Uses of Interface

Packages that use Serializable
java.awt.event JML Specifications for the corresponding types in the Java Developement Kit (JDK). 
java.lang JML Specifications for the corresponding types in the Java Developement Kit (JDK). 
java.lang.reflect JML Specifications for the corresponding types in the Java Developement Kit (JDK). 
java.math JML Specifications for the corresponding types in the Java Developement Kit (JDK). JML Specifications for the corresponding types in the Java Developement Kit (JDK). JML Specifications for the corresponding types in the Java Developement Kit (JDK).   
java.sql JML Specifications for the corresponding types in the Java Developement Kit (JDK). 
java.util JML Specifications for the corresponding types in the Java Developement Kit (JDK). 
java.util.regex JML Specifications for the corresponding types in the Java Developement Kit (JDK). 
org.jmlspecs.checker Contains the source code for a parser and typechecker for JML annotations and java code. 
org.jmlspecs.jmlrac Generates Java classes from JML specifications that check assertions at runtime. 
org.jmlspecs.jmlrac.qexpr Translates JML quantified expressions into Java source code to evaluate them at runtime. 
org.jmlspecs.jmlrac.runtime Classes for use during runtime assertion checking for code compiled with JML's runtime assertion checking compiler (jmlc). 
org.jmlspecs.jmlspec A tool that can generate or compare specification skeletons from Java source or class files. 
org.jmlspecs.jmlunit Generates JUnit test classes from JML specifications. 
org.jmlspecs.jmlunit.strategies The types in this package are used in providing test data for JML/JUnit testing. 
org.jmlspecs.models This package is a collection of types with immutable objects; it also enumerators (which have mutable objects) for the types of the immutable collections in the package. 
org.jmlspecs.models.resolve This package is a collection of types with immutable objects based on the RESOLVE specification language's mathematical models. 
org.jmlspecs.samples.digraph This package contains samples of JML specifications for directed graphs. 
org.jmlspecs.samples.dirobserver This package contains samples of JML specifications that illustrate issues in component-based programming relating to callbacks and JML's model program feature. 
org.jmlspecs.samples.jmlkluwer This package contains samples of JML specifications from the paper "JML: a Notation for Detailed Design". 
org.jmlspecs.samples.prelimdesign This package contains samples of JML specifications from the paper Preliminary Design of JML
org.jmlspecs.samples.stacks This package contains samples of JML specifications relating to stacks of various sorts. 
org.jmlspecs.samples.table This package contains samples of JML specifications relating to tables. 
org.multijava.launcher The launcher allows the user to access all of the tools in MJ. 
org.multijava.mjc Implements mjc, a MultiJava compiler. 
org.multijava.mjdoc.mjdoc_142 The mjdoc tool documents java programs that contain MultiJava (MJ) extensions to the Java progamming language; it produces html pages very similar to those produced by the javadoc tool. 
org.multijava.util.classfile Provides an editor for classfiles used by MultiJava and the Java Modeling Language
org.multijava.util.compiler Provides utilities and superclasses for the compilers in MultiJava and the Java Modeling Language
org.multijava.util.guigen Implements the automatic generation of all of the GUIs for MultiJava and the Java Modeling Language
org.multijava.util.lexgen Provides a lexer for the compilers of MultiJava and the Java Modeling Language
org.multijava.util.msggen Implements the automatic generation of the data structure for all of the compiler messages in MultiJava and the Java Modeling Language
org.multijava.util.optgen Implements the automatic generation of the data structure for all of the command line options in MultiJava and the Java Modeling Language

Uses of Serializable in java.awt

Classes in java.awt that implement Serializable
 class AWTEvent
 class Component
 class Container
 class Frame
 class Window

Uses of Serializable in java.awt.color

Classes in java.awt.color that implement Serializable
 class ColorSpace

Uses of Serializable in java.awt.event

Classes in java.awt.event that implement Serializable
 class ActionEvent
 class ComponentEvent
 class ItemEvent
 class WindowEvent

