Welcome to Computer Science at UCF
Our continuing mission is to advance knowledge and the state of the art of Computing. We tackle this mission through both education and research.
In terms of education, we offer Bachelor of Science (BS) degrees in Computer Science and Information Technology. We also offer Master of Science (MS) degrees in Computer Science, Computer Vision, Cyber Security and Privacy, Data Analytics, Digital Forensics, and Financial Technology (FinTech). Finally, we offer Doctorate of Philosophy (PhD) degrees in Computer Science and Big Data Analytics.
In terms of research, we have distinguished faculty that actively conduct research in the many areas listed above. Our department is one of the top U.S. Computer Science institutions based on CSRankings.org, regularly ranking in the Top 50 for Computer Vision, Visualization, Computational Biology, Human-Computer Interaction, and Computer Architecture.

Mission & Objectives
The mission of the Department of Computer Science is to advance human understanding of Computing through education and research. In education, our goal is to educate students to become effective team members and leaders, to have excellent communications and technical skills, and to prepare them for successful professional careers or advanced research, as appropriate. In research, our goal is to perform high-impact research that advances human understanding and benefits the economy and society.

CS Facts & Figures
For more facts and figures, please see below link.
Top 50 in CSRankings.org for publishing in the most selective CS Conferences
UCF is ranked 16th most innovative school
2020 List in U.S. News and World Report
2018 International Collegiate Programming Contest
National Collegiate Cyber Defense Champions

Current News