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The traditional view of a template is that it is a ``transformation''
which ``generates'' an operational program component when it is
instantiated , i.e., when it is given another operational
program component as an actual parameter. The actual parameter C
cannot be just anything; it must implement some specification S.
The resulting component C then implements some (usually different)
specification S'. This is what we might call the ``macro expansion''
view of a template: C can be obtained by substituting C for the
template formal parameter wherever the latter occurs in the string
T. In fact, this is how most compilers deal with
The view suggested by Figure 4 differs subtly in that a
template transformation is one of behaviors (on the diagram's right
side), not of strings (on the left side) [Edw95]. When a
software engineer creates a template T, whose meaning is some
partial function , part of the job is to state
precisely the domain of this partial function. This is tantamount to
characterizing which components T could accept as an actual
parameter when instantiated. Defining the domain of
is now accomplished by choosing a specification
S whose meaning
is exactly the subset of
behaviors for which
is defined.
Figure 5 illustrates how template instantiation works in
this framework. Determining the meaning of the instance of T with
C as the actual parameter does not involve textual substitution of
C for the formal parameter of T. The instantiation simply means
For example, one way of building a symbol table is to store entries in
a binary search tree. We might write code that uses binary search
tree functionality as a template T, for which each instance
implements a symbol table specification S'. This
defers, until system integration time, the choice of implementation
C for binary tree specification S. T simply demands the
availability of some -- any -- implementation of S. When a
particular C that implements S has been selected,
the system builder provides it as the actual parameter when
instantiating T. The resulting instance has a meaning which lies in
, i.e., the meaning of the symbol table
specification S'.
Most software engineers and programming language designers seem to
view templates from the macro expansion viewpoint. So generally it
might be appropriate if all the semantic functions involved were
consistent with the macro expansion view, to keep the latter from
being misleading. In other words, if C' is the result of the
string substitution of C for the formal parameter of T, then it
should be the case that . However, a string transformation resulting
in C' technically is not required to define the meaning of T
or any instance of T.
The reader should find it a good test of understanding of this framework to be able to identify not just symbolic but physical artifacts that arise in the engineering of physical systems, and which play the same role as templates play in the software world. This emphasizes why it is significant that instantiating a template should not, in general, be viewed in terms of string substitution.
What about specification templates? Although space limitations
preclude discussion here, we see the appropriate semantic space for
these units being . See
[Gib97] for details.
David S. Gibson and Bruce W. Weide