Uses of Serializable in

Classes in that implement Serializable
 class File
          JML's specification of
 class IOException
 class UnsupportedEncodingException

Uses of Serializable in java.lang

Classes in java.lang that implement Serializable
 class ArithmeticException
 class ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
 class Boolean
          JML's specification of java.lang.Boolean.
 class Byte
          JML's specification of java.lang.Byte.
 class Character
          JML's specification of java.lang.Character.
 class Class
          JML's specification of java.lang.Class
 class ClassCastException
 class ClassNotFoundException
 class CloneNotSupportedException
 class Double
          JML's specification of java.lang.Double.
 class Error
          JML's specification of java.lang.Error
 class Exception
 class Float
          JML's specification of java.lang.Float.
 class IllegalAccessException
 class IllegalArgumentException
 class IllegalStateException
 class IndexOutOfBoundsException
 class InstantiationException
 class Integer
          JML's specification of java.lang.Integer.
 class InternalError
          JML's specification of java.lang.InternalError
 class InterruptedException
 class Long
          JML's specification of java.lang.Long.
 class NegativeArraySizeException
 class NoSuchFieldException
 class NoSuchMethodException
 class NullPointerException
 class Number
          JML's specification of java.lang.Number.
 class NumberFormatException
 class OutOfMemoryError
 class RuntimeException
 class SecurityException
 class Short
          JML's specification of java.lang.Short.
 class StackTraceElement
          JML's specification of StackTraceElement.
 class String
          JML's specification of java.lang.String.
 class StringBuffer
          JML's specification of StringBuffer.
 class StringIndexOutOfBoundsException
 class Throwable
 class UnsupportedOperationException
 class VirtualMachineError
          JML's specification of java.lang.VirtualMachineError

Uses of Serializable in java.lang.reflect

Classes in java.lang.reflect that implement Serializable
 class InvocationTargetException

Uses of Serializable in java.math

Classes in java.math that implement Serializable
 class BigDecimal
 class BigInteger
          JML's specification of java.math.BigInteger.

Uses of Serializable in

Classes in that implement Serializable
 class InetAddress
 class MalformedURLException
 class URI
          JML's specification of
 class URISyntaxException
 class URL
          JML's specification of

Uses of Serializable in

Subinterfaces of Serializable in
 interface Key
          JML's specification of Key.
 interface PrivateKey
 interface PublicKey

Classes in that implement Serializable
 class GeneralSecurityException
 class InvalidAlgorithmParameterException
 class InvalidKeyException
 class InvalidParameterException
 class KeyException
 class KeyPair
          JML's specification of KeyPair.
 class NoSuchAlgorithmException
 class NoSuchProviderException
 class Permission
 class Provider
 class SecureRandom
 class SignatureException

Uses of Serializable in

Subinterfaces of Serializable in
 interface RSAPrivateKey

Uses of Serializable in java.sql

Classes in java.sql that implement Serializable
 class SQLException
 class SQLWarning
 class Time
          JML specification for Time.
 class Timestamp

Uses of Serializable in java.util

Classes in java.util that implement Serializable
 class ArrayList
          JML's specification of ArrayList.
 class BitSet
          JML's specification of the java.util.BitSet.
 class Calendar
          JML's specification of java.util.Calendar.
 class Date
          JML's specification of java.util.Date.
 class EventObject
 class GregorianCalendar
          JML's specification of java.util.Calendar.
 class HashMap
          JML's specification of java.util.HashMap.
 class HashSet
          JML's specification of java.util.HashSet.
 class Hashtable
          JML's specification of java.util.Hashtable.
 class LinkedHashSet
 class LinkedList
          JML's specification of java.util.LinkedList.
 class Locale
 class MissingResourceException
 class NoSuchElementException
 class Properties
 class Random
 class Stack
          JML's specification of Stack.
 class TimeZone
 class TreeMap
          JML's specification of java.util.TreeMap.
 class TreeSet
          JML's specification of java.util.TreeSet.
 class Vector
          JML's specification of java.util.Vector.

