal_behavior
requires dv != null&&rv != null;
requires !this.isDefinedAt(dv) ==> this.int_size() < 2147483647;
ensures \result .equals(this.removeDomainElement(dv).add(dv,rv));


public JMLObjectToValueMap removeDomainElement(Object dv)
Return a new map that is like this but has no association for the given domain element.

See Also:
Specifications: non_null (class)pure
public normal_behavior
ensures \result .equals(this.removeFromDomain(dv).toFunction());
ensures_redundantly !this.isDefinedAt(dv) ==> \result .equals(this);


public JMLValueToValueMap compose(non_null JMLValueToObjectMap othMap)
Return a new map that is the composition of this and the given map. The composition is done in the usual order; that is, if the given map maps x to y and this maps y to z, then the result maps x to z.

See Also:
Specifications: non_null (class)pure
public normal_behavior
requires othMap != null;
ensures ( \forall org.jmlspecs.models.JMLValueValuePair pair; ; \result .theRelation.has(pair) == ( \exists java.lang.Object val; othMap.elementImage(pair.key).has(val); this.elementImage(val).has(pair.value)));
Specifications inherited from overridden method compose(JMLValueToObjectRelation othRel) in class JMLObjectToValueRelation:
       non_null (class)pure
public normal_behavior
requires othRel != null;
ensures ( \forall org.jmlspecs.models.JMLValueValuePair pair; ; \result .theRelation.has(pair) == ( \exists java.lang.Object val; othRel.elementImage(pair.key).has(val); this.elementImage(val).has(pair.value)));


public JMLObjectToValueMap compose(non_null JMLObjectToObjectMap othMap)
Return a new map that is the composition of this and the given map. The composition is done in the usual order; that is, if the given map maps x to y and this maps y to z, then the result maps x to z.

See Also:
Specifications: non_null (class)pure
public normal_behavior
requires othMap != null;
ensures ( \forall org.jmlspecs.models.JMLObjectValuePair pair; ; \result .theRelation.has(pair) == ( \exists java.lang.Object val; othMap.elementImage(pair.key).has(val); this.elementImage(val).has(pair.value)));
Specifications inherited from overridden method compose(JMLObjectToObjectRelation othRel) in class JMLObjectToValueRelation:
       non_null (class)pure
public normal_behavior
requires othRel != null;
ensures ( \forall org.jmlspecs.models.JMLValueValuePair pair; ; \result .theRelation.has(pair) == ( \exists java.lang.Object val; othRel.elementImage(pair.key).has(val); this.elementImage(val).has(pair.value)));


public JMLObjectToValueMap restrictedTo(non_null JMLObjectSet dom)
Return a new map that only maps elements in the given domain to the corresponding range elements in this map.

See Also:
rangeRestrictedTo(org.jmlspecs.models.JMLValueSet), JMLObjectToValueRelation.restrictDomainTo(org.jmlspecs.models.JMLObjectSet)
Specifications: non_null (class)pure
public normal_behavior
requires dom != null;
ensures ( \forall org.jmlspecs.models.JMLObjectValuePair pair; ; \result .theRelation.has(pair) == dom.has(pair.key)&&this.elementImage(pair.key).has(pair.value));


public JMLObjectToValueMap rangeRestrictedTo(non_null JMLValueSet rng)
Return a new map that is like this map but only contains associations that map to range elements in the given set.

See Also:
restrictedTo(org.jmlspecs.models.JMLObjectSet), JMLObjectToValueRelation.restrictRangeTo(org.jmlspecs.models.JMLValueSet)
Specifications: non_null (class)pure
public normal_behavior
requires rng != null;
ensures ( \forall org.jmlspecs.models.JMLObjectValuePair pair; ; \result .theRelation.has(pair) == rng.has(pair.value)&&this.elementImage(pair.key).has(pair.value));


public JMLObjectToValueMap extendUnion(non_null JMLObjectToValueMap othMap)
                                throws IllegalStateException
Return a new map that is like the union of the given map and this map, except that if both define a mapping for a given domain element, then only the mapping in the given map is retained.

See Also:
clashReplaceUnion(org.jmlspecs.models.JMLObjectToValueMap, org.jmlspecs.models.JMLType), disjointUnion(org.jmlspecs.models.JMLObjectToValueMap), JMLObjectToValueRelation.union(org.jmlspecs.models.JMLObjectToValueRelation)
Specifications: non_null (class)pure
public normal_behavior
requires othMap != null;
requires this.int_size() <= 2147483647-othMap.difference(this).int_size();
ensures ( \forall org.jmlspecs.models.JMLObjectValuePair pair; ; \result .theRelation.has(pair) == othMap.elementImage(pair.key).has(pair.value)||(!othMap.isDefinedAt(pair.key)&&this.elementImage(pair.key).has(pair.value)));


public JMLObjectToValueMap clashReplaceUnion(JMLObjectToValueMap othMap,
                                             JMLType errval)
                                      throws IllegalStateException
Return a new map that is like the union of the given map and this map, except that if both define a mapping for a given domain element, then each of these clashes is replaced by a mapping from the domain element in question to the given range element.

othMap - the other map.
errval - the range element to use when clashes occur.
See Also:
extendUnion(org.jmlspecs.models.JMLObjectToValueMap), disjointUnion(org.jmlspecs.models.JMLObjectToValueMap), JMLObjectToValueRelation.union(org.jmlspecs.models.JMLObjectToValueRelation)
Specifications: non_null (class)pure
public normal_behavior
requires othMap != null&&errval != null;
requires this.int_size() <= 2147483647-othMap.difference(this).int_size();
ensures ( \forall org.jmlspecs.models.JMLObjectValuePair pair; ; \result .theRelation.has(pair) == (!othMap.isDefinedAt(pair.key)&&this.elementImage(pair.key).has(pair.value))||(!this.isDefinedAt(pair.key)&&othMap.elementImage(pair.key).has(pair.value))||(this.isDefinedAt(pair.key)&&othMap.isDefinedAt(pair.key)&&pair.value.equals(errval)));
requires othMap != null&&errval != null;


public JMLObjectToValueMap disjointUnion(non_null JMLObjectToValueMap othMap)
                                  throws JMLMapException,
Return a map that is the disjoint union of this and othMap.

othMap - the other mapping
JMLMapException - the ranges of this and othMap have elements in common (i.e., when they interesect).
See Also:
extendUnion(org.jmlspecs.models.JMLObjectToValueMap), clashReplaceUnion(org.jmlspecs.models.JMLObjectToValueMap, org.jmlspecs.models.JMLType), JMLObjectToValueRelation.union(org.jmlspecs.models.JMLObjectToValueRelation)
Specifications: non_null (class)pure
public normal_behavior
requires othMap != null&&this.domain().intersection(othMap.domain()).isEmpty();
requires this.int_size() <= 2147483647-othMap.int_size();
ensures \result .equals(this.union(othMap));
public exceptional_behavior
requires othMap != null&&!this.domain().intersection(othMap.domain()).isEmpty();
signals_only org.jmlspecs.models.JMLMapException;


JML is Copyright (C) 1998-2002 by Iowa State University and is distributed under the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This release depends on code from the MultiJava project and is based in part on the Kopi project Copyright (C) 1990-99 DMS Decision Management Systems Ges.m.b.H.