Uses of Class

Packages that use JMLValueSet
org.jmlspecs.models This package is a collection of types with immutable objects; it also enumerators (which have mutable objects) for the types of the immutable collections in the package. 

Uses of JMLValueSet in org.jmlspecs.models

Fields in org.jmlspecs.models declared as JMLValueSet
static JMLValueSet JMLValueSet.EMPTY
          The empty JMLValueSet.
private  JMLValueSet[]
          Helper test data
protected  JMLValueSet JMLValueToValueRelation.domain_
          The set of elements in the domain of this relation.
protected  JMLValueSet JMLValueToValueRelation.imagePairSet_
          The set representing the image pairs in the relation.
protected  JMLValueSet JMLObjectToValueRelation.imagePairSet_
          The set representing the image pairs in the relation.
protected  JMLValueSet JMLEqualsToValueRelation.imagePairSet_
          The set representing the image pairs in the relation.
protected  JMLValueSet JMLValueToEqualsRelation.domain_
          The set of elements in the domain of this relation.
protected  JMLValueSet JMLValueToEqualsRelation.imagePairSet_
          The set representing the image pairs in the relation.
protected  JMLValueSet JMLObjectToEqualsRelation.imagePairSet_
          The set representing the image pairs in the relation.
protected  JMLValueSet JMLValueToObjectRelation.domain_
          The set of elements in the domain of this relation.
protected  JMLValueSet JMLValueToObjectRelation.imagePairSet_
          The set representing the image pairs in the relation.
protected  JMLValueSet JMLObjectToObjectRelation.imagePairSet_
          The set representing the image pairs in the relation.
protected  JMLValueSet JMLEqualsToObjectRelation.imagePairSet_
          The set representing the image pairs in the relation.
protected  JMLValueSet JMLEqualsToEqualsRelation.imagePairSet_
          The set representing the image pairs in the relation.

