Papers Related to JML

The following papers are related to JML, but are also concerned with other matters (typically semantics of formal methods or tool support). They are listed in (approximately) reverse chronological order. Note that JML's syntax and semantics may be different from that used in older papers. You should consult the latest documentation for current details.

If you have a paper related to JML that does not appear here, we'd like to include it. Please send a citation for your paper (in XHTML, please, with links for each author and a link to a PDF file) to Gary Leavens (

Bibtex entries for the papers on this page are available from the Collection of Computer Science Bibliographies or from Gary Leavens's bibliographies. If your paper's bibtex entry is inaccurate or not available from these sources, then please send it (in bibtex format!) to Gary Leavens (

See also the researchers named for less directly related publications.

Last modified Friday, December 10, 2021.