Uses of Class

Packages that use String
java.awt.event JML Specifications for the corresponding types in the Java Developement Kit (JDK). 
java.lang JML Specifications for the corresponding types in the Java Developement Kit (JDK). 
java.lang.reflect JML Specifications for the corresponding types in the Java Developement Kit (JDK). 
java.math JML Specifications for the corresponding types in the Java Developement Kit (JDK). JML Specifications for the corresponding types in the Java Developement Kit (JDK). JML Specifications for the corresponding types in the Java Developement Kit (JDK). 
java.sql JML Specifications for the corresponding types in the Java Developement Kit (JDK). 
java.util JML Specifications for the corresponding types in the Java Developement Kit (JDK). 
java.util.regex JML Specifications for the corresponding types in the Java Developement Kit (JDK). 
org.jmlspecs.checker Contains the source code for a parser and typechecker for JML annotations and java code. 
org.jmlspecs.jmldoc The jmldoc tool documents java programs that contain JML (Java Modeling Language) annotations included as specially formatted comments; the generated html pages are very similar to those produced by javadoc, but with annotation information added. 
org.jmlspecs.jmlrac Generates Java classes from JML specifications that check assertions at runtime. 
org.jmlspecs.jmlrac.qexpr Translates JML quantified expressions into Java source code to evaluate them at runtime. 
org.jmlspecs.jmlrac.runtime Classes for use during runtime assertion checking for code compiled with JML's runtime assertion checking compiler (jmlc). 
org.jmlspecs.jmlspec A tool that can generate or compare specification skeletons from Java source or class files. 
org.jmlspecs.jmlunit Generates JUnit test classes from JML specifications. 
org.jmlspecs.jmlunit.strategies The types in this package are used in providing test data for JML/JUnit testing. 
org.jmlspecs.lang This package is a collection of types used in the definition of the JML language. 
org.jmlspecs.launcher The launcher allows the user to access all of the tools in JML. 
org.jmlspecs.models This package is a collection of types with immutable objects; it also enumerators (which have mutable objects) for the types of the immutable collections in the package. 
org.jmlspecs.models.resolve This package is a collection of types with immutable objects based on the RESOLVE specification language's mathematical models. 
org.jmlspecs.samples.dbc This package contains samples of JML specifications written in the style of design by contract. 
org.jmlspecs.samples.digraph This package contains samples of JML specifications for directed graphs. 
org.jmlspecs.samples.dirobserver This package contains samples of JML specifications that illustrate issues in component-based programming relating to callbacks and JML's model program feature. 
org.jmlspecs.samples.jmlkluwer This package contains samples of JML specifications from the paper "JML: a Notation for Detailed Design". 
org.jmlspecs.samples.jmlrefman This package contains samples of JML specifications from the JML Reference Manual
org.jmlspecs.samples.jmltutorial This package contains samples of JML specifications from the tutorials. 
org.jmlspecs.samples.misc This package contains miscellaneous samples of JML specifications. 
org.jmlspecs.samples.prelimdesign This package contains samples of JML specifications from the paper Preliminary Design of JML
org.jmlspecs.samples.reader This package contains samples of JML specifications relating to some abstractions of input and output. 
org.jmlspecs.samples.sets This package contains samples of JML specifications relating to sets. 
org.jmlspecs.samples.stacks This package contains samples of JML specifications relating to stacks of various sorts. 
org.jmlspecs.samples.table This package contains samples of JML specifications relating to tables. 
org.multijava.launcher The launcher allows the user to access all of the tools in MJ. 
org.multijava.mjc Implements mjc, a MultiJava compiler. 
org.multijava.mjdoc The mjdoc tool documents java programs that contain MultiJava (MJ) extensions to the Java progamming language; it produces html pages very similar to those produced by the javadoc tool. 
org.multijava.mjdoc.mjdoc_142 The mjdoc tool documents java programs that contain MultiJava (MJ) extensions to the Java progamming language; it produces html pages very similar to those produced by the javadoc tool. 
org.multijava.util.backend Provides an optimizer for methods for the compilers in MultiJava and the Java Modeling Language
org.multijava.util.classfile Provides an editor for classfiles used by MultiJava and the Java Modeling Language
org.multijava.util.compiler Provides utilities and superclasses for the compilers in MultiJava and the Java Modeling Language
org.multijava.util.guigen Implements the automatic generation of all of the GUIs for MultiJava and the Java Modeling Language
org.multijava.util.jperf Defines the perfect hashing function generator Package Specification JPerf is the perfect hashing function generator for the compilers in MultiJava and the Java Modeling Language
org.multijava.util.lexgen Provides a lexer for the compilers of MultiJava and the Java Modeling Language
org.multijava.util.msggen Implements the automatic generation of the data structure for all of the compiler messages in MultiJava and the Java Modeling Language
org.multijava.util.optgen Implements the automatic generation of the data structure for all of the command line options in MultiJava and the Java Modeling Language
org.multijava.util.optimize Provides an optimizer for classfiles used by MultiJava and the Java Modeling Language
org.multijava.util.testing Provides JUnit testing utilities for all of the parts of MultiJava and the Java Modeling Language

Uses of String in java.awt.color

Methods in java.awt.color that return String
 String ColorSpace.getName(int Param0)

Uses of String in java.awt.event

Fields in java.awt.event declared as String
(package private)  String ActionEvent.actionCommand

Methods in java.awt.event that return String
 String ActionEvent.getActionCommand()
 String ActionEvent.paramString()
 String ComponentEvent.paramString()
 String WindowEvent.paramString()
 String ItemEvent.paramString()

Constructors in java.awt.event with parameters of type String
ActionEvent(Object, int, String)
ActionEvent(Object, int, String, int)
ActionEvent(Object, int, String, long, int)

Uses of String in

Fields in declared as String
static String File.separator
static String File.pathSeparator

Methods in that return String
abstract  String DataInput.readLine()
abstract  String DataInput.readUTF()
 String File.getName()
 String File.getParent()
 String File.getPath()
 String File.getAbsolutePath()
 String File.getCanonicalPath()
 String[] File.list()
 String[] File.list(FilenameFilter filter)
 String File.toString()
 String ByteArrayOutputStream.toString()
 String ByteArrayOutputStream.toString(int)
 String ByteArrayOutputStream.toString(String)
 String BufferedReader.readLine()
(package private)  String BufferedReader.readLine(boolean)
 String ObjectInputStream.readLine()
(package private)  String ObjectInputStream.readTypeString()
 String ObjectInputStream.readUTF()
private  String ObjectInputStream.readString(boolean)
 String InputStreamReader.getEncoding()
 String StringWriter.toString()
 String OutputStreamWriter.getEncoding()
 String RandomAccessFile.readLine()
 String RandomAccessFile.readUTF()

Methods in with parameters of type String
static File File.createTempFile(String prefix, String suffix, File directory)
static File File.createTempFile(String prefix, String suffix)
 String ByteArrayOutputStream.toString(String)
abstract  boolean FilenameFilter.accept(File, String)
 void Writer.write(String)
 void Writer.write(String, int, int)
 void PrintStream.println(String s)
 void PrintStream.print(String s)
 void PrintWriter.write(String s, int i, int j)
 void PrintWriter.write(String s)
 void PrintWriter.print(String s)
 void PrintWriter.println(String s)
protected  Class ObjectInputStream.resolveProxyClass(String[])
 void StringWriter.write(String Param0)
 void StringWriter.write(String Param0, int Param1, int Param2)
 void OutputStreamWriter.write(String s, int i, int j)
abstract  void DataOutput.writeBytes(String)
abstract  void DataOutput.writeChars(String)
abstract  void DataOutput.writeUTF(String)
 void RandomAccessFile.writeBytes(String)
 void RandomAccessFile.writeChars(String)
 void RandomAccessFile.writeUTF(String)
private  void, int)

Constructors in with parameters of type String
IOException(String message)
File(String pathname)
File(String parent, String child)
File(File parent, String child)
PrintStream(OutputStream os, boolean Param1, String Param2)
UnsupportedEncodingException(String s)
InputStreamReader(InputStream Param0, String Param1)
OutputStreamWriter(OutputStream o, String s)
FileWriter(String, boolean)
RandomAccessFile(File, String)
RandomAccessFile(String, String)

Uses of String in java.lang

Fields in java.lang declared as String
private static String[] ClassLoader.usr_paths
private static String[] ClassLoader.sys_paths
(package private)  String

Methods in java.lang that return String
 String Object.toString()
 String String.substring(int beginIndex)
 String String.substring(int beginIndex, int endIndex)
 String String.concat(String str)
 String String.replace(char oldChar, char newChar)
 String String.replaceFirst(String regex, String replacement)
 String String.replaceAll(String regex, String replacement)
 String[] String.split(String regex, int limit)
 String[] String.split(String regex)
 String String.toLowerCase(Locale locale)
 String String.toLowerCase()
 String String.toUpperCase(Locale locale)
 String String.toUpperCase()
 String String.trim()
 String String.toString()
static String String.valueOf(Object obj)
static String String.valueOf(char[] data)
static String String.valueOf(char[] data, int offset, int count)
static String String.copyValueOf(char[] data, int offset, int count)
static String String.copyValueOf(char[] data)
static String String.valueOf(boolean b)
static String String.valueOf(char c)
static String String.valueOf(int i)
static String String.valueOf(long l)
static String String.valueOf(float f)
static String String.valueOf(double d)
 String String.intern()
abstract  String CharSequence.toString()
 String Throwable.getMessage()
 String Throwable.getLocalizedMessage()
 String Throwable.toString()
 String Class.toString()
 String Class.getName()
protected  String ClassLoader.findLibrary(String)
private static String[] ClassLoader.initializePath(String)
 String StringBuffer.toString()
 String StringBuffer.substring(int i)
 String StringBuffer.substring(int start, int end)
static String Byte.toString(byte b)
 String Byte.toString()
static String Short.toString(short s)
 String Short.toString()
static String Integer.toString(int i, int radix)
static String Integer.toHexString(int i)
static String Integer.toOctalString(int i)
static String Integer.toBinaryString(int i)
static String Integer.toString(int i)
 String Integer.toString()
static String Double.toString(double d)
 String Double.toString()
static String Float.toString(float f)
 String Float.toString()
static String Long.toString(long i, int radix)
static String Long.toHexString(long i)
static String Long.toOctalString(long i)
static String Long.toBinaryString(long i)
static String Long.toString(long i)
 String Long.toString()
 String Character.toString()
static String Character.toString(char c)
 String Package.getName()
 String Package.getSpecificationTitle()
 String Package.getSpecificationVersion()
 String Package.getSpecificationVendor()
 String Package.getImplementationTitle()
 String Package.getImplementationVersion()
 String Package.getImplementationVendor()
 String Package.toString()
 String StackTraceElement.getFileName()
 String StackTraceElement.getClassName()
 String StackTraceElement.getMethodName()
 String StackTraceElement.toString()
 String Thread.getName()
 String Thread.toString()
 String ThreadGroup.getName()
 String ThreadGroup.toString()
 String Character.Subset.toString()
static String System.getProperty(String key)
static String System.getProperty(String key, String def)
static String System.setProperty(String key, String value)
static String System.getenv(String name)
          Deprecated. use java.lang.System.getProperty.
static String System.mapLibraryName(String libname)
static String Boolean.toString(boolean b)
 String Boolean.toString()

Methods in java.lang with parameters of type String
 byte[] String.getBytes(String charsetName)
 boolean String.equalsIgnoreCase(String anotherString)
 int String.compareTo(String anotherString)
 int String.compareToIgnoreCase(String str)
 boolean String.regionMatches(int toffset, String other, int ooffset, int len)
 boolean String.regionMatches(boolean ignoreCase, int toffset, String other, int ooffset, int len)
 boolean String.startsWith(String prefix, int toffset)
 boolean String.startsWith(String prefix)
 boolean String.endsWith(String suffix)
 int String.indexOf(String str)
 int String.indexOf(String str, int fromIndex)
 int String.lastIndexOf(String str)
 int String.lastIndexOf(String str, int fromIndex)
 String String.concat(String str)
 boolean String.matches(String regex)
 String String.replaceFirst(String regex, String replacement)
 String String.replaceAll(String regex, String replacement)
 String[] String.split(String regex, int limit)
 String[] String.split(String regex)
(package private) static NumberFormatException NumberFormatException.forInputString(String)
static Class Class.forName(String className)
static Class Class.forName(String name, boolean initialize, ClassLoader loader)
 Field Class.getField(String name)
 Method Class.getMethod(String name, Class[] parameterTypes)
 Field Class.getDeclaredField(String name)
 Method Class.getDeclaredMethod(String name, Class[] parameterTypes)
 InputStream Class.getResourceAsStream(String name)
 URL Class.getResource(String name)
(package private) static Class Class.getPrimitiveClass(String name)
(package private)  boolean ClassLoader.desiredAssertionStatus(String)
 void ClassLoader.setClassAssertionStatus(String, boolean)
 void ClassLoader.setPackageAssertionStatus(String, boolean)
private  boolean ClassLoader.checkName(String, boolean)
 InputStream ClassLoader.getResourceAsStream(String)
static InputStream ClassLoader.getSystemResourceAsStream(String)
private  Class ClassLoader.findBootstrapClass(String)
private  Class ClassLoader.findBootstrapClass0(String)
protected  Class ClassLoader.findClass(String)
protected  Class ClassLoader.findLoadedClass(String)
private  Class ClassLoader.findLoadedClass0(String)
protected  Class ClassLoader.findSystemClass(String)
 Class ClassLoader.loadClass(String)
private  Class ClassLoader.loadClassInternal(String)
protected  Class ClassLoader.loadClass(String, boolean)
protected  Class ClassLoader.defineClass(String, byte[], int, int)
protected  Package ClassLoader.getPackage(String)
(package private) static void ClassLoader.loadLibrary(Class, String, boolean)
(package private) static long ClassLoader.findNative(ClassLoader, String)
protected  String ClassLoader.findLibrary(String)
private static String[] ClassLoader.initializePath(String)
protected  URL ClassLoader.findResource(String)
private static URL ClassLoader.getBootstrapResource(String)
 URL ClassLoader.getResource(String)
static URL ClassLoader.getSystemResource(String)
private  void ClassLoader.checkCerts(String, CodeSource)
protected  Enumeration ClassLoader.findResources(String)
private static Enumeration ClassLoader.getBootstrapResources(String)
 Enumeration ClassLoader.getResources(String)
static Enumeration ClassLoader.getSystemResources(String)
protected  Class ClassLoader.defineClass(String, byte[], int, int, ProtectionDomain)
private  Class ClassLoader.defineClass0(String, byte[], int, int, ProtectionDomain)
protected  Package ClassLoader.definePackage(String, String, String, String, String, String, String, URL)
 StringBuffer StringBuffer.append(String s)
 int StringBuffer.indexOf(String str)
 int StringBuffer.indexOf(String str, int fromIndex)
 int StringBuffer.lastIndexOf(String str)
 int StringBuffer.lastIndexOf(String str, int fromIndex)
 StringBuffer StringBuffer.replace(int start, int end, String str)
 StringBuffer StringBuffer.insert(int offset, String s)
static byte Byte.parseByte(String s)
static byte Byte.parseByte(String s, int radix)
static Byte Byte.valueOf(String s, int radix)
static Byte Byte.valueOf(String s)
static Byte Byte.decode(String nm)
static short Short.parseShort(String s)
static short Short.parseShort(String s, int radix)
static Short Short.valueOf(String s, int radix)
static Short Short.valueOf(String s)
static Short Short.decode(String nm)
static int Integer.parseInt(String s, int radix)
static int Integer.parseInt(String s)
static Integer Integer.valueOf(String s, int radix)
static Integer Integer.valueOf(String s)
static Integer Integer.getInteger(String nm)
static Integer Integer.getInteger(String nm, int val)
static Integer Integer.getInteger(String nm, Integer val)
static Integer Integer.decode(String nm)
static Double Double.valueOf(String s)
static double Double.parseDouble(String s)
static Float Float.valueOf(String s)
static float Float.parseFloat(String s)
static long Long.parseLong(String s, int radix)
static long Long.parseLong(String s)
static Long Long.valueOf(String s, int radix)
static Long Long.valueOf(String s)
static Long Long.decode(String nm)
static Long Long.getLong(String nm)
static Long Long.getLong(String nm, long val)
static Long Long.getLong(String nm, Long val)
 boolean Package.isCompatibleWith(String desired)
static Package Package.getPackage(String name)
(package private) static Package Package.getSystemPackage(String name)
protected  int SecurityManager.classDepth(String name)
protected  boolean SecurityManager.inClass(String name)
 void SecurityManager.checkExec(String cmd)
 void SecurityManager.checkLink(String lib)
 void SecurityManager.checkRead(String file)
 void SecurityManager.checkRead(String file, Object context)
 void SecurityManager.checkWrite(String file)
 void SecurityManager.checkDelete(String file)
 void SecurityManager.checkConnect(String host, int port)
 void SecurityManager.checkConnect(String host, int port, Object context)
 void SecurityManager.checkAccept(String host, int port)
 void SecurityManager.checkPropertyAccess(String key)
 void SecurityManager.checkPackageAccess(String pkg)
 void SecurityManager.checkPackageDefinition(String pkg)
 void SecurityManager.checkSecurityAccess(String target)
 void Thread.setName(String)
private  void Thread.init(ThreadGroup, Runnable, String, long)
static String System.getProperty(String key)
static String System.getProperty(String key, String def)
static String System.setProperty(String key, String value)
static String System.getenv(String name)
          Deprecated. use java.lang.System.getProperty.
static void System.load(String filename)
static void System.loadLibrary(String libname)
static String System.mapLibraryName(String libname)
 Process Runtime.exec(String command)
 Process Runtime.exec(String command, String[] envp)
 Process Runtime.exec(String command, String[] envp, File dir)
 Process Runtime.exec(String[] cmdarray)
 Process Runtime.exec(String[] cmdarray, String[] envp)
 Process Runtime.exec(String[] cmdarray, String[] envp, File dir)
 void Runtime.load(String filename)
 void Runtime.loadLibrary(String libname)
static Boolean Boolean.valueOf(String s)
static boolean Boolean.getBoolean(String name)

Constructors in java.lang with parameters of type String
String(String original)
String(byte[] bytes, int offset, int length, String charsetName)
String(byte[] bytes, String charsetName)
Throwable(String message)
Throwable(String message, Throwable cause)
Exception(String message)
Exception(String message, Throwable cause)
RuntimeException(String message)
RuntimeException(String message, Throwable cause)
IllegalArgumentException(String s)
NullPointerException(String s)
StringBuffer(String s)
ClassCastException(String s)
ArithmeticException(String s)
IllegalStateException(String s)
Byte(String s)
Short(String s)
Integer(String s)
IndexOutOfBoundsException(String s)
Double(String s)
Float(String s)
Long(String s)
Error(String message)
Error(String message, Throwable cause)
VirtualMachineError(String s)
InternalError(String s)
ClassNotFoundException(String, Throwable)
CloneNotSupportedException(String s)
Package(String name, String spectitle, String specversion, String specvendor, String impltitle, String implversion, String implvendor, URL sealbase)
Thread(Runnable, String)
Thread(ThreadGroup, String)
Thread(ThreadGroup, Runnable, String)
Thread(ThreadGroup, Runnable, String, long)
ThreadGroup(ThreadGroup, String)
StringIndexOutOfBoundsException(String message)
Character.Subset(String name)
Character.UnicodeBlock(String name)
InterruptedException(String message)
Boolean(String s)

Uses of String in java.lang.reflect

Methods in java.lang.reflect that return String
 String Method.getName()
 String Method.toString()
abstract  String Member.getName()
 String Field.getName()
 String Field.toString()
(package private) static String Field.getTypeName(Class type)
 String Constructor.getName()
 String Constructor.toString()

Constructors in java.lang.reflect with parameters of type String
Method(Class declaringClass, String name, Class[] parameterTypes, Class returnType, Class[] checkedExceptions, int modifiers, int slot)
Field(Class declaringClass, String name, Class type, int modifiers, int slot)
InvocationTargetException(Throwable, String)

Uses of String in java.math

Methods in java.math that return String
 String BigInteger.toString(int radix)
 String BigInteger.toString()
 String BigDecimal.toString()
private  String BigDecimal.getValueString(int, String, int)
private  String BigDecimal.roundup(String)

Methods in java.math with parameters of type String
private  String BigDecimal.getValueString(int, String, int)
private  String BigDecimal.roundup(String)

Constructors in java.math with parameters of type String
BigInteger(String val, int radix)
BigInteger(String val)

Uses of String in

Fields in declared as String
private  String InetAddress.canonicalHostName
(package private)  String InetAddress.hostName
private static String URLConnection.contentClassPrefix
private static String URLConnection.contentPathProp
private  String URISyntaxException.input

Methods in that return String
 String URL.getQuery()
 String URL.getPath()
 String URL.getUserInfo()
 String URL.getAuthority()
 String URL.getProtocol()
 String URL.getHost()
 String URL.getFile()
 String URL.getRef()
 String URL.toString()
 String URL.toExternalForm()
 String InetAddress.getCanonicalHostName()
 String InetAddress.getHostAddress()
 String InetAddress.getHostName()
 String InetAddress.toString()
(package private)  String InetAddress.getHostName(boolean)
private static String InetAddress.getHostFromNameService(InetAddress, boolean)
 String URI.getScheme()
 String URI.getRawSchemeSpecificPart()
 String URI.getSchemeSpecificPart()
 String URI.getRawAuthority()
 String URI.getAuthority()
 String URI.getRawUserInfo()
 String URI.getUserInfo()
 String URI.getHost()
 String URI.getRawPath()
 String URI.getPath()
 String URI.getRawQuery()
 String URI.getQuery()
 String URI.getRawFragment()
 String URI.getFragment()
 String URI.toString()
 String URI.toASCIIString()
protected  String URLStreamHandler.toExternalForm(URL)
 String URLConnection.getContentEncoding()
private  String URLConnection.getContentHandlerPkgPrefixes()
 String URLConnection.getContentType()
 String URLConnection.toString()
 String URLConnection.getHeaderField(int)
 String URLConnection.getHeaderFieldKey(int)
static String URLConnection.guessContentTypeFromStream(InputStream)
static String URLConnection.getDefaultRequestProperty(String)
 String URLConnection.getHeaderField(String)
 String URLConnection.getRequestProperty(String)
static String URLConnection.guessContentTypeFromName(String)
private  String URLConnection.stripOffParameters(String)
private  String URLConnection.typeToPackageName(String)
 String URISyntaxException.getInput()
 String URISyntaxException.getMessage()
 String URISyntaxException.getReason()

Methods in with parameters of type String
protected  void URL.set(String protocol, String host, int port, String file, String ref)
protected  void URL.set(String protocol, String host, int port, String authority, String userInfo, String path, String query_, String ref)
private static void InetAddress.updateLookupTable(String)
private static Object InetAddress.checkLookupTable(String)
private static Object InetAddress.getCachedAddress(String)
(package private) static Object InetAddress.loadImpl(String)
private static void InetAddress.cacheAddress(String, Object, boolean)
static InetAddress InetAddress.getByName(String)
static InetAddress[] InetAddress.getAllByName(String)
private static InetAddress[] InetAddress.getAllByName0(String)
(package private) static InetAddress[] InetAddress.getAllByName0(String, boolean)
static InetAddress InetAddress.getByAddress(String, byte[])
private static Object InetAddress.getAddressFromNameService(String, InetAddress)
private static InetAddress InetAddress.getByName(String, InetAddress)
private static InetAddress[] InetAddress.getAllByName(String, InetAddress)
private static InetAddress[] InetAddress.getAllByName0(String, InetAddress, boolean)
static URI URI.create(String str)
 URI URI.resolve(String str)
protected  void URLStreamHandler.parseURL(URL, String, int, int)
protected  void URLStreamHandler.setURL(URL, String, String, int, String, String)
protected  void URLStreamHandler.setURL(URL, String, String, int, String, String, String, String, String)
 int URLConnection.getHeaderFieldInt(String, int)
 long URLConnection.getHeaderFieldDate(String, long)
static String URLConnection.getDefaultRequestProperty(String)
 String URLConnection.getHeaderField(String)
 String URLConnection.getRequestProperty(String)
static String URLConnection.guessContentTypeFromName(String)
private  String URLConnection.stripOffParameters(String)
private  String URLConnection.typeToPackageName(String)
 void URLConnection.addRequestProperty(String, String)
static void URLConnection.setDefaultRequestProperty(String, String)
 void URLConnection.setRequestProperty(String, String)
private  ContentHandler URLConnection.lookupContentHandlerClassFor(String)
abstract  URLStreamHandler URLStreamHandlerFactory.createURLStreamHandler(String)

Constructors in with parameters of type String
URL(String protocol, String host, int port, String file)
URL(String protocol, String host, String file)
URL(String protocol, String host, int port, String file, URLStreamHandler handler)
URL(String spec)
URL(URL context, String spec)
URL(URL context, String spec, URLStreamHandler handler)
URI(String str)
URI(String scheme, String userInfo, String host, int port, String path, String query_, String fragment)
URI(String scheme, String authority, String path, String query_, String fragment)
URI(String scheme, String host, String path, String fragment)
URI(String scheme, String ssp, String fragment)
URISyntaxException(String, String)
URISyntaxException(String, String, int)

Uses of String in

Fields in declared as String
private  String
private  String Signature.algorithm
private  String
private  String
private  String AlgorithmParameters.algorithm

Methods in that return String
 String ProtectionDomain.toString()
abstract  String Permission.getActions()
 String Permission.getName()
 String Permission.toString()
abstract  String Key.getAlgorithm()
abstract  String Key.getFormat()
 String Signature.getAlgorithm()
 String Signature.toString()
 String Provider.getInfo()
 String Provider.getName()
 String Provider.toString()
private static String SecureRandom.getPrngAlgorithm()
 String AlgorithmParameters.getAlgorithm()
 String AlgorithmParameters.toString()
abstract  String Principal.getName()
abstract  String Principal.toString()

Methods in with parameters of type String
protected abstract  Object SignatureSpi.engineGetParameter(String)
protected abstract  void SignatureSpi.engineSetParameter(String, Object)
static Signature Signature.getInstance(String algorithm)
static Signature Signature.getInstance(String algorithm, String provider)
static Signature Signature.getInstance(String algorithm, Provider provider)
 Object Signature.getParameter(String param)
          Deprecated. use getParameters()
 void Signature.setParameter(String param, Object value)
          Deprecated. use setParameter(AlgorithmParameterSpec)
private static void Provider.check(String)
(package private) static Provider Provider.loadProvider(String)
static SecureRandom SecureRandom.getInstance(String)
static SecureRandom SecureRandom.getInstance(String, String)
static SecureRandom SecureRandom.getInstance(String, Provider)
 byte[] AlgorithmParameters.getEncoded(String)
 void AlgorithmParameters.init(byte[], String)
static AlgorithmParameters AlgorithmParameters.getInstance(String)
static AlgorithmParameters AlgorithmParameters.getInstance(String, String)
static AlgorithmParameters AlgorithmParameters.getInstance(String, Provider)

Constructors in with parameters of type String
Signature(String algorithm)
Provider(String, double, String)
AlgorithmParameters(AlgorithmParametersSpi, Provider, String)

Uses of String in java.sql

Fields in java.sql declared as String
private  String SQLException.SQLState
 String DriverPropertyInfo.description
 String DriverPropertyInfo.value
 String[] DriverPropertyInfo.choices

Methods in java.sql that return String
 String SQLException.getSQLState()
abstract  String Connection.getCatalog()
abstract  String Connection.nativeSQL(String sql)
 String Time.toString()
 String Date.toString()
abstract  String ResultSet.getString(int columnIndex)
abstract  String ResultSet.getString(String columnName)
abstract  String ResultSet.getCursorName()
 String Timestamp.toString()
abstract  String Ref.getBaseTypeName()
abstract  String Clob.getSubString(long, int)
abstract  String Array.getBaseTypeName()
abstract  String ResultSetMetaData.getCatalogName(int)
abstract  String ResultSetMetaData.getColumnClassName(int)
abstract  String ResultSetMetaData.getColumnLabel(int)
abstract  String ResultSetMetaData.getColumnName(int)
abstract  String ResultSetMetaData.getColumnTypeName(int)
abstract  String ResultSetMetaData.getSchemaName(int)
abstract  String ResultSetMetaData.getTableName(int)
abstract  String ParameterMetaData.getParameterClassName(int)
abstract  String ParameterMetaData.getParameterTypeName(int)
abstract  String DatabaseMetaData.getCatalogSeparator()
abstract  String DatabaseMetaData.getCatalogTerm()
abstract  String DatabaseMetaData.getDatabaseProductName()
abstract  String DatabaseMetaData.getDatabaseProductVersion()
abstract  String DatabaseMetaData.getDriverName()
abstract  String DatabaseMetaData.getDriverVersion()
abstract  String DatabaseMetaData.getExtraNameCharacters()
abstract  String DatabaseMetaData.getIdentifierQuoteString()
abstract  String DatabaseMetaData.getNumericFunctions()
abstract  String DatabaseMetaData.getProcedureTerm()
abstract  String DatabaseMetaData.getSQLKeywords()
abstract  String DatabaseMetaData.getSchemaTerm()
abstract  String DatabaseMetaData.getSearchStringEscape()
abstract  String DatabaseMetaData.getStringFunctions()
abstract  String DatabaseMetaData.getSystemFunctions()
abstract  String DatabaseMetaData.getTimeDateFunctions()
abstract  String DatabaseMetaData.getURL()
abstract  String DatabaseMetaData.getUserName()
abstract  String CallableStatement.getString(int)
abstract  String CallableStatement.getString(String)
abstract  String Savepoint.getSavepointName()

Methods in java.sql with parameters of type String
abstract  boolean Driver.acceptsURL(String url)
abstract  Connection Driver.connect(String url, Properties info)
abstract  DriverPropertyInfo[] Driver.getPropertyInfo(String url, Properties info)
abstract  String Connection.nativeSQL(String sql)
abstract  CallableStatement Connection.prepareCall(String sql)
abstract  CallableStatement Connection.prepareCall(String sql, int resultSetType, int resultSetConcurrency)
abstract  CallableStatement Connection.prepareCall(String sql, int resultSetType, int resultSetConcurrency, int resultSetHoldability)
abstract  PreparedStatement Connection.prepareStatement(String sql)
abstract  PreparedStatement Connection.prepareStatement(String sql, int autoGeneratedKeys)
abstract  PreparedStatement Connection.prepareStatement(String sql, int[] columnIndexes)
abstract  PreparedStatement Connection.prepareStatement(String sql, int resultSetType, int resultSetConcurrency)
abstract  PreparedStatement Connection.prepareStatement(String sql, int resultSetType, int resultSetConcurrency, int resultSetHoldability)
abstract  PreparedStatement Connection.prepareStatement(String sql, String[] columnNames)
abstract  void Connection.setCatalog(String catalog)
abstract  Savepoint Connection.setSavepoint(String name)
static Connection DriverManager.getConnection(String url, Properties info)
static Connection DriverManager.getConnection(String url, String user, String password)
static Connection DriverManager.getConnection(String url)
static Driver DriverManager.getDriver(String url)
static void DriverManager.println(String message)
static Time Time.valueOf(String s)
static Date Date.valueOf(String s)
abstract  void PreparedStatement.setString(int parameterIndex, String x)
abstract  void PreparedStatement.setNull(int paramIndex, int sqlType, String typeName)
abstract  int Statement.executeUpdate(String)
abstract  void Statement.addBatch(String)
abstract  void Statement.setCursorName(String)
abstract  boolean Statement.execute(String)
abstract  int Statement.executeUpdate(String, int)
abstract  boolean Statement.execute(String, int)
abstract  int Statement.executeUpdate(String, int[])
abstract  boolean Statement.execute(String, int[])
abstract  int Statement.executeUpdate(String, String[])
abstract  boolean Statement.execute(String, String[])
abstract  ResultSet Statement.executeQuery(String)
abstract  String ResultSet.getString(String columnName)
abstract  boolean ResultSet.getBoolean(String columnName)
abstract  byte ResultSet.getByte(String columnName)
abstract  short ResultSet.getShort(String columnName)
abstract  int ResultSet.getInt(String columnName)
abstract  long ResultSet.getLong(String columnName)
abstract  float ResultSet.getFloat(String columnName)
abstract  double ResultSet.getDouble(String columnName)
abstract  BigDecimal ResultSet.getBigDecimal(String columnName, int scale)
abstract  byte[] ResultSet.getBytes(String columnName)
abstract  Date ResultSet.getDate(String columnName)
abstract  Time ResultSet.getTime(String columnName)
abstract  Timestamp ResultSet.getTimestamp(String columnName)
abstract  InputStream ResultSet.getAsciiStream(String columnName)
abstract  InputStream ResultSet.getUnicodeStream(String columnName)
abstract  InputStream ResultSet.getBinaryStream(String columnName)
abstract  Object ResultSet.getObject(String columnName)
          Can return null if value of entry is an SQL null.
abstract  int ResultSet.findColumn(String columnName)
abstract  Reader ResultSet.getCharacterStream(String columnName)
abstract  BigDecimal ResultSet.getBigDecimal(String columnName)
abstract  void ResultSet.updateString(int columnIndex, String x)
abstract  void ResultSet.updateNull(String columnName)
abstract  void ResultSet.updateBoolean(String columnName, boolean x)
abstract  void ResultSet.updateByte(String columnName, byte x)
abstract  void ResultSet.updateShort(String columnName, short x)
abstract  void ResultSet.updateInt(String columnName, int x)
abstract  void ResultSet.updateLong(String columnName, long x)
abstract  void ResultSet.updateFloat(String columnName, float x)
abstract  void ResultSet.updateDouble(String columnName, double x)
abstract  void ResultSet.updateBigDecimal(String columnName, BigDecimal x)
abstract  void ResultSet.updateString(String columnName, String x)
abstract  void ResultSet.updateBytes(String columnName, byte[] x)
abstract  void ResultSet.updateDate(String columnName, Date x)
abstract  void ResultSet.updateTime(String columnName, Time x)
abstract  void ResultSet.updateTimestamp(String columnName, Timestamp x)
abstract  void ResultSet.updateAsciiStream(String columnName, InputStream x, int length)
abstract  void ResultSet.updateBinaryStream(String columnName, InputStream x, int length)
abstract  void ResultSet.updateCharacterStream(String columnName, Reader reader, int length)
abstract  void ResultSet.updateObject(String columnName, Object x, int scale)
abstract  void ResultSet.updateObject(String columnName, Object x)
abstract  Object ResultSet.getObject(String colName, Map map)
abstract  Ref ResultSet.getRef(String colName)
abstract  Blob ResultSet.getBlob(String colName)
abstract  Clob ResultSet.getClob(String colName)
abstract  Array ResultSet.getArray(String colName)
abstract  Date ResultSet.getDate(String columnName, Calendar cal)
abstract  Time ResultSet.getTime(String columnName, Calendar cal)
abstract  Timestamp ResultSet.getTimestamp(String columnName, Calendar cal)
abstract  URL ResultSet.getURL(String columnName)
abstract  void ResultSet.updateRef(String columnName, Ref x)
abstract  void ResultSet.updateBlob(String columnName, Blob x)
abstract  void ResultSet.updateClob(String columnName, Clob x)
abstract  void ResultSet.updateArray(String columnName, Array x)
static Timestamp Timestamp.valueOf(String)
abstract  int Clob.setString(long, String)
abstract  int Clob.setString(long, String, int, int)
abstract  long Clob.position(String, long)
abstract  ResultSet DatabaseMetaData.getExportedKeys(String, String, String)
abstract  ResultSet DatabaseMetaData.getImportedKeys(String, String, String)
abstract  ResultSet DatabaseMetaData.getPrimaryKeys(String, String, String)
abstract  ResultSet DatabaseMetaData.getProcedures(String, String, String)
abstract  ResultSet DatabaseMetaData.getSuperTables(String, String, String)
abstract  ResultSet DatabaseMetaData.getSuperTypes(String, String, String)
abstract  ResultSet DatabaseMetaData.getTablePrivileges(String, String, String)
abstract  ResultSet DatabaseMetaData.getVersionColumns(String, String, String)
abstract  ResultSet DatabaseMetaData.getBestRowIdentifier(String, String, String, int, boolean)
abstract  ResultSet DatabaseMetaData.getIndexInfo(String, String, String, boolean, boolean)
abstract  ResultSet DatabaseMetaData.getUDTs(String, String, String, int[])
abstract  ResultSet DatabaseMetaData.getAttributes(String, String, String, String)
abstract  ResultSet DatabaseMetaData.getColumnPrivileges(String, String, String, String)
abstract  ResultSet DatabaseMetaData.getColumns(String, String, String, String)
abstract  ResultSet DatabaseMetaData.getProcedureColumns(String, String, String, String)
abstract  ResultSet DatabaseMetaData.getTables(String, String, String, String[])
abstract  ResultSet DatabaseMetaData.getCrossReference(String, String, String, String, String, String)
abstract  void CallableStatement.registerOutParameter(int, int, String)
abstract  byte CallableStatement.getByte(String)
abstract  double CallableStatement.getDouble(String)
abstract  float CallableStatement.getFloat(String)
abstract  int CallableStatement.getInt(String)
abstract  long CallableStatement.getLong(String)
abstract  short CallableStatement.getShort(String)
abstract  boolean CallableStatement.getBoolean(String)
abstract  byte[] CallableStatement.getBytes(String)
abstract  void CallableStatement.setByte(String, byte)
abstract  void CallableStatement.setDouble(String, double)
abstract  void CallableStatement.setFloat(String, float)
abstract  void CallableStatement.registerOutParameter(String, int)
abstract  void CallableStatement.setInt(String, int)
abstract  void CallableStatement.setNull(String, int)
abstract  void CallableStatement.registerOutParameter(String, int, int)
abstract  void CallableStatement.setLong(String, long)
abstract  void CallableStatement.setShort(String, short)
abstract  void CallableStatement.setBoolean(String, boolean)
abstract  void CallableStatement.setBytes(String, byte[])
abstract  void CallableStatement.setAsciiStream(String, InputStream, int)
abstract  void CallableStatement.setBinaryStream(String, InputStream, int)
abstract  void CallableStatement.setCharacterStream(String, Reader, int)
abstract  Object CallableStatement.getObject(String)
abstract  void CallableStatement.setObject(String, Object)
abstract  void CallableStatement.setObject(String, Object, int)
abstract  void CallableStatement.setObject(String, Object, int, int)
abstract  String CallableStatement.getString(String)
abstract  void CallableStatement.registerOutParameter(String, int, String)
abstract  void CallableStatement.setNull(String, int, String)
abstract  void CallableStatement.setString(String, String)
abstract  BigDecimal CallableStatement.getBigDecimal(String)
abstract  void CallableStatement.setBigDecimal(String, BigDecimal)
abstract  URL CallableStatement.getURL(String)
abstract  void CallableStatement.setURL(String, URL)
abstract  Array CallableStatement.getArray(String)
abstract  Blob CallableStatement.getBlob(String)
abstract  Clob CallableStatement.getClob(String)
abstract  Date CallableStatement.getDate(String)
abstract  void CallableStatement.setDate(String, Date)
abstract  Ref CallableStatement.getRef(String)
abstract  Time CallableStatement.getTime(String)
abstract  void CallableStatement.setTime(String, Time)
abstract  Timestamp CallableStatement.getTimestamp(String)
abstract  void CallableStatement.setTimestamp(String, Timestamp)
abstract  Object CallableStatement.getObject(String, Map)
abstract  Date CallableStatement.getDate(String, Calendar)
abstract  Time CallableStatement.getTime(String, Calendar)
abstract  Timestamp CallableStatement.getTimestamp(String, Calendar)
abstract  void CallableStatement.setDate(String, Date, Calendar)
abstract  void CallableStatement.setTime(String, Time, Calendar)
abstract  void CallableStatement.setTimestamp(String, Timestamp, Calendar)

Constructors in java.sql with parameters of type String
SQLException(String, String)
SQLException(String, String, int)
DriverPropertyInfo(String, String)
SQLWarning(String, String)
SQLWarning(String, String, int)

Uses of String in java.util

Fields in java.util declared as String
private static String Properties.strictKeyValueSeparators
private static String Properties.whiteSpaceChars
private static String Properties.keyValueSeparators
private static String Properties.specialSaveChars
private  String MissingResourceException.key
private  String MissingResourceException.className
private  String TimeZone.ID
(package private) static String TimeZone.GMT_ID

Methods in java.util that return String
 String EventObject.toString()
 String AbstractCollection.toString()
 String Hashtable.toString()
 String AbstractMap.toString()
 String Vector.toString()
 String Properties.getProperty(String)
private  String Properties.loadConvert(String)
private  String Properties.saveConvert(String, boolean)
 String Properties.getProperty(String, String)
static String[] Locale.getISOCountries()
static String[] Locale.getISOLanguages()
 String Locale.getLanguage()
 String Locale.getCountry()
 String Locale.getVariant()
 String Locale.toString()
 String Locale.getISO3Language()
 String Locale.getISO3Country()
 String Locale.getDisplayLanguage()
 String Locale.getDisplayLanguage(Locale inLocale)
 String Locale.getDisplayCountry()
 String Locale.getDisplayCountry(Locale inLocale)
 String Locale.getDisplayVariant()
 String Locale.getDisplayVariant(Locale inLocale)
 String Locale.getDisplayName()
 String Locale.getDisplayName(Locale inLocale)
 String MissingResourceException.getClassName()
 String MissingResourceException.getKey()
 String Calendar.toString()
 String TimeZone.getDisplayName()
 String TimeZone.getID()
private static String TimeZone.getSystemGMTOffsetID()
static String[] TimeZone.getAvailableIDs()
static String[] TimeZone.getAvailableIDs(int)
 String TimeZone.getDisplayName(boolean, int)
 String TimeZone.getDisplayName(Locale)
 String TimeZone.getDisplayName(boolean, int, Locale)
private static String TimeZone.getSystemTimeZoneID(String, String)
 String Date.toString()
 String Date.toLocaleString()
          Deprecated. as of JDK 1.1
 String Date.toGMTString()
          Deprecated. as of JDK 1.1
 String HashMap.Entry.toString()
 String BitSet.toString()
 String ResourceBundle.getString(String key)
 String[] ResourceBundle.getStringArray(String key)
 String AbstractMap.SimpleEntry.toString()
 String TreeMap.Entry.toString()

Methods in java.util with parameters of type String
private  boolean Properties.continueLine(String)
private static void Properties.writeln(BufferedWriter, String)
 void, String)
 void, String)
 String Properties.getProperty(String)
private  String Properties.loadConvert(String)
private  String Properties.saveConvert(String, boolean)
 Object Properties.setProperty(String, String)
 String Properties.getProperty(String, String)
 void TimeZone.setID(String)
static TimeZone TimeZone.getTimeZone(String)
private static TimeZone TimeZone.parseCustomTimeZone(String)
private static TimeZone TimeZone.getTimeZone(String, boolean)
private static String TimeZone.getSystemTimeZoneID(String, String)
static long Date.parse(String s)
          Deprecated. as of JDK 1.1
 String ResourceBundle.getString(String key)
 String[] ResourceBundle.getStringArray(String key)
 Object ResourceBundle.getObject(String key)
static ResourceBundle ResourceBundle.getBundle(String baseName)
static ResourceBundle ResourceBundle.getBundle(String baseName, Locale locale)
static ResourceBundle ResourceBundle.getBundle(String baseName, Locale locale, ClassLoader loader)
protected abstract  Object ResourceBundle.handleGetObject(String key)

Constructors in java.util with parameters of type String
NoSuchElementException(String s)
Locale(String language, String country, String variant)
Locale(String language, String country)
Locale(String language)
MissingResourceException(String, String, String)
Date(String s)
          Deprecated. as of JDK 1.1

Uses of String in java.util.regex

Methods in java.util.regex that return String
 String Pattern.pattern()
 String[] Pattern.split(CharSequence input, int limit)
 String[] Pattern.split(CharSequence input)
 String group)
 String Matcher.replaceAll(String replacement)
 String Matcher.replaceFirst(String replacement)

Methods in java.util.regex with parameters of type String
static Pattern Pattern.compile(String regex)
static Pattern Pattern.compile(String regex, int flags)
static boolean Pattern.matches(String regex, CharSequence input)
 Matcher Matcher.appendReplacement(StringBuffer sb, String replacement)
 String Matcher.replaceAll(String replacement)
 String Matcher.replaceFirst(String replacement)

Uses of String in javax.crypto

Fields in javax.crypto declared as String
private  String ExemptionMechanism.mechanism

Methods in javax.crypto that return String
 String SecretKeyFactory.getAlgorithm()
 String Cipher.getAlgorithm()
 String ExemptionMechanism.getName()

Methods in javax.crypto with parameters of type String
static SecretKeyFactory SecretKeyFactory.getInstance(String algorithm)
static SecretKeyFactory SecretKeyFactory.getInstance(String algorithm, String provider)
static SecretKeyFactory SecretKeyFactory.getInstance(String algorithm, Provider provider)
static Cipher Cipher.getInstance(String transformation)
static Cipher Cipher.getInstance(String transformation, String provider)
static Cipher Cipher.getInstance(String Param0, Provider Param1)
 Key Cipher.unwrap(byte[] Param0, String Param1, int Param2)
protected abstract  void CipherSpi.engineSetMode(String)
protected abstract  void CipherSpi.engineSetPadding(String)
protected  Key CipherSpi.engineUnwrap(byte[], String, int)
static ExemptionMechanism ExemptionMechanism.getInstance(String)
static ExemptionMechanism ExemptionMechanism.getInstance(String, String)
static ExemptionMechanism ExemptionMechanism.getInstance(String, Provider)

Constructors in javax.crypto with parameters of type String
SecretKeyFactory(SecretKeyFactorySpi keyFacSpi, Provider provider, String algorithm)
Cipher(CipherSpi Param0, Provider Param1, String Param2)
ExemptionMechanism(ExemptionMechanismSpi, Provider, String)

Uses of String in javax.servlet

Methods in javax.servlet that return String
 String ServletResponseWrapper.getCharacterEncoding()
 String ServletResponseWrapper.getContentType()
abstract  String ServletResponse.getCharacterEncoding()
abstract  String ServletResponse.getContentType()
abstract  String FilterConfig.getFilterName()
abstract  String FilterConfig.getInitParameter(String name)
abstract  String ServletRequest.getCharacterEncoding()
abstract  String ServletRequest.getContentType()
abstract  String ServletRequest.getParameter(String name)
abstract  String[] ServletRequest.getParameterValues(String name)
abstract  String ServletRequest.getProtocol()
abstract  String ServletRequest.getScheme()
abstract  String ServletRequest.getServerName()
abstract  String ServletRequest.getRemoteAddr()
abstract  String ServletRequest.getRemoteHost()
abstract  String ServletRequest.getRealPath(String path)
abstract  String ServletRequest.getLocalName()
abstract  String ServletRequest.getLocalAddr()
abstract  String ServletContext.getMimeType(String file)
abstract  String ServletContext.getRealPath(String path)
abstract  String ServletContext.getServerInfo()
abstract  String ServletContext.getInitParameter(String name)
abstract  String ServletContext.getServletContextName()
abstract  String ServletConfig.getServletName()
abstract  String ServletConfig.getInitParameter(String name)
 String ServletRequestAttributeEvent.getName()
abstract  String Servlet.getServletInfo()
 String ServletContextAttributeEvent.getName()
 String ServletRequestWrapper.getCharacterEncoding()
 String ServletRequestWrapper.getContentType()
 String ServletRequestWrapper.getParameter(String name)
 String[] ServletRequestWrapper.getParameterValues(String name)
 String ServletRequestWrapper.getProtocol()
 String ServletRequestWrapper.getScheme()
 String ServletRequestWrapper.getServerName()
 String ServletRequestWrapper.getRemoteAddr()
 String ServletRequestWrapper.getRemoteHost()
 String ServletRequestWrapper.getRealPath(String path)
 String ServletRequestWrapper.getLocalName()
 String ServletRequestWrapper.getLocalAddr()
 String GenericServlet.getInitParameter(String name)
 String GenericServlet.getServletInfo()
 String GenericServlet.getServletName()

Methods in javax.servlet with parameters of type String
 void ServletResponseWrapper.setCharacterEncoding(String charset)
 void ServletResponseWrapper.setContentType(String type)
abstract  void ServletResponse.setCharacterEncoding(String charset)
abstract  void ServletResponse.setContentType(String type)
 void ServletOutputStream.print(String s)
 void ServletOutputStream.println(String s)
abstract  String FilterConfig.getInitParameter(String name)
abstract  Object ServletRequest.getAttribute(String name)
abstract  void ServletRequest.setCharacterEncoding(String env)
abstract  String ServletRequest.getParameter(String name)
abstract  String[] ServletRequest.getParameterValues(String name)
abstract  void ServletRequest.setAttribute(String name, Object o)
abstract  void ServletRequest.removeAttribute(String name)
abstract  RequestDispatcher ServletRequest.getRequestDispatcher(String path)
abstract  String ServletRequest.getRealPath(String path)
abstract  ServletContext ServletContext.getContext(String uripath)
abstract  String ServletContext.getMimeType(String file)
abstract  Set ServletContext.getResourcePaths(String path)
abstract  URL ServletContext.getResource(String path)
abstract  InputStream ServletContext.getResourceAsStream(String path)
abstract  RequestDispatcher ServletContext.getRequestDispatcher(String path)
abstract  RequestDispatcher ServletContext.getNamedDispatcher(String name)
abstract  Servlet ServletContext.getServlet(String name)
abstract  void ServletContext.log(String msg)
abstract  void ServletContext.log(Exception exception, String msg)
abstract  void ServletContext.log(String message, Throwable throwable)
abstract  String ServletContext.getRealPath(String path)
abstract  String ServletContext.getInitParameter(String name)
abstract  Object ServletContext.getAttribute(String name)
abstract  void ServletContext.setAttribute(String name, Object object)
abstract  void ServletContext.removeAttribute(String name)
abstract  String ServletConfig.getInitParameter(String name)
 Object ServletRequestWrapper.getAttribute(String name)
 void ServletRequestWrapper.setCharacterEncoding(String enc)
 String ServletRequestWrapper.getParameter(String name)
 String[] ServletRequestWrapper.getParameterValues(String name)
 void ServletRequestWrapper.setAttribute(String name, Object o)
 void ServletRequestWrapper.removeAttribute(String name)
 RequestDispatcher ServletRequestWrapper.getRequestDispatcher(String path)
 String ServletRequestWrapper.getRealPath(String path)
 String GenericServlet.getInitParameter(String name)
 void GenericServlet.log(String msg)
 void GenericServlet.log(String message, Throwable t)