Methods in org.jmlspecs.models that return JMLValueSet
abstract  JMLValueSet JMLValueSetSpecs.insert(JMLType elem)
          Returns a new set that contains all the elements of this and also the given argument.
static JMLValueSet JMLValueSet.singleton(JMLType e)
          Return the singleton set containing the given element.
static JMLValueSet JMLValueSet.convertFrom(JMLType[] a)
          Return the set containing all the elements in the given array.
static JMLValueSet JMLValueSet.convertFrom(Collection c)
          Return the set containing all the value in the given collection.
static JMLValueSet JMLValueSet.convertFrom(JMLCollection c)
          Return the set containing all the value in the given JMLCollection.
 JMLValueSet JMLValueSet.insert(JMLType elem)
          Returns a new set that contains all the elements of this and also the given argument.
protected  JMLValueSet JMLValueSet.fast_insert(JMLType elem)
          Returns a new set that contains all the elements of this and also the given argument, assuming the argument is not in the set.
 JMLValueSet JMLValueSet.remove(JMLType elem)
          Returns a new set that contains all the elements of this except for the given argument.
 JMLValueSet JMLValueSet.intersection(JMLValueSet s2)
          Returns a new set that contains all the elements that are in both this and the given argument.
 JMLValueSet JMLValueSet.union(JMLValueSet s2)
          Returns a new set that contains all the elements that are in either this or the given argument.
 JMLValueSet JMLValueSet.difference(JMLValueSet s2)
          Returns a new set that contains all the elements that are in this but not in the given argument.
 JMLValueSet JMLValueSet.powerSet()
          Returns a new set that is the set of all subsets of this.
 JMLValueSet JMLValueSequence.toSet()
          Return a new JMLValueSet containing all the elements of this.
protected  JMLValueSet JMLValueToValueRelationEnumerator.abstractValue()
          Return the set of uniterated pairs from this enumerator.
protected  JMLValueSet JMLValueToValueRelationImageEnumerator.abstractValue()
          Return the set of uniterated pairs from this enumerator.
 JMLValueSet JMLValueToValueRelation.elementImage(JMLType dv)
          Returns a set containing all the range elements that this relation relates to the given domain element.
 JMLValueSet JMLValueToValueRelation.image(JMLValueSet dom)
          Returns a set containing all the range elements that this relation relates to the elements of the given set of domain elements.
 JMLValueSet JMLValueToValueRelation.inverseElementImage(JMLType rv)
          Return a set of all the domain elements that relate to the given range element.
 JMLValueSet JMLValueToValueRelation.inverseImage(JMLValueSet rng)
          Return a set of all the domain elements that relate to some element in the given set of range elements.
 JMLValueSet JMLValueToValueRelation.domain()
          Returns a set containing the domain of this relation.
 JMLValueSet JMLValueToValueRelation.range()
          Returns a set containing the range of this relation.
 JMLValueSet JMLValueToValueRelation.toSet()
          Return the set of all associations in this relation.
 JMLValueSet JMLValueToValueRelation.imagePairSet()
          Return the set of image set pairs that make up this relation.
 JMLValueSet JMLObjectToValueRelation.elementImage(Object dv)
          Returns a set containing all the range elements that this relation relates to the given domain element.
 JMLValueSet JMLObjectToValueRelation.image(JMLObjectSet dom)
          Returns a set containing all the range elements that this relation relates to the elements of the given set of domain elements.
 JMLValueSet JMLObjectToValueRelation.range()
          Returns a set containing the range of this relation.
 JMLValueSet JMLObjectToValueRelation.toSet()
          Return the set of all associations in this relation.
 JMLValueSet JMLObjectToValueRelation.imagePairSet()
          Return the set of image set pairs that make up this relation.
 JMLValueSet JMLValueBag.toSet()
          Return a new JMLValueSet containing all the elements of this.
 JMLValueSet JMLEqualsToValueRelation.elementImage(Object dv)
          Returns a set containing all the range elements that this relation relates to the given domain element.
 JMLValueSet JMLEqualsToValueRelation.image(JMLEqualsSet dom)
          Returns a set containing all the range elements that this relation relates to the elements of the given set of domain elements.
 JMLValueSet JMLEqualsToValueRelation.range()
          Returns a set containing the range of this relation.
 JMLValueSet JMLEqualsToValueRelation.toSet()
          Return the set of all associations in this relation.
 JMLValueSet JMLEqualsToValueRelation.imagePairSet()
          Return the set of image set pairs that make up this relation.
 JMLValueSet JMLValueToEqualsRelation.inverseElementImage(Object rv)
          Return a set of all the domain elements that relate to the given range element.
 JMLValueSet JMLValueToEqualsRelation.inverseImage(JMLEqualsSet rng)
          Return a set of all the domain elements that relate to some element in the given set of range elements.
 JMLValueSet JMLValueToEqualsRelation.domain()
          Returns a set containing the domain of this relation.
 JMLValueSet JMLValueToEqualsRelation.toSet()
          Return the set of all associations in this relation.
 JMLValueSet JMLValueToEqualsRelation.imagePairSet()
          Return the set of image set pairs that make up this relation.
 JMLValueSet JMLObjectToEqualsRelation.toSet()
          Return the set of all associations in this relation.
 JMLValueSet JMLObjectToEqualsRelation.imagePairSet()
          Return the set of image set pairs that make up this relation.
protected  JMLValueSet JMLEqualsToValueRelationEnumerator.abstractValue()
          Return the set of uniterated pairs from this enumerator.
protected  JMLValueSet JMLEqualsToValueRelationImageEnumerator.abstractValue()
          Return the set of uniterated pairs from this enumerator.
 JMLValueSet JMLValueToObjectRelation.inverseElementImage(Object rv)
          Return a set of all the domain elements that relate to the given range element.
 JMLValueSet JMLValueToObjectRelation.inverseImage(JMLObjectSet rng)
          Return a set of all the domain elements that relate to some element in the given set of range elements.
 JMLValueSet JMLValueToObjectRelation.domain()
          Returns a set containing the domain of this relation.
 JMLValueSet JMLValueToObjectRelation.toSet()
          Return the set of all associations in this relation.
 JMLValueSet JMLValueToObjectRelation.imagePairSet()
          Return the set of image set pairs that make up this relation.
 JMLValueSet JMLObjectToObjectRelation.toSet()
          Return the set of all associations in this relation.
 JMLValueSet JMLObjectToObjectRelation.imagePairSet()
          Return the set of image set pairs that make up this relation.
protected  JMLValueSet JMLValueToObjectRelationEnumerator.abstractValue()
          Return the set of uniterated pairs from this enumerator.
protected  JMLValueSet JMLValueToObjectRelationImageEnumerator.abstractValue()
          Return the set of uniterated pairs from this enumerator.
protected  JMLValueSet JMLObjectToObjectRelationImageEnumerator.abstractValue()
          Return the set of uniterated pairs from this enumerator.
protected  JMLValueSet JMLObjectToEqualsRelationImageEnumerator.abstractValue()
          Return the set of uniterated pairs from this enumerator.
protected  JMLValueSet JMLObjectToValueRelationEnumerator.abstractValue()
          Return the set of uniterated pairs from this enumerator.
protected  JMLValueSet JMLObjectToValueRelationImageEnumerator.abstractValue()
          Return the set of uniterated pairs from this enumerator.
protected  JMLValueSet JMLObjectToEqualsRelationEnumerator.abstractValue()
          Return the set of uniterated pairs from this enumerator.
protected  JMLValueSet JMLObjectToObjectRelationEnumerator.abstractValue()
          Return the set of uniterated pairs from this enumerator.
 JMLValueSet JMLEqualsToObjectRelation.toSet()
          Return the set of all associations in this relation.
 JMLValueSet JMLEqualsToObjectRelation.imagePairSet()
          Return the set of image set pairs that make up this relation.
protected  JMLValueSet JMLEqualsToObjectRelationEnumerator.abstractValue()
          Return the set of uniterated pairs from this enumerator.
protected  JMLValueSet JMLEqualsToObjectRelationImageEnumerator.abstractValue()
          Return the set of uniterated pairs from this enumerator.
protected  JMLValueSet JMLValueToEqualsRelationImageEnumerator.abstractValue()
          Return the set of uniterated pairs from this enumerator.
 JMLValueSet JMLEqualsToEqualsRelation.toSet()
          Return the set of all associations in this relation.
 JMLValueSet JMLEqualsToEqualsRelation.imagePairSet()
          Return the set of image set pairs that make up this relation.
protected  JMLValueSet JMLEqualsToEqualsRelationEnumerator.abstractValue()
          Return the set of uniterated pairs from this enumerator.
protected  JMLValueSet JMLEqualsToEqualsRelationImageEnumerator.abstractValue()
          Return the set of uniterated pairs from this enumerator.
static JMLValueSet JMLModelValueSet.JMLBytes()
          The set of all (actual and potential) JMLByte values.
static JMLValueSet JMLModelValueSet.JMLChars()
          The set of all (actual and potential) JMLChar values.
static JMLValueSet JMLModelValueSet.JMLShorts()
          The set of all (actual and potential) JMLShort values.
protected  JMLValueSet JMLValueToEqualsRelationEnumerator.abstractValue()
          Return the set of uniterated pairs from this enumerator.

