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Liqiang Wang

Department of Computer Science
University of Central Florida
Orlando, FL 32816
HEC 332

Tel: (407) 823-3187
Fax: (407) 823-5835
E-mail: Liqiang.Wang AT

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Latest News

  • 05/2023: Received Google Gift Grant Donation $10,000!
  • 05/2023: Congratulations to Dongdong Wang for his paper "On Calibrating Semantic Segmentation Models: Analyses and An Algorithm" accepted by CVPR 2023!
  • 05/2023: Congratulations to the graduation of Yifan Ding, Dongdong Wang, and Ehsan Kazemi!
  • 10/2022: Congratulations to Zihang Zou for his paper "Anti-Neuron Watermarking: Protecting Personal Data Against Unauthorized Neural Networks" accepted by ECCV 2022!
  • 09/2022: Received NSF Grant "CIVIC-PG Track A: Reimagining Urban Resilience and Education Hubs Using a Community-Engaged, Equity-Centered Approach", $50,000. Co-PI.
  • 01/2022: Received Meta Gift Grant Donation "Education in Advanced Artificial Intelligence" ($50,000)!

  • Short Bio

    Liqiang Wang is a professor in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Central Florida. He is the director of Big Data Lab. He was a faculty member (2006-2015) in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Wyoming . He received Ph.D. in Computer Science from Stony Brook University in 2006. He was a visiting Research Scientist in IBM T.J. Watson Research Center during 2012-2013.

    His research focuses on big data computing and analytics techniques in the following aspects: (1) improving accuracy and security of big data analysis models; (2) optimizing performance and scalability of big data processing and parallel computing systems, including multi-threading, HPC, Cloud and GPU platforms; (3) using program analysis and deep learning techniques to detect and prevent programming errors and execution anomaly in big data and/or parallel programs.

    He received NSF CAREER Award in 2011, Castagne Faculty Fellowship (2013-2015), and Mid-Career Refresh Award (UCF, 2020).

    Research Hightlight