Constructors in javax.servlet with parameters of type String
ServletException(String message)
ServletException(String message, Throwable rootCause)
ServletRequestAttributeEvent(ServletContext sc, ServletRequest request, String name, Object value)
ServletContextAttributeEvent(ServletContext source, String name, Object value)
UnavailableException(Servlet servlet, String msg)
UnavailableException(int seconds, Servlet servlet, String msg)
UnavailableException(String msg)
UnavailableException(String msg, int seconds)

Uses of String in javax.servlet.http

Fields in javax.servlet.http declared as String
static String HttpServletRequest.BASIC_AUTH
static String HttpServletRequest.FORM_AUTH
static String HttpServletRequest.CLIENT_CERT_AUTH
static String HttpServletRequest.DIGEST_AUTH

Methods in javax.servlet.http that return String
 String HttpSessionBindingEvent.getName()
abstract  String HttpSession.getId()
abstract  String[] HttpSession.getValueNames()
abstract  String HttpServletRequest.getAuthType()
abstract  String HttpServletRequest.getHeader(String name)
abstract  String HttpServletRequest.getMethod()
abstract  String HttpServletRequest.getPathInfo()
abstract  String HttpServletRequest.getPathTranslated()
abstract  String HttpServletRequest.getContextPath()
abstract  String HttpServletRequest.getQueryString()
abstract  String HttpServletRequest.getRemoteUser()
abstract  String HttpServletRequest.getRequestedSessionId()
abstract  String HttpServletRequest.getRequestURI()
abstract  String HttpServletRequest.getServletPath()
abstract  String HttpServletResponse.encodeURL(String url)
abstract  String HttpServletResponse.encodeRedirectURL(String url)
abstract  String HttpServletResponse.encodeUrl(String url)
abstract  String HttpServletResponse.encodeRedirectUrl(String url)
 String Cookie.getComment()
 String Cookie.getDomain()
 String Cookie.getPath()
 String Cookie.getName()
 String Cookie.getValue()
 String HttpServletRequestWrapper.getAuthType()
 String HttpServletRequestWrapper.getHeader(String name)
 String HttpServletRequestWrapper.getMethod()
 String HttpServletRequestWrapper.getPathInfo()
 String HttpServletRequestWrapper.getPathTranslated()
 String HttpServletRequestWrapper.getContextPath()
 String HttpServletRequestWrapper.getQueryString()
 String HttpServletRequestWrapper.getRemoteUser()
 String HttpServletRequestWrapper.getRequestedSessionId()
 String HttpServletRequestWrapper.getRequestURI()
 String HttpServletRequestWrapper.getServletPath()
 String HttpServletResponseWrapper.encodeURL(String url)
 String HttpServletResponseWrapper.encodeRedirectURL(String url)
 String HttpServletResponseWrapper.encodeUrl(String url)
 String HttpServletResponseWrapper.encodeRedirectUrl(String url)

Methods in javax.servlet.http with parameters of type String
abstract  Object HttpSession.getAttribute(String name)
abstract  Object HttpSession.getValue(String name)
abstract  void HttpSession.setAttribute(String name, Object value)
abstract  void HttpSession.putValue(String name, Object value)
abstract  void HttpSession.removeAttribute(String name)
abstract  void HttpSession.removeValue(String name)
abstract  HttpSession HttpSessionContext.getSession(String sessionId)
static Hashtable HttpUtils.parseQueryString(String s)
abstract  long HttpServletRequest.getDateHeader(String name)
abstract  String HttpServletRequest.getHeader(String name)
abstract  Enumeration HttpServletRequest.getHeaders(String name)
abstract  int HttpServletRequest.getIntHeader(String name)
abstract  boolean HttpServletRequest.isUserInRole(String role)
abstract  boolean HttpServletResponse.containsHeader(String name)
abstract  String HttpServletResponse.encodeURL(String url)
abstract  String HttpServletResponse.encodeRedirectURL(String url)
abstract  String HttpServletResponse.encodeUrl(String url)
abstract  String HttpServletResponse.encodeRedirectUrl(String url)
abstract  void HttpServletResponse.sendError(int sc, String msg)
abstract  void HttpServletResponse.sendRedirect(String location)
abstract  void HttpServletResponse.setDateHeader(String name, long date)
abstract  void HttpServletResponse.addDateHeader(String name, long date)
abstract  void HttpServletResponse.setHeader(String name, String value)
abstract  void HttpServletResponse.addHeader(String name, String value)
abstract  void HttpServletResponse.setIntHeader(String name, int value)
abstract  void HttpServletResponse.addIntHeader(String name, int value)
abstract  void HttpServletResponse.setStatus(int sc, String sm)
 void Cookie.setComment(String purpose)
 void Cookie.setDomain(String pattern)
 void Cookie.setPath(String uri)
 void Cookie.setValue(String newValue)
 long HttpServletRequestWrapper.getDateHeader(String name)
 String HttpServletRequestWrapper.getHeader(String name)
 Enumeration HttpServletRequestWrapper.getHeaders(String name)
 int HttpServletRequestWrapper.getIntHeader(String name)
 boolean HttpServletRequestWrapper.isUserInRole(String role)
 boolean HttpServletResponseWrapper.containsHeader(String name)
 String HttpServletResponseWrapper.encodeURL(String url)
 String HttpServletResponseWrapper.encodeRedirectURL(String url)
 String HttpServletResponseWrapper.encodeUrl(String url)
 String HttpServletResponseWrapper.encodeRedirectUrl(String url)
 void HttpServletResponseWrapper.sendError(int sc, String msg)
 void HttpServletResponseWrapper.sendRedirect(String location)
 void HttpServletResponseWrapper.setDateHeader(String name, long date)
 void HttpServletResponseWrapper.addDateHeader(String name, long date)
 void HttpServletResponseWrapper.setHeader(String name, String value)
 void HttpServletResponseWrapper.addHeader(String name, String value)
 void HttpServletResponseWrapper.setIntHeader(String name, int value)
 void HttpServletResponseWrapper.addIntHeader(String name, int value)
 void HttpServletResponseWrapper.setStatus(int sc, String sm)

Constructors in javax.servlet.http with parameters of type String
HttpSessionBindingEvent(HttpSession session, String name)
HttpSessionBindingEvent(HttpSession session, String name, Object value)
Cookie(String name, String value)

Uses of String in javax.xml.parsers

Methods in javax.xml.parsers that return String
 String FactoryConfigurationError.getMessage()

Methods in javax.xml.parsers with parameters of type String
abstract  void SAXParserFactory.setFeature(String name, boolean value)
abstract  boolean SAXParserFactory.getFeature(String name)
abstract  Object SAXParser.getProperty(String)
abstract  void SAXParser.setProperty(String, Object)
 void SAXParser.parse(String, HandlerBase)
 void SAXParser.parse(String, DefaultHandler)
 void SAXParser.parse(InputStream, HandlerBase, String)
 void SAXParser.parse(InputStream, DefaultHandler, String)

Constructors in javax.xml.parsers with parameters of type String
FactoryConfigurationError(Exception, String)

Uses of String in org.jmlspecs.ant.tasks

Fields in org.jmlspecs.ant.tasks declared as String
private  String CommonOptionsTask._classPath
private  String CommonOptionsTask._destination
private  String CommonOptionsTask._sourcePath
private  String DocTask.Package._name

Methods in org.jmlspecs.ant.tasks that return String
 String[] CommonOptionsTask.getArguments()
          Return an array of the argument strings for running a JML tool.
 String CommonOptionsTask.getClasspath()
          Return the classpath of this CheckTask.
 String CommonOptionsTask.getDestination()
          Return the destination of this CompileTask.
 String CommonOptionsTask.getSourcepath()
          Return the sourcepath of this CheckTask.
 String DocTask.Package.getName()

Methods in org.jmlspecs.ant.tasks with parameters of type String
 void CommonOptionsTask.setClasspath(String classpath)
          Set the CLASSPATH.
 void CommonOptionsTask.setDestination(String destination)
          Set the destination of this CompileTask.
 void CommonOptionsTask.setSourcepath(String sourcepath)
          Set the sourcepath for the JML checker.
static void DocTask.main(String[] args)
 void DocTask.Package.setName(String string)

Uses of String in org.jmlspecs.checker

Fields in org.jmlspecs.checker declared as String
static String JmlNode.MJCVISIT_MESSAGE
static String Constants.JML_JMLObjectSet
static String[] Constants.ACCESS_FLAG_NAMES
          These arrays are used to map flags to names for pretty printing and error messages and to issue style warnings for modifiers out of order.
static String Constants.TN_JMLOBJECTSET
          Used in typechecking set comprehension expressions.
static String Constants.TN_JMLVALUESET
          Used in typechecking set comprehension expressions.
static String Constants.TN_JMLTYPE
          Used in typechecking set comprehension expressions.
private  String JmlMapsIntoClause.fieldId
(package private) static String[] JmlFileFinder.suffixes
(package private) static String[] JmlFileFinder.suffixes1
(package private) static String JmlFileFinder.SYMBOL_SUFFIX
private  String JmlInformalStoreRef.text
          The text of this informal description store reference.
private  String JmlLabeled.label
static String[] JmlParser._tokenNames
private  String JmlRefinePrefix.fileName
private  String JmlRefinePrefix.packageName
private  String
private  String JmlName.ident
private  String
private  String JmlMethodNameList.stringRepresentation
protected  String JmlMethodName.stringRepresentation
          Internally used
private  String JmlSignalsClause.ident
private  String JmlVariableDefinition.racField
          The name of RAC field generated for this variable.
private  String JmlMethodDeclaration.thisStringRep
private  String JmlOldExpression.label
private  String JmlCommonOptions.filter
private  String JmlCommonOptions.experiment
private  String JmlCommonOptions.universesx
private  String JmlCommonOptions.excludefiles
private  String JmlCommonOptions.admissibility
private static String[] Main.Filter.suffixes
private  String JmlInformalExpression.text
          The text of this informal description.
private  String JmlLabelExpression.ident
private  String JmlSetComprehension.ident
private  String JavadocJmlLexer.eol
private static String NonNullStatistics.currMethod
private static String NonNullStatistics.currClass
private static String[] NonNullStatistics.strArgs
static String JmlAdmissibilityVisitor.ADMISSIBILITY_CLASSICAL
          Command line option to enable classical admissibility checks
static String JmlAdmissibilityVisitor.ADMISSIBILITY_NONE
          Command line option to disable admissibility checks
static String JmlAdmissibilityVisitor.ADMISSIBILITY_OWNERSHIP
          Command line option to enable ownership admissibility checks
(package private)  String JmlGUI.JmlGUIFileFilter.suffix
private  String[] JmlGUI.JmlCompilation.files
static String[] JavadocJmlParser._tokenNames

Methods in org.jmlspecs.checker that return String
protected  String Main.getWarningFilterNameFromOptions(MjcCommonOptions opts)
static String Main.makeRelative(String path, String referenceDir, String separator)
          This function should return a path for the first argument that is relative to the second argument (which may be a directory or a file); if the paths are the same, an empty string is returned.
protected static String JmlNode.privacyString(long privacy)
          Return a string representation of the given visibility; the argument may be the complete set of modifiers; note that "package" is returned if no visibility level is specified.
 String JmlFormalParameter.modifiersAsString()
          Returns any parameter modifiers as a String; if the String is not empty, it will have a trailing space.
 String JmlMemberDeclaration.stringRepresentation()
 String JmlMemberDeclaration.findJavaFileInRefinement()
 String JmlFieldDeclaration.ident()
          Returns the identifier of this field declaration
 String JmlMapsIntoClause.fieldIdent()
 String JmlDataGroupMemberMap.toString()
 String JmlInformalStoreRef.text()
 String JmlLabeled.label()
 String JmlPredicate.toString()
 String JmlParser.jIdentifier()
 String JmlRefinePrefix.fileName()
 String JmlStoreRefExpression.getName()
 String JmlStoreRefExpression.toString()
 String JmlName.ident()
 String JmlName.getName()
 String JmlMethodNameList.toString()
 String JmlSpecExpression.toString()
 String JmlMethodName.toString()
 String JmlMethodName.getPrefixName()
          Returns a String representation of the prefix to the method, i.e., the receiver expression, used for creating error messages.
 String JmlSignalsClause.ident()
 String JmlVariableDefinition.racField()
          Returns the name of RAC field generated for this variable.
 String JmlSourceMethod.getGenericSignature()
 String JmlTypeDeclaration.ident()
          Returns the identifier for this type declaration.
 String JmlConstraint.toString()
 String JmlRepresentsDecl.ident()
          Returns the identifier of the represented model field.
 String JmlBinaryMember.ident()
 String JmlBinaryMember.stringRepresentation()
 String JmlMethodDeclaration.ident()
 String JmlMethodDeclaration.stringRepresentation()
 String JmlOldExpression.label()
 String JmlCompilationUnit.packageNameAsString()
 String JmlCompilationUnit.getFilePath()
 String JmlCompilationUnit.fileNameIdent()
 String JmlBinaryMethod.stringRepresentation()
 String JmlVersionOptions.getShortOptions()
 String JmlVersionOptions.version()
 String JmlCommonOptions.filter()
 String JmlCommonOptions.set_filter(String filter)
 String JmlCommonOptions.experiment()
 String JmlCommonOptions.set_experiment(String experiment)
 String JmlCommonOptions.universesx()
 String JmlCommonOptions.set_universesx(String universesx)
 String JmlCommonOptions.excludefiles()
 String JmlCommonOptions.set_excludefiles(String excludefiles)
 String JmlCommonOptions.admissibility()
 String JmlCommonOptions.set_admissibility(String admissibility)
 String JmlCommonOptions.getShortOptions()
protected  String JmlTypeLoader.getFileIdent(File f)
          Returns the Java identifier associated with the name of the file contained in this file.
 String JmlClassDeclaration.superName()
 String JmlOptions.getShortOptions()
 String JmlAssignableFieldSet.toString()
 String JmlClassOrGFImport.getName()
 String JmlClassOrGFImport.ident()
 String JmlConstructorName.toString()
 String JmlInformalExpression.text()
          Returns the text of this informal description.
 String JmlLabelExpression.ident()
 String JmlLoopStatement.label()
          Returns the label if this statement is a labeled loop statement; otherwise, returns null.
 String JmlMonitorsForVarAssertion.fieldIdent()
 String JmlPackageImport.getName()
          Returns the package name defined by this declaration.
 String JmlReadableIfVarAssertion.fieldIdent()
 String JmlWritableIfVarAssertion.fieldIdent()
 String JmlRelationalExpression.opString()
 String JmlRelationalExpression.toString()
 String JmlSetComprehension.ident()
private  String JmlRefineModelProgramVisitor.decodeMods(long mods)
          Reduces modifier checking to a string comparison.
 String JmlNumericType.toString()
          Transforms this type to a string
 String JmlNumericType.getSignature()
          Transforms this type to a string
 String CTypeType.toString()
          Transforms this type to a string
 String CTypeType.toVerboseString()
 String JmlCastExpression.toString()
private static String JmlAdmissibilityVisitor.getAdmissibility()
          This method takes the command line admissibility string and returns the appropriate canonical admissibility option string.
protected  String JmlGUI.getClasspath(Options opt)
protected  String JmlGUI.getSourcepath(Options opt)
protected  String JmlGUI.getWebpageName()
protected  String JmlGUI.getWebpageLocation()
 String JmlGUI.AllFilesGUIFileFilter.getDescription()
 String JmlGUI.JmlGUIFileFilter.getDescription()
 String JavadocJmlParser.description()

Methods in org.jmlspecs.checker with parameters of type String
static void Main.main(String[] args)
          The entry point when starting this program from the command line.
static boolean Main.compile(String[] args)
          Second entry point.
static boolean Main.compile(String[] args, JmlOptions opt, OutputStream os)
          Entry point for the GUI
 boolean Main.parseArguments(String[] args, ArrayList infiles)
          Parses the argument list.
static String Main.makeRelative(String path, String referenceDir, String separator)
          This function should return a path for the first argument that is relative to the second argument (which may be a directory or a file); if the paths are the same, an empty string is returned.
protected  CField JmlSourceClass.lookupFieldHelper(String name, CExpressionContextType context)
          Searches a field in current class and parent hierarchy as needed
protected  CField JmlSourceClass.getDeclaredField(String ident)
          Returns the signature of the field with the given name declared in this class, or null if this class does not declare a field with the given name.
protected  boolean JmlSourceClass.isFieldRedefined(String ident, CExpressionContextType dummyContext)
          Returns true iff a field with same name is already defined in a superclass or an implemented interface.
protected  void JmlSourceClass.accumMostSpecificMethods(String name, CClass.NoDupStrategy actor, CMethodSet accum, CClassType[] args, CContextType context)
          Accumulates the set of methods with identifier name declared in the type represented by this, or added to the type by external methods, using the strategy actor.
static int JmlSourceClass.computeSuffixNumber(String fileName)
          Computes the number associated with the suffix of the given file name.
protected  void JmlSourceClass.accumLocalInternalMethods(String name, CClass.NoDupStrategy actor, CMethodSet accum, CClassType[] args)
          Accumulates the set of methods with identifier name declared in the type represented by this, using the strategy actor.
 CMethodSet JmlSourceClass.lookupJMLMethodName(String name, CContextType context)
          For looking up methods that are not overloaded and appear in JML clauses that list method calls.
protected  CClass JmlSourceClass.getDeclaredInnerType(String name)
          Searches for the inner type with the given name.
private  void JmlSourceClass.accumMethodsJMLOnly(CClass.NoDupStrategy actor, String name, CMethodSet accum)
          Accumulates the set of methods with identifier name declared in the type represented by this, ignoring external methods, using the strategy actor.
protected  ClassInfo JmlSourceClass.createClassInfo(long modifiers, String superClass, File sourceFile)
          Creates an instance of ClassInfo.
protected  void JmlAbstractVisitor.visitBinaryExpression(JBinaryExpression self, String oper)
          Visits the given binary expression with the given operator.
 JmlSourceField JmlDataGroupClause.checkDataGroup(CFlowControlContextType context, JExpression groupNameExpr, String ident, long privacy)
 JmlMapsIntoClause[] JmlDataGroupAccumulator.getMapsIntoClausesFor(String fieldId)
protected  FieldInfo JmlSourceField.createFieldInfo(int modifiers, String name, String type, Object value, boolean deprecated, boolean synthetic)
          Creates a new field info object.
 ClassPath.ClassDescription JmlFileFinder.find(String name)
          This method finds a file for the given class name; it first looks for a source file anywhere in the source path; if there is none, then a class file is sought on the class path.
 ClassPath.ClassDescription JmlFileFinder.findSourceFile(String name)
          Finds a source file per the implemented search order, which is to search for all the suffixes in each directory on the source path in turn.
private  ClassPath.ClassDescription JmlFileFinder.findSymbolFile(String name)
          Returns the symbol file for the given class name.
 void JmlRefinePrefix.setPackageName(String packageName)
static JmlBinaryType JmlRefinePrefix.buildBinaryType(TokenReference where, String prefix)
 void JmlVariableDefinition.setRacField(String name)
          Set the name of RAC field of this variable to the given one.
 CClass JmlContext.lookupClass(String name)
          Searches for a class with the given simple name according the procedure in JLS2 6.5.5.
 CTypeVariable JmlContext.lookupTypeVariable(String ident)
 CMethod JmlContext.lookupMethod(String name, CType[] params)
          Searches for the most specific method in the current context that is applicable to the given identifier and argument type tuple.
 CMethod JmlContext.lookupMethod(String name, CType[] params, CClassContextType context)
          Searches for the most specific method in the current context that is applicable to the given identifier and argument type tuple.
 CMethodSet JmlContext.lookupMethodOrSet(String name, CType[] params)
          Searches for the most specific method(s) in the current context that is applicable to the given identifier and argument type tuple.
 CMethodSet JmlContext.lookupMethodOrSet(String name, CType[] params, CClassContextType context)
          Searches for the most specific method(s) in the current context that is applicable to the given identifier and argument type tuple.
 CFieldAccessor JmlContext.lookupField(String ident)
          searches for a field with the given identifier
 CFieldAccessor JmlContext.lookupField(String ident, CExpressionContextType context)
          searches for a field with the given identifier
 JLocalVariable JmlContext.lookupLocalVariable(String ident)
          searches for a local variable with the given identifier
 JExpression JmlContext.lookupOuterLocalVariable(TokenReference ref, String ident)
          Finds a local variable with the given name that appears outside the current lexical contour.
 CFieldAccessor JmlContext.lookupOuterField(String ident)
          Searches for a field of the given name in the context surrounding the current lexical contour.
 CFieldAccessor JmlContext.lookupOuterField(String ident, CExpressionContextType context)
          Searches for a field of the given name in the context surrounding the current lexical contour.
 void JmlContext.dumpNonNulls(String msg)
 void JmlContext.resolveMaybeExtMethodRef(String ident)
          Searches for any imported external generic functions.
 void JmlContext.registerGFDecl(String methodIdent, CGenericFunctionCollection coll)
          Registers the declaration of an external generic function in this context.
 CClass JmlCompilationUnitContext.lookupClass(String name)
          Searches for a class with the given simple name according the procedure in JLS2 6.5.5.
 CMethod JmlCompilationUnitContext.lookupMethod(String name, CType[] params, CClassContextType context)
          Searches for the most specific method applicable to the given identifier and argument type tuple, in the current context.
 CMethodSet JmlCompilationUnitContext.lookupMethodOrSet(String name, CType[] params, CClassContextType context)
          Searches for the most specific method(s) applicable to the given identifier and argument type tuple, in the current context.
 CFieldAccessor JmlCompilationUnitContext.lookupField(String ident, CExpressionContextType context)
          searches for a field with the given identifier
 JLocalVariable JmlCompilationUnitContext.lookupLocalVariable(String ident)
          Finds the variable with the given identifier in this context.
 JExpression JmlCompilationUnitContext.lookupOuterLocalVariable(TokenReference ref, String ident)
          Finds a local variable with the given name that appears outside the current lexical contour.
 CFieldAccessor JmlCompilationUnitContext.lookupOuterField(String ident, CExpressionContextType context)
          Searches for a field of the given name in the context surrounding the current lexical contour.
 void JmlCompilationUnitContext.resolveMaybeExtMethodRef(String ident)
          Searches for any imported external generic functions.
static Main.PTMode Main.PTMode.mode(String s)
 CFieldAccessor JmlExpressionContext.lookupField(String ident)
          searches for a field with the given identifier
 CFieldAccessor JmlExpressionContext.lookupOuterField(String ident)
          Searches for a field of the given name in the context surrounding the current lexical contour.
protected  CClassType[] JmlBinarySourceClass.loadInterfaces(String[] interfaces)
          Loads the interfaces specified by the Strings in the argument array (whether from other declarations in this compilation pass or from *.class files.)
private static CClass JmlBinarySourceClass.getOuterClassFrom(String clazz)
          Returns the surrounding class for the inner class named by the argument.
private static CMemberHost JmlBinarySourceClass.getHostFrom(String clazz)
          Returns the host for the class named by the argument.
 boolean JmlSourceMethod.isApplicable(String ident, CType recvType, CType[] actuals, CClassType[] args)
          Returns true if this method is applicable to a method call with the given identifier and actual (static) argument types.
protected  MethodInfo JmlSourceMethod.createCMethodInfo(int modifiers, String name, String type, String[] exceptions, CSourceMethod method, boolean deprecated, boolean synthetic)
          Creates a method info object.
protected  MethodInfo JmlSourceMethod.createMethodInfo(int modifiers, String name, String type, String[] exceptions, CodeInfo code, boolean deprecated, boolean synthetic)
          Creates a method info object.
 void JmlTypeDeclaration.generateInterface(Main compiler, CClass owner, CMemberHost host, String prefix, boolean isAnon, boolean isMember)
          Generates a CSourceClass class signature singleton for this declaration.
 void JmlTypeDeclaration.setIdent(String ident)
private  JmlTypeDeclaration JmlTypeDeclaration.checkRedundantRepresents(JmlRepresentsDecl redundantRep, String ident)
private  void JmlTypeDeclaration.checkFieldsInterface(String javaFileName)
private  void JmlTypeDeclaration.checkMethodsInterface(String javaFileName)
static JmlMethodDeclaration JmlMethodDeclaration.makeInstance(TokenReference where, long modifiers, CTypeVariable[] typevariables, CType returnType, String ident, JFormalParameter[] parameters, CClassType[] exceptions, JBlock body, JavadocComment javadoc, JavaStyleComment[] comments, JmlMethodSpecification methodSpecification)
 void JmlMethodDeclaration.setIdent(String name)
          Set the name of this method; used by RAC.
 CSourceMethod JmlMethodDeclaration.checkInterfaceType(CContextType context, MemberAccess access, String ident)
          Performs the interface checks that are common to all sorts of methods.
 boolean AndNotPatternFilenameFilter.accept(File dir, String name)
          Return true just when we want to process this file name.
private  JmlMethodSpecification TestJmlParser.methodSpecificationFrom(String mspec)
private  JmlModelProgStatement TestJmlParser.getModelProgStatement(String sourceCode)
private  JmlGuardedStatement TestJmlParser.getGuardedStatementFrom(String sourceCode)
private  JmlGeneralSpecCase TestJmlParser.getSpecCase(String sourceCode)
protected  void TestJmlParser.Helper.establishTest(String sourceCode, boolean parseJavadocs)
          Establish lexers and parsers for the given source code, parsing javadoc comments according to the given boolean.
protected  JmlCompilationUnit TestJmlParser.Helper.getJmlAST(String sourceCode)
protected  JmlMethodSpecification TestJmlParser.Helper.getMethodSpecification(String sourceCode)
protected  JmlGenericSpecCase TestJmlParser.Helper.getGenericSpecCase(String sourceCode)
protected  JmlGenericSpecCase TestJmlParser.Helper.getGenericSpecStatementCase(String sourceCode)
protected  JmlAbruptSpecCase TestJmlParser.Helper.getAbruptSpecCase(String sourceCode)
protected  JmlSpecBodyClause[] TestJmlParser.Helper.getSpecBody(String sourceCode)
protected  JmlRequiresClause TestJmlParser.Helper.getRequiresClause(String sourceCode)
protected  JmlSpecBodyClause TestJmlParser.Helper.getSpecBodyClause(String sourceCode)
protected  JmlModelProgram TestJmlParser.Helper.getModelProgram(long modifiers, String sourceCode)
protected  JmlSpecVarDecl[] TestJmlParser.Helper.getSpecVarDecls(String sourceCode)
protected  JStatement TestJmlParser.Helper.getStatement(String sourceCode)
 boolean JmlCompilationUnit.declaresType(String qualifiedName)
          Returns true iff this compilation unit contains a declaration for a top-level type with the given fully qualified name.
 boolean JmlCompilationUnit.declaresGF(String qualifiedName)
          Returns true iff this compilation unit contains a declaration for a generic function with the given fully qualified name.
protected  CSourceClass JInterfaceDeclarationWrapper.makeSignature(Main compiler, CClass owner, CMemberHost host, String prefix, boolean isAnon, boolean isMember)
          Generates the signature object for this.
 CClass JmlClassContext.lookupClass(String name)
          Searches for a class with the given simple name according the procedure in JLS2 6.5.5.
 CTypeVariable JmlClassContext.lookupTypeVariable(String ident)
 CMethod JmlClassContext.lookupMethod(String ident, CType[] params, CClassContextType context)
          Searches for the most specific method when no receiver is explicit at the call site.
 CMethodSet JmlClassContext.lookupMethodOrSet(String ident, CType[] params, CClassContextType context)
          Searches for the most specific method(s) when no receiver is explicit at the call site.
 CFieldAccessor JmlClassContext.lookupOuterField(String ident, CExpressionContextType context)
          Searches for a field of the given name in the context surrounding the current lexical contour.
 CFieldAccessor JmlClassContext.lookupField(String ident, CExpressionContextType context)
 JExpression JmlClassContext.lookupOuterLocalVariable(TokenReference ref, String ident)
          Finds a local variable with the given name that appears outside the current lexical contour.
 JLocalVariable JmlClassContext.lookupLocalVariable(String ident)
 void JmlClassContext.resolveMaybeExtMethodRef(String ident)
          Searches for any imported or private external generic functions.
 boolean JmlVersionOptions.setOption(String name, Object newValue)
 String JmlCommonOptions.set_filter(String filter)
 String JmlCommonOptions.set_experiment(String experiment)
 String JmlCommonOptions.set_universesx(String universesx)
 String JmlCommonOptions.set_excludefiles(String excludefiles)
 String JmlCommonOptions.set_admissibility(String admissibility)
 boolean JmlCommonOptions.setOption(String name, Object newValue)
 JmlCompilationUnit JmlTypeLoader.getSuspendedCUnit(String qName)
          Look for partially processed compilation unit (if suspended) for the qualified type name qName.
 void JmlTypeLoader.activateSymbolTableBuild(String qName)
          Reactivate the task for the qualified type name qName.
 void JmlTypeLoader.activateTypeCheck(String qName)
          Reactivate the task for the qualified type name qName.
protected  boolean JmlTypeLoader.isTrusted(String qName)
          Returns true if the information for the type or package of the given qualified name should be retained for subsequent compilation sessions.
protected  ClassInfo JmlTypeLoader.createClassInfo(String qName)
          Creates and returns a class info object by reading the symbol file for the class with the given fully qualified name qName.
static JmlClassDeclaration JmlClassDeclaration.makeInstance(TokenReference where, long modifiers, String ident, CTypeVariable[] typevariables, CClassType superType, boolean isWeakSubtype, CClassType[] interfaces, boolean[] interfaceWeaklyFlags, ArrayList methods, ArrayList inners, JPhylum[] fieldsAndInits, JmlInvariant[] invariants, JmlConstraint[] constraints, JmlRepresentsDecl[] representsDecls, JmlAxiom[] axioms, JmlVarAssertion[] varAssertions, JavadocComment javadoc, JavaStyleComment[] comment, boolean isRefinedType)
          Constructs a class declaration in the parsing tree.
static JmlInterfaceDeclaration JmlInterfaceDeclaration.makeInstance(TokenReference where, long modifiers, String ident, CTypeVariable[] typevariables, CClassType[] interfaces, boolean[] interfaceWeaklyFlags, ArrayList methods, ArrayList inners, JPhylum[] fieldsAndInits, JmlInvariant[] invariants, JmlConstraint[] constraints, JmlRepresentsDecl[] representsDecls, JmlAxiom[] axioms, JmlVarAssertion[] varAssertions, JavadocComment javadoc, JavaStyleComment[] comment, boolean isRefinedType)
          Constructs an interface declaration in the parsing tree.
 boolean JmlOptions.setOption(String name, Object newValue)
 boolean Main.Filter.accept(File dir, String name)
 CTypeVariable JmlMethodContext.lookupTypeVariable(String ident)
 boolean JmlSigBinaryMethod.isApplicable(String ident, CType recvType, CType[] actuals)
          Returns true if this method is applicable to a method call with the given identifier and actual (static) argument types.
static JmlConstructorDeclaration JmlConstructorDeclaration.makeInstance(TokenReference where, long modifiers, String ident, JFormalParameter[] params, CClassType[] exceptions, JConstructorBlock body, JavadocComment javadoc, JavaStyleComment[] comments, JmlMethodSpecification methodSpecification)
static JmlInformalExpression JmlInformalExpression.ofBoolean(TokenReference where, String text)
          Returns a new informal description of type boolean.
static JmlInformalExpression JmlInformalExpression.ofInteger(TokenReference where, String text)
          Returns a new informal description of type int.
 void JmlPackageImport.setClassUsed(String clazz)
          States that specified class in imported package is used.
protected  void JmlVisitorNI.imp(String method, Object self)
protected  CSourceMethod JMethodDeclarationWrapper.makeMethodSignature(CContextType context, MemberAccess access, String ident, CSpecializedType[] parameterTypes)
          Generates the signature object for this method declaration.
static void NonNullStatistics.checkExpression(JExpression j, JmlContext context, String fn, int clause, boolean ifNot, boolean ifInvStatic)
static void NonNullStatistics.checkSpecification(JmlMethodDeclaration jmd, Object[] jscArr, JmlContext context, String fn)
static void NonNullStatistics.checkSpecCase(JmlSpecCase jsc, JmlContext context, String fn, boolean fromHeavy)
static void NonNullStatistics.checkSpecBody(JmlSpecBody jsb, JmlContext context, String fn)
static void NonNullStatistics.checkSpecBodyClause(JmlSpecBodyClause jsbc, JmlContext context, String fn)
private static void NonNullStatistics.handleNNElementExpr(JmlNonNullElementsExpression j, JmlContext context, String fn, int clause, boolean ifInvStatic)
private static void NonNullStatistics.handleInstanceofExpression(JInstanceofExpression j, JmlContext context, String fn, int clause, boolean ifInvStatic)
private static void NonNullStatistics.handleEqualityExpression(JmlEqualityExpression je, JmlContext context, String fn, int clause, boolean ifNot, boolean ifInvStatic)
private static void NonNullStatistics.handleFreshExpression(JmlFreshExpression jf, JmlContext context, int clause, String fn)
static void NonNullStatistics.handleMethodDeclaration(JmlMethodDeclaration jmd, JMethodDeclaration delegee, String fileName, JmlContext context)
static void NonNullStatistics.setCurrMethod(String methodIdent)
static void NonNullStatistics.setCurrClass(String classIdent)
static Vector NonNullStatistics.getSuperSpec(JmlMethodDeclaration jmd, String key)
private static void NonNullStatistics.putHmSpecCase(String key)
private static void NonNullStatistics.abortCurrentSpecCase(String fn)
static void NonNullStatistics.hmNonnullPut(String key, String value)
 JLabeledStatement JmlFlowControlContext.getLabeledStatement(String label)
          Returns the statement with the specified label.
 void JmlFlowControlContext.dumpNonNulls(String msg)
 CClass JmlFlowControlContext.lookupClass(String name)
          Searches for a class with the given simple name according the procedure in JLS2 6.5.5.
 JLocalVariable JmlFlowControlContext.lookupLocalVariable(String ident)
          Returns the variable referred to by the given name in this context, recursing to surrounding contexts as appropriate.
static void JmlGUI.main(String[] args)
static JmlGUI JmlGUI.init(String[] args, boolean standAlone)
protected  boolean JmlGUI.dirInClassPath(Options opt, String dir)
protected  org.multijava.util.gui.GUI.Compilation JmlGUI.createCompilationInstance(String[] files, Options opt, OutputStream os)
 boolean JmlGUI.AllFilesGUIFileFilter.hasActiveSuffix(String name)
 boolean JmlGUI.JmlGUIFileFilter.hasActiveSuffix(String name)
protected  CSourceClass JClassDeclarationWrapper.makeSignature(Main compiler, CClass owner, CMemberHost host, String prefix, boolean isAnon, boolean isMember)
          Generates the signature object for this class declaration.
protected  CSourceMethod JConstructorDeclarationWrapper.makeMethodSignature(CContextType context, MemberAccess access, String ident, CSpecializedType[] parameterTypes)
          Generates the signature object for this method declaration.
protected  void JmlAccumSubclassingInfo.visitBinaryExpression(JBinaryExpression self, String oper)

Constructors in org.jmlspecs.checker with parameters of type String
JmlSourceClass(Main compiler, CClass owner, CMemberHost host, TokenReference where, long modifiers, String ident, String qualifiedName, CTypeVariable[] typevariables, boolean isAnonymous, boolean isMember, boolean deprecated)
          Constructs a class export from source
JmlFormalParameter(TokenReference where, long modifiers, int desc, CSpecializedType type, String ident)
          Constructs a formal parameter node in the parsing tree.
JmlMapsIntoClause(TokenReference where, boolean redundantly, String fieldId, JmlStoreRefExpression memberRef, JmlStoreRefExpression[] groupList)
JmlSourceField(JmlMemberAccess access, String ident, CType type, boolean deprecated)
          Constructs a field export
JmlInformalStoreRef(TokenReference where, String text)
JmlLabeled(TokenReference where, boolean isRedundantly, String label, JmlPredicate predOrNot, boolean isNotSpecified)
JmlBreaksClause(TokenReference where, boolean isRedundantly, String label, JmlPredicate predOrNot, boolean isNotSpecified)
JmlRefinePrefix(TokenReference where, String fileName)
JmlName(TokenReference where, String ident)
          Construct an ident sort of name or name-suffix.
JmlSignalsClause(TokenReference where, boolean isRedundantly, CType type, String ident, JmlPredicate pred, boolean notSpecified)
JmlContinuesClause(TokenReference where, boolean isRedundantly, String label, JmlPredicate predOrNot, boolean isNotSpecified)
JmlVariableDefinition(TokenReference where, long modifiers, CType type, String ident, JExpression initializer)
          Construct a node in the parsing tree.
JmlSourceMethod(MemberAccess access, String ident, CType returnType, CSpecializedType[] paramTypes, CClassType[] exceptions, CTypeVariable[] typevariables, boolean deprecated, JBlock body, CContextType declarationContext, JMethodDeclaration declarationASTNode)
JmlBinaryType(TokenReference where, JmlBinarySourceClass member, String prefix)
          Constructs a class export from file.
JmlOldExpression(TokenReference where, JmlSpecExpression specExpression, String label)
AndNotPatternFilenameFilter(FilenameFilter f, String p)
          Initialize this filter.
TestJmlParser(String name)
          The constructor called by the JUnit framework.
TestJmlParser.Helper(String name)
JInterfaceDeclarationWrapper(TokenReference where, long modifiers, String ident, CTypeVariable[] typevariables, CClassType[] interfaces, ArrayList methods, ArrayList inners, JPhylum[] fieldsAndInits, JavadocComment javadoc, JavaStyleComment[] comments, boolean isRefinedType)
          Constructs an interface declaration in the parsing tree.
JmlVersionOptions(String name)
JmlCommonOptions(String name)
JmlOptions(String name)
JmlClassOrGFImport(TokenReference where, String name, JavaStyleComment[] comments, boolean isModel)
          Constructs an AST node for a class or external member import statement.
JmlInformalExpression(TokenReference where, String text)
          Constructs an instance.
JmlInformalExpression(TokenReference where, String text, boolean isBoolean)
          Constructs an instance.
JmlLabelExpression(TokenReference where, boolean isPosLabel, String ident, JmlSpecExpression specExpression)
JmlPackageImport(TokenReference where, String name, JavaStyleComment[] comments, boolean isModel)
JmlSetComprehension(TokenReference where, long modifiers, CType type, CType memberType, String ident, JExpression supersetPred, JmlPredicate predicate)
JmlOrdinalLiteral(TokenReference where, String image)
          Construct a node in the parsing tree
JMethodDeclarationWrapper(TokenReference where, long modifiers, CTypeVariable[] typevariables, CType returnType, String ident, JFormalParameter[] parameters, CClassType[] exceptions, JBlock body, JavadocComment javadoc, JavaStyleComment[] comments)
          Construct a node in the parsing tree This method is directly called by the parser
JmlGUI.JmlGUIFileFilter(String suffix)
JmlGUI.JmlCompilation(String[] files, JmlOptions options, OutputStream os)
JClassDeclarationWrapper(TokenReference where, long modifiers, String ident, CClassType superType, CClassType[] interfaces, ArrayList methods, ArrayList inners, JPhylum[] fieldsAndInits, JavadocComment javadoc, JavaStyleComment[] comments)
          Constructs a class declaration in the parsing tree.
JClassDeclarationWrapper(TokenReference where, long modifiers, String ident, CTypeVariable[] typevariables, CClassType superType, CClassType[] interfaces, ArrayList methods, ArrayList inners, JPhylum[] fieldsAndInits, JavadocComment javadoc, JavaStyleComment[] comments, boolean isRefinedType)
          Constructs a class declaration in the parsing tree.
JConstructorDeclarationWrapper(TokenReference where, long modifiers, String ident, JFormalParameter[] parameters, CClassType[] exceptions, JConstructorBlock body, JavadocComment javadoc, JavaStyleComment[] comments)
          Construct a node in the parsing tree This method is directly called by the parser

Uses of String in org.jmlspecs.jmldoc

Fields in org.jmlspecs.jmldoc declared as String
private  String JavadocOptions.bootclasspath
private  String JavadocOptions.bottom
private  String JavadocOptions.charset
private  String JavadocOptions.docencoding
private  String JavadocOptions.doclet
private  String JavadocOptions.docletpath
private  String JavadocOptions.doctitle
private  String JavadocOptions.encoding
private  String JavadocOptions.exclude
private  String JavadocOptions.excludedocfilessubdir
private  String JavadocOptions.extdirs
private  String JavadocOptions.footer
private  String[][]
private  String JavadocOptions.header
private  String JavadocOptions.helpfile
private  String JavadocOptions.J
private  String[][]
private  String[][] JavadocOptions.linkoffline
private  String JavadocOptions.locale
private  String JavadocOptions.noqualifier
private  String JavadocOptions.overview
private  String JavadocOptions.stylesheetfile
private  String JavadocOptions.subpackages
private  String[][] JavadocOptions.tag
private  String JavadocOptions.taglet
private  String JavadocOptions.tagletpath
private  String JavadocOptions.windowtitle
private  String JmldocOptions.docpath
private  String JmldocOptions.fcns

Methods in org.jmlspecs.jmldoc that return String
 String JavadocOptions.bootclasspath()
 String JavadocOptions.set_bootclasspath(String bootclasspath)
 String JavadocOptions.bottom()
 String JavadocOptions.set_bottom(String bottom)
 String JavadocOptions.charset()
 String JavadocOptions.set_charset(String charset)
 String JavadocOptions.docencoding()
 String JavadocOptions.set_docencoding(String docencoding)
 String JavadocOptions.doclet()
 String JavadocOptions.set_doclet(String doclet)
 String JavadocOptions.docletpath()
 String JavadocOptions.set_docletpath(String docletpath)
 String JavadocOptions.doctitle()
 String JavadocOptions.set_doctitle(String doctitle)
 String JavadocOptions.encoding()
 String JavadocOptions.set_encoding(String encoding)
 String JavadocOptions.exclude()
 String JavadocOptions.set_exclude(String exclude)
 String JavadocOptions.excludedocfilessubdir()
 String JavadocOptions.set_excludedocfilessubdir(String excludedocfilessubdir)
 String JavadocOptions.extdirs()
 String JavadocOptions.set_extdirs(String extdirs)
 String JavadocOptions.footer()
 String JavadocOptions.set_footer(String footer)
 String[][] JavadocOptions.set_group(String[][] group)
 String JavadocOptions.header()
 String JavadocOptions.set_header(String header)
 String JavadocOptions.helpfile()
 String JavadocOptions.set_helpfile(String helpfile)
 String JavadocOptions.J()
 String JavadocOptions.set_J(String J)
 String[][] JavadocOptions.set_link(String[][] link)
 String[][] JavadocOptions.linkoffline()
 String[][] JavadocOptions.set_linkoffline(String[][] linkoffline)
 String JavadocOptions.locale()
 String JavadocOptions.set_locale(String locale)
 String JavadocOptions.noqualifier()
 String JavadocOptions.set_noqualifier(String noqualifier)
 String JavadocOptions.overview()
 String JavadocOptions.set_overview(String overview)
 String JavadocOptions.stylesheetfile()
 String JavadocOptions.set_stylesheetfile(String stylesheetfile)
 String JavadocOptions.subpackages()
 String JavadocOptions.set_subpackages(String subpackages)
 String[][] JavadocOptions.tag()
 String[][] JavadocOptions.set_tag(String[][] tag)
 String JavadocOptions.taglet()
 String JavadocOptions.set_taglet(String taglet)
 String JavadocOptions.tagletpath()
 String JavadocOptions.set_tagletpath(String tagletpath)
 String JavadocOptions.windowtitle()
 String JavadocOptions.set_windowtitle(String windowtitle)
 String JavadocOptions.getShortOptions()
 String JmldocOptions.docpath()
 String JmldocOptions.set_docpath(String docpath)
 String JmldocOptions.fcns()
 String JmldocOptions.set_fcns(String fcns)
 String JmldocOptions.getShortOptions()
static String Utils.modifierString( w, long m)

Methods in org.jmlspecs.jmldoc with parameters of type String
static void Main.main(String[] args)
static boolean Main.compile(String[] args)
 String JavadocOptions.set_bootclasspath(String bootclasspath)
 String JavadocOptions.set_bottom(String bottom)
 String JavadocOptions.set_charset(String charset)
 String JavadocOptions.set_docencoding(String docencoding)
 String JavadocOptions.set_doclet(String doclet)
 String JavadocOptions.set_docletpath(String docletpath)
 String JavadocOptions.set_doctitle(String doctitle)
 String JavadocOptions.set_encoding(String encoding)
 String JavadocOptions.set_exclude(String exclude)
 String JavadocOptions.set_excludedocfilessubdir(String excludedocfilessubdir)
 String JavadocOptions.set_extdirs(String extdirs)
 String JavadocOptions.set_footer(String footer)
 String[][] JavadocOptions.set_group(String[][] group)
 String JavadocOptions.set_header(String header)
 String JavadocOptions.set_helpfile(String helpfile)
 String JavadocOptions.set_J(String J)
 String[][] JavadocOptions.set_link(String[][] link)
 String[][] JavadocOptions.set_linkoffline(String[][] linkoffline)
 String JavadocOptions.set_locale(String locale)
 String JavadocOptions.set_noqualifier(String noqualifier)
 String JavadocOptions.set_overview(String overview)
 String JavadocOptions.set_stylesheetfile(String stylesheetfile)
 String JavadocOptions.set_subpackages(String subpackages)
 String[][] JavadocOptions.set_tag(String[][] tag)
 String JavadocOptions.set_taglet(String taglet)
 String JavadocOptions.set_tagletpath(String tagletpath)
 String JavadocOptions.set_windowtitle(String windowtitle)
 boolean JavadocOptions.setOption(String name, Object newValue)
 String JmldocOptions.set_docpath(String docpath)
 String JmldocOptions.set_fcns(String fcns)
 boolean JmldocOptions.setOption(String name, Object newValue)
static void JmldocGUI.main(String[] args)
static void JmldocGUI.init(String[] args, boolean standAlone)

Constructors in org.jmlspecs.jmldoc with parameters of type String
JavadocOptions(String name)
JmldocOptions(String name)

Uses of String in org.jmlspecs.jmldoc.jmldoc_142

Fields in org.jmlspecs.jmldoc.jmldoc_142 declared as String
private static String JmlHTML.eol
          The string that terminates lines on this platform.
private static String JmlHTML.jmlbegin
          Used to begin any section of material added to an HTML file.
private static String JmlHTML.jmlend
          Used to end any section of material added to an HTML file.
private static String JmlHTML.jmlcomment1
private static String JmlHTML.jmlcomment2
private static String JmlHTML.oldsuffix
          This string is used as a suffix for the backup files - the original html files before begin altered by adding jml annotations.
private static String JmlHTML.newsuffix
          This string is used as a suffix for the new html file, temporarily; Once the file is complete it is moved on top of the old one.
private static String JmlHTML.adjustedDestination
          This gives the absolute path of the destination for generated html files.
private static String JmlHTML.suffix
          The value of the suffix that javadoc uses on this platform for html files, with the leading period.
private static String JmlHTML.alternateSuffix
          A second suffix for html files that should be tried.
protected  String JmlHTML.currentFilePath
private  String JmlHTML.classSpecsTitle
private static String SpecWriter.eol
          The string that terminates lines on this platform.
static String SpecWriter.BREOL
 String JmlHTML.IntString.text
(package private)  String JmldocGUI.JmldocGUIFileFilter.suffix
private  String[] JmldocGUI.JmldocCompilation.files

Methods in org.jmlspecs.jmldoc.jmldoc_142 that return String
protected  String JmlHTML.generateClassSpecification(JmlTypeDeclaration jmltype, writer)
          This generates the full html insert for the class level specifications, including those for any super classes and including the leading jmlbegin and jmlend strings.
(package private) static String JmlHTML.makeSig(JmlMethodDeclaration m, JmlTypeDeclaration jmltype)
          This function returns a String giving the signature of a method - the method name and fully qualified argument types, but not formal parameter names.
 String JmlHTML.generateFieldSpecification(JFieldDeclarationType jm, JmldocFieldSubWriter fsw)
 String JmlHTML.generateMethodSpecification(JmlMethodDeclaration jm, CClass cclass, String sig, writer)
 String JmlHTML.linkString(CClass cclass, boolean fullname, writer)
          This function generates a String giving the name of the class corresponding to 'cclass'; if an html file can be located for this class, then the string consists of an HTML link reference to that class.
 String JmldocFieldSubWriter.getLink(CClass container, CField fd, String label)
 String SpecWriter.toString()
          Returns the accumulated text.
 String SpecWriter.htmlop(int op, JRelationalExpression s)
static String SpecWriter.jmlModifiers(long mods)
 String SpecWriter.convertToHtml(String s)
          Copies the input string to the output, replacing instances of special html characters by html representations (less than symbols, greater than symbols, ampersands).
private  String SpecWriter.replace(String s, char c, String rep)
protected  String JmldocGUI.getClasspath(Options opt)
protected  String JmldocGUI.getSourcepath(Options opt)
protected  String JmldocGUI.getWebpageName()
protected  String JmldocGUI.getWebpageLocation()
 String JmldocGUI.AllFilesGUIFileFilter.getDescription()
 String JmldocGUI.JmldocGUIFileFilter.getDescription()