Uses of Serializable in java.util.regex

Classes in java.util.regex that implement Serializable
 class Pattern

Uses of Serializable in javax.crypto

Subinterfaces of Serializable in javax.crypto
 interface SecretKey

Classes in javax.crypto that implement Serializable
 class BadPaddingException
 class IllegalBlockSizeException
 class NoSuchPaddingException
 class ShortBufferException

Uses of Serializable in javax.servlet

Classes in javax.servlet that implement Serializable
 class GenericServlet
 class ServletContextAttributeEvent
          JML's specification of ServletContextAttributeEvent
 class ServletContextEvent
          JML's specification of ServletContextEvent
 class ServletException
          JML's specification of ServletException
 class ServletRequestAttributeEvent
          JML's specification of ServletRequestAttributeEvent
 class ServletRequestEvent
          JML's specification of ServletRequestEvent
 class UnavailableException
          JML's specification of UnavailableException

Uses of Serializable in javax.servlet.http

Classes in javax.servlet.http that implement Serializable
 class HttpServlet
 class HttpSessionBindingEvent
          JML's specification of HttpSessionBindingEvent.
 class HttpSessionEvent
          JML's specification of HttpSessionEvent.

Uses of Serializable in javax.swing

Classes in javax.swing that implement Serializable
 class JComponent
 class JFrame
 class JPanel

Uses of Serializable in javax.xml.parsers

Classes in javax.xml.parsers that implement Serializable
 class FactoryConfigurationError
 class ParserConfigurationException

Uses of Serializable in org.jmlspecs.checker

Classes in org.jmlspecs.checker that implement Serializable
protected  class JmlAdmissibilityVisitor.NotAdmissibleException
          An Exception which is thrown when some was found not to be admissible.
 class JmlGUI
          This class is automatically generated from JmlGUI.gui and contains member fields corresponding to tool-specific GUI specifications.

Uses of Serializable in org.jmlspecs.jmldoc.jmldoc_142

Classes in org.jmlspecs.jmldoc.jmldoc_142 that implement Serializable
 class JmldocGUI
          This class is automatically generated from JmldocGUI.gui and contains member fields corresponding to tool-specific GUI specifications.

Uses of Serializable in org.jmlspecs.jmlrac

Classes in org.jmlspecs.jmlrac that implement Serializable
 class NonExecutableExpressionException
          This is exception is used to report non-executable expressions when encountered during the visit of the tree.
 class NotImplementedExpressionException
          This is exception is used to report not implemented expressions when encountered during the visit of the tree.
 class NotSupportedExpressionException
          This is exception is used to report not supported expressions when encountered during the visit of the tree.
 class PositionnedExpressionException
          This is exception is used to report expressions evaluation issues encountered during the visit of the tree.
 class RacGUI
          This class is automatically generated from RacGUI.gui and contains member fields corresponding to tool-specific GUI specifications.

Uses of Serializable in org.jmlspecs.jmlrac.qexpr

Classes in org.jmlspecs.jmlrac.qexpr that implement Serializable
 class NonExecutableQuantifierException
          Thrown to indicate that an attempt has been made to translate a JML quantified expression that is not executable.

