Liqiang Wang Publications

Ph.D. Thesis

Liqiang Wang. Analysis of Synchronization Errors for Multithreaded Programs. Stony Brook University, NY, July 2006. [BibTex]. Advisor: Scott D. Stoller

Google Scholar: Please visit for the complete list of publications. Note that this list is not frequently updated.

Journal Publications

Conference and Workshop Publications

Technical Magazine Articles

Publications in Chinese

  • Liqiang Wang and Changjie Tang. Web Mining Based on Temporal Database System. Symposium of the 14th National Database Conference of China, 1997. Best Student Paper Award.

  • Wei Lu and Liqiang Wang. Query Optimization for a Commercial Database. Journal of Sichuan University, Jan. 1997.

  • Wei Lu and Liqiang Wang. Visualization of Data Queries. Computer Engineering and Applications, May 1997.

  • Liqiang Wang and Changjie Tang. Data Mining on Web, Computer Applications, Oct. 1998.


The authors marked with * are Dr. Wang's students.