Methods in org.jmlspecs.jmldoc.jmldoc_142 with parameters of type String
static void Main.main(String[] args)
          The entry point when starting this program from the command line.
static boolean Main.compile(String[] args)
          Second entry point.
 boolean Main.runParser(String[] args, MjcCommonOptions opt, ArrayList infiles)
          Runs the argument parser only so the GUI can process options from the command line
static boolean Main.compile(String[] args, JmldocOptions opt, OutputStream os)
          Entry point for the GUI
 boolean Main.parseArguments(String[] args, ArrayList infiles)
          Parses the argument list.
protected  void Main.addRecursivePackages(String packageName, File dir, ArrayList dirs)
          This adds all subdirectories (recursively) as packages to be processed.
(package private)  void JmlHTML.jmlize(JTypeDeclarationType jtype, String packageRoot)
          This method generates the html file for the class represented by 'jtype'.
protected  boolean JmlHTML.checkFile(String dp, boolean useD, String cp, String suf)
          This function checks whether a html file exists with a name constructed from the given class name (cp), and the given settings of the destination directory (dp), useDollar (useD) and suffix to use (suf).
protected  boolean JmlHTML.findFile(String cpath, String packageRoot)
          This function finds an html file for the given class name (cpath) and directory containing the package root (packageRoot).
 void JmlHTML.findSections(String fileString, String begin, String end, ArrayList extracts)
          This function finds all occurrences of text in 'fileString' bracketed by the given begin and end Strings.
 void JmlHTML.findSections(String fileString, String begin, ArrayList extracts)
          This function finds all occurrences of the string begin in 'fileString' .
protected  void JmlHTML.classSpecs(JmlTypeDeclaration jmltype, StringBuffer sb, boolean inherited, String title)
          This method generates the html describing the specifications of class/interface jmltype.
 void JmlHTML.printClassSpecsHeader(StringBuffer classspec, boolean inherited, String title)
 void JmlHTML.printClassSpecsHeaderInherited(StringBuffer classspec, String title)
protected  void JmlHTML.insertMethodSpecs(JmlTypeDeclaration jmltype, String fileString, ArrayList insertions)
          This method generates the html text for the specifications of the methods for type jmlType, with reference to the original file content in fileString.
protected  void JmlHTML.insertFieldSpecs(JmlTypeDeclaration jmltype, String fileString, ArrayList insertions)
          This method generates the html text for the specifications of the fields for type jmlType, with reference to the original file content in fileString.
protected  void JmlHTML.insertMethodSpecs(JmlMethodDeclaration jm, String fileString, ArrayList insertions, String sig, JmlTypeDeclaration jmltype)
          This method generates the specification text for the method jm with signature string sig belonging to class jmltype, and with reference to the original html file in fileString.
 String JmlHTML.generateMethodSpecification(JmlMethodDeclaration jm, CClass cclass, String sig, writer)
protected  boolean JmlHTML.superSpecification(StringBuffer s, CClass sclass, JmlMethodDeclaration jm, String sig, boolean isclass, writer)
          Generates the html for any specifications for the method 'jm' in the super class 'sclass'.
 String JmldocFieldSubWriter.getLink(CClass container, CField fd, String label)
 void SpecWriter.append(String s)
          Appends the given string to the SpecWriter's buffer.
 void SpecWriter.visitJmlBehaviorSpecHelper(JmlHeavyweightSpec self, String s)
 void SpecWriter.visitJmlExampleHelper(JmlExample self, String title)
 String SpecWriter.convertToHtml(String s)
          Copies the input string to the output, replacing instances of special html characters by html representations (less than symbols, greater than symbols, ampersands).
private  String SpecWriter.replace(String s, char c, String rep)
static void JmldocGUI.main(String[] args)
static JmldocGUI JmldocGUI.init(String[] args, boolean standAlone)
protected  boolean JmldocGUI.dirInClassPath(Options opt, String dir)
protected  org.multijava.util.gui.GUI.Compilation JmldocGUI.createCompilationInstance(String[] files, Options opt, OutputStream os)
 boolean JmldocGUI.AllFilesGUIFileFilter.hasActiveSuffix(String name)
 boolean JmldocGUI.JmldocGUIFileFilter.hasActiveSuffix(String name)

Constructors in org.jmlspecs.jmldoc.jmldoc_142 with parameters of type String
JmlHTML.IntString(int offset, String text)
          A constructor, taking an integer position and the text to be inserted at that position.
JmldocClassWriter( configuration, String path, String filename, com.sun.javadoc.ClassDoc classdoc, com.sun.javadoc.ClassDoc prev, com.sun.javadoc.ClassDoc next, classtree, boolean nopackage)
JmldocGUI.JmldocGUIFileFilter(String suffix)
JmldocGUI.JmldocCompilation(String[] files, JmldocOptions options, OutputStream os)

Uses of String in org.jmlspecs.jmlrac

Fields in org.jmlspecs.jmlrac declared as String
private static String[] TransUtils.nonReflectiveTypes
          An array of type names to which non-reflective calls would be made for specification inheritance.
private static String[] TransUtils.nonReflectiveRefinementTypes
          An array of type names to which non-reflective calls would be made for specification inheritance.
static String RacConstants.TN_SURROGATE
          The name of the surrogate class for an interface.
static String RacConstants.TN_JMLSURROGATE
          The name of the interface that all surrogate classes have to implement.
static String RacConstants.TN_JMLCHECKABLE
          The type name of a private delegee field (VN_DELEGEE) of the surrogate class (TN_SURROGATE) for an interface.
static String RacConstants.TN_JMLVALUE
          The name of a special wrapper class that can encapsulate two special values in addition to Java regular values: undefined and non-executable.
static String RacConstants.TN_JMLUNIT_TEST_POSTFIX
          The name of test class generated by jmlunit.
static String RacConstants.TN_JMLUNIT_TESTDATA_POSTFIX
          The name of test case class generated by jmlunit.
static String RacConstants.MN_CHECK_PRE
          The method name prefix for methods that check method preconditions, often called precondition check methods.
static String RacConstants.MN_CHECK_POST
          The method name prefix for methods that check normal postconditions, often called normal postcondition check methods.
static String RacConstants.MN_CHECK_XPOST
          The method name prefix for methods that check exceptional postconditions, often called exceptional postcondition check methods.
static String RacConstants.MN_EVAL_OLD
          The method name prefix for methods that evaluate, in the pre-state, old expressions appearing in history constraints, for use in the post-state by constraint check methods.
static String RacConstants.MN_CHECK_INV
          The method name prefix for methods that check invariants.
static String RacConstants.MN_CHECK_HC
          The method name prefix for methods that check history constraints.
static String RacConstants.MN_INTERNAL
          The method name prefix for renaming original methods into private internal methods.
static String RacConstants.MN_MODEL
          The method name prefix for access methods generated for model fields.
static String RacConstants.MN_SPEC
          The method name prefix for spec_public and spec_protected access methods generated for spec_public and spec_protected fields.
static String RacConstants.MN_GHOST
          The variable and method name prefix for the private field and a pair of access methods generated for a ghost variable.
static String RacConstants.MN_SPEC_PUBLIC
          The method name prefix of access methods generated for spec_public and spec_protected methods.
static String RacConstants.MN_MODEL_PUBLIC
          The method name prefix of access methods generated for model methods.
static String RacConstants.MN_SAVE_TO
          The method name prefix for the method that saves pre-state values into the private stack field (VN_STACK_VAR) for possible recursive method calls.
static String RacConstants.MN_RESTORE_FROM
          The method name prefix for the method that restores pre-state values from the private stack field (VN_STACK_VAR) for possible recursive method calls.
static String RacConstants.MN_INIT
          The name of the internal method and the assertion check methods for the constructors.
static String RacConstants.VN_ERROR_SET
          The name of a set variable that holds information about all the assertion violations detected so far by the runtime assertion checker.
static String RacConstants.VN_PRECOND
static String RacConstants.VN_RESULT
          The name of a varialbe that holds the return value of the method being assertion checked.
static String RacConstants.VN_XRESULT
          The name of a variable that holds the exceptional result of the method being assertion checked.
static String RacConstants.VN_FREE_VAR
          The name of local variables to be generated to evaluate varisous JML predicates and expressions.
static String RacConstants.VN_CATCH_VAR
          The name of variables to generate for use in catch clauses.
static String RacConstants.VN_OLD_VAR
          The name of a private field generated to store the pre-state value of an old expression in postcoditions and history constraints and an old variable appearing in a method specification.
static String RacConstants.VN_PRE_VAR
          The name of a private field generated to store the result of precondition evaluation, for reference by the postcondition check methods.
static String RacConstants.VN_POST_VAR
          The name of a local variable generated to store the result of evaluating a specification case of a postcondition
static String RacConstants.VN_ASSERTION
static String RacConstants.VN_EXCEPTION
          Name of the exception parameter.
static String RacConstants.VN_STACK_VAR
          Name of the stack variable.
static String RacConstants.VN_INIT
          Name of a non-static boolean field that indicates whether a class instance, during its construction, has finished its initialization.
static String RacConstants.VN_CLASS_INIT
          Name of a static boolean field that indicates whether the initialization of a class or an inteface has been completed.
static String RacConstants.VN_DELEGEE
          Name of a private delegee field of a surrogate class (TN_SURROGATE) for an interface.
static String RacConstants.VN_RAC_LEVEL
          Name of the static field generated by the runtime assertion checker to indicate the per-class runtime assertion check level.
static String RacConstants.VN_RAC_COMPILED
          Name of the static final field generated by the runtime assertion checker to indicate that a type is compiled with the runtime asssertion check code.
static String RacConstants.VN_CONSTRUCTED
          Name of a boolean variable that indicates whether an instance finishes its construction.
protected  String AssertionMethod.prefix
          Name prefix of the method to be inherited, e.g., MN_CHECK_PRE
protected  String AssertionMethod.methodName
          name of assertion method
protected  String AssertionMethod.exceptionToThrow
          name of exception class to be thrown if assertions are violated.
protected  String AssertionMethod.javadoc
          Javadoc comment to be added to the generated method.
protected  String AssertionMethod.methodIdentification
          name of the target method for printing assertion violation error.
protected  String WrapperMethod.typeName
          type name whose methods are to be wrapped.
protected  String WrapperMethod.ident
private  String RacOptions.packageName
private  String RacOptions.filter
private  String
          Name of this statement node.
private  String
          Name of this statement node.
private  String
          Name of this block node.
private static String PreValueVars.NULL
private static String PreValueVars.BOOLEAN
private static String PreValueVars.FALSE
private static String PreValueVars.PREFIX
(package private)  String PreValueVars.Entry.type
(package private)  String
(package private)  String PreValueVars.Entry.value
protected  String PreOrPostconditionMethod.stackMethod
protected  String
          name of the target method
private  String TransMethod.stackVar
protected  String TransExpression.resultVar
          Variable to hold the reslt of the target expression.
static String JmlRacGenerator.newPackageOption
          Determines the name of the package or the generated class: if null, the package name is the same as the source file package; if empty, the package is unnamed; if ends with a '+', the string is prepended to the source file package; otherwise is the name of the package of the generated class.
static String JmlRacGenerator.newPackageName
private  String RacPredicate.message
          Message associated with this RAC predicate.
 String PreOrPostconditionMethod.StringPair.first
 String PreOrPostconditionMethod.StringPair.second
protected  String TransExpression2.resultVar
          Variable to hold the reslt of the target expression.
private  String TransExpression2.resultingExpression
          String containing visitor methods results.
protected  String TransExpression2.errorType
protected  String TransExpression2.evaluatorPUse
protected  String TransExpression2.evaluatorPDef
protected  String TransExpression2.thisIs
static String RacPrettyPrinter.NEW_LINE
(package private)  String RacGUI.RacGUIFileFilter.suffix
private  String[] RacGUI.RacCompilation.files
 String TransExpression.StringAndNodePair.str
 String TransExpression.DynamicCallArg.types
 String TransExpression.DynamicCallArg.args
private  String TransExpression.DiagTerm.term

Methods in org.jmlspecs.jmlrac that return String
static String TransUtils.defaultValue(CType type)
          Returns a string representation of the default value of the given type, type.
static String TransUtils.wrappedValue(CType type, String ident)
          Returns a string representation of a Java expression that denotes a wrapper object for the given variable, ident of type, type.
static String TransUtils.evalOldName(String cls, boolean isStatic)
          Returns the name of an old-expression evaluation method for the class named cls.
static String TransUtils.evalOldName(JmlTypeDeclaration tdecl, boolean isStatic)
          Returns the name of an old-expression evaluation method for the type declaration.
static String TransUtils.evalOldName(CClassType ctype, boolean isStatic)
static String TransUtils.evalOldName(CClass clazz, boolean isStatic)
static String TransUtils.invariantLikeName(String prefix, CClass clazz, boolean forStatic)
          Returns the name of invariant-like assertion check method.
static String TransUtils.subtypeConstraintName(String prefix, CClass clazz, boolean isWeakly)
          Returns the name of invariant-like assertion check method.
static String TransUtils.dynamicCallName(CClass clazz)
          Returns the name to be used to make dynamic calls to assertion check methods of the given class.
static String TransUtils.typeToClass(CType type)
          Returns the string representation of the wrapper class for the given type.
protected static String TransUtils.unwrapObject(CType type, String var)
          Returns a string representation of unwrapped value of var with respect to type type.
static String TransUtils.wrapValue(CType type, String var)
          Returns the string representation of wrapping the value of variable var of type type into an object.
static String TransUtils.toString(double value)
          Returns the string representation of the given double value.
static String TransUtils.toString(float value)
          Returns the string representation of the given float value.
static String TransUtils.toString(CType value)
          Returns the string representation of the given type.
static String TransUtils.toPrintableString(char c)
          Returns a printable string representation for the given char value.
static String TransUtils.specPublicAccessorName(String ident)
          Returns the name of the spec_public accessor for the method whose name is ident.
static String TransUtils.modelPublicAccessorName(CMethod meth)
          Returns the name of the spec_public accessor for the method whose name is ident.
static String[] TransUtils.applyBigintBinOperator(String binOp)
          Returns a two-item string array which has the two parts in biginteger operation formula mapping the given binary operator binOp
static String TransUtils.applyBigintUnOperator(String unaryOp)
          Returns a string is the end part in biginteger operation formula mapping the given unary operator unaryOp
static String[] TransUtils.applyBigintCast(CType typeDest, CType typeSource, String strTypeDest)
          Returns a two-item string array which has the two parts in biginteger operation formula mapping the given destination type typeDest and source type typeSource in cast expression. the parm strTypeDest is needed for in different class, the method "toString" is difined differently.
static String TransUtils.applyUnaryPromoteExpression(CType typeSelf, CType typeExpr, String strExpr)
          Returns a string that represents the Java code that casts strExpr of type typeExpr to typeSelf.
static String TransUtils.numberToBigint(String strVar, CType type)
          Returns a string that represents the Java code that convert the parm strVar to its corresponding value of BigInteger which is the other parm typ indicate the type of strVar.
static String[] TransUtils.applyBigintToNumber(CType typeSource, CType typeNumber)
          Returns a two-item string array which has the two parts in biginteger operation formula mapping the given source type typeSource which is a \bigint or numerical type to destination number type typeNumber which is a numerical type.cast expression. the parm strTypeDest is needed for in different class, the method "toString" is difined differently.
static String[] TransUtils.createBigintConvertionAssertion(CType typeSource, CType typeDest)
          Returns a two-item string array which has the two parts in out of range assertion code for translating \bigint to number.
protected  String AssertionMethod.checker(boolean initValue, RacNode stmt, JFormalParameter[] params)
          Returnd the assertion check code (stmt) wrapped with code to inherit superclass's assertions if any, and to signal an assertion violation if it happens at runtime.
protected abstract  String AssertionMethod.inheritAssertion(JFormalParameter[] parameters)
          Returnd the code to inherit the superclass's assertions, i.e., to call the superclass's assertion check method and appropriately accumulate the result to the assertion variable (e.g., conjunction).
protected  String WrapperMethod.nocheckDuringInit()
          Returns code for bypassing assertion checks during the class and instance initialization.
protected  String WrapperMethod.checkPreInvariant()
          Returns code for checking invariant in the pre-state.
protected  String WrapperMethod.checkPostInvariant()
          Returns code for checking invariant in the post-state.
protected  String WrapperMethod.evalOldInConstraint()
          Returns code for evaluating old expressions in constraints.
protected  String WrapperMethod.checkConstraint()
          Returns code for checking history constraint.
protected  String WrapperMethod.constraintCallArg()
          Returns, in the string form, the argument for calling a constraint check method.
protected  String WrapperMethod.callOriginalMethod()
          Returns code for invoking the original method.
protected  String WrapperMethod.resultVarDecl()
          Returns code for declaring result variable.
protected  String WrapperMethod.checkPrecondition()
          Returns code for checking precondition.
protected  String WrapperMethod.checkPostcondition()
          Returns code for checking normal postcondition.
protected  String WrapperMethod.checkXPostcondition()
          Returns code for checking exceptional postcondition.
protected  String WrapperMethod.mandatoryReturn()
          Returns a mandatory return statement.
protected  String WrapperMethod.optionalReturn()
          Returns an optional return statement.
protected  String WrapperMethod.wrap(String type, String comment, String stmt)
          Returns the given statement, stmt, wrapped in assertion check demarcation.
protected  String WrapperMethod.wrap2(String type, String comment, String stmt)
          Returns the given statement, stmt, wrapped in assertion check demarcation.
protected  String WrapperMethod.wrap3(String type, String comment, String stmt)
          Returns the given statement, stmt, wrapped in assertion check demarcation.
protected  String WrapperMethod.isActive(String type)
          Returns a string representation of the condition that tests if the given type of assertion is active.
protected  String WrapperMethod.identification(String state)
          Returns a string that identifies the method being translated.
protected  String WrapperMethod.racMethodName(String type)
          Returns the name of runtime assertion checker method for the given type.
protected  String FinalizerWrapper.checkPostInvariant()
          Returns code for checking invariant in the post-state.
protected  String FinalizerWrapper.checkConstraint()
          Returns code for checking history constraint.
 String RacOptions.packageName()
 String RacOptions.set_packageName(String packageName)
 String RacOptions.filter()
 String RacOptions.set_filter(String filter)
 String RacOptions.getShortOptions()
abstract  String
          Returns the name of this node.
 String PreValueVars.Entry.type()
          Returns the type of this variable declaration.
          Returns the name of this variable declaration.
 String PreValueVars.Entry.toString()
          Returns a sting representation of this entry.
protected static String PreOrPostconditionMethod.methodName(JmlMethodDeclaration mdecl)
          Returns the name of assertion check method to be generated for the given method declaration.
protected  String PreOrPostconditionMethod.reflectiveCall(CClass clazz, JFormalParameter[] parameters, String resultVar)
          Return code that calls reflectively the pre or postcondition method of the given supertype, claszz.
protected  String PreOrPostconditionMethod.nonReflectiveCall(CClass clazz, JFormalParameter[] parameters, String resultVar)
          Return code that calls non-reflectively the pre or postcondition method of the given supertype, claszz.
private static String PreOrPostconditionMethod.nonreflectiveCallArguments(JFormalParameter[] parameters)
          Return code that represents the arguments corresponding to the given formal parameters, parameters.
protected  String PostconditionMethod.inheritAssertion(JFormalParameter[] parameters)
          Return the code to check inherited postconditions (from both the superclass and superinterfaces).
protected  String TransMethod.methodName()
          Returns the name of the targe method declaration being translated.
abstract  String VarGenerator.freshOldVar()
          Return a fresh variable name for storing the result of an old expression or an old variable.
abstract  String VarGenerator.freshPreVar()
          Return a fresh variable name for storing the result of evaluating a specification case of a precondtion.
abstract  String VarGenerator.freshPostVar()
          Return a fresh variable name for storing the result of evaluating a specification case of a postcondition.
abstract  String VarGenerator.freshStackVar()
          Return a fresh variable name for a stack for use as saving to and restoring from pre-state values for potential recursive method calls.
abstract  String VarGenerator.freshVar()
          Return a fresh variable name unique in the method.
abstract  String VarGenerator.freshCatchVar()
          Return a fresh variable name for use in a catch clause.
protected  String InvariantLikeMethod.formalParameters()
          Returns the formal parameters of the assertion check method.
protected  String InvariantLikeMethod.inheritAssertion(JFormalParameter[] parameters)
          Return the code to inherit assertions of the superclass and interfaces, i.e., to call the assertion check method of the superclass and interfaces and appropriately accumulate the result to the assertion variable (e.g., conjunction).
protected  String InvariantLikeMethod.inheritFrom(CClass clazz)
          Return the code that, if executed, inherits invariant-like assertions such as invariants and constraints from the given class, clazz.
protected  String InvariantLikeMethod.reflectiveCall(CClass clazz)
          Return code that calls reflectively the assertion check method of the given supertype, claszz.
protected  String InvariantLikeMethod.nonReflectiveCall(CClass clazz)
          Return code that calls non-reflectively the assertion check method of the given supertype, claszz.
protected  String InvariantLikeMethod.inheritCallArgTypes()
          Returns, in the string form, the parameter types of the supertype's assertion check method.
protected  String InvariantLikeMethod.inheritCallArgs()
          Returns, in the string form, the arguments for calling supertype's constraint check method.
 String VarGenerator.VarGenForClass.freshOldVar()
 String VarGenerator.VarGenForClass.freshPreVar()
 String VarGenerator.VarGenForClass.freshStackVar()
          Return a fresh variable name for a stack for use as saving to and restoring from pre-state values for potential recursive method calls.
 String VarGenerator.VarGenForClass.freshPostVar()
 String VarGenerator.VarGenForClass.freshCatchVar()
 String VarGenerator.VarGenForClass.freshVar()
 String VarGenerator.VarGenForMethod.freshOldVar()
 String VarGenerator.VarGenForMethod.freshPreVar()
 String VarGenerator.VarGenForMethod.freshStackVar()
          Return a fresh variable name for a stack for use as saving to and restoring from pre-state values for potential recursive method calls.
 String VarGenerator.VarGenForMethod.freshPostVar()
 String VarGenerator.VarGenForMethod.freshVar()
 String VarGenerator.VarGenForMethod.freshCatchVar()
static String TransExpression.applyOperator(String v1, String v2, String binOp, CType type)
          Returns a string that represents the Java code that applies the given operator, binOp, to the given operands, v1 and v2.
static String TransExpression.applyOperator(String v, String unaryOp, CType type)
          Returns a string that represents the Java code that applies the given operator, unaryOp, to the given operand v1.
 String TransExpression.applyCast(String v, CType typeDest, CType typeVar)
          Returns a string that represents the Java code that casts v of type typeVar to typeDest.
private  String TransExpression.optLHS(JMethodCallExpression expr, String var)
          Returns the optional left-hand-side of assignment statement to store the result of evaluation method call expression.
 String TransExpression.applyArrayAccessExpression(String strVar, CType typeAccessor, CType typeNumber)
private  String TransExpression.transLocalVariable(JLocalVariableExpression self)
static String TransExpression.defaultValue(CType type)
          Returns the default value of the type type.
protected  String TransExpression.toString(CType type)
          Returns the string representation of the given type.
protected  String TransExpression.freshVar()
          Returns a fresh variable name.
protected  String TransExpression.GET_ARGUMENT()
          Returns the top element of the parameter stack.
protected  String TransExpression.PEEK_ARGUMENT()
          Peeks the top element of the parameter stack.
protected  String TransExpression.diagTerms(String var)
          Returns a string representation of Java statements that, if executed, prints the values of diagnostic terms accumulated so far and stores them to the given variable, var.
private  String TransPostcondition.buildKey()
          Returns a key for retrieving the value of old expression currently being translated.
 String RacContext.angelicValue(String var)
          Returns the string form of statement expression that sets the variable, var, to the value for an angelic undefinedness.
 String RacContext.demonicValue(String var)
          Returns the string form of statement expression that sets the variable, var, to the value for an demonic undefinedness.
 String TransType.translateForSpecTestFile()
private  String TransType.wrap(CType t, String val)
private  String TransType.unwrap(CType t, String val)
protected abstract  String TransType.receiver(String className, String clazz, String receiver)
          Returns a string form of code that, if executed, returns the receiver of for a dynamic call.
static String TransType.ident()
          Returns the identifier of the type currently being tranlated.
protected  String TransInterface.surrogatePlaceHolders(RacNode newFdecls, RacNode newMdecls, RacNode mdecls)
          Returns a place holder string ($0...
protected  String TransInterface.receiver(String clsName, String clazz, String receiver)
          Returns a string form of code that, if executed, returns the receiver of for a dynamic call.
 String RacPredicate.message()
          Returns the message associated with this RAC predicate.
 String[] JmlModifier.asStrings(long modifiers)
          Returns an array of the names of all the modifiers in the preferred order.
protected  String TransExpression2.stmtAsString()
private  String TransExpression2.translatePrimitive(CType type)
private  String TransExpression2.transFieldReference(JClassFieldExpression self, String accPrefix)
          Translates a class field expression that references a model, ghost, spec_public, or spec_protected field.
private  String TransExpression2.receiverForDynamicCall(JExpression expr)
          Returns the receiver for executing the given expression, expr using a dynamic call.
 String TransExpression2.GET_RESULT()
          Returns the top element of the result stack.
private  String TransPostExpression2.buildKey()
          Returns a key for retrieving the value of old expression currently being translated.
protected  String RacPrettyPrinter.toString(CType type)
private static String TransExpressionSideEffect.operator(int opr)
          Returns the string representation of the desugared increment or decrement operator.
protected  String ConstraintMethod.formalParameters()
          Returns the formal parameters of the assertion check method.
protected  String ConstraintMethod.inheritCallArgTypes()
          Returns, in the string form, the formal parameter types of the supertype's constraint check method.
protected  String ConstraintMethod.inheritCallArgs()
          Returns, in the string form, the arguments for calling supertype's constraint check method.
static String TransMethodBody.operator(JAssignmentExpression expr)
          Returns the string representation of the assignment operator of the given assignment expression.
static String TransMethodBody.defaultValue(CType type)
          Return the default value of the type type.
protected  String TransMethodBody.isActive()
          Returns a string representation of the condition that tests if the given type of assertion is active.
protected  String TransClass.receiver(String clsName, String clazz, String receiver)
          Returns a string form of code that, if executed, returns the receiver of for a dynamic call.
private static String MotherConstraintMethod.postfix(boolean isStatic, JmlTypeDeclaration typeDecl)
          Returns the postfix to be used for constraint check method's name.
protected  String MotherConstraintMethod.checker(boolean initValue, RacNode stmt, JFormalParameter[] params)
          Returns the given constraint check code, stmt, wrapped with code to inherit supertypes's constraints.
protected  String MotherConstraintMethod.inheritAssertion(JFormalParameter[] parameters)
          Return the code to inherit constraints of the superclass and interfaces, i.e., to call the constraint methods of the superclass and interfaces.
protected  String MotherConstraintMethod.inheritFrom(boolean isWeaksubtype, CClass clazz)
          Returns code that, if executed, inherits constraints from the given type, clazz.
protected  String MotherConstraintMethod.reflectiveCall(boolean isWeakly, CClass clazz)
          Return code, in the string form, that calls reflectively the constraint check method of the given supertype, claszz.
protected  String MotherConstraintMethod.nonReflectiveCall(boolean isWeakly, CClass clazz)
          Return code, in the string form, that calls non-reflectively the constraint check method of the given supertype, claszz.
protected  String MotherConstraintMethod.inheritCallArgTypes()
          Returns, in the string form, the formal parameter types of the supertype's constraint check method.
protected  String MotherConstraintMethod.inheritCallArgs()
          Returns, in the string form, the arguments for calling supertype's constraint check method.
static String SubtypeConstraintMethod.postfix(JmlTypeDeclaration tdecl, boolean forWeakSubtype)
          Returns the postfix to be used for constraint check method's name.
static String SubtypeConstraintMethod.postfix(CClass clazz, boolean forWeakSubtype)
          Returns the postfix to be used for constraint check method's name.
protected  String SubtypeConstraintMethod.checker(boolean initValue, RacNode stmt, JFormalParameter[] params)
          Returns the local constraint check code (stmt) wrapped with code to inherit supertypes's constraints.
static String LocalConstraintMethod.postfix(boolean isStatic, JmlTypeDeclaration typeDecl, int suffix)
          Returns the postfix to be used for constraint check method's name.
private  String LocalConstraintMethod.isApplicable(JmlMethodName name, String var)
          Returns code that tests if the given JML method name, name, is applicable to the method name given as a parameter (rac$name and rac$params) to the constraint check method.
private  String LocalConstraintMethod.nameMatched(JmlMethodName name, String var)
          Returns code that compares the given JML method name, name, with the method name given as a parameter (rac$name) to the constraint check method.
private  String LocalConstraintMethod.paramMatched(JmlMethodName name, String var)
          Returns code that compares the foraml parameter types of the given JML method, name, with those of the constraint check method.
private  String LocalConstraintMethod.simpleName(JmlName[] subnames)
          Returns a simplied method name of the given JML names, that can be compared with the method name given as a parameter of the constraint check method.
protected  String ConstructorWrapper.nocheckDuringInit()
          Returns code for bypassing assertion checks during the class and instance initialization.
protected  String ConstructorWrapper.checkPrecondition()
          Returns code for checking precondition.
protected  String ConstructorWrapper.checkPreInvariant()
          Returns code for checking invariant in the pre-state.
protected  String ConstructorWrapper.checkPostInvariant()
          Returns code for checking invariant in the post-state.
protected  String ConstructorWrapper.checkPostInstanceInvariant()
          Returns code for checking instance invariant in the post-state.
protected  String ConstructorWrapper.checkPostStaticInvariant()
          Returns code for checking static invariant in the post-state.
protected  String ConstructorWrapper.evalOldInConstraint()
          Returns code for evaluating old expressions in static constraint.
protected  String ConstructorWrapper.checkConstraint()
          Returns code for checking history constraints.
protected  String ConstructorWrapper.callOriginalMethod()
          Returns code for invoking the now-renamed original constructor.
protected  String ConstructorWrapper.checkPostcondition()
          Returns code for checking normal postcondition.
protected  String ConstructorWrapper.checkXPostcondition()
          Returns code for checking exceptional postcondition.
protected  String ConstructorWrapper.isActive(String type)
          Returns a string representation of the condition that tests if the given type of assertion is active.
protected  String ConstructorWrapper.identification(String state)
          Returns a string that identifies the method being translated.
protected  String PreconditionMethod.checker(boolean start, RacNode stmt, JFormalParameter[] params, String oldExprEvaluation)
          Returns the precondition check code (stmt) wrapped with code to inherit superclass's preconditions if any, and to signal an assertion violation if it happens at runtime.
private  String PreconditionMethod.preValueSaveCode()
          Returns code for saving pre-values to internal stacks to be fetched by the post-state assertion check method such as the postcondition method in the post-state.
private  String PreconditionMethod.preValueSaveCode2()
          Returns code for saving pre-values to internal stacks to be fetched by the post-state assertion check method such as the postcondition method in the post-state.
protected  String PreconditionMethod.inheritAssertion(JFormalParameter[] parameters)
          Return the code to check inherited preconditions (from both the superclass and interfaces), i.e., to call the proper precondition check methods and appropriately disjoin the result to the assertion variable.
protected  String RacGUI.getClasspath(Options opt)
protected  String RacGUI.getSourcepath(Options opt)
protected  String RacGUI.getWebpageName()
protected  String RacGUI.getWebpageLocation()
 String RacGUI.AllFilesGUIFileFilter.getDescription()
 String RacGUI.RacGUIFileFilter.getDescription()
 String TransExpression.DiagTerm.term()
private  String TransConstraint.evalSuperHC(VarGenerator varGen, boolean forStatic, CClass clazz)
          Return code that evaluates the old expressions of the given supertype, clazz, by making an appropriate call to its old expression evaluation method.

Methods in org.jmlspecs.jmlrac with parameters of type String
static String TransUtils.wrappedValue(CType type, String ident)
          Returns a string representation of a Java expression that denotes a wrapper object for the given variable, ident of type, type.
static String TransUtils.evalOldName(String cls, boolean isStatic)
          Returns the name of an old-expression evaluation method for the class named cls.
static String TransUtils.invariantLikeName(String prefix, CClass clazz, boolean forStatic)
          Returns the name of invariant-like assertion check method.
static String TransUtils.subtypeConstraintName(String prefix, CClass clazz, boolean isWeakly)
          Returns the name of invariant-like assertion check method.
protected static String TransUtils.unwrapObject(CType type, String var)
          Returns a string representation of unwrapped value of var with respect to type type.
static String TransUtils.wrapValue(CType type, String var)
          Returns the string representation of wrapping the value of variable var of type type into an object.
static String TransUtils.specPublicAccessorName(String ident)
          Returns the name of the spec_public accessor for the method whose name is ident.
static String[] TransUtils.applyBigintBinOperator(String binOp)
          Returns a two-item string array which has the two parts in biginteger operation formula mapping the given binary operator binOp
static String TransUtils.applyBigintUnOperator(String unaryOp)
          Returns a string is the end part in biginteger operation formula mapping the given unary operator unaryOp
static String[] TransUtils.applyBigintCast(CType typeDest, CType typeSource, String strTypeDest)
          Returns a two-item string array which has the two parts in biginteger operation formula mapping the given destination type typeDest and source type typeSource in cast expression. the parm strTypeDest is needed for in different class, the method "toString" is difined differently.
static String TransUtils.applyUnaryPromoteExpression(CType typeSelf, CType typeExpr, String strExpr)
          Returns a string that represents the Java code that casts strExpr of type typeExpr to typeSelf.
static String TransUtils.numberToBigint(String strVar, CType type)
          Returns a string that represents the Java code that convert the parm strVar to its corresponding value of BigInteger which is the other parm typ indicate the type of strVar.
static void Main.main(String[] args)
          Runs a JML RAC compiler on the command line arguments.
static boolean Main.compile(String[] args)
          Runs a JML RAC compiler on the given arguments.
static boolean Main.compile(String[] args, RacOptions opt, OutputStream os)
          Entry point for the GUI
protected  StringBuffer AssertionMethod.buildHeader(String returnType, String name, JFormalParameter[] parameters, CClassType[] exceptions)
          Builds and returns a method header as a string.
protected  String WrapperMethod.wrap(String type, String comment, String stmt)
          Returns the given statement, stmt, wrapped in assertion check demarcation.
protected  String WrapperMethod.wrap2(String type, String comment, String stmt)
          Returns the given statement, stmt, wrapped in assertion check demarcation.
protected  String WrapperMethod.wrap3(String type, String comment, String stmt)
          Returns the given statement, stmt, wrapped in assertion check demarcation.
protected  String WrapperMethod.isActive(String type)
          Returns a string representation of the condition that tests if the given type of assertion is active.
protected  String WrapperMethod.identification(String state)
          Returns a string that identifies the method being translated.
protected  String WrapperMethod.racMethodName(String type)
          Returns the name of runtime assertion checker method for the given type.
 String RacOptions.set_packageName(String packageName)
 String RacOptions.set_filter(String filter)
 boolean RacOptions.setOption(String name, Object newValue)
static RacParser.RacMethodDeclaration RacParser.parseMethod(String code)
          Returns an object of RacMethodDeclaration for the given string.
static RacParser.RacMethodDeclaration RacParser.parseMethod(String code, Object ast)
          Returns an object of RacMethodDeclaration for the given string.
static RacParser.RacMethodDeclaration RacParser.parseMethod(String code, Object ast1, Object ast2)
          Returns an object of RacMethodDeclaration for the given string.
static RacParser.RacMethodDeclaration RacParser.parseMethod(String code, Object ast1, Object ast2, Object ast3)
          Returns an object of RacMethodDeclaration for the given string.
static RacParser.RacMethodDeclaration RacParser.parseMethod(String code, Object[] asts)
          Returns an object of RacMethodDeclaration for the given string.
static RacParser.RacStatement RacParser.parseStatement(String code, Object ast)
          Returns an object of RacStatement for the given string.
static RacParser.RacStatement RacParser.parseStatement(String code, Object ast1, Object ast2)
          Returns an object of RacStatement for the given string.
static RacParser.RacStatement RacParser.parseStatement(String code, Object ast1, Object ast2, Object ast3)
          Returns an object of RacStatement for the given string.
static RacParser.RacStatement RacParser.parseStatement(String code)
          Returns an object of RacStatement for the given string.
static RacParser.RacStatement RacParser.parseStatement(String code, Object[] asts)
          Returns an object of RacStatement for the given string.
static RacParser.RacBlock RacParser.parseBlock(String code)
          Returns an object of RacBlock for the given string.
static RacParser.RacBlock RacParser.parseBlock(String code, Object ast)
          Returns an object of RacBlock for the given string.
static RacParser.RacBlock RacParser.parseBlock(String code, Object ast1, Object ast2)
          Returns an object of RacBlock for the given string.
static RacParser.RacBlock RacParser.parseBlock(String code, Object ast1, Object ast2, Object ast3)
          Returns an object of RacBlock for the given string.
private static List RacParser.parse(String code, Object[] asts)
          Parses the given string representing verbatim code possibly with positional markers ($i) and returns a list of objects (strings, objects, END_OF_LINE's) with $i replaced by the i-th objects of the array asts.
 void RacParser.RacMethodDeclaration.setName(String name)
abstract  void RacNode.setName(String name)
          Sets the name of this node.
 void RacParser.RacStatement.setName(String name)
 void RacParser.RacBlock.setName(String name)
(package private) static PreValueVars.Entry PreValueVars.createJmlValueVar(boolean isStatic, String name)
          Returns a new JMLValue variable declaration.
(package private) static PreValueVars.Entry PreValueVars.createBooleanVar(boolean isStatic, String name)
          Returns a new boolean variable declaration.
(package private) static PreValueVars.Entry PreValueVars.createVar(boolean isStatic, String type, String name, String value)
          Returns a new variable declaration.
(package private)  void PreValueVars.add(boolean isStatic, String type, String name, String value)
          Adds the given field.
(package private)  void PreValueVars.addJmlValue(boolean isStatic, String name)
          Adds the given field of type JMLValue with the default value.
(package private)  void PreValueVars.addBoolean(boolean isStatic, String name)
          Adds the given field of type boolean with the default value.
(package private)  RacNode PreValueVars.saveCode(String var)
(package private)  RacNode PreValueVars.restoreCode(String var)
protected  String PreOrPostconditionMethod.reflectiveCall(CClass clazz, JFormalParameter[] parameters, String resultVar)
          Return code that calls reflectively the pre or postcondition method of the given supertype, claszz.
protected  String PreOrPostconditionMethod.nonReflectiveCall(CClass clazz, JFormalParameter[] parameters, String resultVar)
          Return code that calls non-reflectively the pre or postcondition method of the given supertype, claszz.
protected static JFormalParameter[] PostconditionMethod.mkFormals(JFormalParameter[] params, CType type, String name)
          Builds new formal parameters by attaching a new formal parameter name of type type to the formal paramters params.
protected  TransPostcondition TransMethod.createPostconditionTranslator(VarGenerator postVarGen, RacContext ctx, VarGenerator preVarGen, boolean isStatic, JExpression pred, String var)
          Creates an appropriate postcondition translator.
protected  RacNode TransMethod.translateSignalsClause(VarGenerator varGen, VarGenerator oldVarGen, JmlSignalsClause sigClause, String preVar, RacNode stmt, List oldExprs)
          Translates the given signals clause.
protected  StringBuffer InvariantLikeMethod.buildHeader(String returnType, String name, JFormalParameter[] parameters, CClassType[] exceptions)
          Builds and returns the method header of the assertion check method as a string.
 RacNode TransExpression.wrappedStmt(String eval, String nval)
          Returns the result of translating the expression wrapped in a try-catch statement to assign the given default values if an exception or non-executability happens while evaluating the expression.
private  RacNode TransExpression.translatePrimitiveType(CType type, String var)
          Translates the given primitive type.
protected  RacNode TransExpression.wrapBooleanResult(RacNode argEval, String stmt, String resVar, String demVar, String angVar)
protected  RacNode TransExpression.wrapBooleanResultTC(RacNode argEval, String stmt, String resVar, String demVar, String angVar)
private  RacNode TransExpression.checkUndefined(String demvar, String angvar)
static String TransExpression.applyOperator(String v1, String v2, String binOp, CType type)
          Returns a string that represents the Java code that applies the given operator, binOp, to the given operands, v1 and v2.
protected  void TransExpression.visitBinaryExpression(JBinaryExpression self, String oper)
          Translates a binary expression of the given operator.
protected  void TransExpression.visitBooleanBinaryExpression(JBinaryExpression self, String oper)
          Translates a binary expression of the given operator.
static String TransExpression.applyOperator(String v, String unaryOp, CType type)
          Returns a string that represents the Java code that applies the given operator, unaryOp, to the given operand v1.
 String TransExpression.applyCast(String v, CType typeDest, CType typeVar)
          Returns a string that represents the Java code that casts v of type typeVar to typeDest.
private  RacNode TransExpression.guardUndefined(RacContext ctx, RacNode stmt, CType restype, String resvar, String demvar, String angvar)
private  String TransExpression.optLHS(JMethodCallExpression expr, String var)
          Returns the optional left-hand-side of assignment statement to store the result of evaluation method call expression.
private  TransExpression.StringAndNodePair TransExpression.argumentsForStaticCall(JExpression[] args, String demvar, String angvar)
          Returns a pair of String and RacNode that is the translation of the given argument, args.
protected  RacNode TransExpression.transPrefix(JExpression prefix, String format)
          Translates a prefix of a field or method call expression, build a RacNode using the given format, and return the result.
protected  RacNode TransExpression.transPrefixSpec(JExpression prefix, String format, boolean addDelegee)
 String TransExpression.applyArrayAccessExpression(String strVar, CType typeAccessor, CType typeNumber)
private  RacNode TransExpression.transFieldReference(JClassFieldExpression self, String resultVar, String accPrefix)
          Translates a class field expression that references a model, ghost, spec_public, or spec_protected field.
static boolean TransExpression.canMakeStaticCall(JClassFieldExpression expr, String receiver)
          Returns true if a static (non-dynamic) call can be made to the given field expression, expr.
protected  RacNode TransExpression.translate(JPhylum node, String var)
          Translates an AST into Java statements.
protected  RacNode TransExpression.translate(JPhylum node, String resvar, String demvar, String angvar)
          Translates an AST into Java statements.
protected  RacNode TransExpression.guardUndefined(RacContext ctx, RacNode stmt, String var)
          Returns a new RacNode that wraps the given statement, stmt, inside a try-catch statement to guard against undefinedness caused by runtime exceptions and non-executable expression.
protected  String TransExpression.diagTerms(String var)
          Returns a string representation of Java statements that, if executed, prints the values of diagnostic terms accumulated so far and stores them to the given variable, var.
 String RacContext.angelicValue(String var)
          Returns the string form of statement expression that sets the variable, var, to the value for an angelic undefinedness.
 String RacContext.demonicValue(String var)
          Returns the string form of statement expression that sets the variable, var, to the value for an demonic undefinedness.
private  String TransType.wrap(CType t, String val)
private  String TransType.unwrap(CType t, String val)
 void TransType.postTranslationChangesForSpecTestFile(String wrapperClass)
protected abstract  String TransType.receiver(String className, String clazz, String receiver)
          Returns a string form of code that, if executed, returns the receiver of for a dynamic call.
protected  String TransInterface.receiver(String clsName, String clazz, String receiver)
          Returns a string form of code that, if executed, returns the receiver of for a dynamic call.
protected  void TransExpression2.visitBinaryExpression(JBinaryExpression self, String oper)
          Translates various types of supported binary expression into left opr right.
protected  void TransExpression2.generateBinaryExpression(String oper, String left, String right)
          Generates a binary expression.
protected  void TransExpression2.generateTertiaryExpression(String condition, String left, String right)
          Generates a tertiary (conditional) expression.
private  String TransExpression2.transFieldReference(JClassFieldExpression self, String accPrefix)
          Translates a class field expression that references a model, ghost, spec_public, or spec_protected field.
static boolean TransExpression2.canMakeStaticCall(JClassFieldExpression expr, String receiver)
          Returns true if a static (non-dynamic) call can be made to the given field expression, expr.
protected  void TransExpression2.RETURN_RESULT(String str)
          Puts the given object to the result stack.
protected  void TransExpression2.LOG(String str)
          Used for debugging pruposes only.
protected static void TransExpression2.notExecutableClauseWarn(TokenReference tok, String description)
protected static void TransExpression2.notImplementedClauseFail(TokenReference tok, String description)
protected static void TransExpression2.notSupportedClauseFail(TokenReference tok, String description)
 void TransExpression2.setEvaluatorPUse(String str)
 void TransExpression2.setEvaluatorPDef(String str)
protected  void RacPrettyPrinter.applyBinaryExpression(JExpression left, JExpression right, String oper)
          prints a binary expression with the given operator and binary exps.
protected  void RacPrettyPrinter.visitBinaryExpression(JBinaryExpression self, String oper)
          prints a binary expression with the given operator
protected  void RacPrettyPrinter.println(String code)
          Prints multi-lined code with proper line-breaking and indentation.
 void RacPrettyPrinter.visitSpecBodyClause(JmlPredicateClause self, String keyword)
          Prints specfication body clause.
protected  void RacPrettyPrinter.print(String s)
          Prints a string.
protected  void RacPrettyPrinter.printJml(String s)
          Prints a string enclosed in the JML annotation markers.
private  RacNode TransExpressionSideEffect.assignStmt(JExpression expr, String var)
          Generates a statement that assigns the value of var to expr.
private  RacNode TransMethodBody.ghostFieldSetter(JClassFieldExpression fieldExpr, String argVar)
          Returns Java source code that makes a dynamic call to the setter method of the given ghost field, fieldExpr, to set the ghost value to the value of the given variable, argVar.
static RacNode TransMethodBody.getGhostFieldSetter(JClassFieldExpression fieldExpr, String argVar, VarGenerator varGen)
          Returns Java source code that makes a dynamic call to the setter method of the given ghost field, fieldExpr, to set the ghost value to the value of the given variable, argVar.
protected  String TransClass.receiver(String clsName, String clazz, String receiver)
          Returns a string form of code that, if executed, returns the receiver of for a dynamic call.
protected  StringBuffer MotherConstraintMethod.buildHeader(String returnType, String name, JFormalParameter[] parameters, CClassType[] exceptions)
          Builds, in a string form, the header of constraint method.
protected  StringBuffer SubtypeConstraintMethod.buildHeader(String returnType, String name, JFormalParameter[] parameters, CClassType[] exceptions)
          Builds, in a string form, the header of constraint method.
private  String LocalConstraintMethod.isApplicable(JmlMethodName name, String var)
          Returns code that tests if the given JML method name, name, is applicable to the method name given as a parameter (rac$name and rac$params) to the constraint check method.
private  String LocalConstraintMethod.nameMatched(JmlMethodName name, String var)
          Returns code that compares the given JML method name, name, with the method name given as a parameter (rac$name) to the constraint check method.
private  String LocalConstraintMethod.paramMatched(JmlMethodName name, String var)
          Returns code that compares the foraml parameter types of the given JML method, name, with those of the constraint check method.
protected  String ConstructorWrapper.isActive(String type)
          Returns a string representation of the condition that tests if the given type of assertion is active.
protected  String ConstructorWrapper.identification(String state)
          Returns a string that identifies the method being translated.
protected  String PreconditionMethod.checker(boolean start, RacNode stmt, JFormalParameter[] params, String oldExprEvaluation)
          Returns the precondition check code (stmt) wrapped with code to inherit superclass's preconditions if any, and to signal an assertion violation if it happens at runtime.
static void RacGUI.main(String[] args)
static RacGUI RacGUI.init(String[] args, boolean standAlone)
protected  boolean RacGUI.dirInClassPath(Options opt, String dir)
protected  org.multijava.util.gui.GUI.Compilation RacGUI.createCompilationInstance(String[] files, Options opt, OutputStream os)
 boolean RacGUI.AllFilesGUIFileFilter.hasActiveSuffix(String name)
 boolean RacGUI.RacGUIFileFilter.hasActiveSuffix(String name)
private  RacNode TransConstraint.genStackMethods(boolean forStatic, String stackVar, List oldExprs)
          Returns a private stack field declaration with a pair of push and pop methods.

Constructors in org.jmlspecs.jmlrac with parameters of type String
WrapperMethod(String typeName, JmlMethodDeclaration mdecl)
          Construct a new instance.
FinalizerWrapper(String typeName, JmlMethodDeclaration mdecl)
          Construct a new instance.
RacOptions(String name)
PreValueVars.Entry(boolean isStatic, String type, String name, String value)
PreOrPostconditionMethod(JmlTypeDeclaration typeDecl, JmlMethodDeclaration mdecl, String stackMethod)
          Construct a new PreOrPostconditionMethod object.
PostconditionMethod(JmlTypeDeclaration typeDecl, JmlMethodDeclaration mdecl, String restoreMethod)
          Construct a new PostconditionMethod object.
ExceptionalPostconditionMethod(JmlTypeDeclaration typeDecl, JmlMethodDeclaration mdecl, String restoreMethod)
          Construct a new ExceptionalPostconditionMethod object.
TransExpression(VarGenerator varGen, RacContext ctx, JExpression expr, String resultVar, JTypeDeclarationType typeDecl)
          Constructs an instance and translates the given expression.
TransPredicate(VarGenerator varGen, RacContext ctx, JExpression pred, String resultVar, JTypeDeclarationType typeDecl)
          Constructs a new instance.
TransPostcondition(VarGenerator varGen, RacContext ctx, VarGenerator oldVarGen, boolean forStatic, JExpression pred, String resultVar, JTypeDeclarationType typeDecl)
          Constructs a new instance and translates the given postcondition, pred.
RacPredicate(JExpression expression, String message)
          Constructs a new RAC predicate with the given expression and associated message.
PreOrPostconditionMethod.StringPair(String fst, String snd)
JmlModifier(long[] codes, String[] names)
          Instantiate the modifier utilities for the given modifier bit-masks and names.
TransExpression2(VarGenerator varGen, RacContext ctx, JExpression expr, String resultVar, JTypeDeclarationType typeDecl, String errorType)
          Constructs an instance and translates the given expression.
TransPostExpression2(VarGenerator varGen, RacContext ctx, VarGenerator oldVarGen, boolean forStatic, JExpression pred, String resultVar, JTypeDeclarationType typeDecl, String errorType)
          Constructs a new instance and translates the given post-expression.
PositionnedExpressionException(TokenReference tok, String msg)
RacPrettyPrinter(String fileName, JmlModifier modUtil)
          Constructs a pretty printer object for JML specifications
TransOldExpression(VarGenerator varGen, RacContext ctx, JExpression expr, String resultVar, JTypeDeclarationType typeDecl)
          Construct an object of TransOldExpression.
TransExpressionSideEffect(VarGenerator varGen, RacContext ctx, JExpression expr, String resultVar, JTypeDeclarationType typeDecl)
          Constructs an instance and translates the given expression.
TransExpressionSideEffect(VarGenerator varGen, JExpression expr, String resultVar, JTypeDeclarationType typeDecl)
          Constructs an instance and translates the given expression.
ConstraintMethod(boolean isStatic, JmlTypeDeclaration typeDecl, String postfix)
          Construct a new instance.
MotherConstraintMethod(boolean isStatic, JmlTypeDeclaration typeDecl, String postfix, List restoreMethods)
          Construct a new instance.
ConstructorWrapper(String typeName, JmlConstructorDeclaration mdecl)
          Construct a new instance.
NotSupportedExpressionException(TokenReference tok, String msg)
NotImplementedExpressionException(TokenReference tok, String msg)
PreconditionMethod(JmlTypeDeclaration typeDecl, JmlMethodDeclaration mdecl, boolean hasAssertion, String saveMethod)
          Construct a new PreconditionMethod object.
RacGUI.RacGUIFileFilter(String suffix)
RacGUI.RacCompilation(String[] files, RacOptions options, OutputStream os)
NonExecutableExpressionException(TokenReference tok, String msg)
TransExpression.StringAndNodePair(String str, RacNode node)
TransExpression.DynamicCallArg(String types, String args, RacNode node)
TransExpression.DiagTerm(String term, Object value)

Uses of String in org.jmlspecs.jmlrac.qexpr

Fields in org.jmlspecs.jmlrac.qexpr declared as String
private  String QInterval.var
          the quantified variable name
protected  String Translator.resultVar
          variable name to have the value of quantified expression in the translated code
private  String TransQuantifiedExpression.resultVar
          variable name to store the value of quantified expression in the translated code.