Uses of Serializable in org.jmlspecs.jmlrac.runtime

Classes in org.jmlspecs.jmlrac.runtime that implement Serializable
 class JMLAssertError
          A JML error class to report violations of JML assert specification statements.
 class JMLAssertionError
          An abstract error class to notify all kinds of runtime assertion violations.
 class JMLAssumeError
          A JML error class to report violations of JML assume specification statements.
 class JMLDebugError
          A JML error class to report an error in the JML debug statement.
 class JMLEntryPreconditionError
          A JML error class to notify entry precondition violations.
 class JMLEvaluationError
 class JMLExceptionalPostconditionError
          A JML error class to notify exceptional postcondition violations.
 class JMLExitExceptionalPostconditionError
          A JML error class to notify exit exceptional postcondition violations.
 class JMLExitNormalPostconditionError
          A JML error class to notify exit normal postcondition violations.
 class JMLHenceByError
          A JML error class to report violations of hence_by specification statements.
 class JMLHistoryConstraintError
          A JML error class to notify history constraint violations.
 class JMLInternalExceptionalPostconditionError
          A JML error class to notify internal exceptional postcondition violations.
 class JMLInternalNormalPostconditionError
          A JML error class to notify internal normal postcondition violations.
 class JMLInternalPreconditionError
          A JML error class to notify internal precondition violations.
 class JMLIntraconditionError
          A JML exception class to signal intracondition violations.
 class JMLInvariantError
          A JML error class to notify invariant violations.
 class JMLLoopInvariantError
          A JML error class to report loop invariant violations.
 class JMLLoopVariantError
          A JML error class to report loop variant violations.
 class JMLNonExecutableException
          Thrown by generated runtime assertion check code to indicate that an attempt has been made to execute a JML expression that is not executable.
 class JMLNormalPostconditionError
          A JML error class to notify normal postcondition violations.
 class JMLPostconditionError
          A JML error class to notify postcondition violations.
 class JMLPreconditionError
          A JML exception class for notifying precondition violations.
 class JMLUnreachableError
          A JML error class to report violations of unreachable specification statements.

Uses of Serializable in org.jmlspecs.jmlspec

Classes in org.jmlspecs.jmlspec that implement Serializable
 class JspGUI
          This class is automatically generated from JspGUI.gui and contains member fields corresponding to tool-specific GUI specifications.

Uses of Serializable in org.jmlspecs.jmlunit

Classes in org.jmlspecs.jmlunit that implement Serializable
 class JntGUI
          This class is automatically generated from JntGUI.gui and contains member fields corresponding to tool-specific GUI specifications.

Uses of Serializable in org.jmlspecs.jmlunit.strategies

Classes in org.jmlspecs.jmlunit.strategies that implement Serializable
 class TestSuiteFullException
          This exception is ued to tell a test driver that we have enough tests.

Uses of Serializable in org.jmlspecs.models

Subinterfaces of Serializable in org.jmlspecs.models
 interface JMLCollection
          Common protocol of the JML model collection types.
 interface JMLComparable
          JMLTypes with an compareTo operation, as in Comparable.
 interface JMLEnumeration
          A combination of JMLType and java.util.Enumeration.
 interface JMLInfiniteInteger
          Infinite precision integers with an plus and minus infinity.
 interface JMLIterator
          A combination of JMLType and java.util.Iterator.
 interface JMLObjectType
          Objects that are containers of object references.
 interface JMLType
          Objects with a clone and equals method.
 interface JMLValueType
          Objects that contain values.