Methods in org.jmlspecs.models with parameters of type JMLValueSet
 boolean JMLValueSet.isSubset(JMLValueSet s2)
          Tells whether this set is a subset of or equal to the argument.
 boolean JMLValueSet.isProperSubset(JMLValueSet s2)
          Tells whether this set is a subset of but not equal to the argument.
 boolean JMLValueSet.isSuperset(JMLValueSet s2)
          Tells whether this set is a superset of or equal to the argument.
 boolean JMLValueSet.isProperSuperset(JMLValueSet s2)
          Tells whether this set is a superset of but not equal to the argument.
 JMLValueSet JMLValueSet.intersection(JMLValueSet s2)
          Returns a new set that contains all the elements that are in both this and the given argument.
 JMLValueSet JMLValueSet.union(JMLValueSet s2)
          Returns a new set that contains all the elements that are in either this or the given argument.
 JMLValueSet JMLValueSet.difference(JMLValueSet s2)
          Returns a new set that contains all the elements that are in this but not in the given argument.
 JMLValueSet JMLValueToValueRelation.image(JMLValueSet dom)
          Returns a set containing all the range elements that this relation relates to the elements of the given set of domain elements.
 JMLValueSet JMLValueToValueRelation.inverseImage(JMLValueSet rng)
          Return a set of all the domain elements that relate to some element in the given set of range elements.
 JMLValueToValueRelation JMLValueToValueRelation.restrictDomainTo(JMLValueSet dom)
          Return a relation that is like this relation except that its domain is limited to just the elements of the given set.
 JMLValueToValueRelation JMLValueToValueRelation.restrictRangeTo(JMLValueSet rng)
          Return a relation that is like this relation except that its range is limited to just the elements of the given set.
 JMLObjectSet JMLObjectToValueRelation.inverseImage(JMLValueSet rng)
          Return a set of all the domain elements that relate to some element in the given set of range elements.
 JMLObjectToValueRelation JMLObjectToValueRelation.restrictRangeTo(JMLValueSet rng)
          Return a relation that is like this relation except that its range is limited to just the elements of the given set.
 JMLValueToValueMap JMLValueToValueMap.restrictedTo(JMLValueSet dom)
          Return a new map that only maps elements in the given domain to the corresponding range elements in this map.
 JMLValueToValueMap JMLValueToValueMap.rangeRestrictedTo(JMLValueSet rng)
          Return a new map that is like this map but only contains associations that map to range elements in the given set.
 JMLEqualsSet JMLEqualsToValueRelation.inverseImage(JMLValueSet rng)
          Return a set of all the domain elements that relate to some element in the given set of range elements.
 JMLEqualsToValueRelation JMLEqualsToValueRelation.restrictRangeTo(JMLValueSet rng)
          Return a relation that is like this relation except that its range is limited to just the elements of the given set.
 JMLEqualsSet JMLValueToEqualsRelation.image(JMLValueSet dom)
          Returns a set containing all the range elements that this relation relates to the elements of the given set of domain elements.
 JMLValueToEqualsRelation JMLValueToEqualsRelation.restrictDomainTo(JMLValueSet dom)
          Return a relation that is like this relation except that its domain is limited to just the elements of the given set.
 JMLEqualsToValueMap JMLEqualsToValueMap.rangeRestrictedTo(JMLValueSet rng)
          Return a new map that is like this map but only contains associations that map to range elements in the given set.
 JMLValueToEqualsMap JMLValueToEqualsMap.restrictedTo(JMLValueSet dom)
          Return a new map that only maps elements in the given domain to the corresponding range elements in this map.
 JMLObjectSet JMLValueToObjectRelation.image(JMLValueSet dom)
          Returns a set containing all the range elements that this relation relates to the elements of the given set of domain elements.
 JMLValueToObjectRelation JMLValueToObjectRelation.restrictDomainTo(JMLValueSet dom)
          Return a relation that is like this relation except that its domain is limited to just the elements of the given set.
 JMLValueToObjectMap JMLValueToObjectMap.restrictedTo(JMLValueSet dom)
          Return a new map that only maps elements in the given domain to the corresponding range elements in this map.
 JMLObjectToValueMap JMLObjectToValueMap.rangeRestrictedTo(JMLValueSet rng)
          Return a new map that is like this map but only contains associations that map to range elements in the given set.