Methods in org.jmlspecs.jmlrac.qexpr that return String
private  String StaticAnalysis.applySumOrProduct(String strResultVar, String strOptr, String strV2, CType vType)

Methods in org.jmlspecs.jmlrac.qexpr with parameters of type String
private static boolean QInterval.isLocalVariable(JExpression expr, String var)
          Is the expression expr a local variable expression consisting of variable named var?
private  RacNode QInterval.transLBound(VarGenerator varGen, String var, AbstractExpressionTranslator transExpr, QInterval.Bound bound)
          Returns code that evaluates the given lower bound.
private  RacNode QInterval.transUBound(VarGenerator varGen, String var, AbstractExpressionTranslator transExpr, QInterval.Bound bound)
          Returns code that evaluates the given upper bound.
private  RacNode QInterval.transBound(VarGenerator varGen, String var, AbstractExpressionTranslator transExp, QInterval.Bound bound, int opr)
          Returns code that evaluates the given lower or upper bound.
 RacNode QInterval.translate(VarGenerator varGen, String lowerVar, String upperVar, AbstractExpressionTranslator transExp)
          Return Java source code that, if executed, evaluates the quantfied interval, i.e., its lower and upper bound values.
protected  RacNode Translator.transExpression(JExpression expr, String var)
          Returns code for evaluating expression expr and storing the result to the variable var.
static StaticAnalysis StaticAnalysis.getInstance(VarGenerator varGen, RacContext ctx, JmlSpecQuantifiedExpression expr, String resultVar, AbstractExpressionTranslator transExp)
          Returns an instance of StaticAnalysis, that translates JML quantified expressions into Java source code.
private  String StaticAnalysis.applySumOrProduct(String strResultVar, String strOptr, String strV2, CType vType)
protected abstract  RacNode StaticAnalysis.generateLoop(JVariableDefinition varDef, JExpression qexpr, String cond, RacNode result)
          Returns a loop code evaluating the body of the quantified predicate.
protected  RacNode StaticAnalysis.SetBased.generateLoop(JVariableDefinition varDef, JExpression qexpr, String cond, RacNode result)
          Returns Java source code for evaluating quantified expressions using the QSet-based translation.
protected  RacNode StaticAnalysis.IntervalBased.generateLoop(JVariableDefinition varDef, JExpression pred, String cond, RacNode result)
          Returns a loop code for evaluating quantified expressions using the interval-based analysis.
protected  RacNode StaticAnalysis.EnumerationBased.generateLoop(JVariableDefinition varDef, JExpression qexpr, String cond, RacNode result)
          Returns Java source code for evaluating quantified expressions using the QSet-based translation.
static QSet expr, String var)
          Returns a new qset built from a JML expression and a quantified variable.
private static QSet QSet.calculate(JExpression expr, String var)
          Returns the qset of an expression expr with respect to the quantified variable var.
private static QSet QSet.calculate(JMethodCallExpression expr, String var)
          Returns the qset of a method call expression expr with respect to the quantified variable var.
abstract  RacNode QSet.translate(VarGenerator varGen, String resultVar, AbstractExpressionTranslator transExp)
          Returns Java source code that computes the qset represented by this object.
 RacNode QSet.Top.translate(VarGenerator varGen, String resultVar, AbstractExpressionTranslator transExp)
          Return Java source code that computes the qset represented by this object.
 RacNode QSet.Leaf.translate(VarGenerator varGen, String resultVar, AbstractExpressionTranslator transExp)
          Return Java source code that computes the qset represented by this object.
 RacNode QSet.Union.translate(VarGenerator varGen, String resultVar, AbstractExpressionTranslator transExp)
          Return Java source code that computes the qset represented by this object.
 RacNode QSet.Intersection.translate(VarGenerator varGen, String resultVar, AbstractExpressionTranslator transExp)
          Return Java source code that computes the qset represented by this object.

Constructors in org.jmlspecs.jmlrac.qexpr with parameters of type String
QInterval(JExpression expr, String var, Collection xvars, CType type)
          Construct a QInterval object representing the quantifed interval for a (quantified) variable var with respect to the expression expr.
NonExecutableQuantifierException(String msg)
          Constructs a new instance with the given message.
Translator(VarGenerator varGen, RacContext ctx, JmlSpecQuantifiedExpression expr, String resultVar, AbstractExpressionTranslator transExp)
          Construct a TransQuantifiedExpression object.
StaticAnalysis(VarGenerator varGen, RacContext ctx, JmlSpecQuantifiedExpression expr, String resultVar, AbstractExpressionTranslator transExp)
          Constructs a StaticAnalysis object.
StaticAnalysis.SetBased(VarGenerator varGen, RacContext ctx, JmlSpecQuantifiedExpression expr, String resultVar, AbstractExpressionTranslator transExp)
          Constructs a SetBased object.
StaticAnalysis.IntervalBased(VarGenerator varGen, RacContext ctx, JmlSpecQuantifiedExpression expr, String resultVar, AbstractExpressionTranslator transExp)
          Constructs a IntervalBased object.
StaticAnalysis.EnumerationBased(VarGenerator varGen, RacContext ctx, JmlSpecQuantifiedExpression expr, String resultVar, AbstractExpressionTranslator transExp)
          Constructs a EnumerationBased object.
TransQuantifiedExpression(VarGenerator varGen, RacContext context, JmlSpecQuantifiedExpression expr, String resultVar, AbstractExpressionTranslator transExp)
          Constructs a new instance.

Uses of String in org.jmlspecs.jmlrac.runtime

Fields in org.jmlspecs.jmlrac.runtime declared as String
 String JMLChecker.CoverageCount.location
protected  String JMLAssertionError.className
protected  String JMLAssertionError.methodName
          Name of the method that contains the violated assertion.
(package private)  String

Methods in org.jmlspecs.jmlrac.runtime that return String
static String JMLChecker.toString(Object obj)
          Returns the result of invoking the toString method to the argument, obj.
static String JMLChecker.toString(boolean i)
          Returns the string representation of the given argument.
static String JMLChecker.toString(byte i)
          Returns the string representation of the given argument.
static String JMLChecker.toString(char i)
          Returns the string representation of the given argument.
static String JMLChecker.toString(int i)
          Returns the string representation of the given argument.
static String JMLChecker.toString(short i)
          Returns the string representation of the given argument.
static String JMLChecker.toString(long i)
          Returns the string representation of the given argument.
static String JMLChecker.toString(float value)
          Returns the string representation of the given argument.
static String JMLChecker.toString(double value)
          Returns the string representation of the given argument.
 String JMLAssertionError.className()
          Return the name of class that contains the violated assertion.
 String JMLAssertionError.methodName()
          Return the name of method that contains the violated assertion.
 String JMLAssertionError.message()
          Return the associated message.
 String JMLAssertionError.getMessage()
          Return the associated message concatenated with location information.
 String JMLEvaluationError.getMessage()
 String JMLRacValue.toString()
          Returns the string representation of this object.

Methods in org.jmlspecs.jmlrac.runtime with parameters of type String
static boolean JMLChecker.inheritedFrom(Class clazz, String name, Class[] params)
          Returns true if a method named name with the formal parameter types, params, can be inherited from the type, class, or its supertypes.
static Object JMLChecker.getSurrogate(String name, Class clazz, Object thisObj)
          Returns a surrogate object, an instance of the given surrogate class clazz, that is suitable for statically calling JML access methods on the object thisObj.
static void JMLChecker.addCoverage(String location, boolean value)
static Method JMLSurrogate.getMethod(Class clazz, String name, Class[] types)
          Returns a method object that reflects the specified public member method of the class or interface, clazz.
static Method JMLSurrogate.getAccessor(Class clazz, String name)
          Returns the accessor (getter) method of a ghost field or a model field, name, declared in the type, clazz.
static Method JMLSurrogate.getSetter(Class clazz, String name, Class type)
          Returns the setter method of the ghost field, name, of type type, declared in class, clazz.
static JMLSurrogate.MapKey JMLSurrogate.MapKey.create(Class clazz, String name, Class[] types)
          Returns a new key for a method named name with formal parameter types, types, declared in the class, clazz.

Constructors in org.jmlspecs.jmlrac.runtime with parameters of type String
JMLNonExecutableException(String msg)
          Constructs a new instance with the given message, msg.
JMLChecker.CoverageCount(String loc)
JMLAssertionError(String message)
          Creates a new JMLAssertionError instance with given message.
JMLAssertionError(String message, Throwable cause)
JMLPostconditionError(String className, String methodName, Set locations)
          Creates a new instance.
JMLPostconditionError(String message, String className, String methodName, Set locations)
          Creates a new JMLPreconditionError instance.
JMLExceptionalPostconditionError(String className, String methodName, Set locations)
          Constructs a new instance.
JMLExceptionalPostconditionError(String message, String className, String methodName, Set locations)
          Constructs a new instance.
JMLIntraconditionError(String message, String className, String methodName, Set locations)
          Creates a new JMLIntraconditionError instance.
JMLAssumeError(String message, String className, String methodName, Set locations)
          Creates a new JMLAssumeError instance.
JMLSurrogate.MapKey(Class clazz, String name, Class[] types)
          Constructs a new key for a method named name with formal parameter types, types, declared in the class, clazz.
JMLPreconditionError(String className, String methodName, Set locations)
          Constructs a new instance.
JMLPreconditionError(String message, String className, String methodName, Set locations)
          Constructs a new instance.
JMLEntryPreconditionError(String className, String methodName, Set locations)
          Creates a new instance.
JMLEntryPreconditionError(String message, String className, String methodName, Set locations)
          Creates a new instance.
JMLHistoryConstraintError(String className, String methodName, Set locations)
          Creates a new JMLHistoryConstraintError instance.
JMLHistoryConstraintError(String message, String className, String methodName, Set locations)
          Creates a new JMLHistoryConstraintError instance.
JMLAssertError(String message, String className, String methodName, Set locations)
          Creates a new JMLAssertError instance.
JMLExitExceptionalPostconditionError(String className, String methodName, Set locations)
          Constructs a new instance.
JMLExitExceptionalPostconditionError(String message, String className, String methodName, Set locations)
          Constructs a new instance.
JMLEvaluationError(String message, JMLAssertionError cause)
JMLUnreachableError(String message, String className, String methodName, Set locations)
          Creates a new JMLUnreachableError instance.
JMLHenceByError(String message, String className, String methodName, Set locations)
          Creates a new JMLHenceByError instance.
JMLLoopInvariantError(String message, String className, String methodName, Set locations)
          Creates a new JMLLoopInvariantError instance.
JMLLoopVariantError(String message, String className, String methodName, Set locations)
          Creates a new JMLLoopVariantError instance.
JMLNormalPostconditionError(String className, String methodName, Set locations)
          Constructs a new instance.
JMLNormalPostconditionError(String message, String className, String methodName, Set locations)
          Constructs a new instance.
JMLInvariantError(String className, String methodName, Set locations)
          Creates a new JMLInvariantError instance.
JMLInvariantError(String message, String className, String methodName, Set locations)
          Creates a new JMLInvariantError instance.
JMLExitNormalPostconditionError(String className, String methodName, Set locations)
          Constructs a new instance.
JMLExitNormalPostconditionError(String message, String className, String methodName, Set locations)
          Constructs a new instance.
JMLDebugError(String message, String className, String methodName, Set locations)
          Creates a new JMLDebugError instance.

Uses of String in org.jmlspecs.jmlspec

Fields in org.jmlspecs.jmlspec declared as String
static String[] Main.validSuffixes
          Valid suffixes for specification files.
protected static String[] Main.annotation
protected static String[] Main.classAnnotation
(package private) static String[] Main.nocomment
(package private) static String[] Main.comment
(package private) static String[] Main.also
(package private)  String JspComparator.eol
private  String JspOptions.filter
private  String JspOptions.suffix
private  String JspOptions.annotation
private  String JspOptions.classAnnotation
protected  String JspPrettyPrinter.originalName
protected  String JspPrettyPrinter.ident
private  String JspPrettyPrinter.non_null_decl_mod
protected  String[] Main.SuffixFilter.suffixes
(package private)  String JspGUI.JspGUIFileFilter.suffix
private  String[] JspGUI.JspCompilation.files

Methods in org.jmlspecs.jmlspec that return String
 String Main.checkPackageName(String packageName, boolean quiet)
protected  String Main.getWarningFilterNameFromOptions(MjcCommonOptions opts)
 String cu, JCompilationUnitType cujava)
 String JspComparator.compareToClass(JCompilationUnitType cu)
 String JspComparator.compareGFs(ArrayList tlmethods, ArrayList jtlmethods, String filename, String jfilename)
 String JspComparator.compareTypes(JTypeDeclarationType[] types, JTypeDeclarationType[] jtypes, String filename, String jfilename)
 String JspComparator.compareTypes(JTypeDeclarationType[] types, Class[] jtypes, String filename, String jfilename)
 String JspComparator.compareType(JTypeDeclarationType ty, JTypeDeclarationType jty, String filename, String jfilename)
 String JspComparator.compareType(JTypeDeclarationType ty, Class cc, String filename, String jfilename)
 String JspComparator.compareFields(JFieldDeclarationType[] fields, JFieldDeclarationType[] jfields, String filename, String jfilename, long modsToIgnore)
 String JspComparator.compareFields(JFieldDeclarationType[] fields, Field[] jfields, String filename, String jfilename, long modsToIgnore)
 String JspComparator.compareField(JFieldDeclarationType field, JFieldDeclarationType jfield, String filename, String jfilename, long modsToIgnore)
 String JspComparator.compareField(JFieldDeclarationType field, Field jfield, String filename, String jfilename, long modsToIgnore)
 String JspComparator.compareMethods(JMethodDeclarationType[] methods, JMethodDeclarationType[] jmethods, String filename, String jfilename, long modsToignore)
 String JspComparator.compareMethods(JMethodDeclarationType[] methods, Member[] jmethods, String filename, String jfilename, long modsToignore, Class cc)
 String JspComparator.signature(JMethodDeclarationType m)
 String JspComparator.signature(Member m)
 String JspComparator.compareMethod(JMethodDeclarationType method, JMethodDeclarationType jmethod, String filename, String jfilename, long modsToIgnore)
 String JspComparator.compareMethod(JMethodDeclarationType method, Member jmethod, String filename, String jfilename, long modsToIgnore)
 String JspComparator.compareExceptions(CClassType[] exc, CClassType[] jexc, String method, String filename, String jfilename, String token)
 String JspComparator.compareExceptions(CClassType[] exc, Class[] jexc, String method, String filename, String jfilename, String token)
 String JspComparator.toString(Class c)
 String JspOptions.filter()
 String JspOptions.set_filter(String filter)
 String JspOptions.suffix()
 String JspOptions.set_suffix(String suffix)
 String JspOptions.annotation()
 String JspOptions.set_annotation(String annotation)
 String JspOptions.classAnnotation()
 String JspOptions.set_classAnnotation(String classAnnotation)
 String JspOptions.getShortOptions()
protected  String JspGUI.getClasspath(Options opt)
protected  String JspGUI.getSourcepath(Options opt)
protected  String JspGUI.getWebpageName()
protected  String JspGUI.getWebpageLocation()
 String JspGUI.AllFilesGUIFileFilter.getDescription()
 String JspGUI.JspGUIFileFilter.getDescription()

Methods in org.jmlspecs.jmlspec with parameters of type String
static void Main.main(String[] args)
          An entry point when starting from the command line.
static boolean Main.compile(String[] args)
          Generates JML skeleton with the given argument, args, and returns true if all the skeletons are successfully generated.
static boolean Main.compile(String[] args, JspOptions opt, OutputStream os)
          Entry point for the GUI
protected  boolean Main.runInitialization(String[] args)
 String Main.checkPackageName(String packageName, boolean quiet)
(package private)  File Main.findFile(String qname, String suffix)
static int Main.findSuffixIndex(String s)
          Generates an int corresponding to the suffix; no particular order, just has to be unique - used as the index into an array.
 String JspComparator.compareGFs(ArrayList tlmethods, ArrayList jtlmethods, String filename, String jfilename)
 String JspComparator.compareTypes(JTypeDeclarationType[] types, JTypeDeclarationType[] jtypes, String filename, String jfilename)
 String JspComparator.compareTypes(JTypeDeclarationType[] types, Class[] jtypes, String filename, String jfilename)
 String JspComparator.compareType(JTypeDeclarationType ty, JTypeDeclarationType jty, String filename, String jfilename)
 boolean JspComparator.typeNamesMatch(String s, String ss)
 String JspComparator.compareType(JTypeDeclarationType ty, Class cc, String filename, String jfilename)
 String JspComparator.compareFields(JFieldDeclarationType[] fields, JFieldDeclarationType[] jfields, String filename, String jfilename, long modsToIgnore)
 String JspComparator.compareFields(JFieldDeclarationType[] fields, Field[] jfields, String filename, String jfilename, long modsToIgnore)
 String JspComparator.compareField(JFieldDeclarationType field, JFieldDeclarationType jfield, String filename, String jfilename, long modsToIgnore)
 String JspComparator.compareField(JFieldDeclarationType field, Field jfield, String filename, String jfilename, long modsToIgnore)
 String JspComparator.compareMethods(JMethodDeclarationType[] methods, JMethodDeclarationType[] jmethods, String filename, String jfilename, long modsToignore)
 String JspComparator.compareMethods(JMethodDeclarationType[] methods, Member[] jmethods, String filename, String jfilename, long modsToignore, Class cc)
 String JspComparator.compareMethod(JMethodDeclarationType method, JMethodDeclarationType jmethod, String filename, String jfilename, long modsToIgnore)
 String JspComparator.compareMethod(JMethodDeclarationType method, Member jmethod, String filename, String jfilename, long modsToIgnore)
 String JspComparator.compareExceptions(CClassType[] exc, CClassType[] jexc, String method, String filename, String jfilename, String token)
 String JspComparator.compareExceptions(CClassType[] exc, Class[] jexc, String method, String filename, String jfilename, String token)
 boolean JspComparator.isARuntimeException(String ident)
          Returns true if the argument is the name of a class that inherits from RuntimeException.
 String JspOptions.set_filter(String filter)
 String JspOptions.set_suffix(String suffix)
 String JspOptions.set_annotation(String annotation)
 String JspOptions.set_classAnnotation(String classAnnotation)
 boolean JspOptions.setOption(String name, Object newValue)
 void JspBinaryPrinter.print(String dir, String suffix)
 void JspBinaryPrinter.print(CClass cclass, PrintWriter io, String otab)
 boolean Main.SuffixFilter.accept(File dir, String name)
static void JspGUI.main(String[] args)
static JspGUI JspGUI.init(String[] args, boolean standAlone)
protected  boolean JspGUI.dirInClassPath(Options opt, String dir)
protected  org.multijava.util.gui.GUI.Compilation JspGUI.createCompilationInstance(String[] files, Options opt, OutputStream os)
 boolean JspGUI.AllFilesGUIFileFilter.hasActiveSuffix(String name)
 boolean JspGUI.JspGUIFileFilter.hasActiveSuffix(String name)

Constructors in org.jmlspecs.jmlspec with parameters of type String
JspOptions(String name)
JspPrettyPrinter(File file, ModifierUtility modUtil, JspOptions options, String originalName)
          construct a pretty printer object for java code
Main.SuffixFilter(String[] suf)
JspGUI.JspGUIFileFilter(String suffix)
JspGUI.JspCompilation(String[] files, JspOptions options, OutputStream os)

Uses of String in org.jmlspecs.jmlunit

Fields in org.jmlspecs.jmlunit declared as String
static String Constants.TEST_CLASS_NAME_POSTFIX
static String Constants.TEST_CLASS_FILE_NAME_POSTFIX
static String Constants.TEST_DATA_NAME_POSTFIX
static String Constants.TEST_DATA_FILE_NAME_POSTFIX
static String Constants.TEST_METHOD_NAME_PREFIX
static String Constants.DOT_JAVA
static String Constants.PKG_JUNIT
          The name of the JUnit framework package.
static String Constants.PKG_JMLRAC
          The name of the JML RAC runtime package.
static String Constants.PKG_JMLUNIT
          The name of the JML jmlunit package.
static String Constants.PKG_STRATEGIES
          The name of the JML jmlunit strategies package.
private static String JMLTestResult.line_sep
private  String JntOptions.filter
private  String JntOptions.packageName
private  String JntOptions.generatorPackageName
private  String JntOptions.generatorClassName
private static String JMLTestRunner.JmlResultPrinter.sizeOfWarningBlanks
          A number of blanks the size of the chr string "WARNING: ".
(package private)  String JntGUI.JntGUIFileFilter.suffix
private  String[] JntGUI.JntCompilation.files
protected  String TestClassGenerator.testClassName
protected  String TestClassGenerator.packageString
          The name of the package the generated class is in.
protected  String TestClassGenerator.testedPackageString
          The name of the package the type being tested is in.
protected  String TestClassGenerator.generatorPackageName
protected  String TestClassGenerator.generatorClassName
private  String
          The method's name
(package private)  String TestClassGenerator.Parameter.type
          The string name of this type
(package private)  String TestClassGenerator.Parameter.ident
          The variable's name
private  String TestClassGenerator.Parameter.tvar

Methods in org.jmlspecs.jmlunit that return String
(package private) static String Main.genPackageName(JCompilationUnitType cunit, JntOptions options)
protected  String Main.getWarningFilterNameFromOptions(MjcCommonOptions opts)
 String JMLTestResult.meaninglessTestCaseInfo()
          Returns information about all of the meaningless test cases.
 String JntOptions.filter()
 String JntOptions.set_filter(String filter)
 String JntOptions.packageName()
 String JntOptions.set_packageName(String packageName)
 String JntOptions.generatorPackageName()
 String JntOptions.set_generatorPackageName(String generatorPackageName)
 String JntOptions.generatorClassName()
 String JntOptions.set_generatorClassName(String generatorClassName)
 String JntOptions.getShortOptions()
protected  String JntGUI.getClasspath(Options opt)
protected  String JntGUI.getSourcepath(Options opt)
protected  String JntGUI.getWebpageName()
protected  String JntGUI.getWebpageLocation()
 String JntGUI.AllFilesGUIFileFilter.getDescription()
 String JntGUI.JntGUIFileFilter.getDescription()
private  String TestClassGenerator.methodKind(TestClassGenerator.MethodInfo mdecl)
          Return the kind of method this is: either "method" or "constructor".
protected  String TestClassGenerator.getPackageString()
          return the package string, if present.
protected  String TestClassGenerator.getTestedPackageString()
          return the package string, if present.
protected static String TestClassGenerator.fixtureVariableName(CType type)
          Returns a fixture variable name for the type named, type.
protected  String TestClassGenerator.capitalize(String s)
          Return a capitalized version of the argument
private  String TestClassGenerator.testMethodName(String ident)
          Returns a unique test method name for the given method name.
private  String TestClassGenerator.testMethodClassName(String ident)
          Returns a unique test class name for the given method name.
(package private)  String TestClassGenerator.NameGenerator.nameFor(String n)
 String TestClassGenerator.MethodInfo.ident()
          Return the name of this method.
(package private)  String TestClassGenerator.Parameter.tvar()
static String TestDataClassGenerator.defaultValue(CType type)
          Returns the default value of the type type.

Methods in org.jmlspecs.jmlunit with parameters of type String
static void Main.main(String[] args)
          An entry point when starting from the command line.
static boolean Main.compile(String[] args)
          Generates JML/JUnit test oracle classes with the given argument, args, and returns true if all the test classes are successfully generated.
static boolean Main.compile(String[] args, JntOptions opt, OutputStream os)
          Entry point for the GUI
 void JMLTestResult.append(String msg)
          Appends information about meaningless test cases.
 String JntOptions.set_filter(String filter)
 String JntOptions.set_packageName(String packageName)
 String JntOptions.set_generatorPackageName(String generatorPackageName)
 String JntOptions.set_generatorClassName(String generatorClassName)
 boolean JntOptions.setOption(String name, Object newValue)
static void JMLTestRunner.main(String[] args)
          Performs test execution for the user-specified testcase class.
static void JntGUI.main(String[] args)
static JntGUI JntGUI.init(String[] args, boolean standAlone)
protected  boolean JntGUI.dirInClassPath(Options opt, String dir)
protected  org.multijava.util.gui.GUI.Compilation JntGUI.createCompilationInstance(String[] files, Options opt, OutputStream os)
 boolean JntGUI.AllFilesGUIFileFilter.hasActiveSuffix(String name)
 boolean JntGUI.JntGUIFileFilter.hasActiveSuffix(String name)
private  void TestClassGenerator.printAddCallFor(String name)
          Prints a call to the appropriateaddTestSuiteFor$X method.
private  void TestClassGenerator.printAddMethodFor(TestClassGenerator.MethodInfo mdecl, String mname, String className, TestClassGenerator.Parameter[] params, TestClassGenerator.Parameter receiver, boolean isInstance, boolean isConstructor)
          Prints a method to add the test cases for the given method to a test suite.
private  void TestClassGenerator.printBodyLoopControl(String mname, TestClassGenerator.Parameter param, int paramNum, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Print the loop control statements for the body of adding tests for a method.
private  void TestClassGenerator.printInnerVarDecl(String mname, TestClassGenerator.Parameter param, int paramNum)
          Print the declaration of a final variable for this parameter.
private  void TestClassGenerator.printAdvance(String iterVarStart)
          Print the advance of the given named iterator and closing bracket
private  void TestClassGenerator.generateNestedTestClassFor(TestClassGenerator.MethodInfo mdecl, String mname, String className, TestClassGenerator.Parameter[] params, TestClassGenerator.Parameter receiver, boolean isInstance, boolean isConstructor)
          Generates and prints a test class for the given method declaration, mdecl.
private  void TestClassGenerator.printTestClassDoCall(String mname, TestClassGenerator.Parameter[] params, TestClassGenerator.Parameter receiver, boolean isInstance, boolean isConstructor)
          Print the doCall method.
private  void TestClassGenerator.printTestClassFailMessage(TestClassGenerator.MethodInfo mdecl, String mname, TestClassGenerator.Parameter[] params, TestClassGenerator.Parameter receiver, boolean isInstance, boolean isConstructor)
          Print the doCall method.
private  boolean TestClassGenerator.isTestable(JTypeDeclarationType cdecl, String fileNameId)
          Returns true if the given type declaration is testable using the JML/JUnit approach.
protected  void TestClassGenerator.composeFailMessage(TestClassGenerator.MethodInfo mdecl, String mname, TestClassGenerator.Parameter[] params, TestClassGenerator.Parameter receiver, boolean isInstance, boolean isConstructor)
          Generates code that composes a message about the method and parameters.
protected  String TestClassGenerator.capitalize(String s)
          Return a capitalized version of the argument
private  String TestClassGenerator.testMethodName(String ident)
          Returns a unique test method name for the given method name.
private  String TestClassGenerator.testMethodClassName(String ident)
          Returns a unique test class name for the given method name.
protected  void TestClassGenerator.print(String s)
          Prints the given string.
 void FancyTabbedPrintWriter.print(String s)
          Prints the given string.
(package private)  String TestClassGenerator.NameGenerator.nameFor(String n)
private  void TestDataClassGenerator.printIteratorProvisionMethod(String varName, String typeName, boolean isPrimitive, boolean isImmutableType, boolean hasCloneMethod)
          Print the declaration of the vTiter method for the given type.
private  void TestDataClassGenerator.printProvideIteratorComment(String typeName)
private  void TestDataClassGenerator.printStrategyGuess(CType type, String varName, String typeName, boolean isPrimitive, boolean isImmutable, boolean hasCloneMethod)
          Print the declaration of the default strategy for the given type.
private  void TestDataClassGenerator.print_size_X_MethodDecl(String varName, String typeName, boolean isImmutableType, boolean hasCloneMethod)
          Prints the declaration of the size_X method.
private  void TestDataClassGenerator.print_get_X_MethodDecl(String varName, String typeName, String defaultValue, boolean isImmutableType, boolean hasCloneMethod)
          Prints the declaration of the get_X method.
private  boolean TestDataClassGenerator.isImmutableType(CType type, String typeName)
          Is the given type an immutable type?

Constructors in org.jmlspecs.jmlunit with parameters of type String
JntOptions(String name)
JntGUI.JntGUIFileFilter(String suffix)
JntGUI.JntCompilation(String[] files, JntOptions options, OutputStream os)
TestClassGenerator.Parameter(CType type, String ident)

Uses of String in org.jmlspecs.jmlunit.strategies

Fields in org.jmlspecs.jmlunit.strategies declared as String
private  String ConstructorFailed.failmsg
          The failure message for failures raised by this class.

Methods in org.jmlspecs.jmlunit.strategies that return String
 String LongAbstractFilteringIteratorDecorator.toString()
 String AbstractFilteringIteratorDecorator.toString()
 String DoubleAbstractFilteringIteratorDecorator.toString()
 String ByteAbstractFilteringIteratorDecorator.toString()
 String FloatAbstractFilteringIteratorDecorator.toString()
 String CharAbstractFilteringIteratorDecorator.toString()
 String IntAbstractFilteringIteratorDecorator.toString()
 String ShortAbstractFilteringIteratorDecorator.toString()
 String ObjectArrayAbstractIterator.toString()
protected  String ObjectArrayAbstractIterator.elementsString()
 String BooleanAbstractFilteringIteratorDecorator.toString()
 String LongCompositeIterator.toString()
 String CharArrayIterator.toString()
 String CompositeIterator.toString()
 String CharCompositeIterator.toString()
 String FloatArrayIterator.toString()
 String LongArrayIterator.toString()
 String ByteArrayIterator.toString()
 String ShortCompositeIterator.toString()
 String ShortArrayIterator.toString()
 String IntCompositeIterator.toString()
 String DoubleCompositeIterator.toString()
 String DoubleArrayIterator.toString()
 String FloatCompositeIterator.toString()
 String BooleanArrayIterator.toString()
 String BooleanCompositeIterator.toString()
 String ByteCompositeIterator.toString()
 String IntArrayIterator.toString()

Methods in org.jmlspecs.jmlunit.strategies with parameters of type String
static void NonNullStrategyDecoratorTest.main(String[] args)
          Run the tests.
 junit.framework.TestSuite ImmutableObjectArrayIterator_JML_TestData.emptyTestSuiteFor(String methodName)
          Return an empty test suite for accumulating tests for the named method.
protected  IndefiniteIterator ImmutableObjectArrayIterator_JML_TestData.vorg_jmlspecs_jmlunit_strategies_ImmutableObjectArrayIteratorIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type org.jmlspecs.jmlunit.strategies.ImmutableObjectArrayIterator for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
static void CloneableObjectAbstractStrategyTest.main(String[] args)
          Run the tests.
static void StringStrategyTest.main(String[] args)
          Run the tests.
 junit.framework.TestSuite NewObjectAbstractIterator_JML_TestData.emptyTestSuiteFor(String methodName)
          Return an empty test suite for accumulating tests for the named method.
protected  IntIterator NewObjectAbstractIterator_JML_TestData.vintIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type int for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
protected  IndefiniteIterator NewObjectAbstractIterator_JML_TestData.vorg_jmlspecs_jmlunit_strategies_NewObjectAbstractIteratorIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type org.jmlspecs.jmlunit.strategies.NewObjectAbstractIterator for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
 junit.framework.TestSuite CloneableObjectArrayAbstractIterator_JML_TestData.emptyTestSuiteFor(String methodName)
          Return an empty test suite for accumulating tests for the named method.
protected  IndefiniteIterator CloneableObjectArrayAbstractIterator_JML_TestData.vorg_jmlspecs_jmlunit_strategies_CloneableObjectArrayAbstractIteratorIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type org.jmlspecs.jmlunit.strategies.CloneableObjectArrayAbstractIterator for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
 junit.framework.TestSuite DoubleAbstractFilteringIteratorDecorator_JML_TestData.emptyTestSuiteFor(String methodName)
          Return an empty test suite for accumulating tests for the named method.
protected  DoubleIterator DoubleAbstractFilteringIteratorDecorator_JML_TestData.vdoubleIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type double for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
protected  IndefiniteIterator DoubleAbstractFilteringIteratorDecorator_JML_TestData.vorg_jmlspecs_jmlunit_strategies_DoubleAbstractFilteringIteratorDecoratorIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type org.jmlspecs.jmlunit.strategies.DoubleAbstractFilteringIteratorDecorator for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
 junit.framework.TestSuite CharIterator_JML_TestData.emptyTestSuiteFor(String methodName)
          Return an empty test suite for accumulating tests for the named method.
protected  IndefiniteIterator CharIterator_JML_TestData.vorg_jmlspecs_jmlunit_strategies_CharIteratorIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type org.jmlspecs.jmlunit.strategies.CharIterator for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
static void ObjectStrategyTest.main(String[] args)
          Run the tests.
 junit.framework.TestSuite NonNullIteratorDecorator_JML_TestData.emptyTestSuiteFor(String methodName)
          Return an empty test suite for accumulating tests for the named method.
protected  IndefiniteIterator NonNullIteratorDecorator_JML_TestData.vorg_jmlspecs_jmlunit_strategies_NonNullIteratorDecoratorIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type org.jmlspecs.jmlunit.strategies.NonNullIteratorDecorator for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
protected  IndefiniteIterator NonNullIteratorDecorator_JML_TestData.vjava_lang_ObjectIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type java.lang.Object for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
protected  IndefiniteIterator NonNullIteratorDecorator_JML_TestData.vorg_jmlspecs_jmlunit_strategies_IndefiniteIteratorIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type org.jmlspecs.jmlunit.strategies.IndefiniteIterator for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
 junit.framework.TestSuite CompositeIterator_JML_TestData.emptyTestSuiteFor(String methodName)
          Return an empty test suite for accumulating tests for the named method.
protected  IndefiniteIterator CompositeIterator_JML_TestData.vorg_jmlspecs_jmlunit_strategies_CompositeIteratorIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type org.jmlspecs.jmlunit.strategies.CompositeIterator for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
protected  IndefiniteIterator CompositeIterator_JML_TestData.vorg_jmlspecs_jmlunit_strategies_IndefiniteIteratorIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type org.jmlspecs.jmlunit.strategies.IndefiniteIterator for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
 junit.framework.TestSuite IntArrayIterator_JML_TestData.emptyTestSuiteFor(String methodName)
          Return an empty test suite for accumulating tests for the named method.
protected  IndefiniteIterator IntArrayIterator_JML_TestData.vorg_jmlspecs_jmlunit_strategies_IntArrayIteratorIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type org.jmlspecs.jmlunit.strategies.IntArrayIterator for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
static void ImmutableObjectAbstractStrategyTest.main(String[] args)
          Run the tests.
 junit.framework.TestSuite DoubleCompositeIterator_JML_TestData.emptyTestSuiteFor(String methodName)
          Return an empty test suite for accumulating tests for the named method.
protected  IndefiniteIterator DoubleCompositeIterator_JML_TestData.vorg_jmlspecs_jmlunit_strategies_DoubleCompositeIteratorIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type org.jmlspecs.jmlunit.strategies.DoubleCompositeIterator for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
protected  IndefiniteIterator DoubleCompositeIterator_JML_TestData.vorg_jmlspecs_jmlunit_strategies_DoubleIteratorIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type org.jmlspecs.jmlunit.strategies.DoubleIterator for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
static void BooleanStrategyTypeTest.main(String[] args)
          Run the tests.
static void DoubleStrategyTypeTest.main(String[] args)
          Run the tests.
static void ShortStrategyTypeTest.main(String[] args)
          Run the tests.
static void FloatStrategyTypeTest.main(String[] args)
          Run the tests.
static void IntStrategyTypeTest.main(String[] args)
          Run the tests.
static void CompositeStrategyTest.main(String[] args)
          Run the tests.
static void ByteStrategyTypeTest.main(String[] args)
          Run the tests.
static void NewObjectAbstractStrategyTest.main(String[] args)
          Run the tests.
static void CharStrategyTypeTest.main(String[] args)
          Run the tests.
static void LongStrategyTypeTest.main(String[] args)
          Run the tests.

Constructors in org.jmlspecs.jmlunit.strategies with parameters of type String
LimitedTestSuite(String name, int n)
          Initialize this LimitedTestSuite to have the given limit.
NonNullStrategyDecoratorTest(String name)
          Initialize this class.
ImmutableObjectArrayIterator_JML_TestData(String name)
          Initialize this class.
CloneableObjectAbstractStrategyTest(String name)
          Initialize this class.
StringStrategyTest(String name)
          Initialize this class.
NewObjectAbstractIterator_JML_TestData(String name)
          Initialize this class.
CloneableObjectArrayAbstractIterator_JML_TestData(String name)
          Initialize this class.
DoubleAbstractFilteringIteratorDecorator_JML_TestData(String name)
          Initialize this class.
CharIterator_JML_TestData(String name)
          Initialize this class.
ObjectStrategyTest(String name)
          Initialize this class.
NonNullIteratorDecorator_JML_TestData(String name)
          Initialize this class.
CompositeIterator_JML_TestData(String name)
          Initialize this class.
IntArrayIterator_JML_TestData(String name)
          Initialize this class.
ImmutableObjectAbstractStrategyTest(String name)
          Initialize this class.
DoubleCompositeIterator_JML_TestData(String name)
          Initialize this class.
BooleanStrategyTypeTest(String name)
          Initialize this class.
DoubleStrategyTypeTest(String name)
          Initialize this class.
ShortStrategyTypeTest(String name)
          Initialize this class.
FloatStrategyTypeTest(String name)
          Initialize this class.
IntStrategyTypeTest(String name)
          Initialize this class.
CompositeStrategyTest(String name)
          Initialize this class.
ByteStrategyTypeTest(String name)
          Initialize this class.
NewObjectAbstractStrategyTest(String name)
          Initialize this class.
CharStrategyTypeTest(String name)
          Initialize this class.
LongStrategyTypeTest(String name)
          Initialize this class.

Uses of String in org.jmlspecs.lang

Methods in org.jmlspecs.lang that return String
 String JMLDataGroup.toString()
          Return a string representation of this object.

Methods in org.jmlspecs.lang with parameters of type String
 junit.framework.TestSuite JMLDataGroup_JML_TestData.emptyTestSuiteFor(String methodName)
          Return an empty test suite for accumulating tests for the named method.
protected  IndefiniteIterator JMLDataGroup_JML_TestData.vjava_lang_ObjectIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type java.lang.Object for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
protected  IndefiniteIterator JMLDataGroup_JML_TestData.vorg_jmlspecs_lang_JMLDataGroupIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type org.jmlspecs.lang.JMLDataGroup for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.

Constructors in org.jmlspecs.lang with parameters of type String
JMLDataGroup_JML_TestData(String name)
          Initialize this class.

Uses of String in org.jmlspecs.launcher

Fields in org.jmlspecs.launcher declared as String
private  String[] JmlLauncher.args
          The arguments to be used by these tools
private  String JmlLauncher.LOGO_NAME
          The path to the logo

Methods in org.jmlspecs.launcher with parameters of type String
static void JmlLauncher.main(String[] args)
          Main method for running the JmlLauncher

Constructors in org.jmlspecs.launcher with parameters of type String
JmlLauncher(String name, String[] args)
          Constructor for the JmlLauncher

Uses of String in org.jmlspecs.models

Fields in org.jmlspecs.models declared as String
private static String JMLObjectSequence.ITEM_PREFIX
private static String JMLObjectSequence.IS_NOT_FOUND
private static String JMLObjectSequence.TOO_BIG_TO_INSERT
private static String JMLValueSequence.ITEM_PREFIX
private static String JMLValueSequence.IS_NOT_FOUND
private static String JMLValueSequence.TOO_BIG_TO_INSERT
private static String JMLValueToValueRelation.TOO_BIG_TO_INSERT
protected static String JMLValueToValueRelation.TOO_BIG_TO_UNION
private static String JMLObjectToValueRelation.TOO_BIG_TO_INSERT
protected static String JMLObjectToValueRelation.TOO_BIG_TO_UNION
private static String JMLEqualsToValueRelation.TOO_BIG_TO_INSERT
protected static String JMLEqualsToValueRelation.TOO_BIG_TO_UNION
private static String JMLValueToEqualsRelation.TOO_BIG_TO_INSERT
protected static String JMLValueToEqualsRelation.TOO_BIG_TO_UNION
private static String JMLObjectToEqualsRelation.TOO_BIG_TO_INSERT
protected static String JMLObjectToEqualsRelation.TOO_BIG_TO_UNION
private static String JMLValueToObjectRelation.TOO_BIG_TO_INSERT
protected static String JMLValueToObjectRelation.TOO_BIG_TO_UNION
private static String JMLObjectToObjectRelation.TOO_BIG_TO_INSERT
protected static String JMLObjectToObjectRelation.TOO_BIG_TO_UNION
private static String JMLEqualsSequence.ITEM_PREFIX
private static String JMLEqualsSequence.IS_NOT_FOUND
private static String JMLEqualsSequence.TOO_BIG_TO_INSERT
private static String JMLEqualsToObjectRelation.TOO_BIG_TO_INSERT
protected static String JMLEqualsToObjectRelation.TOO_BIG_TO_UNION
protected  String JMLString.str_
private static String JMLEqualsToEqualsRelation.TOO_BIG_TO_INSERT
protected static String JMLEqualsToEqualsRelation.TOO_BIG_TO_UNION

Methods in org.jmlspecs.models that return String
 String JMLValueSet.toString()
          Return a string representation of this object.
 String JMLObjectSequence.toString()
          Return a string representation of this object.
abstract  String JMLInfiniteInteger.toString()
          Return the decimal representation of this integer.
abstract  String JMLInfiniteInteger.toString(int radix)
          Return the digits representing this integer in the given radix.
 String JMLPositiveInfinity.toString()
          Return the string "Infinity".
 String JMLPositiveInfinity.toString(int radix)
          Return the string "Infinity".
 String JMLValueSequence.toString()
          Return a string representation of this object.
 String JMLListValueNode.toString()
          Return a string representation for this list.
 String JMLValueToValueRelation.toString()
          Return a string representation of this object.
 String JMLValueValuePair.toString()
          Return a string representation of this object.
 String JMLEqualsValuePair.toString()
          Return a string representation of this object.
 String JMLObjectToValueRelation.toString()
          Return a string representation of this object.
 String JMLValueBag.toString()
          Return a string representation of this object.
 String JMLEqualsToValueRelation.toString()
          Return a string representation of this object.
 String JMLEqualsSet.toString()
          Return a string representation of this object.
 String JMLValueToEqualsRelation.toString()
          Return a string representation of this object.
 String JMLObjectToEqualsRelation.toString()
          Return a string representation of this object.
 String JMLValueObjectPair.toString()
          Return a string representation of this object.
 String JMLObjectEqualsPair.toString()
          Return a string representation of this object.
 String JMLObjectSet.toString()
          Return a string representation of this object.
 String JMLValueToObjectRelation.toString()
          Return a string representation of this object.
 String JMLObjectToObjectRelation.toString()
          Return a string representation of this object.
 String JMLObjectValuePair.toString()
          Return a string representation of this object.
 String JMLValueEqualsPair.toString()
          Return a string representation of this object.
 String JMLByte.toString()
          Return a string representation of this object.
 String JMLEqualsSequence.toString()
          Return a string representation of this object.
 String JMLListEqualsNode.toString()
          Return a string representation for this list.
 String JMLEqualsEqualsPair.toString()
          Return a string representation of this object.
 String JMLObjectBag.toString()
          Return a string representation of this object.
 String JMLObjectObjectPair.toString()
          Return a string representation of this object.
 String JMLEqualsToObjectRelation.toString()
          Return a string representation of this object.
 String JMLEqualsObjectPair.toString()
          Return a string representation of this object.
 String JMLFiniteInteger.toString()
          Return the decimal representation of this integer.
 String JMLFiniteInteger.toString(int radix)
          Return the digits representing this integer in the given radix.
 String JMLShort.toString()
          Return a string representation of this object.
 String JMLInteger.toString()
          Return a string representation of this object.
 String JMLEqualsBag.toString()
          Return a string representation of this object.
 String JMLEqualsBagEntry.toString()
          Return a string representation of this object.
 String JMLListObjectNode.toString()
          Return a string representation for this list.
 String JMLString.toString()
          Return theString.
 String JMLEqualsToEqualsRelation.toString()
          Return a string representation of this object.
static String JMLNullSafe.toString(Object o)
 String JMLDouble.toString()
          Return a string representation of this object.
 String JMLFloat.toString()
          Return a string representation of this object.
 String JMLLong.toString()
          Return a string representation of this object.
 String JMLValueBagEntry.toString()
          Return a string representation of this object.
 String JMLNegativeInfinity.toString()
          Return the string "-Infinity".
 String JMLNegativeInfinity.toString(int radix)
          Return the string "-Infinity".
 String JMLObjectBagEntry.toString()
          Return a string representation of this object.
 String JMLChar.toString()
          Return a string representation of this object.

Methods in org.jmlspecs.models with parameters of type String
 junit.framework.TestSuite JMLChar_JML_TestData.emptyTestSuiteFor(String methodName)
          Return an empty test suite for accumulating tests for the named method.
protected  IndefiniteIterator JMLChar_JML_TestData.vjava_lang_CharacterIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type java.lang.Character for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
protected  IndefiniteIterator JMLChar_JML_TestData.vorg_jmlspecs_models_JMLCharIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type org.jmlspecs.models.JMLChar for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
protected  IndefiniteIterator JMLChar_JML_TestData.vjava_lang_ObjectIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type java.lang.Object for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
protected  CharIterator JMLChar_JML_TestData.vcharIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type char for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
 junit.framework.TestSuite JMLValueToValueMap_JML_TestData.emptyTestSuiteFor(String methodName)
          Return an empty test suite for accumulating tests for the named method.
protected  IndefiniteIterator JMLValueToValueMap_JML_TestData.vorg_jmlspecs_models_JMLObjectToValueMapIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type org.jmlspecs.models.JMLObjectToValueMap for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
protected  IndefiniteIterator JMLValueToValueMap_JML_TestData.vorg_jmlspecs_models_JMLValueSetIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type org.jmlspecs.models.JMLValueSet for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
protected  IndefiniteIterator JMLValueToValueMap_JML_TestData.vorg_jmlspecs_models_JMLValueToValueMapIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type org.jmlspecs.models.JMLValueToValueMap for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
protected  IndefiniteIterator JMLValueToValueMap_JML_TestData.vorg_jmlspecs_models_JMLTypeIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type org.jmlspecs.models.JMLType for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
protected  IndefiniteIterator JMLValueToValueMap_JML_TestData.vorg_jmlspecs_models_JMLValueValuePairIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type org.jmlspecs.models.JMLValueValuePair for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
protected  IndefiniteIterator JMLValueToValueMap_JML_TestData.vorg_jmlspecs_models_JMLValueToValueRelationIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type org.jmlspecs.models.JMLValueToValueRelation for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
protected  IndefiniteIterator JMLValueToValueMap_JML_TestData.vorg_jmlspecs_models_JMLObjectToValueRelationIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type org.jmlspecs.models.JMLObjectToValueRelation for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
protected  IndefiniteIterator JMLValueToValueMap_JML_TestData.vjava_lang_ObjectIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type java.lang.Object for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
 junit.framework.TestSuite JMLListValueNode_JML_TestData.emptyTestSuiteFor(String methodName)
          Return an empty test suite for accumulating tests for the named method.
protected  IndefiniteIterator JMLListValueNode_JML_TestData.vorg_jmlspecs_models_JMLTypeIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type org.jmlspecs.models.JMLType for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
protected  IndefiniteIterator JMLListValueNode_JML_TestData.vorg_jmlspecs_models_JMLListValueNodeIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type org.jmlspecs.models.JMLListValueNode for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
protected  IntIterator JMLListValueNode_JML_TestData.vintIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type int for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
protected  IndefiniteIterator JMLListValueNode_JML_TestData.vjava_lang_ObjectIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type java.lang.Object for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
 junit.framework.TestSuite JMLInteger_JML_TestData.emptyTestSuiteFor(String methodName)
          Return an empty test suite for accumulating tests for the named method.
protected  IndefiniteIterator JMLInteger_JML_TestData.vjava_lang_StringIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type java.lang.String for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
protected  IndefiniteIterator JMLInteger_JML_TestData.vorg_jmlspecs_models_JMLIntegerIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type org.jmlspecs.models.JMLInteger for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
protected  IndefiniteIterator JMLInteger_JML_TestData.vjava_lang_IntegerIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type java.lang.Integer for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
protected  IntIterator JMLInteger_JML_TestData.vintIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type int for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
protected  IndefiniteIterator JMLInteger_JML_TestData.vjava_lang_ObjectIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type java.lang.Object for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
 junit.framework.TestSuite JMLFloat_JML_TestData.emptyTestSuiteFor(String methodName)
          Return an empty test suite for accumulating tests for the named method.
protected  IndefiniteIterator JMLFloat_JML_TestData.vorg_jmlspecs_models_JMLFloatIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type org.jmlspecs.models.JMLFloat for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
protected  IndefiniteIterator JMLFloat_JML_TestData.vjava_lang_StringIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type java.lang.String for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
protected  FloatIterator JMLFloat_JML_TestData.vfloatIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type float for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
protected  IndefiniteIterator JMLFloat_JML_TestData.vjava_lang_FloatIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type java.lang.Float for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
protected  IntIterator JMLFloat_JML_TestData.vintIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type int for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
protected  IndefiniteIterator JMLFloat_JML_TestData.vjava_lang_ObjectIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type java.lang.Object for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
 junit.framework.TestSuite JMLObjectToObjectRelation_JML_TestData.emptyTestSuiteFor(String methodName)
          Return an empty test suite for accumulating tests for the named method.
protected  IndefiniteIterator JMLObjectToObjectRelation_JML_TestData.vorg_jmlspecs_models_JMLValueToObjectRelationIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type org.jmlspecs.models.JMLValueToObjectRelation for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
protected  IndefiniteIterator JMLObjectToObjectRelation_JML_TestData.vorg_jmlspecs_models_JMLObjectObjectPairIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type org.jmlspecs.models.JMLObjectObjectPair for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
protected  IndefiniteIterator JMLObjectToObjectRelation_JML_TestData.vorg_jmlspecs_models_JMLObjectSetIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type org.jmlspecs.models.JMLObjectSet for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
protected  IndefiniteIterator JMLObjectToObjectRelation_JML_TestData.vorg_jmlspecs_models_JMLObjectToObjectRelationIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type org.jmlspecs.models.JMLObjectToObjectRelation for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
protected  IndefiniteIterator JMLObjectToObjectRelation_JML_TestData.vjava_lang_ObjectIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type java.lang.Object for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
 junit.framework.TestSuite JMLInfiniteInteger_JML_TestData.emptyTestSuiteFor(String methodName)
          Return an empty test suite for accumulating tests for the named method.
protected  IndefiniteIterator JMLInfiniteInteger_JML_TestData.vorg_jmlspecs_models_JMLInfiniteIntegerIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type org.jmlspecs.models.JMLInfiniteInteger for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
protected  IntIterator JMLInfiniteInteger_JML_TestData.vintIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type int for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
protected  IndefiniteIterator JMLInfiniteInteger_JML_TestData.vjava_lang_ObjectIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type java.lang.Object for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
 junit.framework.TestSuite JMLValueObjectPair_JML_TestData.emptyTestSuiteFor(String methodName)
          Return an empty test suite for accumulating tests for the named method.
protected  IndefiniteIterator JMLValueObjectPair_JML_TestData.vorg_jmlspecs_models_JMLTypeIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type org.jmlspecs.models.JMLType for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
protected  IndefiniteIterator JMLValueObjectPair_JML_TestData.vorg_jmlspecs_models_JMLValueObjectPairIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type org.jmlspecs.models.JMLValueObjectPair for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
protected  IndefiniteIterator JMLValueObjectPair_JML_TestData.vjava_lang_ObjectIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type java.lang.Object for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
 junit.framework.TestSuite JMLString_JML_TestData.emptyTestSuiteFor(String methodName)
          Return an empty test suite for accumulating tests for the named method.
protected  IndefiniteIterator JMLString_JML_TestData.vorg_jmlspecs_models_JMLStringIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type org.jmlspecs.models.JMLString for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
protected  IndefiniteIterator JMLString_JML_TestData.vjava_lang_StringIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type java.lang.String for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
protected  IndefiniteIterator JMLString_JML_TestData.vjava_lang_ObjectIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type java.lang.Object for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
protected  CharIterator JMLString_JML_TestData.vcharIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type char for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
 junit.framework.TestSuite JMLValueSet_JML_TestData.emptyTestSuiteFor(String methodName)
          Return an empty test suite for accumulating tests for the named method.
protected  IndefiniteIterator JMLValueSet_JML_TestData.vjava_util_CollectionIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type java.util.Collection for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
protected  IndefiniteIterator JMLValueSet_JML_TestData.vorg_jmlspecs_models_JMLValueSetIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type org.jmlspecs.models.JMLValueSet for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
protected  IndefiniteIterator JMLValueSet_JML_TestData.vorg_jmlspecs_models_JMLTypeIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type org.jmlspecs.models.JMLType for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
protected  IndefiniteIterator JMLValueSet_JML_TestData.vorg_jmlspecs_models_JMLCollectionIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type org.jmlspecs.models.JMLCollection for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
protected  IndefiniteIterator JMLValueSet_JML_TestData.vjava_lang_ObjectIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type java.lang.Object for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
 junit.framework.TestSuite JMLNullSafe_JML_TestData.emptyTestSuiteFor(String methodName)
          Return an empty test suite for accumulating tests for the named method.
protected  IndefiniteIterator JMLNullSafe_JML_TestData.vjava_lang_ObjectIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type java.lang.Object for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
 boolean JMLString.equalsIgnoreCase(String another)
          Are these strings equal, except for case?
 JMLString JMLString.concat(String s)
          Produce a new JMLString that is the concatentation of the JMLString and a String.