Classes in org.jmlspecs.models that implement Serializable
 class JMLByte
          A reflection of Byte that implements JMLType.
 class JMLChar
          A reflection of Character that implements JMLType.
 class JMLDouble
          A reflection of Double that implements JMLType.
 class JMLEnumerationToIterator
          A wrapper that makes any JMLEnumeration into a JMLIterator that does not support the remove operation.
 class JMLEqualsBag
          Bags (i.e., multisets) of objects.
(package private)  class JMLEqualsBagEntry
          Internal class used in the implementation of JMLEqualsBag.
(package private)  class JMLEqualsBagEntryNode
          Internal class used in the implementation of JMLEqualsBag.
 class JMLEqualsBagEnumerator
          Enumerators for bags (i.e., multisets) of objects.
 class JMLEqualsEqualsPair
          Pairs of Object and Object, used in the types JMLEqualsToEqualsRelation and JMLEqualsToEqualsMap.
 class JMLEqualsObjectPair
          Pairs of Object and Object, used in the types JMLEqualsToObjectRelation and JMLEqualsToObjectMap.
 class JMLEqualsSequence
          Sequences of objects.
 class JMLEqualsSequenceEnumerator
          An enumerator for sequences of objects.
 class JMLEqualsSet
          Sets of objects.
 class JMLEqualsSetEnumerator
          An enumerator for sets of objects.
 class JMLEqualsToEqualsMap
          Maps (i.e., binary relations that are functional) from non-null elements of Object to non-null elements of Object.
 class JMLEqualsToEqualsRelation
          Binary relations (or set-valued functions) from non-null elements of Object to non-null elements of Object.
 class JMLEqualsToEqualsRelationEnumerator
          Enumerator for pairs of keys of type Object to values of type Object that form the associations in a relation.
 class JMLEqualsToEqualsRelationImageEnumerator
          Enumerator for pairs of keys and their relational images.
 class JMLEqualsToObjectMap
          Maps (i.e., binary relations that are functional) from non-null elements of Object to non-null elements of Object.
 class JMLEqualsToObjectRelation
          Binary relations (or set-valued functions) from non-null elements of Object to non-null elements of Object.
 class JMLEqualsToObjectRelationEnumerator
          Enumerator for pairs of keys of type Object to values of type Object that form the associations in a relation.
 class JMLEqualsToObjectRelationImageEnumerator
          Enumerator for pairs of keys and their relational images.
 class JMLEqualsToValueMap
          Maps (i.e., binary relations that are functional) from non-null elements of Object to non-null elements of JMLType.
 class JMLEqualsToValueRelation
          Binary relations (or set-valued functions) from non-null elements of Object to non-null elements of JMLType.
 class JMLEqualsToValueRelationEnumerator
          Enumerator for pairs of keys of type Object to values of type JMLType that form the associations in a relation.
 class JMLEqualsToValueRelationImageEnumerator
          Enumerator for pairs of keys and their relational images.
 class JMLEqualsValuePair
          Pairs of Object and JMLType, used in the types JMLEqualsToValueRelation and JMLEqualsToValueMap.
 class JMLFiniteInteger
          Arbitrary precision integers with a finite value.
 class JMLFloat
          A reflection of Float that implements JMLType.
 class JMLInfiniteIntegerClass
          Class with common code to implement JMLInfiniteInteger.
 class JMLInteger
          A reflection of Integer that implements JMLType.
(package private)  class JMLListEqualsNode
          An implementation class used in various models.
 class JMLListException
          Exceptions from JML List types.
(package private)  class JMLListObjectNode
          An implementation class used in various models.
(package private)  class JMLListValueNode
          An implementation class used in various models.
 class JMLLong
          A reflection of Long that implements JMLType.
 class JMLMapException
          Exceptions from JML Map types that indicate that the argument was illegal for this operation.
 class JMLNegativeInfinity
          Negative Infinity.
 class JMLNoSuchElementException
          Missing element exception used by various JML collection types and enumerators.
 class JMLObjectBag
          Bags (i.e., multisets) of objects.
(package private)  class JMLObjectBagEntry
          Internal class used in the implementation of JMLObjectBag.
(package private)  class JMLObjectBagEntryNode
          Internal class used in the implementation of JMLObjectBag.
 class JMLObjectBagEnumerator
          Enumerators for bags (i.e., multisets) of objects.
 class JMLObjectEqualsPair
          Pairs of Object and Object, used in the types JMLObjectToEqualsRelation and JMLObjectToEqualsMap.
 class JMLObjectObjectPair
          Pairs of Object and Object, used in the types JMLObjectToObjectRelation and JMLObjectToObjectMap.
 class JMLObjectSequence
          Sequences of objects.
 class JMLObjectSequenceEnumerator
          An enumerator for sequences of objects.
 class JMLObjectSet
          Sets of objects.
 class JMLObjectSetEnumerator
          An enumerator for sets of objects.
 class JMLObjectToEqualsMap
