Class Polar

  extended byorg.jmlspecs.samples.dbc.ComplexOps
      extended byorg.jmlspecs.samples.dbc.Polar
All Implemented Interfaces:

public strictfp class Polar
extends ComplexOps

Complex numbers in polar coordinates.

Gary T. Leavens with help from Abelson and Sussman's Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs

Class Specifications

Specifications inherited from class Object
represents objectState <- org.jmlspecs.lang.JMLDataGroup.IT;
public represents _getClass <- \typeof(this);

Specifications inherited from interface Complex
axiom ( \forall double d, dd; dd > 0.0; d%dd > -dd&&d%dd < dd);
axiom ( \forall double d, dd; ; d > -dd ==> d+dd > 0.0);

Model Field Summary
Model fields inherited from class java.lang.Object
_getClass, objectState, theString
Ghost Field Summary
Ghost fields inherited from class java.lang.Object
objectTimesFinalized, owner
Ghost fields inherited from interface org.jmlspecs.samples.dbc.Complex
Field Summary
private  double ang
          The angle of this number.
private  double mag
          The magnitude of this number.
Constructor Summary
Polar(double mag, double ang)
          Initialize this polar coordinate number with magnitude mag and angle ang, except that when the magnitude is negative, this is interpreted as magnitude -mag and angle ang+StrictMath.PI.
Model Method Summary
Model methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
Model methods inherited from interface org.jmlspecs.samples.dbc.Complex
positiveRemainder, similarAngle
Method Summary
 double angle()
          Return the angle of this complex number.
 double imaginaryPart()
          Return the imaginary part of this complex number.
 double magnitude()
          Return the magnitude of this complex number.
 double realPart()
          Return the real part of this complex number.
static double standardizeAngle(double rad)
          Standardize the angle so it's between -StrictMath.PI and StrictMath.PI (radians).
 String toString()
Methods inherited from class org.jmlspecs.samples.dbc.ComplexOps
add, div, equals, hashCode, mul, sub
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


private double mag
The magnitude of this number.


private double ang
The angle of this number.

Constructor Detail


public Polar(double mag,
             double ang)
      throws IllegalArgumentException
Initialize this polar coordinate number with magnitude mag and angle ang, except that when the magnitude is negative, this is interpreted as magnitude -mag and angle ang+StrictMath.PI.

mag - the magnitude desired
ang - the angle in radians, measured counterclockwise from the positive x axis
Specifications: (class)pure
requires mag >= 0.0&&-Infinity < ang&&ang < Infinity;
ensures this.magnitude() == mag;
ensures this.angle() == standardizeAngle(ang);
requires mag < 0.0&&-Infinity < ang&&ang < Infinity;
ensures this.magnitude() == -mag;
ensures this.angle() == standardizeAngle(ang+3.141592653589793);
requires java.lang.Double.isNaN(mag)||java.lang.Double.isNaN(ang)||-Infinity == ang||ang == Infinity;
signals_only java.lang.IllegalArgumentException;
Method Detail


public static double standardizeAngle(double rad)
                               throws IllegalArgumentException
Standardize the angle so it's between -StrictMath.PI and StrictMath.PI (radians).

Specifications: pure
requires -Infinity < rad&&rad < Infinity;
ensures -3.141592653589793 <= \result &&\result <= 3.141592653589793;
requires java.lang.Double.isNaN(rad)||-Infinity == rad||rad == Infinity;
signals_only java.lang.IllegalArgumentException;


public double realPart()
Description copied from interface: Complex
Return the real part of this complex number.

Specifications: (class)pure
Specifications inherited from overridden method in interface Complex:
ensures org.jmlspecs.models.JMLDouble.approximatelyEqualTo(this.magnitude()*java.lang.StrictMath.cos(this.angle()),\result ,0.0050);


public double imaginaryPart()
Description copied from interface: Complex
Return the imaginary part of this complex number.

Specifications: (class)pure
Specifications inherited from overridden method in interface Complex:
ensures org.jmlspecs.models.JMLDouble.approximatelyEqualTo(\result ,this.magnitude()*java.lang.StrictMath.sin(this.angle()),0.0050);


public double magnitude()
Description copied from interface: Complex
Return the magnitude of this complex number.

Specifications: (class)pure
Specifications inherited from overridden method in interface Complex:
ensures org.jmlspecs.models.JMLDouble.approximatelyEqualTo(java.lang.StrictMath.sqrt(this.realPart()*this.realPart()+this.imaginaryPart()*this.imaginaryPart()),\result ,0.0050);


public double angle()
Description copied from interface: Complex
Return the angle of this complex number.

Specifications: (class)pure
Specifications inherited from overridden method in interface Complex:
ensures org.jmlspecs.models.JMLDouble.approximatelyEqualTo(java.lang.StrictMath.atan2(this.imaginaryPart(),this.realPart()),\result ,0.0050);


public String toString()
toString in class Object
Specifications: (class)pure
Specifications inherited from overridden method in class Object:
public normal_behavior
assignable objectState;
ensures \result != null&&\result .equals(this.theString);
ensures (* \result is a string representation of this object *);
public code normal_behavior
assignable \nothing;
ensures \result != null&&(* \result is the instance's class name, followed by an @, followed by the instance's hashcode in hex *);
public code model_program { ... }
assignable objectState;
ensures \result != null;


JML is Copyright (C) 1998-2002 by Iowa State University and is distributed under the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This release depends on code from the MultiJava project and is based in part on the Kopi project Copyright (C) 1990-99 DMS Decision Management Systems Ges.m.b.H.