Constructors in org.jmlspecs.models with parameters of type String
JMLChar_JML_TestData(String name)
          Initialize this class.
JMLValueToValueMap_JML_TestData(String name)
          Initialize this class.
JMLListValueNode_JML_TestData(String name)
          Initialize this class.
JMLInteger_JML_TestData(String name)
          Initialize this class.
JMLFloat_JML_TestData(String name)
          Initialize this class.
JMLObjectToObjectRelation_JML_TestData(String name)
          Initialize this class.
JMLInfiniteInteger_JML_TestData(String name)
          Initialize this class.
JMLValueObjectPair_JML_TestData(String name)
          Initialize this class.
JMLString_JML_TestData(String name)
          Initialize this class.
JMLValueSet_JML_TestData(String name)
          Initialize this class.
JMLNullSafe_JML_TestData(String name)
          Initialize this class.
JMLNoSuchElementException(String s)
          Initialize this object with the given detail string.
JMLMapException(String m)
          Initialize this object with the given detail string.
JMLMapException(String m, JMLType errval)
          Initialize this object with the given detail string.
JMLByte(String s)
          Initialize this object to the given byte.
JMLTypeException(String s)
          Initialize this object with the given detail string.
JMLShort(String s)
          Initialize this object to the given short.
JMLInteger(String s)
          Initialize this object to the given integer.
JMLSequenceException(String s)
          Initialize this object with the given detail string.
JMLListException(String s)
          Initialize this object with the given detail string.
JMLString(String s)
          Initialize the contents of this object to be the given string.
JMLDouble(String s)
          Initialize this object to contain the value given by the string argument.
JMLFloat(String s)
          Initialize this object to contain the value given by the string argument.
JMLLong(String s)
          Initialize this object to the given long.

Uses of String in org.jmlspecs.models.resolve

Fields in org.jmlspecs.models.resolve declared as String
private static String StringOfObject.ILLEGAL_ARG_MSG
          Message used in exceptions.

Methods in org.jmlspecs.models.resolve that return String
 String StringOfObject.toString()
 String NaturalNumber.toString()

Methods in org.jmlspecs.models.resolve with parameters of type String
 junit.framework.TestSuite NaturalNumber_JML_TestData.emptyTestSuiteFor(String methodName)
          Return an empty test suite for accumulating tests for the named method.
protected  IndefiniteIterator NaturalNumber_JML_TestData.vorg_jmlspecs_models_resolve_NaturalNumberIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type org.jmlspecs.models.resolve.NaturalNumber for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
protected  IndefiniteIterator NaturalNumber_JML_TestData.vjava_lang_ObjectIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type java.lang.Object for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
protected  IntIterator NaturalNumber_JML_TestData.vintIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type int for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
protected  IndefiniteIterator NaturalNumber_JML_TestData.vjava_math_BigIntegerIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type java.math.BigInteger for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
protected  LongIterator NaturalNumber_JML_TestData.vlongIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type long for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
 junit.framework.TestSuite StringOfObject_JML_TestData.emptyTestSuiteFor(String methodName)
          Return an empty test suite for accumulating tests for the named method.
protected  IndefiniteIterator StringOfObject_JML_TestData.vorg_jmlspecs_models_resolve_StringOfObjectIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type org.jmlspecs.models.resolve.StringOfObject for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
protected  IndefiniteIterator StringOfObject_JML_TestData.vjava_lang_ObjectIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type java.lang.Object for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
protected  IntIterator StringOfObject_JML_TestData.vintIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type int for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
protected  IndefiniteIterator StringOfObject_JML_TestData.vjava_util_CollectionIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type java.util.Collection for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.

Constructors in org.jmlspecs.models.resolve with parameters of type String
NaturalNumber_JML_TestData(String name)
          Initialize this class.
StringOfObject_JML_TestData(String name)
          Initialize this class.

Uses of String in org.jmlspecs.racwrap

Fields in org.jmlspecs.racwrap declared as String
private  String WrapperPrettyPrinter.wrappedClassName
          We need information about the wrapped class name.
private  String[] Main.args

Methods in org.jmlspecs.racwrap with parameters of type String
 void Main.setArgs(String[] args)
static void Main.main(String[] args)
          The main entry point when starting this program from the command line.
static boolean Main.compile(String[] args)
          Entry point for other programs wishing to use the wrapper generator.
 PrintStream Main.createTempFile(JmlCompilationUnit cunit, String filename)

Constructors in org.jmlspecs.racwrap with parameters of type String
WrapperPrettyPrinter(String fileName, JmlModifier modUtil)

Uses of String in org.jmlspecs.racwrap.runner

Fields in org.jmlspecs.racwrap.runner declared as String
private  String
private  String[] Main.args
private  String Location.jarLocation
private  String Location.location
          location is where the class is located.
private  String
private  String
private  String[] Runner.prog_args

Methods in org.jmlspecs.racwrap.runner that return String
abstract  String Node.getName()
          Every node has a name that corresponds to the file/directory od the class/package.
 String Location.getJarLocation()
          jarLocation is where the jarfile containing the class is located.
 String Location.getLocation()
          location is where the class is located.
 String CommonImpl.getName()
 String CommonImpl.toString()
static String[] Runner.toArray(Vector v)

Methods in org.jmlspecs.racwrap.runner with parameters of type String
static void Main.main(String[] args)
static Properties Main.getProperties(String filename)
          Get properties from a specific properties file
 void Main.runProgram(String name, String[] args, ClassLoader loader)
          Run the program
static void TreeViewer.main(String[] args)
          The arguments for the main function are paths to the root of a package hierarchy, either a directory, or a jar file.
abstract  void Node.setName(String name)
abstract  Node Node.getChild(String name)
          Given a name, get the child node.
abstract  void Node.removeChild(String name)
          Does nothing if name is not a child.
 void Location.setJarLocation(String loc)
 void Location.setLocation(String loc)
 void CommonImpl.setName(String name)
 Node BranchNode.getChild(String name)
 void BranchNode.removeChild(String name)
static void TreeBuilder.main(String[] args)
          The main program takes in strings of paths to the root of package hierarchies, either a directory or a jar file.
static Node TreeBuilder.buildTree(String[] locations)
          Creates a tree given an array of paths to directories and jarfiles
static Location TreeBuilder.updateLeafNode(Node parent, String fname)
          updateLeafNode looks at the filename, determines if it is needed for our framework, and creates or updates a leaf node as needed.
static Leaf TreeBuilder.getOrCreateLeaf(Node parent, String classname)
          This method also adds the leaf node to the parent, if necessary
static BranchNode TreeBuilder.getOrCreateBranch(Node parent, String name)
 Node Leaf.getChild(String name)
          alwya returns null.
 void Leaf.removeChild(String name)
          Does nothing.
static void Runner.main(String[] args)
 Class ChxClassLoader.loadClass(String name)
          Alias for loadClass(name, null);
 Class ChxClassLoader.loadClass(String name, boolean resolve)
          This classloader does *not* follow the Java ClassLoader delegation model.
private  Class ChxClassLoader.loadClassFromTree(String name)
          Given the name of a class, this method will find the location of the class (if it knows about it), and load it.

Constructors in org.jmlspecs.racwrap.runner with parameters of type String
Main(String name, String[] args, ClassLoader loader)
Runner(String name, String[] prog_args, boolean check)

Uses of String in org.jmlspecs.samples.dbc

Methods in org.jmlspecs.samples.dbc that return String
 String Rectangular.toString()
 String Polar.toString()

Methods in org.jmlspecs.samples.dbc with parameters of type String
 junit.framework.TestSuite Complex_JML_TestData.emptyTestSuiteFor(String methodName)
          Return an empty test suite for accumulating tests for the named method.
protected  IndefiniteIterator Complex_JML_TestData.vjava_lang_ObjectIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type java.lang.Object for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
protected  IndefiniteIterator Complex_JML_TestData.vorg_jmlspecs_samples_dbc_ComplexIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type org.jmlspecs.samples.dbc.Complex for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
static void ComplexTest.main(String[] args)
protected  void ComplexTest.approximatelyEquals(String msg, double d1, double d2)
          Check that either the numbers are equal, or StrictMath.abs(d1-d2) <= StrictMath.max(StrictMath.abs(d1), StrictMath.abs(d2))*tolerance.

Constructors in org.jmlspecs.samples.dbc with parameters of type String
Complex_JML_TestData(String name)
          Initialize this class.
ComplexTest(String name)
          Constructor for ComplexTest.

Uses of String in org.jmlspecs.samples.digraph

Methods in org.jmlspecs.samples.digraph that return String
protected abstract  String ValueNode.className()
 String ValueNode.toString()
protected  String TransposableNode.className()
protected  String ArcType.className()
 String ArcType.toString()
protected  String SearchableNode.className()
 String SearchableNode.toString()
protected  String Arc.className()
          Return the name of this class.
 String Arc.toString()
 String Digraph.toString()

Methods in org.jmlspecs.samples.digraph with parameters of type String
 junit.framework.TestSuite TransposableDigraph_JML_TestData.emptyTestSuiteFor(String methodName)
          Return an empty test suite for accumulating tests for the named method.
protected  IndefiniteIterator TransposableDigraph_JML_TestData.vorg_jmlspecs_samples_digraph_TransposableDigraphIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type org.jmlspecs.samples.digraph.TransposableDigraph for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
protected  IndefiniteIterator TransposableDigraph_JML_TestData.vorg_jmlspecs_samples_digraph_NodeTypeIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type org.jmlspecs.samples.digraph.NodeType for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
 junit.framework.TestSuite SearchableNode_JML_TestData.emptyTestSuiteFor(String methodName)
          Return an empty test suite for accumulating tests for the named method.
protected  IndefiniteIterator SearchableNode_JML_TestData.vorg_jmlspecs_samples_digraph_SearchableNodeIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type org.jmlspecs.samples.digraph.SearchableNode for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
protected  IndefiniteIterator SearchableNode_JML_TestData.vjava_lang_ObjectIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type java.lang.Object for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
 junit.framework.TestSuite SearchableDigraph_JML_TestData.emptyTestSuiteFor(String methodName)
          Return an empty test suite for accumulating tests for the named method.
protected  IndefiniteIterator SearchableDigraph_JML_TestData.vorg_jmlspecs_samples_digraph_NodeTypeIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type org.jmlspecs.samples.digraph.NodeType for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
protected  IndefiniteIterator SearchableDigraph_JML_TestData.vorg_jmlspecs_samples_digraph_SearchableDigraphIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type org.jmlspecs.samples.digraph.SearchableDigraph for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
protected  IndefiniteIterator SearchableDigraph_JML_TestData.vorg_jmlspecs_samples_digraph_SearchableNodeIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type org.jmlspecs.samples.digraph.SearchableNode for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
 junit.framework.TestSuite NodeType_JML_TestData.emptyTestSuiteFor(String methodName)
          Return an empty test suite for accumulating tests for the named method.
protected  IndefiniteIterator NodeType_JML_TestData.vjava_lang_ObjectIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type java.lang.Object for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
protected  IndefiniteIterator NodeType_JML_TestData.vorg_jmlspecs_samples_digraph_NodeTypeIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type org.jmlspecs.samples.digraph.NodeType for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
 junit.framework.TestSuite TransposableNode_JML_TestData.emptyTestSuiteFor(String methodName)
          Return an empty test suite for accumulating tests for the named method.
protected  IndefiniteIterator TransposableNode_JML_TestData.vorg_jmlspecs_samples_digraph_TransposableNodeIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type org.jmlspecs.samples.digraph.TransposableNode for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
protected  IndefiniteIterator TransposableNode_JML_TestData.vjava_lang_ObjectIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type java.lang.Object for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
 junit.framework.TestSuite Arc_JML_TestData.emptyTestSuiteFor(String methodName)
          Return an empty test suite for accumulating tests for the named method.
protected  IndefiniteIterator Arc_JML_TestData.vorg_jmlspecs_samples_digraph_NodeTypeIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type org.jmlspecs.samples.digraph.NodeType for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
protected  IndefiniteIterator Arc_JML_TestData.vorg_jmlspecs_samples_digraph_ArcIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type org.jmlspecs.samples.digraph.Arc for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
protected  IndefiniteIterator Arc_JML_TestData.vjava_lang_ObjectIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type java.lang.Object for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.

Constructors in org.jmlspecs.samples.digraph with parameters of type String
TransposableDigraph_JML_TestData(String name)
          Initialize this class.
SearchableNode_JML_TestData(String name)
          Initialize this class.
SearchableDigraph_JML_TestData(String name)
          Initialize this class.
NodeType_JML_TestData(String name)
          Initialize this class.
TransposableNode_JML_TestData(String name)
          Initialize this class.
Arc_JML_TestData(String name)
          Initialize this class.

Uses of String in org.jmlspecs.samples.dirobserver

Methods in org.jmlspecs.samples.dirobserver with parameters of type String
abstract  void DirObserver.addNotification(Directory o, String n)
          Receive a notification that a given name is being added to the given directory.
abstract  void DirObserver.removeNotification(Directory o, String n)
          Receive a notification that a given name is being removed from the given directory.
abstract  void Directory.addEntry(String n, File f)
abstract  void Directory.removeEntry(String n)
abstract  File RODirectory.thisFile(String n)
          Return the file with the given name in this directory.

Uses of String in org.jmlspecs.samples.jmlkluwer

Methods in org.jmlspecs.samples.jmlkluwer that return String
 String PriorityQueue.toString()
 String QueueEntry.toString()

Methods in org.jmlspecs.samples.jmlkluwer with parameters of type String
 junit.framework.TestSuite PriorityQueue_JML_TestData.emptyTestSuiteFor(String methodName)
          Return an empty test suite for accumulating tests for the named method.
protected  IndefiniteIterator PriorityQueue_JML_TestData.vorg_jmlspecs_samples_jmlkluwer_PriorityQueueIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type org.jmlspecs.samples.jmlkluwer.PriorityQueue for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
protected  IntIterator PriorityQueue_JML_TestData.vintIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type int for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
protected  IndefiniteIterator PriorityQueue_JML_TestData.vjava_lang_ObjectIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type java.lang.Object for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
 junit.framework.TestSuite QueueEntry_JML_TestData.emptyTestSuiteFor(String methodName)
          Return an empty test suite for accumulating tests for the named method.
protected  IntIterator QueueEntry_JML_TestData.vintIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type int for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
protected  IndefiniteIterator QueueEntry_JML_TestData.vorg_jmlspecs_samples_jmlkluwer_QueueEntryIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type org.jmlspecs.samples.jmlkluwer.QueueEntry for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
protected  IndefiniteIterator QueueEntry_JML_TestData.vjava_lang_ObjectIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type java.lang.Object for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
protected  LongIterator QueueEntry_JML_TestData.vlongIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type long for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.

Constructors in org.jmlspecs.samples.jmlkluwer with parameters of type String
PQException(String s)
PriorityQueue_JML_TestData(String name)
          Initialize this class.
QueueEntry_JML_TestData(String name)
          Initialize this class.

Uses of String in org.jmlspecs.samples.jmlrefman

Methods in org.jmlspecs.samples.jmlrefman with parameters of type String
 junit.framework.TestSuite SumArrayLoop_JML_TestData.emptyTestSuiteFor(String methodName)
          Return an empty test suite for accumulating tests for the named method.
 junit.framework.TestSuite RefineDemo_JML_TestData.emptyTestSuiteFor(String methodName)
          Return an empty test suite for accumulating tests for the named method.
 junit.framework.TestSuite RefineDemo2_JML_TestData.emptyTestSuiteFor(String methodName)
          Return an empty test suite for accumulating tests for the named method.

Constructors in org.jmlspecs.samples.jmlrefman with parameters of type String
SumArrayLoop_JML_TestData(String name)
          Initialize this class.
RefineDemo_JML_TestData(String name)
          Initialize this class.
RefineDemo2_JML_TestData(String name)
          Initialize this class.

Uses of String in org.jmlspecs.samples.jmltutorial

Fields in org.jmlspecs.samples.jmltutorial declared as String
private  String

Methods in org.jmlspecs.samples.jmltutorial that return String
 String Person.toString()

Methods in org.jmlspecs.samples.jmltutorial with parameters of type String
 junit.framework.TestSuite SqrtExample_JML_TestData.emptyTestSuiteFor(String methodName)
          Return an empty test suite for accumulating tests for the named method.
protected  DoubleIterator SqrtExample_JML_TestData.vdoubleIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type double for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
 junit.framework.TestSuite Person_JML_TestData.emptyTestSuiteFor(String methodName)
          Return an empty test suite for accumulating tests for the named method.
protected  IndefiniteIterator Person_JML_TestData.vorg_jmlspecs_samples_jmltutorial_PersonIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type org.jmlspecs.samples.jmltutorial.Person for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
protected  IntIterator Person_JML_TestData.vintIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type int for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
protected  IndefiniteIterator Person_JML_TestData.vjava_lang_StringIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type java.lang.String for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
static void PersonMain.main(String[] argv)

Constructors in org.jmlspecs.samples.jmltutorial with parameters of type String
SqrtExample_JML_TestData(String name)
          Initialize this class.
Person_JML_TestData(String name)
          Initialize this class.
Person(String n)

Uses of String in org.jmlspecs.samples.list.list1

Fields in org.jmlspecs.samples.list.list1 declared as String
(package private)  String DLList_JML_TestData.first
(package private)  String DLList_JML_TestData.second
(package private)  String DLList_JML_TestData.third
(package private)  String DLList_JML_TestData.fourth

Methods in org.jmlspecs.samples.list.list1 that return String
 String SLList.toString()
 String DLList.toString()
 String ListIterator.toString()

Methods in org.jmlspecs.samples.list.list1 with parameters of type String
 junit.framework.TestSuite ListIterator_JML_TestData.emptyTestSuiteFor(String methodName)
          Return an empty test suite for accumulating tests for the named method.
protected  IndefiniteIterator ListIterator_JML_TestData.vorg_jmlspecs_samples_list_list1_E_SLListIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type org.jmlspecs.samples.list.list1.E_SLList for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
protected  IndefiniteIterator ListIterator_JML_TestData.vorg_jmlspecs_samples_list_list1_ListIteratorIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type org.jmlspecs.samples.list.list1.ListIterator for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
 junit.framework.TestSuite DLList_JML_TestData.emptyTestSuiteFor(String methodName)
          Return an empty test suite for accumulating tests for the named method.
protected  IndefiniteIterator DLList_JML_TestData.vorg_jmlspecs_samples_list_list1_DLListIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type org.jmlspecs.samples.list.list1.DLList for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
protected  IndefiniteIterator DLList_JML_TestData.vjava_lang_ObjectIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type java.lang.Object for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
 junit.framework.TestSuite SLList_JML_TestData.emptyTestSuiteFor(String methodName)
          Return an empty test suite for accumulating tests for the named method.
protected  IndefiniteIterator SLList_JML_TestData.vorg_jmlspecs_samples_list_list1_SLListIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type org.jmlspecs.samples.list.list1.SLList for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
protected  IndefiniteIterator SLList_JML_TestData.vjava_lang_ObjectIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type java.lang.Object for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
 junit.framework.TestSuite E_SLList_JML_TestData.emptyTestSuiteFor(String methodName)
          Return an empty test suite for accumulating tests for the named method.
protected  IndefiniteIterator E_SLList_JML_TestData.vorg_jmlspecs_samples_list_list1_E_SLListIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type org.jmlspecs.samples.list.list1.E_SLList for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
protected  IndefiniteIterator E_SLList_JML_TestData.vjava_lang_ObjectIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type java.lang.Object for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.

Constructors in org.jmlspecs.samples.list.list1 with parameters of type String
ListIterator_JML_TestData(String name)
          Initialize this class.
DLList_JML_TestData(String name)
          Initialize this class.
SLList_JML_TestData(String name)
          Initialize this class.
E_SLList_JML_TestData(String name)
          Initialize this class.

Uses of String in org.jmlspecs.samples.list.list1.node

Methods in org.jmlspecs.samples.list.list1.node that return String
 String SLNode.toString()
protected  String SLNode.stringOfEntries(SLNode curr)
          Returns the string concatentation of all nodes following this node up to and excluding the end of the chain or this, which ever is reached first (i.e. this method will terminate even for circular lists).

Methods in org.jmlspecs.samples.list.list1.node with parameters of type String
 junit.framework.TestSuite DLNode_JML_TestData.emptyTestSuiteFor(String methodName)
          Return an empty test suite for accumulating tests for the named method.
protected  IndefiniteIterator DLNode_JML_TestData.vorg_jmlspecs_samples_list_list1_node_DLNodeIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type org.jmlspecs.samples.list.list1.node.DLNode for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
protected  IndefiniteIterator DLNode_JML_TestData.vjava_lang_ObjectIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type java.lang.Object for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
 junit.framework.TestSuite SLNode_JML_TestData.emptyTestSuiteFor(String methodName)
          Return an empty test suite for accumulating tests for the named method.
protected  IndefiniteIterator SLNode_JML_TestData.vorg_jmlspecs_samples_list_list1_node_SLNodeIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type org.jmlspecs.samples.list.list1.node.SLNode for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
protected  IndefiniteIterator SLNode_JML_TestData.vjava_lang_ObjectIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type java.lang.Object for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.

Constructors in org.jmlspecs.samples.list.list1.node with parameters of type String
DLNode_JML_TestData(String name)
          Initialize this class.
SLNode_JML_TestData(String name)
          Initialize this class.

Uses of String in org.jmlspecs.samples.list.list2

Fields in org.jmlspecs.samples.list.list2 declared as String
(package private)  String E_OneWayList_JML_TestData.first
(package private)  String E_OneWayList_JML_TestData.second
(package private)  String E_OneWayList_JML_TestData.third
(package private)  String E_OneWayList_JML_TestData.fourth
(package private)  String TwoWayList_JML_TestData.first
(package private)  String TwoWayList_JML_TestData.second
(package private)  String TwoWayList_JML_TestData.third
(package private)  String TwoWayList_JML_TestData.fourth

Methods in org.jmlspecs.samples.list.list2 that return String
 String OneWayList.toString()
 String TwoWayIterator.toString()

Methods in org.jmlspecs.samples.list.list2 with parameters of type String
 junit.framework.TestSuite OneWayList_JML_TestData.emptyTestSuiteFor(String methodName)
          Return an empty test suite for accumulating tests for the named method.
protected  IndefiniteIterator OneWayList_JML_TestData.vorg_jmlspecs_samples_list_list2_OneWayListIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type org.jmlspecs.samples.list.list2.OneWayList for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
protected  IndefiniteIterator OneWayList_JML_TestData.vjava_lang_ObjectIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type java.lang.Object for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
 junit.framework.TestSuite TwoWayIterator_JML_TestData.emptyTestSuiteFor(String methodName)
          Return an empty test suite for accumulating tests for the named method.
protected  IndefiniteIterator TwoWayIterator_JML_TestData.vorg_jmlspecs_samples_list_list2_TwoWayIteratorIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type org.jmlspecs.samples.list.list2.TwoWayIterator for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
protected  IndefiniteIterator TwoWayIterator_JML_TestData.vorg_jmlspecs_samples_list_node_TwoWayNodeIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type org.jmlspecs.samples.list.node.TwoWayNode for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
 junit.framework.TestSuite E_OneWayList_JML_TestData.emptyTestSuiteFor(String methodName)
          Return an empty test suite for accumulating tests for the named method.
protected  IndefiniteIterator E_OneWayList_JML_TestData.vjava_lang_ObjectIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type java.lang.Object for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
protected  IndefiniteIterator E_OneWayList_JML_TestData.vorg_jmlspecs_samples_list_list2_E_OneWayListIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type org.jmlspecs.samples.list.list2.E_OneWayList for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
 junit.framework.TestSuite TwoWayList_JML_TestData.emptyTestSuiteFor(String methodName)
          Return an empty test suite for accumulating tests for the named method.
protected  IndefiniteIterator TwoWayList_JML_TestData.vorg_jmlspecs_samples_list_list2_TwoWayListIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type org.jmlspecs.samples.list.list2.TwoWayList for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
protected  IndefiniteIterator TwoWayList_JML_TestData.vjava_lang_ObjectIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type java.lang.Object for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.

Constructors in org.jmlspecs.samples.list.list2 with parameters of type String
OneWayList_JML_TestData(String name)
          Initialize this class.
TwoWayIterator_JML_TestData(String name)
          Initialize this class.
E_OneWayList_JML_TestData(String name)
          Initialize this class.
TwoWayList_JML_TestData(String name)
          Initialize this class.

Uses of String in org.jmlspecs.samples.list.list3

Fields in org.jmlspecs.samples.list.list3 declared as String
(package private)  String E_OneWayList_JML_TestData.first
(package private)  String E_OneWayList_JML_TestData.second
(package private)  String E_OneWayList_JML_TestData.third
(package private)  String E_OneWayList_JML_TestData.fourth
(package private)  String TwoWayList_JML_TestData.first
(package private)  String TwoWayList_JML_TestData.second
(package private)  String TwoWayList_JML_TestData.third
(package private)  String TwoWayList_JML_TestData.fourth

Methods in org.jmlspecs.samples.list.list3 that return String
 String OneWayList.toString()
 String TwoWayIterator.toString()

Methods in org.jmlspecs.samples.list.list3 with parameters of type String
 junit.framework.TestSuite OneWayList_JML_TestData.emptyTestSuiteFor(String methodName)
          Return an empty test suite for accumulating tests for the named method.
protected  IndefiniteIterator OneWayList_JML_TestData.vorg_jmlspecs_samples_list_list3_OneWayListIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type org.jmlspecs.samples.list.list3.OneWayList for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
protected  IndefiniteIterator OneWayList_JML_TestData.vjava_lang_ObjectIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type java.lang.Object for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
 junit.framework.TestSuite TwoWayIterator_JML_TestData.emptyTestSuiteFor(String methodName)
          Return an empty test suite for accumulating tests for the named method.
protected  IndefiniteIterator TwoWayIterator_JML_TestData.vorg_jmlspecs_samples_list_list3_TwoWayIteratorIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type org.jmlspecs.samples.list.list3.TwoWayIterator for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
protected  IndefiniteIterator TwoWayIterator_JML_TestData.vorg_jmlspecs_samples_list_node_TwoWayNodeIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type org.jmlspecs.samples.list.node.TwoWayNode for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
 junit.framework.TestSuite E_OneWayList_JML_TestData.emptyTestSuiteFor(String methodName)
          Return an empty test suite for accumulating tests for the named method.
protected  IndefiniteIterator E_OneWayList_JML_TestData.vjava_lang_ObjectIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type java.lang.Object for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
protected  IndefiniteIterator E_OneWayList_JML_TestData.vorg_jmlspecs_samples_list_list3_E_OneWayListIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type org.jmlspecs.samples.list.list3.E_OneWayList for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
 junit.framework.TestSuite TwoWayList_JML_TestData.emptyTestSuiteFor(String methodName)
          Return an empty test suite for accumulating tests for the named method.
protected  IndefiniteIterator TwoWayList_JML_TestData.vorg_jmlspecs_samples_list_list3_TwoWayListIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type org.jmlspecs.samples.list.list3.TwoWayList for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
protected  IndefiniteIterator TwoWayList_JML_TestData.vjava_lang_ObjectIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type java.lang.Object for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.

Constructors in org.jmlspecs.samples.list.list3 with parameters of type String
OneWayList_JML_TestData(String name)
          Initialize this class.
TwoWayIterator_JML_TestData(String name)
          Initialize this class.
E_OneWayList_JML_TestData(String name)
          Initialize this class.
TwoWayList_JML_TestData(String name)
          Initialize this class.

Uses of String in org.jmlspecs.samples.list.node

Methods in org.jmlspecs.samples.list.node that return String
 String OneWayNode.toString()
protected  String OneWayNode.stringOfEntries(OneWayNode curr)
          Returns the string concatentation of all nodes following this node up to and excluding the end of the chain or this, which ever is reached first (i.e. this method will terminate even for circular lists).
 String TwoWayNode.toString()
protected  String TwoWayNode.stringOfPrevEntries(TwoWayNode curr)
          The first invocation of this method should be with curr == prevNode_.

Methods in org.jmlspecs.samples.list.node with parameters of type String
 junit.framework.TestSuite TwoWayNode_JML_TestData.emptyTestSuiteFor(String methodName)
          Return an empty test suite for accumulating tests for the named method.
protected  IndefiniteIterator TwoWayNode_JML_TestData.vorg_jmlspecs_samples_list_node_TwoWayNodeIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type org.jmlspecs.samples.list.node.TwoWayNode for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
protected  IndefiniteIterator TwoWayNode_JML_TestData.vjava_lang_ObjectIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type java.lang.Object for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
 junit.framework.TestSuite OneWayNode_JML_TestData.emptyTestSuiteFor(String methodName)
          Return an empty test suite for accumulating tests for the named method.
protected  IndefiniteIterator OneWayNode_JML_TestData.vorg_jmlspecs_samples_list_node_OneWayNodeIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type org.jmlspecs.samples.list.node.OneWayNode for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
protected  IndefiniteIterator OneWayNode_JML_TestData.vjava_lang_ObjectIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type java.lang.Object for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.

Constructors in org.jmlspecs.samples.list.node with parameters of type String
TwoWayNode_JML_TestData(String name)
          Initialize this class.
OneWayNode_JML_TestData(String name)
          Initialize this class.

Uses of String in org.jmlspecs.samples.list.node2

Methods in org.jmlspecs.samples.list.node2 that return String
 String OneWayNode.toString()
protected  String OneWayNode.stringOfEntries(OneWayNode curr)
          Returns the string concatentation of all nodes following this node up to and excluding the end of the chain or this, which ever is reached first (i.e. this method will terminate even for circular lists).
 String TwoWayNode.toString()
protected  String TwoWayNode.stringOfPrevEntries(TwoWayNode curr)
          The first invocation of this method should be with curr == prevNode_.
 String Link.toString()

Methods in org.jmlspecs.samples.list.node2 with parameters of type String
 junit.framework.TestSuite TwoWayNode_JML_TestData.emptyTestSuiteFor(String methodName)
          Return an empty test suite for accumulating tests for the named method.
protected  IndefiniteIterator TwoWayNode_JML_TestData.vorg_jmlspecs_samples_list_node2_TwoWayNodeIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type org.jmlspecs.samples.list.node2.TwoWayNode for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
protected  IndefiniteIterator TwoWayNode_JML_TestData.vjava_lang_ObjectIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type java.lang.Object for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
 junit.framework.TestSuite OneWayNode_JML_TestData.emptyTestSuiteFor(String methodName)
          Return an empty test suite for accumulating tests for the named method.
protected  IndefiniteIterator OneWayNode_JML_TestData.vorg_jmlspecs_samples_list_node2_OneWayNodeIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type org.jmlspecs.samples.list.node2.OneWayNode for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
protected  IndefiniteIterator OneWayNode_JML_TestData.vjava_lang_ObjectIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type java.lang.Object for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.

Constructors in org.jmlspecs.samples.list.node2 with parameters of type String
TwoWayNode_JML_TestData(String name)
          Initialize this class.
OneWayNode_JML_TestData(String name)
          Initialize this class.

Uses of String in org.jmlspecs.samples.misc

Methods in org.jmlspecs.samples.misc that return String
 String SingleSolution.toString()
protected abstract  String SingleSolution.className()
          A hook method for defining toString.
protected  String EqualsN.className()
protected  String LessThanN.className()

Methods in org.jmlspecs.samples.misc with parameters of type String
 junit.framework.TestSuite LinearSearch_JML_TestData.emptyTestSuiteFor(String methodName)
          Return an empty test suite for accumulating tests for the named method.
protected  IntIterator LinearSearch_JML_TestData.vintIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type int for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
protected  IndefiniteIterator LinearSearch_JML_TestData.vorg_jmlspecs_samples_misc_LinearSearchIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type org.jmlspecs.samples.misc.LinearSearch for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
 junit.framework.TestSuite Proof_JML_TestData.emptyTestSuiteFor(String methodName)
          Return an empty test suite for accumulating tests for the named method.
protected  IntIterator Proof_JML_TestData.vintIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type int for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
protected  IndefiniteIterator Proof_JML_TestData.vorg_jmlspecs_samples_misc_ProofIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type org.jmlspecs.samples.misc.Proof for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
 junit.framework.TestSuite Counter_JML_TestData.emptyTestSuiteFor(String methodName)
          Return an empty test suite for accumulating tests for the named method.
protected  IndefiniteIterator Counter_JML_TestData.vorg_jmlspecs_samples_misc_CounterIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type org.jmlspecs.samples.misc.Counter for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
 junit.framework.TestSuite Meter_JML_TestData.emptyTestSuiteFor(String methodName)
          Return an empty test suite for accumulating tests for the named method.
protected  IndefiniteIterator Meter_JML_TestData.vorg_jmlspecs_samples_misc_MeterIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type org.jmlspecs.samples.misc.Meter for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.

Constructors in org.jmlspecs.samples.misc with parameters of type String
LinearSearch_JML_TestData(String name)
          Initialize this class.
Proof_JML_TestData(String name)
          Initialize this class.
Counter_JML_TestData(String name)
          Initialize this class.
Meter_JML_TestData(String name)
          Initialize this class.

Uses of String in org.jmlspecs.samples.prelimdesign

Fields in org.jmlspecs.samples.prelimdesign declared as String
protected  String Account.accountOwner_

Methods in org.jmlspecs.samples.prelimdesign that return String
 String Account.toString()
 String USMoney.toString()
 String PlusAccount.toString()

Methods in org.jmlspecs.samples.prelimdesign with parameters of type String
 junit.framework.TestSuite USMoney_JML_TestData.emptyTestSuiteFor(String methodName)
          Return an empty test suite for accumulating tests for the named method.
protected  DoubleIterator USMoney_JML_TestData.vdoubleIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type double for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
protected  IndefiniteIterator USMoney_JML_TestData.vorg_jmlspecs_samples_prelimdesign_USMoneyIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type org.jmlspecs.samples.prelimdesign.USMoney for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
protected  IndefiniteIterator USMoney_JML_TestData.vjava_lang_ObjectIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type java.lang.Object for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
protected  IndefiniteIterator USMoney_JML_TestData.vorg_jmlspecs_samples_prelimdesign_MoneyIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type org.jmlspecs.samples.prelimdesign.Money for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
protected  LongIterator USMoney_JML_TestData.vlongIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type long for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
 junit.framework.TestSuite IntMathOps4_JML_TestData.emptyTestSuiteFor(String methodName)
          Return an empty test suite for accumulating tests for the named method.
protected  IntIterator IntMathOps4_JML_TestData.vintIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type int for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
 junit.framework.TestSuite Account_JML_TestData.emptyTestSuiteFor(String methodName)
          Return an empty test suite for accumulating tests for the named method.
protected  IndefiniteIterator Account_JML_TestData.vorg_jmlspecs_samples_prelimdesign_MoneyOpsIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type org.jmlspecs.samples.prelimdesign.MoneyOps for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
protected  IndefiniteIterator Account_JML_TestData.vjava_lang_StringIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type java.lang.String for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
protected  DoubleIterator Account_JML_TestData.vdoubleIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type double for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
protected  IndefiniteIterator Account_JML_TestData.vorg_jmlspecs_samples_prelimdesign_AccountIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type org.jmlspecs.samples.prelimdesign.Account for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
 junit.framework.TestSuite IntMathOps_JML_TestData.emptyTestSuiteFor(String methodName)
          Return an empty test suite for accumulating tests for the named method.
protected  IntIterator IntMathOps_JML_TestData.vintIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type int for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
 junit.framework.TestSuite PlusAccount_JML_TestData.emptyTestSuiteFor(String methodName)
          Return an empty test suite for accumulating tests for the named method.
protected  DoubleIterator PlusAccount_JML_TestData.vdoubleIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type double for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
protected  IndefiniteIterator PlusAccount_JML_TestData.vorg_jmlspecs_samples_prelimdesign_PlusAccountIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type org.jmlspecs.samples.prelimdesign.PlusAccount for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
protected  IndefiniteIterator PlusAccount_JML_TestData.vjava_lang_StringIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type java.lang.String for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
protected  IndefiniteIterator PlusAccount_JML_TestData.vorg_jmlspecs_samples_prelimdesign_MoneyOpsIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type org.jmlspecs.samples.prelimdesign.MoneyOps for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
 junit.framework.TestSuite Point2D_JML_TestData.emptyTestSuiteFor(String methodName)
          Return an empty test suite for accumulating tests for the named method.
protected  IndefiniteIterator Point2D_JML_TestData.vorg_jmlspecs_samples_prelimdesign_Point2DIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type org.jmlspecs.samples.prelimdesign.Point2D for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
protected  DoubleIterator Point2D_JML_TestData.vdoubleIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type double for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
 junit.framework.TestSuite IntMathOps2_JML_TestData.emptyTestSuiteFor(String methodName)
          Return an empty test suite for accumulating tests for the named method.
protected  IntIterator IntMathOps2_JML_TestData.vintIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type int for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.

Constructors in org.jmlspecs.samples.prelimdesign with parameters of type String
Account(MoneyOps amt, String own)
USMoney_JML_TestData(String name)
          Initialize this class.
IntMathOps4_JML_TestData(String name)
          Initialize this class.
Account_JML_TestData(String name)
          Initialize this class.
IntMathOps_JML_TestData(String name)
          Initialize this class.
PlusAccount_JML_TestData(String name)
          Initialize this class.
Point2D_JML_TestData(String name)
          Initialize this class.
IntMathOps2_JML_TestData(String name)
          Initialize this class.
BankAccount(Money amt, String own)
PlusAccount(MoneyOps sav, MoneyOps chk, String own)

Uses of String in org.jmlspecs.samples.reader

Methods in org.jmlspecs.samples.reader with parameters of type String
 junit.framework.TestSuite BlankReader_JML_TestData.emptyTestSuiteFor(String methodName)
          Return an empty test suite for accumulating tests for the named method.
protected  IndefiniteIterator BlankReader_JML_TestData.vorg_jmlspecs_samples_reader_BlankReaderIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type org.jmlspecs.samples.reader.BlankReader for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
protected  IntIterator BlankReader_JML_TestData.vintIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type int for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
static void ReaderTest.main(String[] args)
          Run the tests.

Constructors in org.jmlspecs.samples.reader with parameters of type String
BlankReader_JML_TestData(String name)
          Initialize this class.

Uses of String in org.jmlspecs.samples.sets

Methods in org.jmlspecs.samples.sets that return String
 String IntegerSetAsHashSet.toString()
 String IntegerSetAsTree.toString()
protected  String IntegerSetAsTree.printTree(boolean isFirst)

Methods in org.jmlspecs.samples.sets with parameters of type String
 junit.framework.TestSuite IntegerSetAsHashSet_JML_TestData.emptyTestSuiteFor(String methodName)
          Return an empty test suite for accumulating tests for the named method.
protected  IntIterator IntegerSetAsHashSet_JML_TestData.vintIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type int for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
protected  IndefiniteIterator IntegerSetAsHashSet_JML_TestData.vorg_jmlspecs_samples_sets_IntegerSetAsHashSetIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type org.jmlspecs.samples.sets.IntegerSetAsHashSet for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
 junit.framework.TestSuite IntegerSetAsTree_JML_TestData.emptyTestSuiteFor(String methodName)
          Return an empty test suite for accumulating tests for the named method.
protected  IntIterator IntegerSetAsTree_JML_TestData.vintIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type int for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
protected  IndefiniteIterator IntegerSetAsTree_JML_TestData.vorg_jmlspecs_samples_sets_IntegerSetAsTreeIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type org.jmlspecs.samples.sets.IntegerSetAsTree for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.

Constructors in org.jmlspecs.samples.sets with parameters of type String
IntegerSetAsHashSet_JML_TestData(String name)
          Initialize this class.
IntegerSetAsTree_JML_TestData(String name)
          Initialize this class.

Uses of String in org.jmlspecs.samples.stacks

Methods in org.jmlspecs.samples.stacks that return String
 String UnboundedStackAsArrayList.toString()
 String BoundedStack.toString()
 String BoundedStackImplementation.toString()

Methods in org.jmlspecs.samples.stacks with parameters of type String
 junit.framework.TestSuite BoundedStackInterface_JML_TestData.emptyTestSuiteFor(String methodName)
          Return an empty test suite for accumulating tests for the named method.
protected  IndefiniteIterator BoundedStackInterface_JML_TestData.vjava_lang_ObjectIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type java.lang.Object for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
protected  IndefiniteIterator BoundedStackInterface_JML_TestData.vorg_jmlspecs_samples_stacks_BoundedStackInterfaceIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type org.jmlspecs.samples.stacks.BoundedStackInterface for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
 junit.framework.TestSuite UnboundedStackAsArrayList_JML_TestData.emptyTestSuiteFor(String methodName)
          Return an empty test suite for accumulating tests for the named method.
protected  IndefiniteIterator UnboundedStackAsArrayList_JML_TestData.vorg_jmlspecs_samples_stacks_UnboundedStackAsArrayListIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type org.jmlspecs.samples.stacks.UnboundedStackAsArrayList for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
protected  IndefiniteIterator UnboundedStackAsArrayList_JML_TestData.vjava_lang_ObjectIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type java.lang.Object for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.

Constructors in org.jmlspecs.samples.stacks with parameters of type String
BoundedStackException(String s)
BoundedStackInterface_JML_TestData(String name)
          Initialize this class.
UnboundedStackAsArrayList_JML_TestData(String name)
          Initialize this class.

Uses of String in org.jmlspecs.samples.table

Methods in org.jmlspecs.samples.table that return String
 String TableImplementation.toString()

Methods in org.jmlspecs.samples.table with parameters of type String
 junit.framework.TestSuite TableImplementation_JML_TestData.emptyTestSuiteFor(String methodName)
          Return an empty test suite for accumulating tests for the named method.
protected  IndefiniteIterator TableImplementation_JML_TestData.vorg_jmlspecs_samples_table_EntryIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type org.jmlspecs.samples.table.Entry for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
protected  IndefiniteIterator TableImplementation_JML_TestData.vorg_jmlspecs_models_JMLTypeIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type org.jmlspecs.models.JMLType for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
protected  IndefiniteIterator TableImplementation_JML_TestData.vorg_jmlspecs_samples_table_TableImplementationIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type org.jmlspecs.samples.table.TableImplementation for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
 junit.framework.TestSuite EntryImplementation_JML_TestData.emptyTestSuiteFor(String methodName)
          Return an empty test suite for accumulating tests for the named method.
protected  IndefiniteIterator EntryImplementation_JML_TestData.vorg_jmlspecs_samples_table_EntryImplementationIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type org.jmlspecs.samples.table.EntryImplementation for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
protected  IndefiniteIterator EntryImplementation_JML_TestData.vjava_lang_ObjectIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type java.lang.Object for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.
protected  IndefiniteIterator EntryImplementation_JML_TestData.vorg_jmlspecs_models_JMLTypeIter(String methodName, int loopsThisSurrounds)
          Return a new, freshly allocated indefinite iterator that produces test data of type org.jmlspecs.models.JMLType for testing the method named by the String methodName in a loop that encloses loopsThisSurrounds many other loops.

Constructors in org.jmlspecs.samples.table with parameters of type String
TableImplementation_JML_TestData(String name)
          Initialize this class.
EntryImplementation_JML_TestData(String name)
          Initialize this class.

Uses of String in org.jmlspecs.util

Methods in org.jmlspecs.util with parameters of type String
 void[] args)
 void outputFileName)
private  void RacRunTestCase.runButWriteToFile(String outputFileName)
static void s)

Uses of String in org.jmlspecs.util.dis

Methods in org.jmlspecs.util.dis that return String
 String JDisOptions.getShortOptions()
 String JmlDisassembler.JmlDisassemblerHelper.inputExtension()
          Returns the file name extension for symbol files.
 String JmlDisassembler.JmlDisassemblerHelper.outputExtension()
          Returns the file name extension for disassembled files.

Methods in org.jmlspecs.util.dis with parameters of type String
 boolean JDisOptions.setOption(String name, Object newValue)
protected  boolean Main.parseArguments(String[] args)
protected  void Main.disassembleClass(String fileName)
          Reads and disassembles the given symbol file.
static void Main.main(String[] args)
          Disassemble a symbole file.
static boolean Main.compile(String[] args)
          Disassemble a symbole file.
static boolean[] args)
          Disassemble a symbole file.
static void JmlDisassembler.disassemble(String sourceFile, String destination, DisOptions options)
          Disassembles a symbol file.
 ClassInfo JmlDisassembler.JmlDisassemblerHelper.createClassInfo(String name)
          Create a class info by reading byrecode from the file whose name is given as the argument name.

Constructors in org.jmlspecs.util.dis with parameters of type String
JDisOptions(String name)
Main(String[] args)
          Creates a new instance.