          Maps (i.e., binary relations that are functional) from non-null elements of Object to non-null elements of Object.
 class JMLObjectToEqualsRelation
          Binary relations (or set-valued functions) from non-null elements of Object to non-null elements of Object.
 class JMLObjectToEqualsRelationEnumerator
          Enumerator for pairs of keys of type Object to values of type Object that form the associations in a relation.
 class JMLObjectToEqualsRelationImageEnumerator
          Enumerator for pairs of keys and their relational images.
 class JMLObjectToObjectMap
          Maps (i.e., binary relations that are functional) from non-null elements of Object to non-null elements of Object.
 class JMLObjectToObjectRelation
          Binary relations (or set-valued functions) from non-null elements of Object to non-null elements of Object.
 class JMLObjectToObjectRelationEnumerator
          Enumerator for pairs of keys of type Object to values of type Object that form the associations in a relation.
 class JMLObjectToObjectRelationImageEnumerator
          Enumerator for pairs of keys and their relational images.
 class JMLObjectToValueMap
          Maps (i.e., binary relations that are functional) from non-null elements of Object to non-null elements of JMLType.
 class JMLObjectToValueRelation
          Binary relations (or set-valued functions) from non-null elements of Object to non-null elements of JMLType.
 class JMLObjectToValueRelationEnumerator
          Enumerator for pairs of keys of type Object to values of type JMLType that form the associations in a relation.
 class JMLObjectToValueRelationImageEnumerator
          Enumerator for pairs of keys and their relational images.
 class JMLObjectValuePair
          Pairs of Object and JMLType, used in the types JMLObjectToValueRelation and JMLObjectToValueMap.
 class JMLPositiveInfinity
          Positive Infinity.
 class JMLSequenceException
          Index out of bounds exceptions from JML Sequence types.
 class JMLShort
          A reflection of Short that implements JMLType.
 class JMLString
          A reflection of String that implements JMLType.
 class JMLTypeException
          An exception class used in bad formatting exceptions.
 class JMLValueBag
          Bags (i.e., multisets) of values.
(package private)  class JMLValueBagEntry
          Internal class used in the implementation of JMLValueBag.
(package private)  class JMLValueBagEntryNode
          Internal class used in the implementation of JMLValueBag.
 class JMLValueBagEnumerator
          Enumerators for bags (i.e., multisets) of values.
 class JMLValueBagSpecs
          Special behavior for JMLValueBag not shared by JMLObjectBag.
 class JMLValueEqualsPair
          Pairs of JMLType and Object, used in the types JMLValueToEqualsRelation and JMLValueToEqualsMap.
 class JMLValueObjectPair
          Pairs of JMLType and Object, used in the types JMLValueToObjectRelation and JMLValueToObjectMap.
 class JMLValueSequence
          Sequences of values.
 class JMLValueSequenceEnumerator
          An enumerator for sequences of values.
 class JMLValueSequenceSpecs
          Specical behavior for JMLValueSequence not shared by JMLObjectSequence.
 class JMLValueSet
          Sets of values.
 class JMLValueSetEnumerator
          An enumerator for sets of values.
 class JMLValueSetSpecs
          Special behavior for JMLValueSet not shared by JMLObjectSet.
 class JMLValueToEqualsMap
          Maps (i.e., binary relations that are functional) from non-null elements of JMLType to non-null elements of Object.
 class JMLValueToEqualsRelation
          Binary relations (or set-valued functions) from non-null elements of JMLType to non-null elements of Object.
 class JMLValueToEqualsRelationEnumerator
          Enumerator for pairs of keys of type JMLType to values of type Object that form the associations in a relation.
 class JMLValueToEqualsRelationImageEnumerator
          Enumerator for pairs of keys and their relational images.
 class JMLValueToObjectMap
          Maps (i.e., binary relations that are functional) from non-null elements of JMLType to non-null elements of Object.
 class JMLValueToObjectRelation
          Binary relations (or set-valued functions) from non-null elements of JMLType to non-null elements of Object.
 class JMLValueToObjectRelationEnumerator
          Enumerator for pairs of keys of type JMLType to values of type Object that form the associations in a relation.
 class JMLValueToObjectRelationImageEnumerator
          Enumerator for pairs of keys and their relational images.
 class JMLValueToValueMap
          Maps (i.e., binary relations that are functional) from non-null elements of JMLType to non-null elements of JMLType.
 class JMLValueToValueRelation
          Binary relations (or set-valued functions) from non-null elements of JMLType to non-null elements of JMLType.
 class JMLValueToValueRelationEnumerator
          Enumerator for pairs of keys of type JMLType to values of type JMLType that form the associations in a relation.
 class JMLValueToValueRelationImageEnumerator
          Enumerator for pairs of keys and their relational images.
 class JMLValueValuePair
          Pairs of JMLType and JMLType, used in the types JMLValueToValueRelation and JMLValueToValueMap.

