Uses of Class

Packages that use JMLNoSuchElementException
org.jmlspecs.models This package is a collection of types with immutable objects; it also enumerators (which have mutable objects) for the types of the immutable collections in the package. 

Uses of JMLNoSuchElementException in org.jmlspecs.models

Methods in org.jmlspecs.models that throw JMLNoSuchElementException
 JMLType JMLValueSet.choose()
          Return an arbitrary element of this.
 Object JMLValueSequenceEnumerator.nextElement()
          Return the next element in the sequence, counting up, if there is one.
 Object JMLValueToValueRelationEnumerator.nextElement()
          Return the next image pair in this, if there is one.
 JMLValueValuePair JMLValueToValueRelationEnumerator.nextPair()
          Return the next pair in this, if there is one.
 Object JMLValueToValueRelationImageEnumerator.nextElement()
          Return the next image pair in this, if there is one.
 JMLValueValuePair JMLValueToValueRelationImageEnumerator.nextImagePair()
          Return the next image pair in this, if there is one.
 Object JMLValueSetEnumerator.nextElement()
          Return the next element in this, if there is one.
 JMLType JMLValueBag.choose()
          Return an arbitrary element of this.
 JMLType JMLValueToValueMap.apply(JMLType dv)
          Return the range element corresponding to dv, if there is one.
 Object JMLEqualsSet.choose()
          Return an arbitrary element of this.
 Object JMLEqualsToValueRelationEnumerator.nextElement()
          Return the next image pair in this, if there is one.
 JMLEqualsValuePair JMLEqualsToValueRelationEnumerator.nextPair()
          Return the next pair in this, if there is one.
 Object JMLEqualsToValueRelationImageEnumerator.nextElement()
          Return the next image pair in this, if there is one.
 JMLEqualsValuePair JMLEqualsToValueRelationImageEnumerator.nextImagePair()
          Return the next image pair in this, if there is one.
 Object JMLEqualsSetEnumerator.nextElement()
          Return the next element in this, if there is one.
 JMLType JMLEqualsToValueMap.apply(Object dv)
          Return the range element corresponding to dv, if there is one.
 Object JMLObjectToEqualsMap.apply(Object dv)
          Return the range element corresponding to dv, if there is one.
 Object JMLObjectSet.choose()
          Return an arbitrary element of this.
 Object JMLValueToEqualsMap.apply(JMLType dv)
          Return the range element corresponding to dv, if there is one.
 Object JMLValueToObjectMap.apply(JMLType dv)
          Return the range element corresponding to dv, if there is one.
 Object JMLObjectToObjectMap.apply(Object dv)
          Return the range element corresponding to dv, if there is one.
 Object JMLValueToObjectRelationEnumerator.nextElement()
          Return the next image pair in this, if there is one.
 JMLValueObjectPair JMLValueToObjectRelationEnumerator.nextPair()
          Return the next pair in this, if there is one.
 Object JMLValueToObjectRelationImageEnumerator.nextElement()
          Return the next image pair in this, if there is one.
 JMLValueValuePair JMLValueToObjectRelationImageEnumerator.nextImagePair()
          Return the next image pair in this, if there is one.
 Object JMLObjectSetEnumerator.nextElement()
          Return the next element in this, if there is one.
 Object JMLObjectToObjectRelationImageEnumerator.nextElement()
          Return the next image pair in this, if there is one.
 JMLObjectValuePair JMLObjectToObjectRelationImageEnumerator.nextImagePair()
          Return the next image pair in this, if there is one.
 JMLType JMLObjectToValueMap.apply(Object dv)
          Return the range element corresponding to dv, if there is one.
 Object JMLEqualsSequenceEnumerator.nextElement()
          Return the next element in the sequence, counting up, if there is one.
 Object JMLValueBagEnumerator.nextElement()
          Return the next element in this, if there is one.
 Object JMLObjectBagEnumerator.nextElement()
          Return the next element in this, if there is one.
 Object JMLObjectBag.choose()
          Return an arbitrary element of this.
 Object JMLObjectToEqualsRelationImageEnumerator.nextElement()
          Return the next image pair in this, if there is one.
 JMLObjectValuePair JMLObjectToEqualsRelationImageEnumerator.nextImagePair()
          Return the next image pair in this, if there is one.
 Object JMLObjectToValueRelationEnumerator.nextElement()
          Return the next image pair in this, if there is one.
 JMLObjectValuePair JMLObjectToValueRelationEnumerator.nextPair()
          Return the next pair in this, if there is one.
 Object JMLObjectToValueRelationImageEnumerator.nextElement()
          Return the next image pair in this, if there is one.
 JMLObjectValuePair JMLObjectToValueRelationImageEnumerator.nextImagePair()
          Return the next image pair in this, if there is one.
 Object JMLObjectToEqualsRelationEnumerator.nextElement()
          Return the next image pair in this, if there is one.
 JMLObjectEqualsPair JMLObjectToEqualsRelationEnumerator.nextPair()
          Return the next pair in this, if there is one.
 Object JMLObjectToObjectRelationEnumerator.nextElement()
          Return the next image pair in this, if there is one.
 JMLObjectObjectPair JMLObjectToObjectRelationEnumerator.nextPair()
          Return the next pair in this, if there is one.
 Object JMLEqualsToObjectRelationEnumerator.nextElement()
          Return the next image pair in this, if there is one.
 JMLEqualsObjectPair JMLEqualsToObjectRelationEnumerator.nextPair()
          Return the next pair in this, if there is one.
 Object JMLEqualsToObjectRelationImageEnumerator.nextElement()
          Return the next image pair in this, if there is one.
 JMLEqualsValuePair JMLEqualsToObjectRelationImageEnumerator.nextImagePair()
          Return the next image pair in this, if there is one.
 Object JMLEqualsToObjectMap.apply(Object dv)
          Return the range element corresponding to dv, if there is one.
 Object JMLEqualsBag.choose()
          Return an arbitrary element of this.
 Object JMLEqualsBagEnumerator.nextElement()
          Return the next element in this, if there is one.
 Object JMLValueToEqualsRelationImageEnumerator.nextElement()
          Return the next image pair in this, if there is one.
 JMLValueValuePair JMLValueToEqualsRelationImageEnumerator.nextImagePair()
          Return the next image pair in this, if there is one.
 Object JMLEqualsToEqualsRelationEnumerator.nextElement()
          Return the next image pair in this, if there is one.
 JMLEqualsEqualsPair JMLEqualsToEqualsRelationEnumerator.nextPair()
          Return the next pair in this, if there is one.
 Object JMLEqualsToEqualsRelationImageEnumerator.nextElement()
          Return the next image pair in this, if there is one.
 JMLEqualsValuePair JMLEqualsToEqualsRelationImageEnumerator.nextImagePair()
          Return the next image pair in this, if there is one.
 Object JMLEqualsToEqualsMap.apply(Object dv)
          Return the range element corresponding to dv, if there is one.
 Object JMLObjectSequenceEnumerator.nextElement()
          Return the next element in the sequence, counting up, if there is one.
 Object JMLValueToEqualsRelationEnumerator.nextElement()
          Return the next image pair in this, if there is one.
 JMLValueEqualsPair JMLValueToEqualsRelationEnumerator.nextPair()
          Return the next pair in this, if there is one.
          Return the next element in this, if there is one.


JML is Copyright (C) 1998-2002 by Iowa State University and is distributed under the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This release depends on code from the MultiJava project and is based in part on the Kopi project Copyright (C) 1990-99 DMS Decision Management Systems Ges.m.b.H.