Uses of String in org.multijava.dis

Fields in org.multijava.dis declared as String
private  String DisOptions.destination
private  String DisOptions.classpath
private  String[] Main.args
private static String IndentingWriter.TAB
private static String[] OpcodeNames.opcodeNames

Methods in org.multijava.dis that return String
 String DisOptions.destination()
 String DisOptions.set_destination(String destination)
 String DisOptions.classpath()
 String DisOptions.set_classpath(String classpath)
 String DisOptions.getShortOptions()
(package private) static String Disassembler.convertFieldSignature(String signature)
          Converts a field signature into ksm syntax.
private static String Disassembler.convertFieldSignature(String signature, String staticType)
          Converts a field signature into ksm syntax.
private static String Disassembler.convertFieldSignature(String signature, String staticType, CUniverseTypeAnnotation uta)
          Converts a field signature into ksm syntax.
(package private) static String[] Disassembler.convertMethodSignature(String signature)
          Converts a method signature into ksm syntax.
(package private) static String[] Disassembler.convertMethodSignature(String signature, CUniverseMethodAnnotation uma)
          Converts a method signature into ksm syntax.
(package private) static String Disassembler.convertQualifiedName(String ident)
          Converts a qualified identifier into ksm syntax.
(package private) static String Disassembler.convertLiteral(Object t)
          Converts a literal into ksm syntax.
private static String Disassembler.convertDoubleLiteral(Double t)
private static String Disassembler.convertFloatLiteral(Float t)
private static String Disassembler.convertLongLiteral(Long t)
private static String Disassembler.convertStringLiteral(String t)
 String Disassembler.DisassemblerHelper.inputExtension()
 String Disassembler.DisassemblerHelper.outputExtension()
 String InstructionHandle.getLabel()
          Returns an identifier for the instruction address.
(package private) static String OpcodeNames.getName(int opcode)
          Return the ksm name for this instruction

Methods in org.multijava.dis with parameters of type String
 String DisOptions.set_destination(String destination)
 String DisOptions.set_classpath(String classpath)
 boolean DisOptions.setOption(String name, Object newValue)
protected  void Main.disassembleClass(String fileName)
          Reads, and disassembles a class file
static void Main.main(String[] args)
          Entry point to the assembler
static boolean Main.compile(String[] args)
          This static method is inserted simply to facilitate testing.
static boolean[] args)
protected  boolean Main.parseArguments(String[] args)
static void Disassembler.disassemble(String sourceFile, String destination, DisOptions options)
          Disassembles a class file.
protected static void Disassembler.disassemble(String sourceFile, String destination, DisOptions options, Disassembler.DisassemblerHelper helper)
          Disassembles a class file by using the given helper.
private static void Disassembler.writeAssemblerFile(ClassInfo classInfo, String destination, DisOptions options, Disassembler.DisassemblerHelper helper)
          Creates a class file from class info
(package private) static String Disassembler.convertFieldSignature(String signature)
          Converts a field signature into ksm syntax.
private static String Disassembler.convertFieldSignature(String signature, String staticType)
          Converts a field signature into ksm syntax.
private static String Disassembler.convertFieldSignature(String signature, String staticType, CUniverseTypeAnnotation uta)
          Converts a field signature into ksm syntax.
(package private) static String[] Disassembler.convertMethodSignature(String signature)
          Converts a method signature into ksm syntax.
(package private) static String[] Disassembler.convertMethodSignature(String signature, CUniverseMethodAnnotation uma)
          Converts a method signature into ksm syntax.
private static int Disassembler.findParamDescriptionEnd(int start, String signature)
          Finds the end of the next parameter descriptor in signature starting with the character in position start.
(package private) static String Disassembler.convertQualifiedName(String ident)
          Converts a qualified identifier into ksm syntax.
private static boolean Disassembler.isJavaIdentifier(String ident)
private static String Disassembler.convertStringLiteral(String t)
 ClassInfo Disassembler.DisassemblerHelper.createClassInfo(String name)
 void IndentingWriter.print(String value)
          Prints a string.
 void IndentingWriter.println(String str)
          Prints a string and then terminates the line.
private  void InstructionHandle.writeOpcode(IndentingWriter out, String opcode)
          Prints the opcode.
private  void InstructionHandle.printMethodSpec(IndentingWriter out, String name, String signature)
private  void InstructionHandle.printFieldSignature(IndentingWriter out, String signature)
private  void InstructionHandle.printQualifiedName(IndentingWriter out, String ident)

Constructors in org.multijava.dis with parameters of type String
DisOptions(String name)
Main(String[] args)
          Only main and subclasses can construct Main

Uses of String in org.multijava.javadoc

Fields in org.multijava.javadoc declared as String
private  String JavadocComment.text
          The contents of this javadoc comment as a string.
private static String TestJavadocComment.COMMENT1_TEXT
private static String TestJavadocComment.COMMENT2_TEXT

Methods in org.multijava.javadoc that return String
 String JavadocComment.text()
          Returns the text of this comment.
 String JavadocComment.toString()

Constructors in org.multijava.javadoc with parameters of type String
JavadocComment(String text)
          Construct a node in the parsing tree
TestJavadocComment(String name)

Uses of String in org.multijava.launcher

Fields in org.multijava.launcher declared as String
protected  String ImpLauncher.logoName
          Filename of the logo for this tool
private  String[] MjLauncher.args
          The arguments to be used by these tools
private  String MjLauncher.LOGO_NAME
          The path to the logo
protected  String
          The name of the set of tools that this Launcher can run
protected  String LauncherFactory.logoName
          Filename of the logo for this tool
(package private)  String Launcher.ToolIteratorPair.toolName

Methods in org.multijava.launcher that return String
protected  String FullLauncher.OpenHandler.getCurrentDirectory()
          Returns the starting directory preferred by the user

Methods in org.multijava.launcher with parameters of type String
protected  ImpLauncher Launcher.getImpLauncher(String name, String logoName)
          Returns a Singleton instance of the ToolLauncher
private  Image CompactLauncher.loadIcon(String filename)
          Loads the logo from disk, blocking for up to MAX_LOGO_DELAY ms to allow the image to fully load.
static void MjLauncher.main(String[] args)
          Main method for running the MjLauncher
 ImpLauncher LauncherFactory.getImpLauncherInstance(String name, ResettableIterator tools, String logoName)
          Determines which instance of ImpLaunchers to provide to the caller.
protected  void FullLauncher.OpenHandler.setDirectory(String file)
          Set current directory location to last location accessed

Constructors in org.multijava.launcher with parameters of type String
ImpLauncher(String name, Iterator tools, String logoName)
          Constructor for the ImpLauncher
FullLauncher(String name, ResettableIterator tools, String logoName)
          Constructor for the FullLauncher
CompactLauncher(String name, ResettableIterator tools, String logoName)
          Constructor for the CompactLauncher
MjLauncher(String name, String[] args)
          Constructor for the MjLauncher
Launcher.ToolIteratorPair(String toolName, AbstractLaunchTool launcher)

Uses of String in org.multijava.mjc

Fields in org.multijava.mjc declared as String
private  String CMember.ident
static String[] Constants.ACCESS_FLAG_NAMES
          These arrays are used to map flags to names for pretty printing and error messages and to issue style warnings for modifiers out of order.
static String Constants.JAV_ASSERTION_ERROR
static String Constants.JAV_CLASS
static String Constants.JAV_CLONEABLE
static String Constants.JAV_ERROR
static String Constants.JAV_EXCEPTION
static String Constants.JAV_OBJECT
static String Constants.JAV_RUNTIME_EXCEPTION
static String Constants.JAV_RMJ_RUNTIME_EXCEPTION
static String Constants.JAV_STRING
static String Constants.JAV_STRINGBUFFER
static String Constants.JAV_THROWABLE
static String Constants.JAV_CLASSLOADER
static String Constants.JAV_SERIALIZABLE
static String Constants.JAV_CONSTRUCTOR
static String Constants.JAV_INIT
static String Constants.JAV_STATIC_INIT
static String Constants.JAV_THIS
static String Constants.JAV_OUTER_THIS
static String Constants.JAV_SUPER
static String Constants.JAV_NAME_SEPARATOR
static String Constants.JAV_RUNTIME
static String Constants.JAV_CLONE
static String Constants.JAV_LENGTH
static String Constants.MJ_ANCHOR
static String Constants.UNIV_TMP
static String Constants.UNIV_ARRAY_TMP
static String FunctionalTestSuite.TEST_DESC
private static String FunctionalTestSuite.TestCase.WORKING_DIR_PROP
private static String FunctionalTestSuite.TestCase.CLASS_PATH_PROP
(package private)  String FunctionalTestSuite.TestCase.CompilationResults.errorOut
(package private)  String FunctionalTestSuite.TestCase.CompilationResults.stdOut
(package private)  String[] FunctionalTestSuite.TestCase.Processor.cmd
(package private)  String[] FunctionalTestSuite.TestCase.Processor.env
private  String JCompilationUnit.fileIdent
protected  String Main.appName
protected  String Main.universeVersion
          Universe encoding version.
static String Main.UNIVERSE_FULL
          Command line option to make all universe features enabled.
          Command line option to enable allowUniverseDynChecks.
static String Main.UNIVERSE_BYTECODE
          Command line option to enable allowUniverseBytecode.
          AHS: Command line option that chooses Java 5 annotations as output style for universe modifiers.
static String Main.UNIVERSE_PARSE
          Command line option to enable allowUniverseKeywords.
static String Main.UNIVERSE_CHECKS
          Command line option to enable allowUniverseChecks.
static String Main.UNIVERSE_PURITY
          Command line option to enable allowUniversePurity.
static String Main.UNIVERSE_NO
          Command line option to disable all universe features.
private static String TestParsingController.SAMPLE_CLASS
private static String TestParsingController.SAMPLE_DOC
private static String TestParsingController.SAMPLE_DOC2
private static String TestParsingController.EXPECTED_SAMPLE_DOC2
private static String TestParsingController.SAMPLE_DOC3
private static String TestParsingController.EXPECTED_SAMPLE_DOC3
private static String TestParsingController.EXPECTED_SAMPLE_DOC
private static String TestParsingController.SAMPLE_DOC_CLASS
private static String TestParsingController.IGNORE_SAMPLE_DOC_CLASS
private  String CClass.qualifiedName
private  String CClassType.cachedString
protected  String JMethodCallExpression.ident
protected  String
private  String JFormalParameter.metaDebugKey
          A string to be used as a key for meta-debugging the Debug operations.
static String CCORInitializer.initMethodName
static String CCORInitializer.isInitializedFlagName
static String CCORInitializer.isInitializedLockName
protected  String JTypeDeclaration.ident
(package private)  String JTypeDeclaration.MethodRecord.topSig
          String representation of the signature of the top method.
private  String JMethodDeclaration.ident
private  String CBinaryClass.universeVersion
          AHS: The version of the encoding used to encode the universe type modifiers.
private  String ParsingController.activeKey
          The key of the currently active input stream.
private  String ParsingController.pendingKey
          The key of any pending push operation.
private  String
private  String CParseCompilationUnitContext.packageName
          The name of the package of the compilation unit represented by this.
private  String
private  String JLabeledStatement.label
private  String JBreakStatement.label
private  String JContinueStatement.label
(package private) static String JAssertStatement.assertSyntheticPrefix
(package private) static String JAssertStatement.assertDisabledName
private  String CCompilationUnit.packageName
private static String TestMjcParser.SAMPLE_DOC_CONTENT
private static String TestMjcParser.SAMPLE_DOC
private static String TestMjcParser.SAMPLE_CLASS
private static String TestMjcParser.SAMPLE_INTERFACE
private static String TestMjcParser.SAMPLE_AUG_METHOD
private static String TestMjcParser.SAMPLE_DOC_CLASS
private static String TestMjcParser.SAMPLE_INNER_CLASS
private static String TestMjcParser.SAMPLE_METHOD
private static String TestMjcParser.SAMPLE_FIELD
private static String TestMjcParser.SAMPLE_INIT
private static String TestMjcParser.SAMPLE_INIT2
private static String JavadocLexer.eol
private  String MjcCommonOptions.destination
private  String MjcCommonOptions.classpath
private  String MjcCommonOptions.universesx
private  String MjcCommonOptions.sourcepath
private  String MjcCommonOptions.source
private  String MjcCommonOptions.Xlint
private  String TypeLoader.oldClassPath
private  String Main.ExpectedResult.qualifiedName
private  String JClassFieldExpression.ident
private  String JNewObjectExpression.originalTypeName
          Stores the actual text following the new and preceding the parameters.
private  String JNameExpression.sourceIdent
          The identifier as appeared in the source code; note that ident may be changed as the result of typechecking.
private  String JNameExpression.ident
private  String MJWarnExpression.operatorName
private  String MJMathModeExpression.operatorName
protected  String JOrdinalLiteral.image
private  String JRealLiteral.image
private  String JStringLiteral.value
private  String
private  String
private  String JClassOrGFImport.ident
private  String JExplicitConstructorInvocation.ident
private  String CClassNameType.ident
protected  String CClassNameType.maybeQualifiedName
private  String CClassNameType.originalQualifiedName
private  String CClassFQNameType.fullyQualifiedName
          Cached version of the fully qualified name.
protected  String[] CModifier.names
(package private)  String MjcGUI.MjcGUIFileFilter.suffix
private  String[] MjcGUI.MjcCompilation.files
private  String MjcOptions.filter
static String[] MjcParser._tokenNames
private static String TestMain_CodeGen.PACKAGE
private static String TestMain_CodeGen.PACKAGE_DECL
private static String Debug.prefix
private static String Debug.TAB
private static String Debug.BLANK
private static String JavadocParser.eol
static String[] JavadocParser._tokenNames
private static String TestMain_Runtime.PACKAGE
private static String TestMain_Runtime.PACKAGE_DECL

Methods in org.multijava.mjc that return String
 String CMember.ident()
 String CMember.getIdent()
 String CMember.qualifiedName()
 String CMember.getOwnerName()
 String CMember.getJavaName()
 String CMember.getQualNameWithSeparator(char c)
 String CMethod.getSignature()
          Returns the bytecode type signature of this method as seen by callers.
 String CMethod.getGenericSignature()
 String CMethod.toString()
          Returns a human-readable string representation of this method signature.
protected  String CMethod.toString(boolean omitReceiver)
          Utility method allows the generation of a string representation of this with or without the receiver type.
protected  String CMethod.bodyIdent()
protected  String CMethod.bodySignature()
protected  String CMethod.bodyGenericSignature()
protected  String CMethod.mmSignature()
          Returns the type signature of this method in the multimethod descriptor format, which is like a regular bytecode method descriptor but includes explicit specializers.
protected  String CMethod.mmGenericSignature()
protected  String CSourceMethod.dispatcherClassName()
          Returns the name of the dispatcher class for this multimethod.
 String CSourceMethod.toString()
          Return a string representation of this.
protected  String[] CSourceMethod.exceptionsAsStringArray()
          Returns a string array of the fully qualified names of the exceptions throwable by this.
 String CSourceMethod.getSignature()
          Generates a string giving the type signature of this method.
 String CSourceMethod.getGenericSignature()
protected  String FunctionalTestSuite.TestCase.saveAs(String fileName, String contents)
          Creates a file in the temporary directory with the given name and contents.
private  String[] FunctionalTestSuite.TestCase.setWorkingDir()
          Establishes a new working directory and class path and returns an array containing the old values.
protected  String[] FunctionalTestSuite.TestCase.split(String text)
          Splits the given text into an array of words separated by whitespace.
 String FunctionalTestSuite.TestCase.Processor.errors()
 String FunctionalTestSuite.TestCase.Processor.results()
 String JCompilationUnit.packageNameAsString()
 String JCompilationUnit.fileNameIdent()
          Returns the Java identifier associated with the name of the file containing this compilation unit.
private  String JCompilationUnit.matchPackageName(String qualifiedName)
          If qualifiedName begins with the package name of this compilation unit, then returns the remainder of qualifiedName; otherwise returns null.
abstract  String JCompilationUnitType.packageNameAsString()
abstract  String JCompilationUnitType.fileNameIdent()
          Returns the Java identifier associated with the name of the file containing this compilation unit.
protected  String[] Main.expandAtFiles(String[] infiles)
          Expands a list of files containing the @files syntax into a list of literal arguments.
 String Main.checkPackageName(String packageName, boolean quiet)
          Checks whether a syntactically valid package name actually exists, and returns the directory location of the root of the package or null if there is no package by that name on the sourcepath or classpath.
 String Main.universeVersion()
          Returns the version of the encoding used to the encode the universe type modifiers.
protected  String Main.getWarningFilterNameFromOptions(MjcCommonOptions opts)
          Get the warning filter's class name from the options structure.
abstract  String JTypeDeclarationType.ident()
          Returns the identifier for this type declaration.
abstract  String JMemberDeclarationType.ident()
abstract  String CGenericFunctionCollection.qualifiedName()
          Returns the fully qualified name of this generic function collection.
 String CGenericFunctionCollection.CGenericFunctionCollection$1.qualifiedName()
 String CSourceDispatcherMethod.toString()
          Returns a string representation of this grouped multimethod.
 String CClass.qualifiedName()
 String CClass.packageName()
 String CClass.getGenericSignature()
 String CClass.toString()
static String CClass.getNextAccessName()
 String CClass.getUniverseVersion()
          Get the version of the encoding used to encode the universe type modifiers.
protected static String CClass.getIdentFrom(String qualifiedName)
abstract  String CMemberHost.ident()
          Gives the identifier for this host, or null for a compilation unit.
abstract  String CMemberHost.packageName()
          Gives the package name for this host.
 String CSourceClass.getUniverseVersion()
          Return the version of the encoding used to encode the universe type modifiers.
 String CAbstractMethodSet.toString()
 String CMethodSet.toString()
abstract  String CType.toString()
          Transforms this type to a string
 String CType.toVerboseString()
          A more verbose version of toString only used for error reporting.
 String CType.getSignature()
          Transforms this type to a string
 String CType.getGenericSignature()
 String CType.getIdent()
 String CType.specializerSymbol()
          Returns the specializer symbol to use when this type is the specializer.
static String CType.genMethodSignature(CType returnType, CType[] parameters)
          Generates a method signature as used in regular Java bytecode.
static String CType.genGenericMethodSignature(CTypeVariable[] tvs, CType returnType, CType[] parameters)
static String CType.genMultimethodSignature(CType returnType, CType receiverType, CSpecializedType[] parameters, boolean skipSynthParameter)
          Generates a multimethod signature as used in custom bytecode attributes.
static String CType.genGenericMethodSignature(CTypeVariable[] tvs, CType returnType, CType receiverType, CSpecializedType[] parameters, boolean skipSynthParameter)
          Generates a multimethod signature as used in custom bytecode attributes.
static String CType.genGenericMethodSignatureHelper(CTypeVariable[] tvs, CType returnType, CType receiverType, CTypeSignatureAppender[] parameters, boolean skipSynthParameter)
private static String CType.genMethodSignatureHelper(CType returnType, CType receiverType, CTypeSignatureAppender[] parameters, boolean skipSynthParameter)
          Helper method generates a method signature as used in regular Java bytecode if receiverType is null, or a multimethod signature otherwise.
static String CType.tupleToString(CType[] argTuple)
          Constructs a nicely formatted string representing the type tuple given by the argument array.
static String CType.tupleToString(CType recvType, CType[] actuals)
          Constructs a nicely format string representing the type tuple given by the arguments.
 String CClassType.toString()
          Transforms this type to a string
 String CClassType.printArgs(boolean includeUniverseModifier)
          Print the type arguments of this class type
 String CClassType.originalQualifiedName()
 String CClassType.toVerboseString()
          Return the universe modifier plus the class type as string.
 String CClassType.getCUniverseString()
          Return the universe modifier as string.
 String CClassType.getCUniverseJMLString()
          Return the universe modifier as string, for output in JML specifications.
 String CClassType.getCUniverseMJString()
          Returns the universe modifier as String, for output in source code parsed by MultiJava, i.e. the modifiers are written as is.
 String CClassType.ident()
 String CClassType.qualifiedName()
 String JMethodCallExpression.ident()
 String JMethodCallExpression.toString()
          Returns a string representation of this.
 String JLocalVariable.ident()
 String JLocalVariable.toString()
abstract  String VariableDescriptor.ident()
          Returns the (unqualified) identifier for the slot.
 String JFormalParameter.toString()
 String JFormalParameter.modToString()
 String JFormalParameter.typeToString()
 String JFormalParameter.paramToString()
 String JFormalParameter.modifiersAsString()
          Returns any parameter modifiers as a String; if the String is not empty, it will have a trailing space.
static String JFormalParameter.specializerString(JFormalParameter[] parms)
          Creates from an array of formal parameters a String of the dynamic types of the parameters.
 String CSpecializedType.toString()
          Transforms this type to a string
 String CSpecializedType.toVerboseString()
          Transforms this type to a verbose string including universe annotations.
 String CSourceAmbiguousDispatcherClass.ident()
 String CSourceAmbiguousDispatcherClass.qualifiedName()
 String CSourceDispatcherClass.ident()
 String CSourceDispatcherClass.qualifiedName()
private  String CSourceDispatcherClass.outersDispatcherFieldIdent()
 String JThisExpression.toString()
 String JLocalVariableExpression.ident()
 String JLocalVariableExpression.toString()
 String CSourceDispatcherSignature.ident()
 String CSourceDispatcherSignature.qualifiedName()
abstract  String CDispatcherSignature.qualifiedName()
private static String CBinaryMethod.getCorrectSignature(CClass host, MethodInfo methodInfo)
          Simple convenience method which returns the appropriate method signature stored in the given methodInfo depending on whether Java generics are turned on or off in the current compilation session.
 String CBinaryMethod.CBinaryMethod$1.qualifiedName()
 String JTypeDeclaration.ident()
          Returns the identifier for this type declaration.
private  String JTypeDeclaration.MethodRecord.topSig()
abstract  String JMethodDeclarationType.ident()
 String JMethodDeclaration.ident()
 String JMethodDeclaration.toString()
abstract  String JFieldDeclarationType.ident()
          Returns the identifier of this field declaration
 String JFieldDeclaration.ident()
          Returns the identifier of this field declaration
 String MemberAccess.getOwnerName()
abstract  String CFieldAccessor.ident()
 String CSourceField.toString()
 String CFlowControlContext.toString()
 String CFlowControlContext.varIdent(int pos)
 String CFlowControlContext.fieldIdent(int pos)
protected  String AbstractFileFinder.sourceFilePrefixFor(String className)
          Returns the prefix of name of the source file that should declare the given class.
 String CBinaryClass.getUniverseVersion()
          Return the version of the encoding used to encode the universe type modifiers.
 String ParserUtility.getModifierName(long mod)
          Returns the name of the modifier according to the ModifierUtility of the compiler used to instantiate this.
 String ParserUtility.getModifierNames(long mods)
          Returns the names of the modifiers according to the ModifierUtility of the compiler used to instantiate this.
 String JPackageName.getName()
          Returns the package name defined by this declaration.
abstract  String CUniverse.toString()
          Output the name of the universe.
 String CUniverse.toMJString()
          Output the name of the universe as it should be used for MJ code.
 String CUniverse.toJMLString()
          Output the name of the universe as it should be used for JML code.
abstract  String JClassDeclarationType.superName()
 String CTypeVariable.getIdent()
 String CTypeVariable.toString()
 String CTypeVariable.toVerboseString()
 String CTypeVariable.getCUniverseString()
          Return the universe modifier as string.
 String CTypeVariable.getCUniverseJMLString()
          Return the universe modifier as string, for output in JML specifications.
 String CTypeVariable.getCUniverseMJString()
          Returns the universe modifier as String, for output in source code parsed by MultiJava, i.e. the modifiers are written as is.
 String JArrayInitializer.toString()
 String JLabeledStatement.getLabel()
          Returns the label of this statement.
 String JBreakStatement.label()
 String JContinueStatement.label()
 String JSuperExpression.toString()
 String CCompilationUnit.ident()
          Gives the identifier for this host, or null for a compilation unit.
 String CCompilationUnit.packageName()
          Gives the package name for this host.
 String CVariableState.toString()
 String CVariableState.ident()
          Returns the (unqualified) identifier of the slot tracked by this.
 String JUnaryExpression.toString()
 String JAddExpression.toString()
 String JMinusExpression.toString()
 String JMultExpression.toString()
 String JDivideExpression.toString()
 String JInterfaceDeclaration.ident()
 String CVariableInfoTable.toString()
 String MjcCommonOptions.destination()
 String MjcCommonOptions.set_destination(String destination)
 String MjcCommonOptions.classpath()
 String MjcCommonOptions.set_classpath(String classpath)
 String MjcCommonOptions.universesx()
 String MjcCommonOptions.set_universesx(String universesx)
 String MjcCommonOptions.sourcepath()
 String MjcCommonOptions.set_sourcepath(String sourcepath)
 String MjcCommonOptions.source()
 String MjcCommonOptions.set_source(String source)
 String MjcCommonOptions.Xlint()
 String MjcCommonOptions.set_Xlint(String Xlint)
 String MjcCommonOptions.getShortOptions()
 String Main.ExpectedResult.qualifiedName()
 String Main.ExpectedResult.toString()
 String JClassFieldExpression.ident()
 String JClassFieldExpression.toString()
 String JEqualityExpression.toString()
abstract  String JClassOrGFImportType.getName()
abstract  String JClassOrGFImportType.ident()
abstract  String JPackageImportType.getName()
          Returns the package name defined by this declaration.
 String JRelationalExpression.opString()
 String JRelationalExpression.toString()
 String JClassDeclaration.ident()
 String JClassDeclaration.superName()
protected  String MJGenericFunctionDecl.methodIdent()
          Returns the ident of the methods contained in this generic function.
 String JTypeNameExpression.toString()
 String JTypeNameExpression.qualifiedName()
          Returns a qualified name for the type of this
 String JShiftExpression.toString()
 String JParenthesedExpression.toString()
 String JNewObjectExpression.originalTypeName()
          Returns the actual text following the "new" and preceding the parameters.
 String JNewObjectExpression.toString()
private  String JNewObjectExpression.paramString()
 String JNewArrayExpression.toString()
 String JNameExpression.toString()
 String JNameExpression.getName()
          Returns the name of this name expression.
 String JNameExpression.sourceIdent()
 String JNameExpression.qualifiedName()
          Returns the longest name available
 String JConditionalAndExpression.toString()
 String JConditionalOrExpression.toString()
 String JModuloExpression.toString()
 String JConditionalExpression.toString()
 String JCastExpression.toString()
 String JUnaryPromote.toString()
 String JBitwiseExpression.toString()
 String JArrayLengthExpression.toString()
 String JArrayAccessExpression.toString()
 String MJWarnExpression.operatorName()
 String MJWarnExpression.toString()
 String MJMathModeExpression.operatorName()
 String MJMathModeExpression.toString()
 String JBooleanLiteral.toString()
 String JNumberLiteral.toString()
 String JOrdinalLiteral.image()
 String JCharLiteral.toString()
 String JStringLiteral.toString()
 String JStringLiteral.stringValue()
          get a String that represents the value of this literal Do not call before typecheck
 String JNullLiteral.toString()
 String JPackageImport.getName()
          Returns the package name defined by this declaration.
 String JClassOrGFImport.getName()
 String JClassOrGFImport.ident()
 String JExplicitConstructorInvocation.ident()
 String JArrayDimsAndInits.toString()
 String CNumericType.toString()
          Transforms this type to a string
 String CNumericType.getSignature()
          Transforms this type to a string
 String CClassNameType.toString()
          Transforms this type to a string
 String CClassNameType.printArgs(boolean includeUniverseModifier)
          Print the type arguments of this class type
 String CClassNameType.qualifiedName()
 String CClassNameType.originalQualifiedName()
 String CClassNameType.getIdent()
 String CClassFQNameType.qualifiedName()
          Returns the qualified name of this type.
private static String CBinaryField.getCorrectSignature(CClass host, FieldInfo fieldInfo)
          Simple convenience method which returns the appropriate field signature stored in the given fieldInfo depending on whether Java generics are turned on or off in the current compilation session.
 String[] CModifier.names()
          Returns the names of modifiers
 String CModifier.asString(long modifiers)
          Returns a string with the names of all the modifiers in the preferred order.
 String[] CModifier.asStrings(long modifiers)
          Returns an array of the names of all the modifiers in the preferred order.
 String CModifier.nameOf(long mod)
          Returns the name of the given modifier.
protected  String MjcPrettyPrinter.toString(CType type)
          Returns the string for the given type.
 String CUniverseTypeAnnotation.toString()
          Return a string representation of the annotation.
 String CSourceRedirectorMethod.toString()
          Returns a string representation of this grouped multimethod.
protected  String MjcGUI.getClasspath(Options opt)
protected  String MjcGUI.getSourcepath(Options opt)
protected  String MjcGUI.getWebpageName()
protected  String MjcGUI.getWebpageLocation()
 String MjcGUI.AllFilesGUIFileFilter.getDescription()
 String MjcGUI.MjcGUIFileFilter.getDescription()
 String MjcOptions.filter()
 String MjcOptions.set_filter(String filter)
 String MjcOptions.getShortOptions()
 String CSourceFilteredDispatcherMethod.ident()
 String CSourceGFCollection.toString()
private static String CMethodNotFoundError.buildSignature(String name, CType[] types)
 String CUniversePeer.toString()
          Output "peer".
 String CUniverseRep.toString()
          Return "rep".
private  String TestJTypeDeclaration.warnings()
          Returns the warnings generated by the must recent compilation attempt.
 String CArrayType.toString()
          Transforms this type to a string
 String CArrayType.toVerboseString()
          Return the universe modifier plus the class type as string.
 String CArrayType.getCUniverseString()
          Return the universe modifiers as string.
 String CArrayType.getCUniverseJMLString()
          Return the universe modifier as string, for output in JML specifications.
 String CArrayType.getCUniverseMJString()
          Returns the universe modifier as String, for output in source code parsed by MultiJava, i.e. the modifiers are written as is.
 String CArrayType.qualifiedName()
 String CValueType.toString()
          Transforms this type to a string
 String CValueType.signatureStringValue()
          Transforms this type's value to a string for use in bytecode attributes for this value specializer.
 String CValueType.specializerSymbol()
          Returns the specializer symbol to use when this type is the specializer.
 String Main.ExpectedType.toString()
 String Main.ExpectedGF.toString()
 String Main.ExpectedIndifferent.toString()
 String CBooleanType.toString()
          Transforms this type to a string
 String CBooleanType.getSignature()
          Transforms this type to a string
 String CGenericFunctionCollection.Impl.qualifiedName()
          Returns the fully qualified name of this generic function collection.
 String CUniverseReadonly.toString()
          Return "readonly".
 String CWildcardType.toString()
 String CWildcardType.toVerboseString()
 String CStringValueType.signatureStringValue()
          Transforms this type's value to a string for use in bytecode attributes for this value specializer.
 String CVoidType.toString()
          Transforms this type to a string
 String CVoidType.getSignature()
          Transforms this type to a string
 String CNullType.toString()
          Transforms this type to a string
 String CNullType.toVerboseString()
          For the null literal the universe annotation is not meaningful.
 String MjcParser.jIdentifier()
static String CTypeNullity.toString(boolean isNonNull)
 String CTypeNullity.toString()
 String CUniverseThis.toString()
 String CUniverseThis.toMJString()
          Output the name of the universe as it should be used for MJ code.
 String CUniverseThis.toJMLString()
          Output the name of the universe as it should be used for JML code.
 String CCaptureType.toString()
 String CBinaryGFCollection.toString()
 String CUniverseImplicitReadonly.toString()
          Return "[readonly]".
 String CUniverseImplicitReadonly.toMJString()
          Output the name of the universe as it should be used for MJ code.
 String CUniverseImplicitReadonly.toJMLString()
          Output the name of the universe as it should be used for JML code.
static String Debug.profileEndAsString(Object profileID)
          Finishes profiling for a block of code with the given profileID object by returning a String of the form (profileID.toString + "took x ms") where x is the time (in milliseconds) since profileStart was called for the given ID.
 String CUniverseImplicitPeer.toString()
          Output "[peer]".
 String CUniverseImplicitPeer.toMJString()
          Output the name of the universe as it should be used for MJ code.
 String CUniverseImplicitPeer.toJMLString()
          Output the name of the universe as it should be used for JML code.
 String JavadocParser.description()

Methods in org.multijava.mjc with parameters of type String
 boolean CMethod.isApplicable(String ident, CType recvType, CType[] actuals, CClassType[] args)
          Returns true if this method is applicable to a method call with the given identifier and actual (static) argument types.
 CTypeVariable CMethod.lookupTypeVariable(String ident)
 boolean CMethod.genDispatch(CodeSequence code, CodeLabel nextAlternative, CMethod topConcreteMethod, String dispatcherName)
          Generates the dispatch code for the specialized arguments of this method.
protected  void CMethod.plantMMInvocation(CodeSequence code, String dispatcherName)
          Plants an invocation of the multimethod body represented by this.
protected  MethodInfo CSourceMethod.nonEmptyMethodInfo(String id)
protected  MethodInfo CSourceMethod.createCMethodInfo(long modifiers, String name, String type, String genericsignature, String[] exceptions, CSourceMethod method, boolean deprecated, boolean synthetic)
          Creates a method info object.
protected  MethodInfo CSourceMethod.createMethodInfo(long modifiers, String name, String type, String genericsignature, String[] exceptions, CodeInfo code, boolean deprecated, boolean synthetic)
          Creates a method info object.
protected  String FunctionalTestSuite.TestCase.saveAs(String fileName, String contents)
          Creates a file in the temporary directory with the given name and contents.
protected  void FunctionalTestSuite.TestCase.remove(String fileNames)
          Deletes files of the given names from the current directory.
protected  FunctionalTestSuite.TestCase.CompilationResults FunctionalTestSuite.TestCase.compile(String cmdLine)
          Invokes the compiler, passing it the given command line.
protected  boolean FunctionalTestSuite.TestCase.invokeCompiler(String[] args)
private  void FunctionalTestSuite.TestCase.resetWorkingDir(String[] old)
          Resets the working directory and class path based on the argument array returned by setWorkingDir().
protected  FunctionalTestSuite.TestCase.RuntimeResults className)
          Tests the class with the given name.
protected  FunctionalTestSuite.TestCase.CodeGenResults FunctionalTestSuite.TestCase.disasm(String className, boolean details)
          Disassembles the class with the given name.
protected  String[] FunctionalTestSuite.TestCase.split(String text)
          Splits the given text into an array of words separated by whitespace.
protected  void FunctionalTestSuite.TestCase.expectFailure(FunctionalTestSuite.TestCase.CompilationResults results, String expectedError)
          Called with the result of compilation when failure (i.e., compilation error) is expected, this generates the appropriate assertion and message.
 boolean FunctionalTestSuite.TestCase.FunctionalTestSuite$TestCase$1.accept(File dir, String name)
 boolean JCompilationUnit.declaresType(String qualifiedName)
          Returns true iff this compilation unit contains a declaration for a top-level type with the given fully qualified name.
 boolean JCompilationUnit.declaresGF(String qualifiedName)
          Returns true iff this compilation unit contains a declaration for a generic function with the given fully qualified name.
private  String JCompilationUnit.matchPackageName(String qualifiedName)
          If qualifiedName begins with the package name of this compilation unit, then returns the remainder of qualifiedName; otherwise returns null.
private  void JCompilationUnit.makeAndStoreAnchorDecl(ArrayList anchorMates, String id, boolean priv, ArrayList anchors, ArrayList privateAnchors)
          Utility method generates a MJGenericFunctionDecl anchor for the given methods and stores it in the appropriate anchor collection.
abstract  boolean JCompilationUnitType.declaresType(String qualifiedName)
          Returns true iff this compilation unit contains a declaration for a type with the given fully qualified name.
abstract  boolean JCompilationUnitType.declaresGF(String qualifiedName)
          Returns true iff this compilation unit contains a declaration for a generic function with the given fully qualified name.
static CClassType CTopLevel.getTypeRep(String name, CClassType[][] arguments, boolean isFullyQualified)
          Returns the lightweight type representation of the class with the given name, generating a new one if necessary.
static CClassType CTopLevel.getTypeRep(String name, boolean isFullyQualified)
          return the lightweight type representation of the class with the given name, generating a new one if necessary.
static CClassType CTopLevel.getTypeRep(String name, CUniverse univ, boolean isFullyQualified)
          getTypeRep with a universe parameter and no arguments.
static CClassType CTopLevel.getTypeRep(String name, CUniverse univ, CClassType[][] arguments, boolean isFullyQualified)
          getTypeRep with a universe parameter and arguments.
static void CTopLevel.addTypeRep(String qName, CClassType typeRep)
          Adds the given type representation, which must represent a fully qualified type name, to the cache.
static CClass CTopLevel.loadClass(String qName)
          Loads type definition; uses the FileFinder supplied in initSession to determine which file is loaded for the given name.
static boolean CTopLevel.isClassLoaded(String qName)
          Returns true if the class with the given fully-qualified name has already been read and loaded.
static boolean CTopLevel.classExists(String qName)
          Checks whether a class with the given name is available in the class path.
static void CTopLevel.registerPendingGFCollection(String qName)
          Registers that the external generic function with the given fully qualified name has been parsed and, barring an error during the preprocessDependencies pass, will be available to other compilation units.
static CGenericFunctionCollection CTopLevel.lookupGFCollection(String qualifiedIdent)
          Finds the generic function collection singleton for the given fully qualified name.
static CClassType CTopLevel.lookupTypeRep(String qName)
static boolean CTopLevel.isGFLoaded(String qName)
          Returns true if the generic function with the given fully-qualified name has already been read and loaded.
static int CTopLevel.whichIsThis(String qName, File f)
          Checks whether the source code contain in the given file declares a type or an external generic function of the given name.
static File CTopLevel.findSourceFile(String name)
static void Main.main(String[] args)
          Entry point
static boolean Main.compile(String[] args)
          Second entry point
 boolean[] args)
          Runs a compilation session
static void Main.bugReportRequest(Throwable e, String[] args)
static void Main.bugReportProperty(String key)
 boolean Main.runParser(String[] args, MjcCommonOptions opt, ArrayList infiles)
          Runs the argument parser only so the GUI can process options from the command line
static boolean Main.compile(String[] args, MjcCommonOptions opt, OutputStream os)
          Entry point for the GUI
 boolean[] args, MjcCommonOptions opt, OutputStream os)
          Runs a compilation session for the GUI
protected  boolean Main.runInitialization(String[] args)
          Invoked from within the method run to do the argument parsing and compiler setup prior to actually parsing files via the task mechanism; returns true if no errors are encountered during initialization; if false is returned the initialization is not necessarily complete.
protected  String[] Main.expandAtFiles(String[] infiles)
          Expands a list of files containing the @files syntax into a list of literal arguments.
 boolean Main.parseArguments(String[] args, ArrayList infiles)
          Parses the argument list.
static boolean Main.validPackageName(String name)
          Returns true if the string is syntactically a valid package name.
 File Main.handlePackageName(String packageName, ArrayList dirs)
          Finds the package named by 'packageName' and adds it to the list of File objects in 'dirs'.
 String Main.checkPackageName(String packageName, boolean quiet)
          Checks whether a syntactically valid package name actually exists, and returns the directory location of the root of the package or null if there is no package by that name on the sourcepath or classpath.
 void Main.catchUpType(File filename, String qualifiedName)
          This version of catchUp also parses the given file through the TaskQueue passes as far as other files have been processed, but discards the result if the file did not contain a declaration of the type qualifiedName.
 void Main.catchUpGF(File filename, String qualifiedName)
          This version of catchUp also parses the given file through the TaskQueue passes as far as other files have been processed, but: after the ParseTask phase, checks that the given qualifiedName actually has a successful generic function definition that is now loaded.
 boolean Main.RecommendedWarning(String warning)
          Returns whether the recommended warnings type identified by warning is enabled in the compiler.
protected  void Main.setAllowUniverses(String option)
          From the given String parameter determine what universe checks should be enabled.
 boolean CTopLevel.CTopLevel$[] args)
abstract  void JTypeDeclarationType.generateInterface(Main compiler, CClass owner, CMemberHost host, String prefix, boolean isAnon, boolean isMember)
          Generates a CSourceClass class signature singleton for this declaration.
abstract  void JTypeDeclarationType.setIdent(String ident)
abstract  CClass CContextType.lookupClass(String name)
          Searches for a class with the given simple name according the procedure in JLS2 6.5.5.
abstract  CTypeVariable CContextType.lookupTypeVariable(String Ident)
          search for type variable that are accessible
abstract  CMethod CContextType.lookupMethod(String name, CType[] params)
          Searches for the most specific method in the current context that is applicable to the given identifier and argument type tuple.
abstract  CMethod CContextType.lookupMethod(String name, CType[] params, CClassContextType context)
          Searches for the most specific method in the current context that is applicable to the given identifier and argument type tuple.
abstract  CMethodSet CContextType.lookupMethodOrSet(String name, CType[] params)
          Searches for the most specific method(s) in the current context that is applicable to the given identifier and argument type tuple.
abstract  CMethodSet CContextType.lookupMethodOrSet(String name, CType[] params, CClassContextType context)
          Searches for the most specific method(s) in the current context that is applicable to the given identifier and argument type tuple.
abstract  CFieldAccessor CContextType.lookupField(String ident)
          searches for a field with the given identifier
abstract  CFieldAccessor CContextType.lookupField(String ident, CExpressionContextType context)
          searches for a field with the given identifier
abstract  JLocalVariable CContextType.lookupLocalVariable(String ident)
          searches for a local variable with the given identifier
abstract  JExpression CContextType.lookupOuterLocalVariable(TokenReference ref, String ident)
          Finds a local variable with the given name that appears outside the current lexical contour.
abstract  CFieldAccessor CContextType.lookupOuterField(String ident)
          Searches for a field of the given name in the context surrounding the current lexical contour.
abstract  CFieldAccessor CContextType.lookupOuterField(String ident, CExpressionContextType context)
          Searches for a field of the given name in the context surrounding the current lexical contour.
abstract  void CContextType.resolveMaybeExtMethodRef(String ident)
          Searches for any imported external generic functions.
abstract  void CContextType.registerGFDecl(String methodIdent, CGenericFunctionCollection coll)
          Registers the declaration of an external generic function in this context.
abstract  void CContextType.dumpNonNulls(String msg)
 RMJAnnotation.Method[] CSourceDispatcherMethod.getMethodAnnotations(String kind, String baseAnchorClassName, String dispatcherClassName, String ambigErrorClassName)
private  void TestParsingController.establishLexers(String sourceCode)
          Establish lexers and the controller for the given source code, without adding streams to the controller.
private  void TestParsingController.establishTest(String sourceCode, boolean selectInitial)
          Establish lexers and controller for the given source code.
private  void TestParsingController.establishTest(String sourceCode)
          Establish lexers and controller for the given source code.
protected  CField CClass.getDeclaredField(String ident)
          Returns the signature of the field with the given name declared in this class, or null if this class does not declare a field with the given name.
 CClass CClass.lookupClass(String name, CContextType context)
          Searches for a class with the given simple name according the procedure in JLS2 6.5.5.
 CTypeVariable CClass.lookupTypeVariable(String ident)
 CFieldAccessor CClass.lookupField(String name, CExpressionContextType context)
          Searches a field in current class and parent hierarchy as needed Creates an appropriate getter or setter method (or both) if necessary for privileged access to the field.
protected  CField CClass.lookupFieldHelper(String name, CExpressionContextType context)
          Searches a field in current class and parent hierarchy as needed
 CField CClass.lookupSuperField(String name, CExpressionContextType context)
          Searches a field in current class and parent hierarchy as needed
protected  boolean CClass.isFieldRedefined(String ident, CExpressionContextType dummyContext)
          Returns true iff a field with same name is already defined in a superclass or an implemented interface.
 CMethod CClass.lookupMethod(String name, CType[] params, CClassType[] args, CContextType context)
          Searches for the generic function applicable to the given identifier and argument type tuple, in the given context, looking in parent hierarchy and augmentation map as needed.
 CMethodSet CClass.lookupMethodOrSet(String name, CType[] params, CClassType[] argss, CContextType context)
          Searches for the generic function applicable to the given identifier and argument type tuple, in the given context, looking in parent hierarchy and augmentation map as needed.
protected  void CClass.accumMostSpecificMethods(String name, CClass.NoDupStrategy actor, CMethodSet accum, CClassType[] args, CContextType context)
          Accumulates the set of methods with identifier name declared in the type represented by this, or added to the type by external methods, using the strategy actor.
protected  void CClass.accumLocalInternalMethods(String name, CClass.NoDupStrategy actor, CMethodSet accum, CClassType[] args)
          Accumulates the set of methods with identifier name declared in the type represented by this, using the strategy actor.
protected  void CClass.accumLocalExtAndInheritedMethods(String name, CClass.NoDupStrategy actor, CMethodSet accum, CClassType[] args, CContextType context)
          Accumulates the set of methods with identifier name declared in the type represented by this, or added to the type by external methods, using the strategy actor.
protected static String CClass.getIdentFrom(String qualifiedName)
protected  ClassInfo CClass.createClassInfo(long modifiers, String superClass, File sourceFile)
          Creates an instance of ClassInfo.
 CMethodSet CSourceClass.lookupMethodOrSet(String name, CType[] params, CClassType[] args, CContextType context)
 CClass CSourceClass.lookupClass(String name, CContextType context)
 void CMethodSet.accumMethodSet(CMethodSet.Strategy actor, String ident, CMethodSet accum, CClassType[] args)
          Processes the methods in this set using the given strategy and mutates the accumulator according to the strategy.
static CType CType.parseSignature(String signature)
          Parse a java type signature Description : Attempts to parse the provided string as if it started with the Java VM-standard signature for a type.
static CType CType.parseSignature(String signature, CUniverseTypeAnnotation univAnnot)
static CType CType.parseGenericTypeSignature(String signature)
static CType CType.parseGenericTypeSignature(String signature, CUniverseTypeAnnotation univAnnot)
static CType.MethodSignature CType.parseMethodSignature(String sig)
          Returns a MethodSignature data structure by parsing the given method or multimethod signature as read from bytecode.
static CType.MethodSignature CType.parseMethodSignature(String sig, CUniverseMethodAnnotation univAnnot)
 void JExpression.dumpArray(String msg, Object[] exprs)
          Print the message followed by the array's elements.
 void JLocalVariable.setIdent(String name)
          Sets the identifier of this local variable.
 void JTypeDeclaration.generateInterface(Main compiler, CClass owner, CMemberHost host, String prefix, boolean isAnon, boolean isMember)
          Generates a CSourceClass class signature singleton for this declaration and then registers the signature with CTopLevel.
protected  CSourceClass JTypeDeclaration.makeSignature(Main compiler, CClass owner, CMemberHost host, String prefix, boolean isAnon, boolean isMember)
          Generates the signature object for this.
 void JTypeDeclaration.setIdent(String ident)
abstract  CSourceMethod JMethodDeclarationType.checkInterfaceType(CContextType context, MemberAccess access, String ident)
          Performs the interface checks that are common to all sorts of methods.
 void JMethodDeclaration.setIdent(String name)
 CSourceMethod JMethodDeclaration.checkInterfaceType(CContextType context, MemberAccess access, String ident)
          Performs the interface checks that are common to all sorts of methods.
protected  CSourceMethod JMethodDeclaration.makeMethodSignature(CContextType context, MemberAccess access, String ident, CSpecializedType[] parameterTypes)
          Generates the signature object for this method declaration.
 CClass CContext.lookupClass(String name)
          Searches for a class with the given simple name according the procedure in JLS2 6.5.5.
 CTypeVariable CContext.lookupTypeVariable(String ident)
 CMethod CContext.lookupMethod(String name, CType[] params)
          Searches for the most specific method in the current context that is applicable to the given identifier and argument type tuple.
 CMethod CContext.lookupMethod(String name, CType[] params, CClassContextType context)
          Searches for the most specific method in the current context that is applicable to the given identifier and argument type tuple.
 CMethodSet CContext.lookupMethodOrSet(String name, CType[] params)
          Searches for the most specific method(s) in the current context that is applicable to the given identifier and argument type tuple.
 CMethodSet CContext.lookupMethodOrSet(String name, CType[] params, CClassContextType context)
          Searches for the most specific method(s) in the current context that are applicable to the given identifier and argument type tuple.
 CFieldAccessor CContext.lookupField(String ident)
          searches for a field with the given identifier
 CFieldAccessor CContext.lookupField(String ident, CExpressionContextType context)
          searches for a field with the given identifier
 JLocalVariable CContext.lookupLocalVariable(String ident)
          searches for a local variable with the given identifier
 JExpression CContext.lookupOuterLocalVariable(TokenReference ref, String ident)
          Finds a local variable with the given name that appears outside the current lexical contour.
 CFieldAccessor CContext.lookupOuterField(String ident)
          Searches for a field of the given name in the context surrounding the current lexical contour.
 CFieldAccessor CContext.lookupOuterField(String ident, CExpressionContextType context)
          Searches for a field of the given name in the context surrounding the current lexical contour.
 void CContext.dumpNonNulls(String msg)
 void CContext.resolveMaybeExtMethodRef(String ident)
          Searches for any imported external generic functions.
 void CContext.registerGFDecl(String methodIdent, CGenericFunctionCollection coll)
          Registers the declaration of an external generic function in this context.
 CClass CClassContext.lookupClass(String name)
          Searches for a class with the given simple name according the procedure in JLS2 6.5.5.
 CTypeVariable CClassContext.lookupTypeVariable(String ident)
 CMethod CClassContext.lookupMethod(String ident, CType[] params, CClassContextType context)
          Searches for the most specific method when no receiver is explicit at the call site.
 CMethodSet CClassContext.lookupMethodOrSet(String ident, CType[] params, CClassContextType context)
          Searches for the most specific method(s) when no receiver is explicit at the call site.
 CFieldAccessor CClassContext.lookupOuterField(String ident, CExpressionContextType context)
          Searches for a field of the given name in the context surrounding the current lexical contour.
 CFieldAccessor CClassContext.lookupField(String ident, CExpressionContextType context)
 JExpression CClassContext.lookupOuterLocalVariable(TokenReference ref, String ident)
          Finds a local variable with the given name that appears outside the current lexical contour.
 JLocalVariable CClassContext.lookupLocalVariable(String ident)
abstract  CClass CClassContextType.lookupClass(String name)
          Searches for a class with the given simple name according the procedure in JLS2 6.5.5.
abstract  CTypeVariable CClassContextType.lookupTypeVariable(String ident)
          search for the type variable that are accessible
abstract  CMethod CClassContextType.lookupMethod(String ident, CType[] params, CClassContextType context)
          Searches for the most specific method when no receiver is explicit at the call site.
abstract  CMethodSet CClassContextType.lookupMethodOrSet(String ident, CType[] params, CClassContextType context)
          Searches for the most specific method(s) when no receiver is explicit at the call site.
abstract  CFieldAccessor CClassContextType.lookupOuterField(String ident, CExpressionContextType context)
          Searches for a field of the given name in the context surrounding the current lexical contour.
abstract  CFieldAccessor CClassContextType.lookupField(String ident, CExpressionContextType context)
abstract  JExpression CClassContextType.lookupOuterLocalVariable(TokenReference ref, String ident)
          Finds a local variable with the given name that appears outside the current lexical contour.
abstract  void CClassContextType.resolveMaybeExtMethodRef(String ident)
          Searches for any imported or private external generic functions.
protected  FieldInfo CField.createFieldInfo(long modifiers, String name, String type, String generictype, Object value, boolean deprecated, boolean synthetic)
          Creates a new field info object.
abstract  JLabeledStatement CFlowControlContextType.getLabeledStatement(String label)
          Returns the statement with the specified label.
abstract  CClass CFlowControlContextType.lookupClass(String name)
          Searches for a class with the given simple name according the procedure in JLS2 6.5.5.
 JLabeledStatement CFlowControlContext.getLabeledStatement(String label)
          Returns the statement with the specified label.
 CClass CFlowControlContext.lookupClass(String name)
          Searches for a class with the given simple name according the procedure in JLS2 6.5.5.
private  CClass CFlowControlContext.lookupLocalClass(String ident)
          Looks for a class with the given name declared via a type declaration statement in this context.
 JLocalVariable CFlowControlContext.lookupLocalVariable(String ident)
          Returns the variable referred to by the given name in this context, recursing to surrounding contexts as appropriate.
protected  String AbstractFileFinder.sourceFilePrefixFor(String className)
          Returns the prefix of name of the source file that should declare the given class.
abstract  ClassPath.ClassDescription FileFinder.find(String name)
          Finds a file per the implemented search order, returning a ClassDescription object.
abstract  ClassPath.ClassDescription FileFinder.findSourceFile(String name)
          Finds a source file per the implemented search order.
protected  CClassType[] CBinaryClass.loadInterfaces(String[] interfaces)
          Loads the interfaces specified by the Strings in the argument array (whether from other declarations in this compilation pass or from *.class files.)
private static CClass CBinaryClass.getOuterClassFrom(String clazz)
          Returns the surrounding class for the inner class named by the argument.
private static CMemberHost CBinaryClass.getHostFrom(String clazz)
          Returns the host for the class named by the argument.
 void ParsingController.addInputStream(antlr.TokenStream stream, String key)
          Adds the given input stream to the controller and binds it to the given key.
 antlr.TokenStream ParsingController.getStream(String sname)
          Returns the named input stream (previously added with addInputStream).
 void ParsingController.selectInitial(String key)
          Makes the lexer bound to the given key the initial lexer.
 void ParsingController.discardAllTokensFor(String key)
          Indicates that tokens generated by the lexer bound to the given key should be discarded instead of buffered.
 ParsingController.FilteredTokenStream ParsingController.streamForBefore(String key, antlr.Token index)
          Returns a token stream from the lexer bound to the given key and containing all the tokens preceding the given token of the surrounding language.
 boolean ParsingController.discardTokensBefore(String key, antlr.Token index)
          Discards all tokens from the lexer bound to the given key that precede the given token of the surrounding language.
 antlr.TokenStream ParsingController.get(String key)
          Returns the TokenStream corresponding to a given name.
 void ParsingController.push(String key)
          Switches to a new input stream for future token requests, maintaining a stack of the old input streams.
private  void ParsingController.processPush(String key)
          Switches to a new input stream, maintaining a stack of the old input streams.
private  void ParsingController.useKey(String key)
          Registers that tokens generated by the lexer bound to the given key will be used or discarded.
private  void ParsingController.verifyHasKey(String key)
          Verifies that the given key is bound to a lexer.
private  void ParsingController.setActive(String key, ParsingController.StreamBufferPair sbp)
          Sets the given key, input stream, and token buffer to be active.
protected  void MJTopLevelMethodDeclaration.registerPendingGFCollection(String packageName)
          Registers with the compilation session that an external generic function to which this top-level method will belong is being compiled.
abstract  CClass CCompilationUnitContextType.lookupClass(String name)
          Searches for a class with the given simple name according the procedure in JLS2 6.5.5.
abstract  CMethod CCompilationUnitContextType.lookupMethod(String name, CType[] params, CClassContextType context)
          Searches for the most specific method applicable to the given identifier and argument type tuple, in the current context.
abstract  CMethodSet CCompilationUnitContextType.lookupMethodOrSet(String name, CType[] params, CClassContextType context)
          Searches for the most specific method(s) applicable to the given identifier and argument type tuple, in the current context.
abstract  CFieldAccessor CCompilationUnitContextType.lookupField(String ident, CExpressionContextType context)
          searches for a field with the given identifier
abstract  JExpression CCompilationUnitContextType.lookupOuterLocalVariable(TokenReference ref, String ident)
          Finds a local variable with the given name that appears outside the current lexical contour.
abstract  CFieldAccessor CCompilationUnitContextType.lookupOuterField(String ident, CExpressionContextType context)
          Searches for a field of the given name in the context surrounding the current lexical contour.
abstract  void CCompilationUnitContextType.resolveMaybeExtMethodRef(String ident)
          Searches for any imported external generic functions.
 CClass CCompilationUnit.lookupClass(String name, CContextType context)
          Searches for a class with the given simple name according the procedure in JLS2 6.5.5.
 void CCompilationUnit.resolveMaybeExtMethodRef(CCompilationUnitContextType context, String name)
          Searches for any imported external generic functions.
(package private)  void CCompilationUnit.registerGFDecl(String ident, CGenericFunctionCollection coll)
          Registers the declaration of an external generic function in this compilation unit.
protected  void TestMjcParser.establishTest(String sourceCode)
          Establish lexers and parsers for the given source code, including parsing of javadoc comments.
protected  void TestMjcParser.establishTest(String sourceCode, boolean parseJavadocs)
          Establish lexers and parsers for the given source code, parsing javadoc comments according to the given boolean.
protected  JCompilationUnitType TestMjcParser.getAST(String sourceCode)
          Returns an AST for the source code represented by the given string.
protected  JCompilationUnitType TestMjcParser.getAST(String sourceCode, boolean parseJavadocs)
          Returns an AST for the source code represented by the given string.
 void CContextNullity.dumpNonNulls(String msg)
          Prints the msg and then the non-nulls
 CClass CExtMethodContext.lookupClass(String name)
          Searches for a class with the given name.
 CMethod CExtMethodContext.lookupMethod(String ident, CType[] params, CClassType[] args, CClassContextType context)
          Searches for the most specific method when no receiver is explicit at the call site.
 CMethodSet CExtMethodContext.lookupMethodOrSet(String ident, CType[] params, CClassContextType context)
          Searches for the most specific method(s) when no receiver is explicit at the call site.
 CFieldAccessor CExtMethodContext.lookupField(String ident, CExpressionContextType context)
          Searches for a field with the given name in this context.
 CFieldAccessor CExtMethodContext.lookupOuterField(String ident, CExpressionContextType context)
          Searches for a field of the given name in the context surrounding the current lexical contour.
 JExpression CExtMethodContext.lookupOuterLocalVariable(TokenReference ref, String ident)
          Finds a local variable with the given name that appears outside the current lexical contour.
 String MjcCommonOptions.set_destination(String destination)
 String MjcCommonOptions.set_classpath(String classpath)
 String MjcCommonOptions.set_universesx(String universesx)
 String MjcCommonOptions.set_sourcepath(String sourcepath)
 String MjcCommonOptions.set_source(String source)
 String MjcCommonOptions.set_Xlint(String Xlint)
 boolean MjcCommonOptions.setOption(String name, Object newValue)
 CClassType TypeLoader.getTypeRep(String name, CUniverse univ, CClassType[][] arguments, boolean isFullyQualified)
          Returns the lightweight type representation of the class with the given name, generating a new one if necessary.
 CClassType TypeLoader.lookupTypeRep(String qName)
 void TypeLoader.addTypeRep(String qName, CClassType typeRep)
          Adds the given type representation, which must represent a fully qualified type name, to the cache.
 ClassPath.ClassDescription TypeLoader.findSourceFile(String name)
 ClassPath.ClassDescription TypeLoader.find(String name)
          This method finds a file for the given class name; it looks for both a java file on the source path and a class file on the class path, returning the newer one if both are found (and null if neither is found).
 CClass TypeLoader.lookupType(String qName)
          Returns the first CClass instance in the set mapped to by the given fully qualified name, or null if no such instance exists.
 CClass TypeLoader.loadType(String qName)
protected  ClassInfo TypeLoader.createClassInfo(String qName)
          Creates and returns a class info object by reading the symbol file for the class with the given fully qualified name qName.
 boolean TypeLoader.isTypeLoaded(String qName)
          Checks whether a class with the given name has already been successfully loaded.
 boolean TypeLoader.classExists(String qName)
          Checks whether a class with the given name is available in the class path.
protected  boolean TypeLoader.isTrusted(String qName)
          Returns true if the information for the type or package of the given qualified name should be retained for subsequent compilation sessions.
abstract  void JPackageImportType.setClassUsed(String clazz)
          States that specified class in imported package is used.
protected  CSourceClass MJGenericFunctionDecl.makeSignature(Main compiler, CClass owner, CMemberHost host, String prefix, boolean isAnon, boolean isMember)
          Generates the signature object for this.
protected  JClassFieldExpression JNameExpression.createClassField(TokenReference ref, JExpression prefix, String ident)
          Since class field may be overloaded in sub compiler, this method allow you to specifie the type of class field without needed to touch the huge method above !
protected  JClassFieldExpression JNameExpression.createClassField(TokenReference ref, String ident)
          Since class field may be overloaded in sub compiler, this method allow you to specifie the type of class field without needed to touch the huge method above !
 void JPackageImport.setClassUsed(String clazz)
          States that specified class in imported package is used.
 void CClassNameType.setIdent(String id)
 JLabeledStatement CLabeledContext.getLabeledStatement(String label)
          Returns the statement with the specified label.
protected  void MjcPrettyPrinter.visitBinaryExpression(JBinaryExpression self, String oper)
          prints a binary expression with the given operator
protected  void MjcPrettyPrinter.print(String s)
 CTypeVariable CMethodContext.lookupTypeVariable(String ident)
 CField CFieldTable.lookup(String ident)
          Returns the field with specified name
 CClass CSwitchGroupContext.lookupClass(String name)
          Searches for a class with the given simple name according the procedure in JLS2 6.5.5.
 JLocalVariable CSwitchGroupContext.lookupLocalVariable(String ident)
          Returns the variable referred to by the given name in this context, recursing to surrounding contexts as appropriate.
static void MjcGUI.main(String[] args)
static MjcGUI MjcGUI.init(String[] args, boolean standAlone)
protected  boolean MjcGUI.dirInClassPath(Options opt, String dir)
protected  org.multijava.util.gui.GUI.Compilation MjcGUI.createCompilationInstance(String[] files, Options opt, OutputStream os)
 boolean MjcGUI.AllFilesGUIFileFilter.hasActiveSuffix(String name)
 boolean MjcGUI.MjcGUIFileFilter.hasActiveSuffix(String name)
 String MjcOptions.set_filter(String filter)
 boolean MjcOptions.setOption(String name, Object newValue)
 CClass CCompilationUnitContext.lookupClass(String name)
          Searches for a class with the given simple name according the procedure in JLS2 6.5.5.
 CTypeVariable CCompilationUnitContext.lookupTypeVariable(String ident)
 CMethod CCompilationUnitContext.lookupMethod(String name, CType[] params, CClassContextType context)
          Searches for the most specific method applicable to the given identifier and argument type tuple, in the current context.
 CMethodSet CCompilationUnitContext.lookupMethodOrSet(String name, CType[] params, CClassContextType context)
          Searches for the most specific method(s) applicable to the given identifier and argument type tuple, in the current context.
 CFieldAccessor CCompilationUnitContext.lookupField(String ident, CExpressionContextType context)
          searches for a field with the given identifier
 JLocalVariable CCompilationUnitContext.lookupLocalVariable(String ident)
          Finds the variable with the given identifier in this context.
 JExpression CCompilationUnitContext.lookupOuterLocalVariable(TokenReference ref, String ident)
          Finds a local variable with the given name that appears outside the current lexical contour.
 CFieldAccessor CCompilationUnitContext.lookupOuterField(String ident, CExpressionContextType context)
          Searches for a field of the given name in the context surrounding the current lexical contour.
 void CCompilationUnitContext.resolveMaybeExtMethodRef(String ident)
          Searches for any imported external generic functions.
 void CCompilationUnitContext.registerGFDecl(String ident, CGenericFunctionCollection coll)
          Registers the declaration of an external generic function in this context.
private static String CMethodNotFoundError.buildSignature(String name, CType[] types)
private  JCompilationUnitType TestJTypeDeclaration.getCheckedAST(String sourceCode)
          Returns a typechecked AST for the given source code string.
 boolean Main.Filter.accept(File dir, String name)
 boolean Main.DFilter.accept(File dir, String name)
static Main.ExpectedType Main.ExpectedType.instance(String qualifiedName)
          Clients, including Main, should always use this factory method to create instances and should not call the constructor.
static Main.ExpectedGF Main.ExpectedGF.instance(String qualifiedName)
          Clients, including Main, should always use this factory method to create instances and should not call the constructor.
 CType MjcSignatureParser.parseSignature(String signature)
          Parses a VM-standard type signature.
protected  CType MjcSignatureParser.parseSignature(String signature, int from, int to)
          Parses a VM-standard type signature within a signature string.
protected  CType MjcSignatureParser.parseGenericTypeSignature(String signature, char[] sig)
protected  CClassType[] MjcSignatureParser.parseTypeArgumentSignature(String signature, char[] sig)
protected  CTypeVariable[] MjcSignatureParser.parseTypeParameter(String signature, char[] sig)
 SignatureParser.ClassSignature MjcSignatureParser.parseClassSignature(String signature)
          Returns an object representing the types the signature of a class
abstract  SignatureParser.ClassSignature SignatureParser.parseClassSignature(String signature)
 void CGFCollectionMap.register(String ident, CGenericFunctionCollection coll)
          Adds a mapping from the given identifier to the given generic function collection.
 void CGFCollectionMap.registerAll(String ident, Set collSet)
          Adds a mapping from the given ident to each of the collections in the given set.
 CGenericFunctionCollection[] CGFCollectionMap.getCollectionsFor(String ident)
          Returns all the generic function collections mapped to by ident.
 CType CType.MethodSignatureParser.parseSignature(String signature)
          Parses a java type signature.
 CType CType.MethodSignatureParser.parseSignature(String signature, CUniverseTypeAnnotation univAnnot)
private  CType CType.MethodSignatureParser.parseSignature(String signature, int from, int to)
private  CType CType.MethodSignatureParser.parseSignature(String signature, int from, int to, CUniverseTypeAnnotation univAnnot)
private  CType CType.MethodSignatureParser.parseSignature(String signature, int from, int to, CType staticType, CUniverseTypeAnnotation univAnnot)
 CTypeVariable[] CType.MethodSignatureParser.parseTypeParameter(String signature, char[] sig)
 CType CType.MethodSignatureParser.parseGenericTypeSignature(String signature)
 CType CType.MethodSignatureParser.parseGenericTypeSignature(String signature, CUniverseTypeAnnotation univAnnot)
 CType CType.MethodSignatureParser.parseGenericTypeSignature(String signature, char[] sig, CUniverseTypeAnnotation univAnnot)
 CClassType[] CType.MethodSignatureParser.parseTypeArgumentSignature(String signature, char[] sig)
private  CType CType.MethodSignatureParser.parseValueSpecSignature(String value, CType staticType)
 CType.MethodSignature CType.MethodSignatureParser.parseMethodSignature(String signature)
          Parses a Multijava method signature.
 CType.MethodSignature CType.MethodSignatureParser.parseMethodSignature(String signature, CUniverseMethodAnnotation univAnnot)
protected  CField CBadClass.getDeclaredField(String ident)
          Returns the signature of the field with the given name declared in this class, or null if this class does not declare a field with the given name.
 CClass CBadClass.lookupClass(String name, CContextType context)
          Searches for a class with the given simple name according the procedure in JLS2 6.5.5.
 CMethodSet CBadClass.lookupMethodOrSet(String name, CType[] params, CContextType context)
          Searches for the most specific method applicable to the given identifier and argument type tuple, in the given context, looking in parent hierarchy and augmentation map as needed.
 CFieldAccessor CBadClass.lookupField(String name, CExpressionContextType context)
          lookupField search for a field look in parent hierarchy as needed
(package private)  Set CGFCollectionMap.SetMap.getSet(String ident)
private static ArithmeticException SafeIntegralArithmetic.newArithException(String expr)
private static ArithmeticException SafeIntegralArithmetic.newArithException(String operatorAndSignature, long arg1, long arg2)
 CTypeVariable CExtendedClassContext.lookupTypeVariable(String ident)
 CTypeVariable CExtendedCompilationUnitContext.lookupTypeVariable(String ident)
 boolean[] args)
static JNameExpression CUniverseRuntimeHelper.getNameExpression(String ident)
          Creates a JNameExpression form a String.
static void Debug.setPrefix(String prefix)
          Sets the prefix that is written before each debugging message.
static void Debug.msg(String msg)
          Writes the given debugging message to the debugging output stream.
private static void Debug.output(String fullMsg)
          Writes the given string to the debug output stream handling indenting, prefixes and line wrapping.
static void Debug.recordMessage(String msg)
          Appends the given string to a file named MultiJavaDebugMessages.txt in the current temporary directory, creating the file if it does not exist.
private static void Debug.registerIndent(Object caller, String msg)
 ClassPath.ClassDescription MjcFileFinder.findSourceFile(String name)
          This method looks for a java file for the given class name on the source path, returning null if none could be found.
 ClassPath.ClassDescription MjcFileFinder.find(String name)
          This method finds a file for the given class name; it looks for both a java file on the source path and a class file on the class path, returning the newer one if both are found (and null if neither is found).
 CFieldAccessor CExpressionContext.lookupField(String ident)
          searches for a field with the given identifier
 CFieldAccessor CExpressionContext.lookupOuterField(String ident)
          Searches for a field of the given name in the context surrounding the current lexical contour.