Uses of Serializable in org.jmlspecs.models.resolve

Classes in org.jmlspecs.models.resolve that implement Serializable
 class NaturalNumber
          The natural numbers.
 class StringOfObject
          Sequences of non-null object identities.
 class UndefinedException
          Exception used to indicate that a comparison is undefined.

Uses of Serializable in org.jmlspecs.racwrap.runner

Classes in org.jmlspecs.racwrap.runner that implement Serializable
 class TreeViewer
          TreeViewer is a swing-based component to view and control checking of classes.

Uses of Serializable in org.jmlspecs.samples.digraph

Subinterfaces of Serializable in org.jmlspecs.samples.digraph
 interface NodeType

Classes in org.jmlspecs.samples.digraph that implement Serializable
 class ArcType
 class SearchableNode
          Nodes for searchable graphs.
 class TransposableNode
          Nodes for transposable directed graphs.
 class ValueNode
          Nodes with values

Uses of Serializable in org.jmlspecs.samples.dirobserver

Subinterfaces of Serializable in org.jmlspecs.samples.dirobserver
 interface Directory
          Directories that can be both read and written.
 interface DirObserverKeeper
          An object that keeps directory observers (i.e., a subject).
 interface RODirectory
          Read-only directories.

Uses of Serializable in org.jmlspecs.samples.jmlkluwer

Classes in org.jmlspecs.samples.jmlkluwer that implement Serializable
 class PQException
 class QueueEntry

Uses of Serializable in org.jmlspecs.samples.prelimdesign

Subinterfaces of Serializable in org.jmlspecs.samples.prelimdesign
 interface Money
 interface MoneyComparable
 interface MoneyOps

Classes in org.jmlspecs.samples.prelimdesign that implement Serializable
 class MoneyAC
 class MoneyComparableAC
 class USMoney

Uses of Serializable in org.jmlspecs.samples.stacks

Classes in org.jmlspecs.samples.stacks that implement Serializable
 class BoundedStackException

Uses of Serializable in org.jmlspecs.samples.table

Subinterfaces of Serializable in org.jmlspecs.samples.table
 interface Entry
          Table entries, which are pairs of an index and a value.

Classes in org.jmlspecs.samples.table that implement Serializable
 class EntryImplementation
          Entries for Tables that map an index to a value.

Uses of Serializable in org.multijava.launcher

Classes in org.multijava.launcher that implement Serializable
 class CompactLauncher
          The implementation for a launcher that only provides a list of buttons for access to the tools.
protected static class CompactLauncher.ImagePanel
          Creates the panel that draws the logo
 class FullLauncher
          The implementation for a launcher that provides access to the tools as well as keeping track of common preferences and lists of files between tools.
 class ImpLauncher
          The superclass for all of the different implementations of the launchers for the tools.

