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Computer Vision addresses the problem of how to use computers to process visual information, including pictures and videos. Specific problems include detection and recognition of objects, features, or actions, segmentation of videos, and using image or video data in computational processes.


Research in Computer Science spans a wide range of topics.
At UCF, research in Computer Science emphasizes:

  • Innovative uses for computation
  • Studies of issues surrounding computation
  • Investigations into the nature of computation
BioInformatics and Systems Biology
BioInformatics and Systems Biology
Computer Architecture
Computer Architecture
Computer Graphics
Computer Graphics
Computer Security
Computer Security and Digital Forensics
Computer Vision
Computer Vision
Image and Video Processing
Image and Video Processing
Machine Learning and AI
Machine Learning and AI
Networking and Mobile Computing
Networking and Mobile Computing
Parallel Computation
Parallel Computation
Software Engineering and Systems
Software Engineering and Systems
Theory of Computing
Theory of Computing, Algorithms and Quantum Computing
Virtual Reality and HCI
Virtual Reality and HCI