Constructors in org.multijava.mjc with parameters of type String
CMember(MemberAccess accessControl, String ident, boolean deprecated)
          Constructs a top-level member export
CMethod(MemberAccess access, String ident, CType returnType, CSpecializedType[] parameters, CClassType[] exceptions, CTypeVariable[] typevariables, boolean deprecated, CContextType declarationContext)
          Constructs a method member.
CSourceMethod(MemberAccess access, String ident, CType returnType, CSpecializedType[] paramTypes, CClassType[] exceptions, CTypeVariable[] typevariables, boolean deprecated, JBlock body, CContextType declarationContext, JMethodDeclaration declarationASTNode)
          Constructs a representation of the method as read from the source file including the type signature and the method body
FunctionalTestSuite(String name)
FunctionalTestSuite.TestCase(String name)
FunctionalTestSuite.TestCase.CompilationResults(boolean success, String errorOut, String stdOut)
FunctionalTestSuite.TestCase.RuntimeResults(boolean success, Throwable excep, String errorOut, String stdOut)
FunctionalTestSuite.TestCase.CodeGenResults(boolean success, String errorOut, String stdOut)
FunctionalTestSuite.TestCase.Processor(String[] cmd, String[] env)
TestParsingController(String name)
CClass(Main compiler, MemberAccess access, File sourceFile, String ident, String qualifiedName, CClassType superClass, boolean deprecated)
          Constructs a class signature.
CSourceClass(Main compiler, MemberAccess access, TokenReference where, String ident, String qualifiedName, CTypeVariable[] typevariables, boolean isAnonymous, boolean isMember, boolean deprecated)
          Constructs a class export from source
JMethodCallExpression(TokenReference where, JExpression prefix, String ident, JExpression[] args)
          Constructs a method call node of an AST.
JMethodCallExpression(TokenReference where, JExpression prefix, String ident, JExpression[] args, boolean doSetContext)
          Constructs a method call node of an AST.
JLocalVariable(TokenReference where, long modifiers, int desc, CType type, String name, JExpression expr)
          Constructs a local variable definition AST node.
JFormalParameter(TokenReference where, long modifiers, int desc, CSpecializedType type, String ident)
          Constructs a formal parameter node in the parsing tree.
JFormalParameter(TokenReference where, int desc, CSpecializedType type, String ident, boolean isFinal)
          Constructs a formal parameter node in the parsing tree.
JGeneratedLocalVariable(TokenReference where, long modifiers, CType type, String name, JExpression value)
          Constructs a local variable definition
JTypeDeclaration(TokenReference where, long modifiers, String ident, CTypeVariable[] typevariables, CClassType[] interfaces, ArrayList methods, ArrayList inners, JPhylum[] fieldsAndInits, JavadocComment javadoc, JavaStyleComment[] comments)
          Constructs a type declaration in the parsing tree.
JMethodDeclaration(TokenReference where, long modifiers, CTypeVariable[] typevariables, CType returnType, String ident, JFormalParameter[] parameters, CClassType[] exceptions, JBlock body, JavadocComment javadoc, JavaStyleComment[] comments)
          Construct a node in the parsing tree This method is directly called by the parser
JVariableDefinition(TokenReference where, long modifiers, CType type, String ident, JExpression initializer)
          Construct a node in the parsing tree.
CField(MemberAccess access, String ident, CType type, boolean deprecated)
          Constructs a field export
CSourceField(MemberAccess access, String ident, CType type, boolean deprecated)
          Constructs a field export
JPackageName(TokenReference where, String name, JavaStyleComment[] comments)
          construct a package name
CTypeVariable(String name, CClassType[] bounds)
MJTopLevelMethodDeclaration(TokenReference where, long modifiers, CTypeVariable[] typevariables, CType returnType, CType openClassType, String ident, JFormalParameter[] parameters, CClassType[] exceptions, JBlock body, JavadocComment javadoc, JavaStyleComment[] comments)
          This class represents a MultiJava external method in the syntax tree Construct a node in the parsing tree This method is directly called by the parser
JLabeledStatement(TokenReference where, String label, JStatement stmt, JavaStyleComment[] comments)
          Construct a node in the parsing tree.
JBreakStatement(TokenReference where, String label, JavaStyleComment[] comments)
          Construct a node in the parsing tree.
JContinueStatement(TokenReference where, String label, JavaStyleComment[] comments)
          Construct a node in the parsing tree.
CCompilationUnit(String packageName)
          Constructs a minimal compilation unit context for hosting CBinaryClasses.
TestMjcParser(String name)
TestMjcParser(String name, ModifierUtility modUtil)
JInterfaceDeclaration(TokenReference where, long modifiers, String ident, CTypeVariable[] typevariables, CClassType[] interfaces, ArrayList methods, ArrayList inners, JPhylum[] fieldsAndInits, JavadocComment javadoc, JavaStyleComment[] comments)
          Constructs an interface declaration in the parsing tree.
MjcCommonOptions(String name)
Main.ExpectedResult(String qualifiedName)
JClassFieldExpression(TokenReference where, JExpression prefix, String ident, JNameExpression sourceName)
          Construct a node in the parsing tree.
JClassFieldExpression(TokenReference where, String ident, JNameExpression sourceName)
          Construct a node in the parsing tree.
JClassFieldExpression(TokenReference where, JExpression prefix, String ident)
          Construct a node in the parsing tree.
JClassFieldExpression(TokenReference where, String ident)
          Construct a node in the parsing tree.
JClassDeclaration(TokenReference where, long modifiers, String ident, CTypeVariable[] typevariables, CClassType superType, CClassType[] interfaces, ArrayList methods, ArrayList inners, JPhylum[] fieldsAndInits, JavadocComment javadoc, JavaStyleComment[] comment)
          Constructs a class declaration in the parsing tree.
MJGenericFunctionDecl(TokenReference where, long modifiers, String ident, MJTopLevelMethodDeclaration[] methods)
          Constructs a generic function anchor declaration in the parsing tree.
JConstructorDeclaration(TokenReference where, long modifiers, String ident, JFormalParameter[] parameters, CClassType[] exceptions, JConstructorBlock body, JavadocComment javadoc, JavaStyleComment[] comments)
          Construct a node in the parsing tree This method is directly called by the parser
JConstructorDeclaration(TokenReference where, long modifiers, String ident)
          Constructs an AST node for a default constructor
JConstructorDeclaration(TokenReference where, long modifiers, String ident, JFormalParameter[] parameters, CClassType[] exceptions, JConstructorBlock body)
          Constructs an AST node for a compiler-generated constructor.
JTypeNameExpression(TokenReference where, String qualifiedName, CUniverse univ, JNameExpression sourceName)
          Constructs a node in the parsing tree.
JNameExpression(TokenReference where, String ident)
          Constructs a node in the parsing tree.
JNameExpression(TokenReference where, String ident, CUniverse univ)
          Constructs a node in the parsing tree.
JNameExpression(TokenReference where, JExpression prefix, String ident)
          Constructs a node in the parsing tree.
JNameExpression(TokenReference where, JExpression prefix, String ident, CUniverse univ)
          Constructs a node in the parsing tree.
MJWarnExpression(TokenReference where, String operatorName, JExpression operand, boolean enable_safe_math)
          Construct a node in the parsing tree.
MJWarnExpression(TokenReference where, String operatorName, JExpression operand, boolean enable_safe_math, boolean scope_is_one_op)
          Construct a node in the parsing tree.
MJMathModeExpression(TokenReference where, String operatorName, JExpression operand, byte mode)
          Construct a node in the parsing tree.
JOrdinalLiteral(TokenReference where, String image)
          Construct a node in the parsing tree
JCharLiteral(TokenReference where, String image)
          Construct a node in the parsing tree
JRealLiteral(TokenReference where, String image)
          Construct a node in the parsing tree
JStringLiteral(TokenReference where, String image)
          Construct a node in the parsing tree
JStringLiteral(TokenReference where, String image, boolean escaped)
          Construct a node in the parsing tree
JPackageImport(TokenReference where, String name, JavaStyleComment[] comments)
JClassOrGFImport(TokenReference where, String name, JavaStyleComment[] comments)
          Constructs an AST node for a class or external member import statement.
JExplicitConstructorInvocation(TokenReference where, JExpression prefix, String ident, JExpression[] args)
          Construct a node in the parsing tree.
JExplicitConstructorInvocation(TokenReference where, String ident, JExpression[] args)
          Construct an AST node for an explicit constructor invocation.
CClassNameType(String maybeQualifiedName)
          Construct a class type.
CClassNameType(String maybeQualifiedName, CUniverse univ, CClassType[][] arguments)
          Construct a class type.
CClassFQNameType(String fullyQualifiedName)
          Construct a class type.
CClassFQNameType(String fullyQualifiedName, CUniverse univ, CClassType[][] arguments)
CModifier(long[] codes, String[] names)
          Instantiate the modifier utilities for the given modifier bit-masks and names.
MjcPrettyPrinter(String fileName, ModifierUtility modUtil)
          construct a pretty printer object for java code
CSourceRedirectorMethod(CClass owner, CMemberHost host, long modifiers, String ident, CType returnType, CSpecializedType[] paramTypes, CClassType[] exceptions, boolean deprecated, JBlock body, CContextType declarationContext)
          Constructs a redirector method.
MjcGUI.MjcGUIFileFilter(String suffix)
MjcGUI.MjcCompilation(String[] files, MjcOptions options, OutputStream os)
MjcOptions(String name)
CSourceGFCollection(Main compiler, CClass owner, CMemberHost host, TokenReference where, long modifiers, String ident, String qualifiedName, boolean isAnonymous, boolean isMember, boolean deprecated, CMethod[] tlMethods)
CMethodNotFoundError(TokenReference where, String name, CType[] types, boolean isConstr)
TestJTypeDeclaration(String name)
MJTopLevelAbstractMethodDeclaration(TokenReference where, long modifiers, CType returnType, CType openClassType, String ident, JFormalParameter[] parameters, CClassType[] exceptions, JBlock body, JavadocComment javadoc, JavaStyleComment[] comments)
          This class represents an abstract MultiJava external method in the syntax tree.
Main.ExpectedType(String qualifiedName)
Main.ExpectedGF(String qualifiedName)
CTypeVariableAlias(String name)
TestCContext(String name)
CBadClass(String qualifiedName)
          Constructs a class export from file
CCaptureType(String name, CClassType[] upperBounds, CClassType lowerBound)
          Private constructor.
TestMain_CodeGen(String name)
ParsingController.ConfigurationException(String msg)
ParsingController.KeyException(String msg)
TestMain_TransCompile(String name)
CMethodInfo(short modifiers, String name, String type, String genericsignature, String[] exceptions, CSourceMethod method, boolean deprecated, boolean synthetic)
          Constructs a method entry.
CMethodInfo(short modifiers, String name, String type, String genericsignature, String[] exceptions, CodeInfo code, boolean deprecated, boolean synthetic)
          Constructs a new instance.
TestMain_Typecheck(String name)
TestMain_Runtime(String name)

Uses of String in org.multijava.mjdoc

Fields in org.multijava.mjdoc declared as String
private  String JavadocOptions.bootclasspath
private  String JavadocOptions.bottom
private  String JavadocOptions.charset
private  String JavadocOptions.docencoding
private  String JavadocOptions.doclet
private  String JavadocOptions.docletpath
private  String JavadocOptions.doctitle
private  String JavadocOptions.encoding
private  String JavadocOptions.exclude
private  String JavadocOptions.excludedocfilessubdir
private  String JavadocOptions.extdirs
private  String JavadocOptions.footer
private  String[][]
private  String JavadocOptions.header
private  String JavadocOptions.helpfile
private  String JavadocOptions.J
private  String[][]
private  String[][] JavadocOptions.linkoffline
private  String JavadocOptions.locale
private  String JavadocOptions.noqualifier
private  String JavadocOptions.overview
private  String JavadocOptions.stylesheetfile
private  String JavadocOptions.subpackages
private  String[][] JavadocOptions.tag
private  String JavadocOptions.taglet
private  String JavadocOptions.tagletpath
private  String JavadocOptions.windowtitle
private  String MjdocOptions.fcns
private  String MjdocOptions.filter

Methods in org.multijava.mjdoc that return String
abstract  String JavadocOptionsInterface.bootclasspath()
abstract  String JavadocOptionsInterface.bottom()
abstract  String JavadocOptionsInterface.charset()
abstract  String JavadocOptionsInterface.docencoding()
abstract  String JavadocOptionsInterface.doclet()
abstract  String JavadocOptionsInterface.docletpath()
abstract  String JavadocOptionsInterface.doctitle()
abstract  String JavadocOptionsInterface.encoding()
abstract  String JavadocOptionsInterface.exclude()
abstract  String JavadocOptionsInterface.excludedocfilessubdir()
abstract  String JavadocOptionsInterface.extdirs()
abstract  String JavadocOptionsInterface.footer()
abstract  String[][]
abstract  String JavadocOptionsInterface.header()
abstract  String JavadocOptionsInterface.helpfile()
abstract  String JavadocOptionsInterface.J()
abstract  String[][]
abstract  String[][] JavadocOptionsInterface.linkoffline()
abstract  String JavadocOptionsInterface.locale()
abstract  String JavadocOptionsInterface.noqualifier()
abstract  String JavadocOptionsInterface.overview()
abstract  String JavadocOptionsInterface.stylesheetfile()
abstract  String JavadocOptionsInterface.subpackages()
abstract  String[][] JavadocOptionsInterface.tag()
abstract  String JavadocOptionsInterface.taglet()
abstract  String JavadocOptionsInterface.tagletpath()
abstract  String JavadocOptionsInterface.windowtitle()
 String JavadocOptions.bootclasspath()
 String JavadocOptions.set_bootclasspath(String bootclasspath)
 String JavadocOptions.bottom()
 String JavadocOptions.set_bottom(String bottom)
 String JavadocOptions.charset()
 String JavadocOptions.set_charset(String charset)
 String JavadocOptions.docencoding()
 String JavadocOptions.set_docencoding(String docencoding)
 String JavadocOptions.doclet()
 String JavadocOptions.set_doclet(String doclet)
 String JavadocOptions.docletpath()
 String JavadocOptions.set_docletpath(String docletpath)
 String JavadocOptions.doctitle()
 String JavadocOptions.set_doctitle(String doctitle)
 String JavadocOptions.encoding()
 String JavadocOptions.set_encoding(String encoding)
 String JavadocOptions.exclude()
 String JavadocOptions.set_exclude(String exclude)
 String JavadocOptions.excludedocfilessubdir()
 String JavadocOptions.set_excludedocfilessubdir(String excludedocfilessubdir)
 String JavadocOptions.extdirs()
 String JavadocOptions.set_extdirs(String extdirs)
 String JavadocOptions.footer()
 String JavadocOptions.set_footer(String footer)
 String[][] JavadocOptions.set_group(String[][] group)
 String JavadocOptions.header()
 String JavadocOptions.set_header(String header)
 String JavadocOptions.helpfile()
 String JavadocOptions.set_helpfile(String helpfile)
 String JavadocOptions.J()
 String JavadocOptions.set_J(String J)
 String[][] JavadocOptions.set_link(String[][] link)
 String[][] JavadocOptions.linkoffline()
 String[][] JavadocOptions.set_linkoffline(String[][] linkoffline)
 String JavadocOptions.locale()
 String JavadocOptions.set_locale(String locale)
 String JavadocOptions.noqualifier()
 String JavadocOptions.set_noqualifier(String noqualifier)
 String JavadocOptions.overview()
 String JavadocOptions.set_overview(String overview)
 String JavadocOptions.stylesheetfile()
 String JavadocOptions.set_stylesheetfile(String stylesheetfile)
 String JavadocOptions.subpackages()
 String JavadocOptions.set_subpackages(String subpackages)
 String[][] JavadocOptions.tag()
 String[][] JavadocOptions.set_tag(String[][] tag)
 String JavadocOptions.taglet()
 String JavadocOptions.set_taglet(String taglet)
 String JavadocOptions.tagletpath()
 String JavadocOptions.set_tagletpath(String tagletpath)
 String JavadocOptions.windowtitle()
 String JavadocOptions.set_windowtitle(String windowtitle)
 String JavadocOptions.getShortOptions()
 String MjdocOptions.fcns()
 String MjdocOptions.set_fcns(String fcns)
 String MjdocOptions.filter()
 String MjdocOptions.set_filter(String filter)
 String MjdocOptions.getShortOptions()

Methods in org.multijava.mjdoc with parameters of type String
abstract  boolean JavadocOptionsInterface.setOption(String name, Object newValue)
static void BootClassPath.main(String[] args)
static void ToolsVersion.main(String[] args)
static void MjdocGUI.main(String[] args)
static void MjdocGUI.init(String[] args, boolean standAlone)
static void Main.main(String[] args)
static boolean Main.compile(String[] args)
 String JavadocOptions.set_bootclasspath(String bootclasspath)
 String JavadocOptions.set_bottom(String bottom)
 String JavadocOptions.set_charset(String charset)
 String JavadocOptions.set_docencoding(String docencoding)
 String JavadocOptions.set_doclet(String doclet)
 String JavadocOptions.set_docletpath(String docletpath)
 String JavadocOptions.set_doctitle(String doctitle)
 String JavadocOptions.set_encoding(String encoding)
 String JavadocOptions.set_exclude(String exclude)
 String JavadocOptions.set_excludedocfilessubdir(String excludedocfilessubdir)
 String JavadocOptions.set_extdirs(String extdirs)
 String JavadocOptions.set_footer(String footer)
 String[][] JavadocOptions.set_group(String[][] group)
 String JavadocOptions.set_header(String header)
 String JavadocOptions.set_helpfile(String helpfile)
 String JavadocOptions.set_J(String J)
 String[][] JavadocOptions.set_link(String[][] link)
 String[][] JavadocOptions.set_linkoffline(String[][] linkoffline)
 String JavadocOptions.set_locale(String locale)
 String JavadocOptions.set_noqualifier(String noqualifier)
 String JavadocOptions.set_overview(String overview)
 String JavadocOptions.set_stylesheetfile(String stylesheetfile)
 String JavadocOptions.set_subpackages(String subpackages)
 String[][] JavadocOptions.set_tag(String[][] tag)
 String JavadocOptions.set_taglet(String taglet)
 String JavadocOptions.set_tagletpath(String tagletpath)
 String JavadocOptions.set_windowtitle(String windowtitle)
 boolean JavadocOptions.setOption(String name, Object newValue)
 String MjdocOptions.set_fcns(String fcns)
 String MjdocOptions.set_filter(String filter)
 boolean MjdocOptions.setOption(String name, Object newValue)

Constructors in org.multijava.mjdoc with parameters of type String
JavadocOptions(String name)
MjdocOptions(String name)

Uses of String in org.multijava.mjdoc.mjdoc_142

Fields in org.multijava.mjdoc.mjdoc_142 declared as String
private  String MjClassDoc.className
          Holds the identifier of the class.
private static String MjdocWrapper.docletname
          The name of a doclet, as specified in the options.
private static String MjdocWrapper.docletpath
          The path in which to search for the doclet, if specified in the options.
private static String MjdocWrapper.classpath
          The classpath specified by the -classpath option
private static String MjdocWrapper.sourcepath
          The sourcepath specified by the -sourcepath option
private static String MjdocWrapper.appName
protected  String MjTagParser.rawComment
          A holder for the raw javadoc comment.
protected  String MjTagParser.commentText
          The description portion of the javadoc comment (but ordinarily use the parsed version as contained in inlineTags).
(package private)  String MjdocGUI.MjdocGUIFileFilter.suffix
private  String[] MjdocGUI.MjdocCompilation.files
private  String MjExecutableMemberDoc.cachedSignature
          Caches the signature (with fully-qualified type names in the parameters) of this member.
private  String MjExecutableMemberDoc.cachedFlatSignature
          Caches the signature (with non-qualified type names in the parameters) of this member.
private  String MjTag.text
          The raw, unparsed text of the tag.
private  String
          The name of the tag.
static String MjParamTag.KIND
          A constant defining the 'kind' of this tag.
private  String MjParamTag.parameterName
          A holder for the name of the parameter begin documented.
private  String MjParamTag.comment
          The description associated with the parameter (but you normally should use the sequence of tags provided by inlineTags() ).
private  String MjPackageDoc.packageName
          Holder for the String name of the package ('.' separated).
private  String MjPackageDoc.location
          The location in the file system of the package root.
private  String
          The formal variable identifier.
private  String MjParameter.modString
private static String MjType.brackets
          A constant String that is used to print pairs of brackets.
private  String[][] MjRootDoc.opt
          Holds a representation of the command-line options relevant to html generation.
static String MjThrowsTag.KIND
          A constant defining the 'kind' of this tag, as defined for Tag.
static String MjThrowsTag.KIND2
          An alternate tagname, a synonym for 'throws'.
private  String MjThrowsTag.tagname
          A holder for the name of the tag (@throws or @exception).
private  String
          A holder for the name of the class of the exception.
private  String MjThrowsTag.comment
          A holder for the text of the description (but ordinarily you will want to use the sequence of tags provided by inlineTags() ).
static String MjTextTag.KIND
          A constant to hold the string that defines the 'kind' of this tag.
static String MjSeeTag.KIND
          A constant that is the value of 'kind' for this tag.
private  String MjSeeTag.label
          Holder for the value of the label.
private  String MjSeeTag.prefix
          Holder for the string in the tag that indicates the class or package.
private  String MjSeeTag.memberName
          Holder for the string in the tag that indicates the member, if any.

Methods in org.multijava.mjdoc.mjdoc_142 that return String
protected  String Main.getWarningFilterNameFromOptions(MjcCommonOptions opts)
          Get the warning filter's class name from the options structure.
 String MjDoc.commentText()
          Returns the descriptive section of the javadoc comment as unparsed text.
protected  String MjDoc.compareString()
          This generates the String representation used by compareTo.
 String MjDoc.getRawCommentText()
          Returns the full unparsed javadoc comment (as set by setRawCommentText).
abstract  String
          Returns the name of the item, as interpreted by derived classes.
abstract  String
          Returns the identifer of this program element, as interpreted by derived classes.
 String MjProgramElementDoc.modifiers()
          This lists the modifiers of the program element as a String, with spaces separating modifiers.
abstract  String MjProgramElementDoc.qualifiedName()
          Returns the qualified name (package + containing classes + program element identifier) of the program element.
          Returns the name of the class, with any enclosing classes prefixed, and with '.' as separator; no package name is prefixed.
 String MjClassDoc.typeName()
          Returns the name of the class, with any enclosing classes prefixed, and with '.' as separator; no package name is prefixed.
 String MjClassDoc.qualifiedTypeName()
          Returns the name of the class, with the package name and any enclosing classes prefixed, and with '.' as separator.
 String MjClassDoc.qualifiedName()
          Returns the name of the class, with the package name and any enclosing classes prefixed, and with '.' as separator.
 String MjClassDoc.toString()
          Returns the same thing as qualifiedTypeName().
 String MjClassDoc.dimension()
          Returns an empty string since a ClassDoc is not an array.
protected  String MjClassDoc.compareString()
          This generates the String representation used by compareTo.
static String MjdocWrapper.appName()
private static String[] MjdocWrapper.formArray(String[] args, int i, int n)
          This is a helper method that creates a String[] of length n containing the elements args[i] .. args[i+n-1].
 String[] MjdocWrapper.setOptions(String[] args, MjcCommonOptions options)
          This routine parses the command-line options provided in 'args', recognizing any javadoc-related options and their arguments.
static String MjdocWrapper.readFile(File f)
          Reads a text file into a String.
 String MjdocClassWriter.getEMLink(MjMethodDoc cd, String where, String label, boolean bold, String color)
          This is used to generate a link to the file that contains the description of a external method unit.
 String MjdocClassWriter.getGFLink(MjMethodDoc cd, String where, String label, boolean bold, String color)
protected  String MjTagParser.firstSentence(String comment)
          Returns the summary sentence of the comment text.
 String MjTagParser.commentText()
          An accessor providing the unparsed text of the descriptive section of the javadoc comment.
 String MjTagParser.getRawCommentText()
          An accessor providing the unparsed text of the full javadoc comment, as supplied to the constructor.
protected  String MjdocGUI.getClasspath(Options opt)
protected  String MjdocGUI.getSourcepath(Options opt)
protected  String MjdocGUI.getWebpageName()
protected  String MjdocGUI.getWebpageLocation()
 String MjdocGUI.AllFilesGUIFileFilter.getDescription()
 String MjdocGUI.MjdocGUIFileFilter.getDescription()
 String MjdocMethodWriter.getGFLink(MjMethodDoc cd, String where, String label, boolean bold, String color)
          This is used to generate a link to the file that contains the description of a generic function.
(package private) static String MjdocMethodWriter.methodFilename(MjMethodDoc m)
          This generates the filename (not the directory part) for the html file that holds the decription of the given top method.
 String MjdocGFWriter.getGFLink(MjMethodDoc cd, String where, String label, boolean bold, String color)
          This is used to generate a link to the file that contains the description of a generic function.
(package private) static String MjdocGFWriter.methodFilename(MjMethodDoc m)
          This generates the filename (not the directory part) for the html file that holds the decription of the given top method.
 String MjExecutableMemberDoc.flatSignature()
          Returns the signature of the method, from ( to ), with a space after each comma, including dimensions and containing types, but no package names.
 String MjExecutableMemberDoc.parameterSignature()
          Returns the signature of the method, from ( to ), with a space after each comma, including parameter names, dimensions and containing types, but no package names.
 String MjExecutableMemberDoc.signature()
          Returns the signature of the method, from ( to ), with a space after each comma, with dimensions and fully qualified type names (i.e. including package names).
 String MjExecutableMemberDoc.qualifiedName()
          Returns the fully qualified name (package + enclosing classes + class + method name) of the method.
abstract  String
          Returns the identifier of the method, without package or enclosing classes.
protected  String MjExecutableMemberDoc.compareString()
          Returns a String representation, used for ordering.
 String MjExecutableMemberDoc.toString()
          Returns a String representation, matches javadoc.
          Returns the identifier of the method, without package or enclosing classes.
 String MjMethodDoc.qualifiedName()
          Returns the fully-qualified identifier of the method.
protected  String MjMethodDoc.compareString()
          Returns a String representation, used for ordering.
 String MjMethodDoc.location()
 String MjMethodDoc.gfFileName()
          Cached value of the local top method that this method overrides.
abstract  String MjTag.kind()
          This method must be overridden by derived classes to return the 'kind' of the tag.
          Accessor method to return the name of the tag.
 String MjTag.text()
          Accessor method to return the unparsed text of tag.
 String MjTag.toString()
          Makes a String representation of the tag.
 String MjParamTag.parameterComment()
          Accessor for the unprocessed comment (normally you would use inlineTags() ).
 String MjParamTag.parameterName()
          Accessor for the name of the paramater being documented.
 String MjParamTag.kind()
          Returns the 'kind' of the parameter as required by the Tag interface.
 String MjdocPackageWriter.getGFLink(MjMethodDoc cd, String where, String label, boolean bold, String color)
 String MjPackageDoc.location()
          Returns the location of the root of the package.
          Returns the '.'
 String MjPackageDoc.prefix()
          Returns the prefix to be appended on the front of a type name to make a fully-qualified name.
 String MjPackageDoc.toString()
          Returns the '.'
protected  String MjPackageDoc.compareString()
          This generates the String representation used by compareTo.
          Returns the name of the compilation unit; no package name is prefixed.
 String MjExtMethodsDoc.qualifiedName()
          Returns the name of the compilation unit, with the package name prefixed, and with '.' as separator.
 String MjExtMethodsDoc.toString()
          Returns the same thing as qualifiedName().
protected  String MjExtMethodsDoc.compareString()
          This generates the String representation used by compareTo.
          Returns the identifier of the formal parameter.
 String MjParameter.toString()
          Returns the fully-qualified type name, with dimensions, followed by a space and the formal identifier.
 String MjParameter.modString()
          Returns any special modifiers of the parameter as a String.
 String MjParameter.typeName()
          Returns the fully-qualified type name, with dimension information.
 String MjType.typeName()
          Returns the name of the type, including containing classes, but without package name, and without the dimension information, all separated by '.'.
 String MjType.qualifiedTypeName()
          Returns the name of the type, including containing classes and its package name, and without the dimension information, all separated by '
 String MjType.toString()
          Returns the fully-qualified type name, including dimension information.
 String MjType.dimension()
          Returns the dimension information, either as a zero-length string or as a String containing pairs of brackets like "[]".
(package private) static String MjType.name_noq_nodim(CType t)
          Returns the type name without the package and without dimensions.
(package private) static String MjType.name_noq_dim(CType t)
          Returns the type name without the package but with dimensions.
private static String MjType.name_nested(CClass c)
          Returns just the class name, with any enclosing classes - no dimensions, no package.
 String MjdocEMWriter.getEMLink(MjExtMethodsDoc cd, String where, String label, boolean bold, String color)
          This is used to generate a link to the file that contains the description of a external method unit.
(package private) static String MjdocEMWriter.methodFilename(MjExtMethodsDoc m, boolean nameOnly)
          This generates the filename (not the directory part) for the html file that holds the decription of the given top method.
 String[][] MjRootDoc.options()
          Returns the cached option structure, as provided to the constructor.
          Required by the Doc interface, but not normally called.
 String MjRootDoc.toString()
          Conventional toString value, matches javadoc behavior.
 String MjThrowsTag.kind()
          Returns the 'kind' of this tag, as required by the Tag interface.
          Returns the actual name (@throws or @exception) used for the tag.
 String MjThrowsTag.exceptionComment()
          Returns the unparsed comment text; ordinarily you will want to use the inlineTags() .
 String MjThrowsTag.exceptionName()
          Returns the fully-qualified class name of the exception given in the javadoc comment.
          Returns the name of the class (i.e. the constructor identifier) along with any enclosing class names, but without the package name. // !
 String MjConstructorDoc.toString()
          Returns the name of the class (i.e. the constructor identifier) along with any enclosing class names, but without the package name.
protected  String MjConstructorDoc.compareString()
          Returns a String representation, used for ordering.
 String MjTextTag.kind()
          Returns the 'kind' of this tag as required by the Tag interface.
          The (non-qualified), simple identifier for the field.
 String MjFieldDoc.toString()
          The (non-qualified), simple identifier for the field.
protected  String MjFieldDoc.compareString()
          Returns a String representation, used for ordering.
 String MjFieldDoc.qualifiedName()
          The fully-qualified name of the field.
 String MjFieldDoc.constantValueExpression()
          Get the value of a constant field.
protected static String Utils.getCUniverseString(com.sun.javadoc.Type type)
          Try to get a string representation of the universe modifiers from the supplied Type reference.
 String MjSeeTag.kind()
          An accessor that returns the 'kind' of this tag, as required by the Tag interface.
 String MjSeeTag.label()
          Returns the label part of the tag, if any.
 String MjSeeTag.referencedClassName()
          Returns the fully-qualified name of the class or package referenced in the tag.
 String MjSeeTag.referencedMemberName()
          Returns the name of the member and signature as written in the tag.
static String[] MjSeeTag.parseArgs(String mem)
          Parses an argument string of a see or link tag into the individual strings giving the text of the argument type; returns an array of String; no lookup of types from the strings is performed.
 String MjGenericTag.kind()
          Implements the abstract method to return the tag name for this tag.
 String MjSourcePosition.toString()
          Convert the source position to the form "Filename:line".