Uses of Serializable in org.multijava.mjc

Classes in org.multijava.mjc that implement Serializable
(package private) static class CAugmentationMap.ContextMap
 class CBlockError
          This class represents block errors in the error hierarchy.
 class CExpressionError
          This class represents Expression errors in error hierarchy
static class CGFCollectionMap.SetMap
 class CLineError
          This class represents Line errors in error hierarchy.
 class CMethodNotFoundError
          This error display all parameters of method call
(package private)  class JTypeDeclaration.DispatcherClassList
(package private)  class JTypeDeclaration.MethodList
(package private)  class JTypeDeclaration.PleomorphSet
 class MjcGUI
          This class is automatically generated from MjcGUI.gui and contains member fields corresponding to tool-specific GUI specifications.
static class ParsingController.ConfigurationException
          This inner class represents exceptions that can be thrown because of misconfiguration of the parsing controller.
static class ParsingController.KeyException
          This inner class represents exceptions that can be thrown because of bad key values passed as arguments to the outer classes methods.

Uses of Serializable in org.multijava.mjdoc.mjdoc_142

Classes in org.multijava.mjdoc.mjdoc_142 that implement Serializable
 class MjdocGUI
          This class is automatically generated from MjdocGUI.gui and contains member fields corresponding to tool-specific GUI specifications.

Uses of Serializable in org.multijava.relaxed.runtime

Classes in org.multijava.relaxed.runtime that implement Serializable
protected static class RMJClassLoader.EmptyTupleSet
 class RMJRuntimeException
static class RMJSignature.ArgumentOverrides
static class RMJSignature.EqualSignatures
private static class RMJSignature.HasIntersection
static class RMJSignature.IncomparableSignatures
static class RMJSignature.OverridesArgument

Uses of Serializable in org.multijava.relaxed.util

Classes in org.multijava.relaxed.util that implement Serializable
private static class RMJAnnotation.ParseError

Uses of Serializable in org.multijava.util

Classes in org.multijava.util that implement Serializable
 class Destination
          This class represents the destination of the output of one of the tools included in the project.
 class FormattedException
          This class defines exceptions formatted using message descriptions.
 class InconsistencyException
          An InconsistencyException indicates that an inconsistent internal state has been discovered, usually due to incorrect program logic.

Uses of Serializable in org.multijava.util.classfile

Classes in org.multijava.util.classfile that implement Serializable
 class BadAccessorException
          This exception is to report unresolvable instruction accessors.
 class ClassFileFormatException
          Error thrown on problems encountered.
 class ClassFileReadException
          This exception is used to communicate a problem reading a classfile to client packages.

Uses of Serializable in org.multijava.util.compiler

Classes in org.multijava.util.compiler that implement Serializable
 class CompilationAbortedError
          This class is thrown when an error occurs during compilation that from which the compilation process cannot or should not recover.
 class CompilationAbortedException
          This exception is used to abort out of compilation tasks, but to still report errors satisfactorily, and perhaps to continue on.
 class CWarning
          This class represents warnings in the compiler error hierarchy
 class PositionedError
          This class is the root class for all compiler errors with a reference to the source text.
 class UnpositionedError
          This class is the root class for all compiler errors without a reference to the source text.

Uses of Serializable in org.multijava.util.gui

Classes in org.multijava.util.gui that implement Serializable
 class org.multijava.util.gui.GUI
          A graphical user interface for running Mjc.
 class org.multijava.util.gui.GUIFrame
          Superclass that defines all of the GUI windows

Uses of Serializable in org.multijava.util.guigen

Classes in org.multijava.util.guigen that implement Serializable
 class GuigenError
          Error thrown on problems encountered while running the program.

Uses of Serializable in org.multijava.util.lexgen

Classes in org.multijava.util.lexgen that implement Serializable
 class LexgenError
          Error thrown on problems encountered while running the program.

Uses of Serializable in org.multijava.util.msggen

Classes in org.multijava.util.msggen that implement Serializable
 class MsggenError
          Error thrown on problems encountered while running the program.

Uses of Serializable in org.multijava.util.optgen

Classes in org.multijava.util.optgen that implement Serializable
 class OptgenError
          Error thrown on problems encountered while running the program.


JML is Copyright (C) 1998-2002 by Iowa State University and is distributed under the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This release depends on code from the MultiJava project and is based in part on the Kopi project Copyright (C) 1990-99 DMS Decision Management Systems Ges.m.b.H.