Constructors in org.jmlspecs.models with parameters of type JMLValueSet
JMLValueSetEnumerator(JMLValueSet s)
          Initialize this with the given set.
JMLValueToValueRelation(JMLValueSet ipset, JMLValueSet dom, int sz)
          Initialize this using the given representation.
JMLObjectToValueRelation(JMLValueSet ipset, JMLObjectSet dom, int sz)
          Initialize this using the given representation.
JMLValueToValueMap(JMLValueSet ipset, JMLValueSet dom, int sz)
          Initialize this map based on the representation values given.
JMLEqualsToValueRelation(JMLValueSet ipset, JMLEqualsSet dom, int sz)
          Initialize this using the given representation.
JMLValueToEqualsRelation(JMLValueSet ipset, JMLValueSet dom, int sz)
          Initialize this using the given representation.
JMLObjectToEqualsRelation(JMLValueSet ipset, JMLObjectSet dom, int sz)
          Initialize this using the given representation.
JMLEqualsToValueMap(JMLValueSet ipset, JMLEqualsSet dom, int sz)
          Initialize this map based on the representation values given.
JMLObjectToEqualsMap(JMLValueSet ipset, JMLObjectSet dom, int sz)
          Initialize this map based on the representation values given.
JMLValueToEqualsMap(JMLValueSet ipset, JMLValueSet dom, int sz)
          Initialize this map based on the representation values given.
JMLValueToObjectRelation(JMLValueSet ipset, JMLValueSet dom, int sz)
          Initialize this using the given representation.
JMLValueToObjectMap(JMLValueSet ipset, JMLValueSet dom, int sz)
          Initialize this map based on the representation values given.
JMLObjectToObjectRelation(JMLValueSet ipset, JMLObjectSet dom, int sz)
          Initialize this using the given representation.
JMLObjectToObjectMap(JMLValueSet ipset, JMLObjectSet dom, int sz)
          Initialize this map based on the representation values given.
JMLObjectToValueMap(JMLValueSet ipset, JMLObjectSet dom, int sz)
          Initialize this map based on the representation values given.
JMLEqualsToObjectRelation(JMLValueSet ipset, JMLEqualsSet dom, int sz)
          Initialize this using the given representation.
JMLEqualsToObjectMap(JMLValueSet ipset, JMLEqualsSet dom, int sz)
          Initialize this map based on the representation values given.
JMLEqualsToEqualsRelation(JMLValueSet ipset, JMLEqualsSet dom, int sz)
          Initialize this using the given representation.
JMLEqualsToEqualsMap(JMLValueSet ipset, JMLEqualsSet dom, int sz)
          Initialize this map based on the representation values given.


JML is Copyright (C) 1998-2002 by Iowa State University and is distributed under the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This release depends on code from the MultiJava project and is based in part on the Kopi project Copyright (C) 1990-99 DMS Decision Management Systems Ges.m.b.H.