Methods in org.multijava.mjdoc.mjdoc_142 with parameters of type String
static void Main.main(String[] args)
          The entry point when starting this program from the command line.
static boolean Main.compile(String[] args)
          Second entry point.
 boolean Main.runParser(String[] args, MjcCommonOptions opt, ArrayList infiles)
          Runs the argument parser only so the GUI can process options from the command line
static boolean Main.compile(String[] args, MjdocOptions opt, OutputStream os)
          Entry point for the GUI
 boolean Main.parseArguments(String[] args, ArrayList infiles)
          Parses the argument list.
protected  void Main.addRecursivePackages(String packageName, File dir, ArrayList dirs)
          This adds all subdirectories (recursively) as packages to be processed.
 void MjDoc.setRawCommentText(String rawDocumentation)
 void MjDoc.setRawCommentText(String rawDocumentation, TokenReference tok)
 void MjDoc.setRawCommentText(String rawDocumentation, com.sun.javadoc.SourcePosition sp)
 com.sun.javadoc.Tag[] MjDoc.tags(String tagkind)
          Returns the sequence of tags representing all the tags with the given 'kind' in the tag section of the javadoc comment as set in setRawCommentText.
 com.sun.javadoc.Tag[] MjDoc.tags(String tagkind, com.sun.javadoc.Tag[] type)
          Returns the sequence of tags representing all the tags with the given 'kind' in the tag section of the javadoc comment as set in setRawCommentText.
protected  void MjDoc.notImplemented(String s)
          This is called by derived classes in methods that are not implemented or are not expected to be called.
 com.sun.javadoc.ClassDoc MjClassDoc.findClass(String className)
          NOT IMPLEMENTED - findClass
 boolean MjClassDoc.subclassOf(String qualifiedName)
          Returns true if 'this' represents a class that is a subclass of the argument.
static void MjdocStandard.copyDocFiles( configuration, String srcDirName, String path, boolean overwrite)
static void MjdocWrapper.setDoclet(String n)
          Sets the doclet to run
static void MjdocWrapper.setAppName(String n)
private static String[] MjdocWrapper.formArray(String[] args, int i, int n)
          This is a helper method that creates a String[] of length n containing the elements args[i] .. args[i+n-1].
private static int MjdocWrapper.optionLength(String s)
          This function returns the number of arguments that follow a given option (+1 for the option itself) in the command-line.
 String[] MjdocWrapper.setOptions(String[] args, MjcCommonOptions options)
          This routine parses the command-line options provided in 'args', recognizing any javadoc-related options and their arguments.
private  void MjdocWrapper.parseArguments(String[] args, MjcCommonOptions options, ArrayList remainingArgs)
          Parse the Javadoc options into the options structure
(package private) static void MjdocWrapper.setDocComment(MjDoc doc, MjcCommonOptions opts, String pathlist)
          Sets the overview doc comment using the overview option in 'opts' .
private static File MjdocWrapper.findFile(String dirlist, String filename)
          Searches for the given file in some component of the given pathlist, returning a corresponding File object if found or null if not found.
 void MjdocClassWriter.printHtmlHeader(String title, String[] metakeywords)
          Print the html file header.
 void MjdocClassWriter.printHeader(String title, String metakeywords)
 void MjdocClassWriter.printScript(String title)
 String MjdocClassWriter.getEMLink(MjMethodDoc cd, String where, String label, boolean bold, String color)
          This is used to generate a link to the file that contains the description of a external method unit.
 String MjdocClassWriter.getGFLink(MjMethodDoc cd, String where, String label, boolean bold, String color)
protected  void MjdocMethodSubWriter.printTypedName(com.sun.javadoc.Type type, String name)
protected  String MjTagParser.firstSentence(String comment)
          Returns the summary sentence of the comment text.
 com.sun.javadoc.Tag[] MjTagParser.tags(String tagkind)
          An accessor providing the tags making up the tag section of the javadoc comment.
 com.sun.javadoc.Tag[] MjTagParser.tags(String tagkind, com.sun.javadoc.Tag[] type)
          An helper method providing the tags making up the tag section of the javadoc comment that are of the given 'kind'.
static void MjdocGUI.main(String[] args)
static MjdocGUI MjdocGUI.init(String[] args, boolean standAlone)
protected  boolean MjdocGUI.dirInClassPath(Options opt, String dir)
protected  org.multijava.util.gui.GUI.Compilation MjdocGUI.createCompilationInstance(String[] files, Options opt, OutputStream os)
 boolean MjdocGUI.AllFilesGUIFileFilter.hasActiveSuffix(String name)
 boolean MjdocGUI.MjdocGUIFileFilter.hasActiveSuffix(String name)
 String MjdocMethodWriter.getGFLink(MjMethodDoc cd, String where, String label, boolean bold, String color)
          This is used to generate a link to the file that contains the description of a generic function.
 String MjdocGFWriter.getGFLink(MjMethodDoc cd, String where, String label, boolean bold, String color)
          This is used to generate a link to the file that contains the description of a generic function.
(package private) static MjTag MjTag.create(com.sun.javadoc.Doc owner, String rawText, com.sun.javadoc.SourcePosition pos)
          This static method parses the text from a javadoc comment tag to create the correct derived class instance of tag; the argument must begin with whitespace and an '@' symbol representing the start of the tag.
 com.sun.javadoc.Tag[] MjTag.inlineTags(String description, com.sun.javadoc.SourcePosition pos)
          This helper method is used by some derived classes to convert raw, unparsed javadoc comment text into a sequence of tags (text and inline tags such as link tags), as must be assigned to the 'tags' protected variable and is returned by the inlineTags() method.
 MjClassDoc MjTag.resolveReference(String name)
          This is used by tags to resolve references to classes as they are given in tags (such as @see, @link, @throws, @exception tags).
 void MjdocPackageWriter.printHeader(String title)
          Print the html file header.
 String MjdocPackageWriter.getGFLink(MjMethodDoc cd, String where, String label, boolean bold, String color)
static MjPackageDoc MjPackageDoc.findPackage(String p)
          Finds an MjPackageDoc from its '/'-separated and terminated name, or returns null if none has yet been created.
static MjPackageDoc MjPackageDoc.createPackage(String s)
          Returns the MjPackageDoc object for the given '/'-separated and terminated name, creating a new one if none currently exists.
 com.sun.javadoc.ClassDoc MjPackageDoc.findClass(String s)
          Returns the class or interface in this package given the class name ('.'
 String MjdocEMWriter.getEMLink(MjExtMethodsDoc cd, String where, String label, boolean bold, String color)
          This is used to generate a link to the file that contains the description of a external method unit.
 com.sun.javadoc.ClassDoc MjRootDoc.classNamed(String qualifiedName)
          Returns the class or interface with a specific fully-qualified name, null if it is not known.
 com.sun.javadoc.PackageDoc MjRootDoc.packageNamed(String name)
          Returns the package with a specific name, null if it is not known.
 void MjRootDoc.printError(String s)
          This method prints an error to diagnostic output.
 void MjRootDoc.printError(com.sun.javadoc.SourcePosition pos, String s)
          This method prints an error to diagnostic output.
 void MjRootDoc.printWarning(String s)
          This method prints an warning to diagnostic output.
 void MjRootDoc.printWarning(com.sun.javadoc.SourcePosition pos, String s)
          This method prints a warning to diagnostic output.
 void MjRootDoc.printNotice(String s)
          This method prints an notice to normal output.
 void MjRootDoc.printNotice(com.sun.javadoc.SourcePosition pos, String s)
          This method prints an notice to normal output.
protected  void MjdocPackageFrameWriter.generateGFListing(String label)
          Generate specific class kind listing.
 void MjdocPackageFrameWriter.printHeader(String title)
          Print the html file header.
 void MjdocAllClassesFrameWriter.printHeader(String title, String metakeywords)
          Print the html file header.
static String[] MjSeeTag.parseArgs(String mem)
          Parses an argument string of a see or link tag into the individual strings giving the text of the argument type; returns an array of String; no lookup of types from the strings is performed.

Constructors in org.multijava.mjdoc.mjdoc_142 with parameters of type String
MjdocClassWriter( configuration, String path, String filename, com.sun.javadoc.ClassDoc classdoc, com.sun.javadoc.ClassDoc prev, com.sun.javadoc.ClassDoc next, classtree, boolean nopackage)
MjTagParser(com.sun.javadoc.Doc owner, String s, com.sun.javadoc.SourcePosition pos)
          This constructor parses the input string into a descriptive portion (retrieved as a sequence of inline tags via the inlineTags() method), and a sequence of tags (retrieved via tags() ).
MjdocGUI.MjdocGUIFileFilter(String suffix)
MjdocGUI.MjdocCompilation(String[] files, MjdocOptions options, OutputStream os)
MjdocMethodWriter( config, String path, String filename, MjDoc methoddoc, MjMethodDoc prev, MjMethodDoc next, ArrayList methods, boolean nopackage)
MjdocGFWriter( configuration, String path, String filename, MjMethodDoc methoddoc, MjMethodDoc prev, MjMethodDoc next, ArrayList methods, boolean nopackage)
MjTag(com.sun.javadoc.Doc owner, String n, String t)
          A constructor for this parent class, which sets the name and unparsed text.
MjTag(com.sun.javadoc.Doc owner, String n, String t, com.sun.javadoc.SourcePosition pos)
MjParamTag(com.sun.javadoc.Doc owner, String t, com.sun.javadoc.SourcePosition pos)
          The constructor for an instance of this class; the argument is the text that follows the '@param' in a javadoc comment; it will be parsed into the parameter name and the sequence of text and inline tags that make up the description.
MjdocPackageWriter( config, String path, String filename, com.sun.javadoc.PackageDoc packagedoc, com.sun.javadoc.PackageDoc prev, com.sun.javadoc.PackageDoc next)
MjPackageDoc(String n)
          Creates a new MjPackageDoc object from its '/' separated and terminated name; you should ordinarily use MjPackageDoc.createPackage(java.lang.String) so that distinct MjPackageDoc objects refer to distinct packages and all the classes for one package are registered in one MjPackageDoc object.
MjParameter(CSpecializedType cst, String name)
          Constructs a javadoc Parameter object from a MJC CSpecializedType object (from a CMethod object) and a formal parameter identifier.
MjdocEMWriter( configuration, String path, String filename, MjExtMethodsDoc methoddoc, MjExtMethodsDoc prev, MjExtMethodsDoc next, ArrayList methods, boolean nopackage)
MjRootDoc(Compiler compiler, String[][] opts)
          Constructs a new RootDoc, innitialized with the relevant command-line options.
MjdocPackageFrameWriter( configuration, String path, String filename, com.sun.javadoc.PackageDoc packagedoc)
          Constructor to construct PackageFrameWriter object and to generate "package-frame.html" file in the respective package directory.
MjThrowsTag(com.sun.javadoc.Doc owner, String tagname, String t, com.sun.javadoc.SourcePosition pos)
          A constructor for the tag object; the argument is the String that follows '@throws'; it will be parsed into an exception name and the inline tags constituting the description.
MjTextTag(com.sun.javadoc.Doc owner, String text, com.sun.javadoc.SourcePosition pos)
          Creates a Tag with the given string as its text (without further parsing).
MjdocAllClassesFrameWriter( configuration, String filename, indexbuilder)
          Construct AllClassesFrameWriter object.
MjSeeTag(com.sun.javadoc.Doc owner, String n, String t, com.sun.javadoc.SourcePosition pos)
          This constructs a tag object, parsing the given text and looking up referenced classes.
MjGenericTag(com.sun.javadoc.Doc owner, String tagname, String description, com.sun.javadoc.SourcePosition pos)
          Constructs a tag object from a tag name and a description text; the text will be parsed into a sequence of inline tags, typically Text and link tags.

Uses of String in org.multijava.relaxed.rmjc

Methods in org.multijava.relaxed.rmjc with parameters of type String
static void Main.main(String[] args)
          Normal entry point
static boolean Main.compile(String[] args)
          Second entry point

Uses of String in org.multijava.relaxed.runtime

Fields in org.multijava.relaxed.runtime declared as String
private  String RMJSignature._kind
private  String RMJSignature._baseAnchorClassName
private  String RMJSignature._dispatcherClassName
private  String RMJSignature._ambigErrorClassName
private  String RMJOperation._opname
private  String RMJOperation._typesString

Methods in org.multijava.relaxed.runtime that return String
protected  String RMJClassLoader.usage()
 String RMJClassLoader.prettyString(RMJSignature sig)
 String RMJClassLoader.prettyString(RMJAnnotation.Method sig)
protected  String RMJClassLoader.prettyString(Object[] tuple)
protected  String RMJClassLoader.tupleToString(Object[] tuple)
protected  String RMJPreloader.usage()
 String RMJSignature.toString()
 String RMJSignature.bodyString()
 String RMJSignature.opName()
 String RMJSignature.kind()
 String RMJSignature.baseAnchorClassName()
 String RMJSignature.dispatcherClassName()
 String RMJSignature.ambigErrorClassName()
 String RMJErrorSignature.ambigErrorClassName()
 String RMJErrorSignature.toString()
 String RMJErrorSignature.bodyString()
 String RMJOperation.toString()
 String RMJOperation.bodyString()
 String RMJOperation.opName()
 String RMJOperation.typesString()
 String RMJUnreachableSignature.toString()
 String RMJUnreachableSignature.bodyString()

Methods in org.multijava.relaxed.runtime with parameters of type String
static void RMJClassLoader.main(String[] args)
 void RMJClassLoader.loaderMain(String[] args)
protected  void RMJClassLoader.runProgram(Class cls, String[] args)
 Class RMJClassLoader.loadClass(String name)
protected  Class RMJClassLoader.loadUserClass(String name)
 byte[] RMJClassLoader.readClassByteCode(String name)
protected  Class RMJClassLoader.loadSystemClass(String name)
protected  void RMJClassLoader.registerGlueAnchor(String glueAnchorClassName)
protected  RMJAnnotation RMJClassLoader.readGlueAnchorAnnotations(String glueAnchorClassName)
protected  void RMJClassLoader.warn(String msg)
(package private)  Class RMJClassLoader.lookupClass(String className)
(package private)  boolean RMJClassLoader.isLoaded(String className)
static void RMJPreloader.main(String[] args)
protected  void RMJPreloader.runProgram(Class mainCls, String[] args)
 Class RMJPreloader.loadClass(String name)
 void RMJUnreachableSignature.registerLoadedClass(String className)

Constructors in org.multijava.relaxed.runtime with parameters of type String
RMJOperation(String opname, String typesString)
RMJRuntimeException(String msg)

Uses of String in org.multijava.relaxed.util

Fields in org.multijava.relaxed.util declared as String
private  String RMJAnnotation.Method._opName
private  String[] RMJAnnotation.Method._staticTypeDescs
private  String[] RMJAnnotation.Method._specializerDescs
private  String RMJAnnotation.Method._kind
private  String RMJAnnotation.Method._baseAnchorClassName
private  String RMJAnnotation.Method._dispatcherClassName
private  String RMJAnnotation.Method._ambigErrorClassName

Methods in org.multijava.relaxed.util that return String
 String RMJAnnotation.getAnnotationString()
 String RMJAnnotation.toString()
private  String RMJAnnotation.Method.getAnnotationString()
 String RMJAnnotation.Method.toString()
 String RMJAnnotation.Method.opName()
 String[] RMJAnnotation.Method.staticTypeDescs()
 String[] RMJAnnotation.Method.specializerDescs()
 String RMJAnnotation.Method.kind()
 String RMJAnnotation.Method.baseAnchorClassName()
 String RMJAnnotation.Method.dispatcherClassName()
 String RMJAnnotation.Method.ambigErrorClassName()
static String Hexdump.byte2hex(byte b)
static String Hexdump.int2hex(int i)
static String Readdump.fixbyte(byte b)

Methods in org.multijava.relaxed.util with parameters of type String
private  void RMJAnnotation.parseInterior(String buffer)
static void RMJAnnotation.Method.parseBody(RMJAnnotation annos, String buffer, int start, int end)
static void RMJDebug.out(String msg)

Constructors in org.multijava.relaxed.util with parameters of type String
RMJAnnotation.Method(String opName, String[] staticTypeDescs, String[] specializerDescs, boolean isAbstract, String kind, String baseAnchorClassName, String dispatcherClassName, String ambigErrorClassName)

Uses of String in org.multijava.util

Fields in org.multijava.util declared as String
private  String[] Options.nonOptions
          The array of non-option arguments.
private  String
private static String Options.VERSION
private static String Utils.CURRENT
private static String Utils.UP
private static String Utils.FILE_SEP
private static String TestUtils.fileSep
private  String MessageDescription.format
private  String MessageDescription.reference

Methods in org.multijava.util that return String
protected  String Options.version()
          Returns the version information
protected  String Options.getString(gnu.getopt.Getopt g, String defaultValue)
protected  String Options.getString(String newValue)
protected  String Options.getNonNullString(String str)
protected  String[][] Options.getNonNullStringArray(String[][] str)
protected  String Options.getSystemProperty(String property)
protected  String[] Options.formOneColumnArray(String firstArg)
protected  String[] Options.formTwoColumnArray(String firstArg, String secondArg)
 String Options.getShortOptions()
          Gets short options
 String[] Options.nonOptions()
static String[] Utils.splitQualifiedName(String name, char separator)
          Splits a string like: "java/lang/System/out" into two strings: "java/lang/System" and "out"
static String[] Utils.splitQualifiedName(String name)
          Splits a string like: "java/lang/System/out" into two strings: "java/lang/System" and "out"
static String Utils.unescapeString(String val)
          Returns a String formed by translating Java escape sequences in the given String into single Unicode characters.
static String Utils.escapeString(String val)
          Returns a String formed by translating Unicode characters for the standard Java escape sequences into the corresponding escape sequences from JLS2, 3.10.6.
static String Utils.escapeString(String val, boolean escapeApostrophes)
          Returns a String formed by translating Unicode characters for the standard Java escape sequences into the corresponding escape sequences from JLS2, 3.10.6.
static String Utils.relativePathTo(File file)
          Returns a String representing the relative path from the current user directory, user.dir, to the given file.
static String Utils.getFilePath(File f)
          Returns the canonical path of the given File, or the absolute path if an exception is thrown by the underlying file system when constructing the canonical path.
 String FormattedException.getMessage()
          Returns a string explaining the exception.
 String FormattedException.getErrorMessage()
          Returns the string explaining the exception.
 String MessageDescription.getFormat()
          Returns the message format.
 String MessageDescription.getReference()
          Returns a reference to a documentation on this message.
 String MessageDescription.format(Object[] parameters)
          Returns a string explaining the error.
 String Message.getMessage()
          Returns the string explaining the error

Methods in org.multijava.util with parameters of type String
 boolean Options.parseCommandLine(String[] argv)
 boolean Options.parseCommandLine(String[] argv, ArrayList infiles)
          Parses and evaluates the command line arguments.
 boolean Options.setOption(String name, Object newValue)
protected  String Options.getString(gnu.getopt.Getopt g, String defaultValue)
protected  String Options.getString(String newValue)
protected  String Options.getNonNullString(String str)
protected  String[][] Options.getNonNullStringArray(String[][] str)
protected  String Options.getSystemProperty(String property)
protected  String[] Options.formOneColumnArray(String firstArg)
protected  String[] Options.formTwoColumnArray(String firstArg, String secondArg)
static void Utils.assertTrue(boolean b, String message)
          Check if an assertion is valid
static void message)
          Throws an error.
static String[] Utils.splitQualifiedName(String name, char separator)
          Splits a string like: "java/lang/System/out" into two strings: "java/lang/System" and "out"
static String[] Utils.splitQualifiedName(String name)
          Splits a string like: "java/lang/System/out" into two strings: "java/lang/System" and "out"
static String Utils.unescapeString(String val)
          Returns a String formed by translating Java escape sequences in the given String into single Unicode characters.
static String Utils.escapeString(String val)
          Returns a String formed by translating Unicode characters for the standard Java escape sequences into the corresponding escape sequences from JLS2, 3.10.6.
static String Utils.escapeString(String val, boolean escapeApostrophes)
          Returns a String formed by translating Unicode characters for the standard Java escape sequences into the corresponding escape sequences from JLS2, 3.10.6.
private  Set[] TestDirectedAcyclicGraph.powerSet(String[] elts)
private  void TestUtils.test_unescapeStrings_helper(String[] expect, String[] orig)
private  void TestUtils.test_escapeStrings_helper(String[] expect, String[] orig)
private  void TestUtils.assertFiles(File[] files, String prefix)
          For each i in 0..files.length this asserts that Utils.relativePathTo(files[i]) equals prefix + files[i].getName()
static Destination Destination.check(String dest)
          Establish a new destination based on the command line argument.
 File Destination.textTarget(String filename)
          Returns the target for a text file, which is simply filename appended to the destination directory.
 File Destination.classFileTargetDirectory(String packageName, File sourceFile)
          Returns the target directory for writing a class file of the given package and source file.
static void ClassPathContains.main(String[] args)
private static boolean ClassPathContains.classExists(String fullyQualifiedClassName)
private static void ClassPathContains.find(String[] args)

Constructors in org.multijava.util with parameters of type String
Options(String name)
          Creates a new Option object.
TestDirectedAcyclicGraph(String name)
FormattedException(String msg)
TestUtils(String name)
MessageDescription(String format, String reference, int level)
          Constructs a message description
Destination(String destination, boolean unspecified)
TestArrayListCache(String name)
InconsistencyException(String message)
          Constructs am InconsistencyException with the specified detail message.
InconsistencyException(String message, Throwable e)
          Constructs am InconsistencyException with the specified detail message.
InternalError(String message)
          Constructs an internal error object.
TestIntStack(String name)

Uses of String in org.multijava.util.backend

Fields in org.multijava.util.backend declared as String
private  String BackendOptions.destination
private static String[] TraceInferenceGraph.COLORS

Methods in org.multijava.util.backend that return String
 String QQuadruple.toString()
          Human readable form
 String QTemporary.toString()
          Human readable form
 String BasicBlock.toString()
          Human readable form
static String Trace.generateNode(String title, String label)
          Generates a node
static String Trace.generateEdge(String from, String to, int nb, int count, boolean arrow)
          Generates a node
 String QNop.toString()
          Human readable form
 String BackendOptions.destination()
 String BackendOptions.set_destination(String destination)
 String BackendOptions.getShortOptions()
 String QOperator.toString()
          Human readable form
 String QVoid.toString()
          Human readable form
 String QLiteral.toString()
          Human readable form
 String QStack.toString()
          Human readable form
 String QIinc.toString()
          Human readable form

Methods in org.multijava.util.backend with parameters of type String
private static void MethodEnv.getParameters(MethodInfo info, String signature, int[] sizes)
          Computes the number of parameters.
static String Trace.generateNode(String title, String label)
          Generates a node
static String Trace.generateEdge(String from, String to, int nb, int count, boolean arrow)
          Generates a node
protected  void Trace.write(String s)
private  void TraceControlFlow.generateBlock(int pos, String label)
 String BackendOptions.set_destination(String destination)
 boolean BackendOptions.setOption(String name, Object newValue)
private  void Main.optimizeClass(String fileName)
          Reads, optimizes and writes a class file
private  ClassInfo Main.readClassFile(String fileName)
private  void Main.writeClassFile(ClassInfo info, String fileName)
static void Main.main(String[] args)
          Entry point to the assembler
private  boolean Main.parseArguments(String[] args)
private  void TraceInferenceGraph.generateNode(String pos, String label, int color)

Constructors in org.multijava.util.backend with parameters of type String
Trace(String fileName)
BackendOptions(String name)
Main(String[] args)
          Only main can construct Main

Uses of String in org.multijava.util.classfile

Fields in org.multijava.util.classfile declared as String
static String[] Constants.ACCESS_FLAG_NAMES
          These arrays are used to map flags to names for pretty printing and error messages and to issue style warnings for modifiers out of order.
private static String[] ClassPath.javasuffix
          Returns a ClassDescription for the java file containing the class with the given name; returns null if can't be found.
private static String ClassPath.lastClassPath
          The classPath argument that was used to construct self.
private static String ClassPath.lastSourcePath
          The sourcePath argument that was used to construct self.
private static String ClassPath.bootclasspath
          Holder for the user set boot class path; if null, the system value of the boot class path is used.
private static String ClassPath.finalclasspath
          Holder for the combined classpath and bootclasspath.
private  String AsciiConstant.value
(package private) static String UniverseFieldAttribute.tagString
          the attribute's name
(package private) static String GenericFunctionsAttribute.tagString
(package private) static String UniverseMethodAttribute.tagString
          the attribute's name
private  String ClassfileOptions.destination
private  String MultimethodInfo.topConcMethColl
(package private) static String RMJAttribute.tagString
(package private) static String DispatcherAttribute.tagString
(package private) static String RuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotationsAttribute.tagString
private  String Annotation.typeName
(package private) static String RuntimeVisibleAnnotationsAttribute.tagString
private static String[] OpcodeNames.opcodeNames
private static String UniverseAttributeParser.tagPrefix
          the prefix of all names of attributes this parser may recognize
(package private) static String AnchorAttribute.tagString
static String SignatureAttribute.NAME
(package private) static String UniverseClassAttribute.tagString
          the name of the attribute
private static String MJAttributeParser.tagPrefix
(package private) static String RedirectorAttribute.tagString
(package private) static String MultimethodBodyAttribute.tagString

Methods in org.multijava.util.classfile that return String
abstract  String Member.getName()
          Returns the name of the this member
abstract  String Member.getSignature()
          Returns the type of the this member
 String Member.toString()
 String MethodInfo.getName()
          Returns the name of this method
 String MethodInfo.getSignature()
          Returns the type of the this method
 String MethodInfo.getGenericSignature()
 String[] MethodInfo.getExceptions()
          Returns the exceptions of this method
 String FieldInfo.getName()
          Returns the name of the this field
 String FieldInfo.getGenericSignature()
 String FieldInfo.getSignature()
          Returns the type of the this field
 String ClassInfo.getName()
          Returns the name of the this class (fully qualified)
 String ClassInfo.getGenericSignature()
 String ClassInfo.getSignature()
          Returns the type of the this field
 String ClassInfo.getSuperClass()
          Returns the super class of the class in the file
 String ClassInfo.sourceFileName()
          Returns the short name of the source file as stored in the attributes of this.
 String ClassInfo.getUniverseVersion()
          Return the version of the encoding for the universe modifiers in the universe attributes or annotations.
 String[] ClassInfo.getInterfaces()
          Returns the interfaces of the class in the file
 String PooledConstant.toString()
 String ClassConstant.getName()
 String ClassConstant.toString()
 String InnerClassInfo.getQualifiedName()
          Return the qualified name of this class
 String InnerClassInfo.outerClassName()
          Return the name of the outer class of this.
 String InnerClassInfo.toString()
static String ClassPath.classPath()
          Returns the combined classpath and bootclasspath.
static String ClassPath.findPackage(String name)
          Returns the root directory (on the CLASSPATH) in which the given package can be found.
static String ClassPath.findPackageSource(String name)
          Returns the root directory in the sourcepath in which the given '.' separated package is found, or null if the package cannot be found.
private  String ClassPath.findPackageLocation(String name)
          Returns a String indicating the location of a package.
private  String ClassPath.findPackageSourceLocation(String name)
          Returns the root directory in the sourcepath in which the given '.' separated package is found.
abstract  String ClassPath.ClassDescription.getName()
 String ClassPath.ClassPath$1.getName()
 String MultiarrayInstruction.getType()
          Return the type of the array
 String NewarrayInstruction.getType()
          Return the type of this array
 String ReferenceConstant.getName()
          Returns the name of this constant
 String ReferenceConstant.getClassName()
          Returns the name of this constant
 String ReferenceConstant.getTypeName()
          Returns the name of this constant
 String ReferenceConstant.getType()
          Returns the name of this constant
 String GenericFunctionInfo.getName()
          Returns the name of this generic function
 String GenericFunctionInfo.getSignature()
          Returns the type signature of this generic function
 String GenericFunctionInfo.getGenericSignature()
 String LocalVariableInfo.getName()
          Returns the name of the local variable
 String LocalVariableInfo.getType()
          Returns the type of the local variable
 String HandlerInfo.getThrown()
(package private)  String AsciiConstant.getValue()
          Returns the value of the constant.
 String AsciiConstant.toString()
 String CodePosition.toString()
          Returns a string representation.
abstract  String ClassDirectory.location()
          returns the root location of this directory element
 String ClassPath.FileClassDescription.getName()
 String ZipClassDescription.getName()
 String DirClassDirectory.location()
          Returns the location of this directory, in this case as its absolute path.
 String ZipClassDirectory.location()
          Returns the location of the directory, in this case as the location of the zip file.
protected  String[] ExceptionsAttribute.getExceptions()
          Returns the exceptions
abstract  String AnnotElementValue.toString()
          Return a textual representation of the value.
 String AnnotLongElementValue.toString()
          Return a textual representation of the value.
(package private)  String SourceFileAttribute.getValue()
          Return the name of the source file
 String AnnotBooleanElementValue.toString()
          Return a textual representation of the value.
 String AnnotIntegerElementValue.toString()
          Return a textual representation of the value.
 String AnnotFloatElementValue.toString()
          Return a textual representation of the value.
 String ClassfileOptions.destination()
 String ClassfileOptions.set_destination(String destination)
 String ClassfileOptions.getShortOptions()
 String MultimethodInfo.topConcreteMethodCollection()
 String AnnotShortElementValue.toString()
          Return a textual representation of the value.
 String Annotation.getName()
          Return the name of the annotation, i.e. the name of the interface type.
 String Annotation.toString()
          Return a string representation of this annotation.
 String AnnotCharElementValue.toString()
          Return a textual representation of the value.
 String NameAndTypeConstant.getName()
          Returns the name of this constant
 String NameAndTypeConstant.getType()
          Returns the the type of this constant
static String OpcodeNames.getName(int opcode)
          Returns the name for this opcode
protected  String SignatureAttribute.getSignature()
          Return the name of the source file
 String UniverseClassAttribute.getVersion()
          Return the version of the Universe Type System used.
 String AnnotStringElementValue.toString()
          Return a textual representation of the value.
 String AnnotStringElementValue.value()
          Return the encapsulated value.
 String Annotation.ElementValuePair.toString()
          Return a string representation of this element-value pair.
          Return the name of this element-value pair.
(package private)  String GenericAttribute.getName()
          Returns the attribute's name
 String AnnotByteElementValue.toString()
          Return a textual representation of the value.
 String AnnotDoubleElementValue.toString()
          Return a textual representation of the value.

Methods in org.multijava.util.classfile with parameters of type String
abstract  Attribute tag, DataInput in, ConstantPool cp)
          Checks the next attribute in the given input, in, and parses it if it is recognized.
abstract  Attribute AttributeParser.readInterfaceOnly(String tag, DataInput in, ConstantPool cp)
          Checks the next attribute in the given input, in, and parses it if it is recognized, but skips CodeInfo attributes.
abstract  Attribute AttributeParser.readCodeInfoAttribute(String tag, DataInput in, ConstantPool cp, Instruction[] insns)
          Checks the next attribute in the given input, in, and parses it if it is recognized, but only parses attributes that may appear within a CodeInfo attribute.
 void MethodInfo.setName(String name)
          Sets the name of the this method
 void MethodInfo.setGenericSignature(String type)
 void MethodInfo.setSignature(String type)
          Returns the type of the this method
 void MethodInfo.setExceptions(String[] exceptions)
          Sets the exceptions
 void FieldInfo.setGenericSignature(String str)
 void FieldInfo.setName(String name)
          Sets the name of the this field
 void FieldInfo.getSignature(String type)
          Returns the type of the this field
 void ClassInfo.setGenericSignature(String type)
 void ClassInfo.setName(String name)
          Sets the name of the this field (fully qualified)
 void ClassInfo.setSuperClass(String superClass)
          Sets the super class of the class in the file
 void ClassInfo.setInterfaces(String[] interfaces)
          Sets the interfaces of the class in the file
protected  File ClassInfo.createOutputFile(File dir, String className)
          Creates an output file.
static ClassDirectory[] ClassPath.parseClassPath(String classPath)
static void ClassPath.init(String classPath, String sourcePath)
          Initialization from strings that represents the class path and the source path (if sourcePath is null, classPath is used for both files searches).
static void ClassPath.setBootClassPath(String b)
          Sets the boot classpath (in palce of the default, which is the system classpath.
static ClassPath.ClassDescription ClassPath.getJavaFile(String name)
static ClassPath.ClassDescription ClassPath.getSourceFile(String name, String[] suffixes)
          Returns a ClassDescription for the source file containing the class with the given name and one of the given suffixes (searching for any suffix in each directory on the sourcepath in turn); returns null if can't be found.
static ClassPath.ClassDescription ClassPath.getFile(String name, String suffix)
          Returns a ClassDescription for the file with the given name+suffix; returns null if can't be found.
static ClassPath.ClassDescription ClassPath.getClassPathFile(String name)
          Returns a ClassDescription for the class file containing the class with the given name (searching each directory on the classpath in turn); returns null if can't be found.
static ClassPath.ClassDescription ClassPath.getClassPathFile(String name, String suffix)
static ClassInfo ClassPath.getClassInfo(String name, boolean interfaceOnly)
          Creates a class info object by reading bytecode from the file named name.class.
static ClassInfo ClassPath.getClassInfo(String name, String suffix, ClassInfoCreator creator, boolean markNotFound, boolean interfaceOnly)
          Creates a class info object by reading bytecode from the file named name.suffix.
static String ClassPath.findPackage(String name)
          Returns the root directory (on the CLASSPATH) in which the given package can be found.
static String ClassPath.findPackageSource(String name)
          Returns the root directory in the sourcepath in which the given '.' separated package is found, or null if the package cannot be found.
private  String ClassPath.findPackageLocation(String name)
          Returns a String indicating the location of a package.
private  String ClassPath.findPackageSourceLocation(String name)
          Returns the root directory in the sourcepath in which the given '.' separated package is found.
private  ClassPath.ClassDescription ClassPath.getClassFile(String name, String suffix)
          Returns a class file but don't read it or cache it.
private  ClassPath.ClassDescription ClassPath.findSourceFile(String name, String[] suffixes)
          This function returns the first file found that has one of the given suffixes and is in the sourceDirs directory path.
 void ReferenceConstant.setTypeName(String name)
          Returns the name of this constant
 void GenericFunctionInfo.setName(String name)
          Sets the name of this generic function
 void GenericFunctionInfo.setSignature(String type)
          Sets the type of this generic function
 void GenericFunctionInfo.setGenericSignature(String generictype)
(package private)  void AsciiConstant.setValue(String value)
          Returns the value of the constant.
abstract  ClassPath.ClassDescription ClassDirectory.getClassFile(String name)
abstract  ClassPath.ClassDescription ClassDirectory.getClassFile(String name, String suffix)
abstract  ClassPath.ClassDescription ClassDirectory.findFile(String name, String suffix)
          Returns a file descriptor for the .java file that should store the type of the given name.
abstract  boolean ClassDirectory.containsDirectory(String name)
          returns true if the directory contains the given directory
 ClassPath.ClassDescription DirClassDirectory.getClassFile(String name, String suffix)
 ClassPath.ClassDescription DirClassDirectory.getClassFile(String name)
 ClassPath.ClassDescription DirClassDirectory.findFile(String name, String suffix)
 boolean DirClassDirectory.containsDirectory(String name)
          returns true if the directory object contains the given name as a subdirectory. name is a File.separatorChar - separated multi-component path.
 ClassPath.ClassDescription ZipClassDirectory.getClassFile(String name, String suffix)
 ClassPath.ClassDescription ZipClassDirectory.getClassFile(String name)
 ClassPath.ClassDescription ZipClassDirectory.findFile(String name, String suffix)
          Returns null since we do not support reading non-.class files from zip or jar archives.
 boolean ZipClassDirectory.containsDirectory(String name)
          Returns true if the zip file contains the given directory.
static void Main.main(String[] args)
          Entry point to the disassembler
private static boolean Main.parseArguments(String[] args)
private static void Main.readFile(String f, File file)
          Read a classfile
 String ClassfileOptions.set_destination(String destination)
 boolean ClassfileOptions.setOption(String name, Object newValue)
 Annotation RuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotationsAttribute.get(int param, String name)
          Return the annotation of a given type for the specified parameter given by its index, or null if no such annotation has been attached to the parameter.
 void Annotation.addElement(String name, AnnotElementValue value)
          Add an element-value pair to the annotation.
 AnnotElementValue Annotation.getValue(String elementName)
          Return the value of the given element in the notation, or null if the annotation does not contain such an element.
 Annotation RuntimeVisibleAnnotationsAttribute.get(String name)
          Return the annotation given by the name, or null if no such annotation has been attached to the element.
 void NameAndTypeConstant.setName(String name)
          Sets the name of this constant
 Attribute tag, DataInput in, ConstantPool cp)
          Checks the next attribute in the given input stream, and parses it if is is recognized.
 Attribute UniverseAttributeParser.readInterfaceOnly(String tag, DataInput in, ConstantPool cp)
          Checks the next attribute in the given input stream, and parses it if is is recognized, but skips CodeInfo attributes Returns an Attribute instance if the attribute is recognized, or null otherwise.
 Attribute UniverseAttributeParser.readCodeInfoAttribute(String tag, DataInput in, ConstantPool cp, Instruction[] insns)
          Checks the next attribute in the given input stream, and parses it if is is recognized, but only parses attributes that may appear within a CodeInfo attribute.
private  boolean UniverseAttributeParser.isOurs(String tag)
 Attribute tag, DataInput in, ConstantPool cp)
          Checks the next attribute in the given input, in, and parses it if it is recognized.
 Attribute MJAttributeParser.readInterfaceOnly(String tag, DataInput in, ConstantPool cp)
          Checks the next attribute in the given input, in, and parses it if it is recognized, but skips CodeInfo attributes.
 Attribute MJAttributeParser.readCodeInfoAttribute(String tag, DataInput in, ConstantPool cp, Instruction[] insns)
          Checks the next attribute in the given input, in, and parses it if it is recognized, but only parses attributes that may appear within a CodeInfo attribute.
private  boolean MJAttributeParser.isOurs(String tag)
          Returns true if the attribute named by the given tag String is an attribute of org.multijava.
 Attribute tag, DataInput in, ConstantPool cp)
          Checks the next attribute in the given input, in, and parses it if it is recognized.
 Attribute BaseAttributeParser.readInterfaceOnly(String tag, DataInput in, ConstantPool cp)
          Checks the next attribute in the given input, in, and parses it if it is recognized, but skips CodeInfo attributes.
 Attribute BaseAttributeParser.readCodeInfoAttribute(String tag, DataInput in, ConstantPool cp, Instruction[] insns)
          Checks the next attribute in the given input, in, and parses it if it is recognized, but only parses attributes that may appear within a CodeInfo attribute.

Constructors in org.multijava.util.classfile with parameters of type String
ClassFileFormatException(String message)
          Constructs a class file read exception
MethodInfo(short modifiers, String name, String type, String genericsignature, String[] exceptions, CodeInfo code, boolean deprecated, boolean synthetic)
          Constructs a method entry
FieldInfo(short modifiers, String name, String type, String generictype, Object value, boolean deprecated, boolean synthetic)
          Constructs a field entry
ClassInfo(short modifiers, String thisClass, String superClass, String genericSignature, ArrayList interfaces, ArrayList fields, ArrayList methods, InnerClassInfo[] innerClasses, AttributeList attributes, File sourceFile, boolean deprecated)
          Constructs a new class info structure from source.
ClassInfo(short modifiers, String thisClass, String superClass, String genericSignature, ClassConstant[] interfaces, FieldInfo[] fields, MethodInfo[] methods, InnerClassInfo[] innerClasses, AttributeList attributes, File sourceFile, boolean deprecated)
          Constructs a new class info structure from source.
ClassConstant(String name)
          Constructs a new class constant.
InnerClassInfo(String innerClass, String outerClass, String simpleName, short modifiers)
          Create a classes entry within an InnerClasses attribute.
ClassPath(String classPath, String sourcePath)
          Constructs the class path.
BadAccessorException(String message)
          Constructs a BadAccessorException object.
ClassFileReadException(IOException original, String name)
          Constructs an exception to communicate an I/O problem
ClassFileReadException(ClassFileFormatException original, String name)
          Constructs an exception to communicate a malformed .class file
ClassRefInstruction(int opcode, String name)
          Constructs a new ldc instruction
FieldRefInstruction(int opcode, String name, String type)
          Constructs a new field reference instruction
FieldRefInstruction(int opcode, String owner, String name, String type)
          Constructs a new field reference instruction
InvokeinterfaceInstruction(String name, String type, int nargs)
          Constructs a new invokeinterface instruction
InvokeinterfaceInstruction(String owner, String name, String type, int nargs)
          Constructs a new invokeinterface instruction
MethodRefInstruction(int opcode, String name, String type)
          Constructs a new method reference instruction
MethodRefInstruction(int opcode, String owner, String name, String type)
          Constructs a new method reference instruction
MultiarrayInstruction(String name, int dims)
          Constructs a new multiarray instruction
PushLiteralInstruction(String value)
          Constructs an instruction that pushes a string literal on the stack.
ReferenceConstant(byte tag, String name, String type)
          Constructs a new reference constant.
ReferenceConstant(byte tag, String owner, String name, String type)
          Constructs a new reference constant.
FieldRefConstant(String name, String type)
          Constructs a field reference constant.
FieldRefConstant(String owner, String name, String type)
          Constructs a field reference constant.
InterfaceConstant(String name, String type)
          Constructs a new method reference constant.
InterfaceConstant(String owner, String name, String type)
          Constructs a new method reference constant.
MethodRefConstant(String name, String type)
          Constructs a new method reference constant.
MethodRefConstant(String owner, String name, String type)
          Constructs a new method reference constant.
GenericFunctionInfo(String name, String type, String generictype, int number, String topConcMethColl, MultimethodInfo[] multimethods)
          Constructs a generic function info structure from source.
LocalVariableInfo(InstructionAccessor start, InstructionAccessor end, String name, String type, short slot)
          Create an entry in the line number table
HandlerInfo(InstructionAccessor start, InstructionAccessor end, InstructionAccessor handler, String thrown)
          Constructs a new exception handler info entry
AsciiConstant(String value)
          Constructs a new ASCII (UTF8) pooled constant
ExceptionsAttribute(String[] names)
          Create an exceptions attribute.
SourceFileAttribute(String name)
          Create a source file attribute.
ClassfileOptions(String name)
MultimethodInfo(short modifiers, String name, String type, String genericsignature, short number, String topConcMethColl, String[] exceptions, boolean deprecated)
          Constructs a multimethod info data structure from source.
MultimethodInfo(DataInput in, ConstantPool cp, short number, String topConcMethColl)
          Constructs a multimethod info data structure from a class file stream
RMJAttribute(String rmjAnnote)
          Create a dispatcher attribute from source.
Annotation(String typeName)
          Create an empty annotation of a given type.
StringConstant(String value)
          Constructs a new String (UNICODE) pooled constant.
NameAndTypeConstant(String name, String type)
          Constructs a name/type constant pool entry.
SignatureAttribute(String signature)
UniverseClassAttribute(String version, boolean runtimeSupport)
          Create a Universe version attribute.
AnnotStringElementValue(String value)
          Construct a new element-value with the given value.
Annotation.ElementValuePair(String name, AnnotElementValue value)
          Construct a new element-value pair for an annotation structure.
GenericAttribute(String name, byte[] data)
          Make up a new attribute

Uses of String in org.multijava.util.compiler

Fields in org.multijava.util.compiler declared as String
static String TokenReference.UNKNOWN
private  String TokenReference.cachedName
protected  String JavaStyleComment.text
private  String CToken.text
 String InputBuffer.file

Methods in org.multijava.util.compiler that return String
 String UnpositionedError.getMessage()
          Returns a string explaining the exception.
 String UnpositionedError.getErrorMessage()
          Returns the string explaining the exception.
          Returns the short file name of this reference (without any path name).
 String TokenReference.toString()
private  String TokenReference.relativeFilePath()
 String PositionedError.getMessage()
          Returns the string explaining the error.
 String JavaStyleComment.getText()
abstract  String ModifierUtility.asString(long modifiers)
          Returns a string with the names of all the modifiers in the preferred order.
abstract  String[] ModifierUtility.asStrings(long modifiers)
          Returns an array of the names of all the modifiers in the preferred order.
abstract  String ModifierUtility.nameOf(long mod)
          Returns the name of the given modifier.
 String CToken.getText()
 String FastStringBuffer.toString()
private  String count)
private  String TabbedPrintWriter.spaceIn(int count)
 String JavadocComment.getParams()
 String JavadocComment.toString()

Methods in org.multijava.util.compiler with parameters of type String
 ArrayList Compiler.verifyFiles(String[] names)
          Takes an array of file names and checks that each exists.
private  void Compiler.readList(ArrayList accum, String name)
          Parses the file referenced by name, extracting the list of files that it contains.
 boolean err, String[] args)
          Runs a compilation session
abstract  boolean[] args)
          Runs a compilation session
 void Compiler.inform(String message)
          Write a message to the diagnostic output.
 void Compiler.inform(String message, int printDestination)
          Write text to the output stream if printDestination is PRINT_TO_OUT and write text to the diagnostic stream if printDestination is PRINT_TO_ERR.
 void CToken.setText(String text)
 void FastStringBuffer.append(String s)
 void TabbedPrintWriter.print(String s)
          Print a string
static long NumberParser.decodeLong(String text)
static int NumberParser.decodeInt(String text)
static long NumberParser.decodeDecLong(boolean negative, String text)
static long NumberParser.decodeHexLong(boolean negative, String text)
static long NumberParser.decodeOctLong(boolean negative, String text)
static int NumberParser.decodeHexInt(boolean negative, String text)
static int NumberParser.decodeOctInt(boolean negative, String text)

Constructors in org.multijava.util.compiler with parameters of type String
JavaStyleComment(String text, boolean isLineComment, boolean spaceBefore, boolean spaceAfter)
          Construct a node in the parsing tree
CToken(int type, String text)
          Constructs a token
CToken(int type, String text, int flags)
          Constructs a token
InputBuffer(String name, File file)
          Constructs a new input buffer.
JavadocComment(String text, boolean spaceBefore, boolean spaceAfter)
          Construct a node in the parsing tree
CompilationAbortedError(String msg)

Uses of String in org.multijava.util.guigen

Fields in org.multijava.util.guigen declared as String
private static String Main.USAGE
private static String Main.HELP
private  String[] Main.sourceFiles
private  String DefinitionFile.sourceFile
private  String DefinitionFile.packageName
private  String DefinitionFile.prefix
private  String DefinitionFile.readableFiles
private  String DefinitionFile.webpageName
private  String DefinitionFile.webpageLocation
static String[] GuigenParser._tokenNames

Methods in org.multijava.util.guigen that return String
private static String DefinitionFile.trail(String s)
          Strips the leading and trailing quotes from a string
 String DefinitionFile.getClassName()
          Returns the class name
 String DefinitionFile.getPackageName()
          Returns the package name
 String DefinitionFile.getPrefix()
          Returns the literal prefix
 String GuigenParser.aIdentifier()
 String GuigenParser.aName()
 String GuigenParser.aString()

Methods in org.multijava.util.guigen with parameters of type String
private  void Main.parseSourceFiles(String sourceFile)
          Sets this.definition to a new DefinitionFile instance formed by parsing the named sourceFile.
static void Main.main(String[] args)
          Entry point to the assembler
private  void Main.parseArgs(String[] args)
private static String DefinitionFile.trail(String s)
          Strips the leading and trailing quotes from a string
static DefinitionFile sourceFile)
          Reads and parses an token definition file
 DefinitionFile GuigenParser.aCompilationUnit(String sourceFile)

Constructors in org.multijava.util.guigen with parameters of type String
Main(String[] args)
          Only main can construct Main
DefinitionFile(String sourceFile, String packageName, ArrayList imports, String prefix, String readableFiles, String webpageName, String webpageLocation, ArrayList acceptedSuffixes)
          Constructs a definition file

Uses of String in org.multijava.util.jperf

Fields in org.multijava.util.jperf declared as String
private  String[] JPerf.EQUALS_FUNCTION
private  String[] JPerf.HASH_FUNCTION
private  String[] JPerf.FIND_FUNCTION
private  String[] JPerf.header
private  String[] JPerf.footer
private  String[] Keywords.keywords
private  String Table.tableName
private static String Main.input_file_name
private static String Main.output_file_name

Methods in org.multijava.util.jperf that return String
 String Keywords.elementAt(int index)
          Returns the keyword at specified index.
private static String[] Main.readHeader(RandomAccessFile input)
          read and skip the declaration part Assume that file is already open and file pointer is already set correctly
private static String[] Main.readKeywords(RandomAccessFile input)
          Reads keyword section Assume that file is already open and file pointer is already set correctly
private static String[] Main.readFooter(RandomAccessFile input)
          Reads unction section Assume that file is already open and file pointer is already set correctly
private static String[] Main.makeStringArray(ArrayList vec)
          Transforms a list of strings into a string array, clears the list, and returns the list to the ArrayList cache.

Methods in org.multijava.util.jperf with parameters of type String
private  boolean JPerf.addKey(String key, long value)
          Adds a `key -> value' pair.
 void JPerf.genCode(String fileName)
          Dumps result to class source.
private  void JPerf.printStringArray(PrintWriter out, String[] lines)
          Prints a string array to the output file.
 long Table.insertKey(String key, long max)
          Inserts the key into the table.
 long Table.getKeyValue(String key)
          Returns the value previously assigned to the key
static void Main.main(String[] args)
          The main driver.
private static void Main.parseOptions(String[] args)
private static void Main.usage(String[] args)

Constructors in org.multijava.util.jperf with parameters of type String
JPerf(String[] keywords, String[] header, String[] footer, double loadFactor)
          Constructs a JPerf object
JPerf(String[] keywords, String[] header, String[] footer)
          Constructs a JPerf object with default load factor.
Keywords(String[] keywords)
          Creates a Keywords object
Table(String tableName, int maxWordLength, char minCharValue, char maxCharValue)
          Creates an instance of table representing one of T1 and T2.

Uses of String in org.multijava.util.lexgen

Fields in org.multijava.util.lexgen declared as String
static String[] LexgenParser._tokenNames
private static String DefinitionFile.DEFAULT_PREFIX
private  String DefinitionFile.sourceFile
private  String DefinitionFile.packageName
private  String DefinitionFile.vocabulary
private  String DefinitionFile.prefix
private  String
private  String TokenDefinition.value
          The text value of this token in pure string format (with escape codes evaluated).
private  String[] TokenDefinition.flags
          An array of the token flags that are true for this token.
private  String[] Main.args
(package private)  String DefinitionFile.KeywordTokenInfo.keyword
(package private)  String DefinitionFile.KeywordTokenInfo.type

Methods in org.multijava.util.lexgen that return String
 String LexgenParser.anIdentifier()
 String LexgenParser.aName()
 String LexgenParser.aString()
 String DefinitionFile.getClassName()
          Returns the package name
 String DefinitionFile.getPackageName()
          Returns the package name
 String DefinitionFile.getVocabulary()
          Returns the vocabulary name
 String DefinitionFile.getPrefix()
          Returns the literal prefix
 String LexgenOptions.getShortOptions()
private static String[] Main.makeStringArray(ArrayList vec)
          Transforms a list of strings into a string array.
private  String[] TestLexgenLexer.lexThis(String source)

Methods in org.multijava.util.lexgen with parameters of type String
 DefinitionFile LexgenParser.aCompilationUnit(String sourceFile)
static DefinitionFile sourceFile)
          Reads and parses an token definition file
 int DefinitionFile.checkIdentifiers(Hashtable identifiers, String prefix, int id)
          Check for duplicate identifiers
 void DefinitionFile.printDefinition(PrintWriter out, String prefix)
          Prints token definitions to definition file (txt)
 void DefinitionFile.printInterface(PrintWriter out, String parent)
          Prints the token definition to interface file (java)
(package private)  boolean DefinitionFile.accumKeywords(List accum, String prefix, List legalFlags)
          Accumulates a list of keyword token information in accum.
 void TokenDefinition.checkIdentifiers(Hashtable identifiers, String prefix, int id, String sourceFile)
          Check for duplicate identifiers
 void TokenDefinition.printDefinition(PrintWriter out, String prefix)
          Prints the token definition to definition file (txt)
 void TokenDefinition.printInterface(PrintWriter out, String prefix)
          Prints the token definition to interface file (java)
(package private)  boolean TokenDefinition.accumKeyword(List accum, String prefix, List legalFlags)
          Adds the token information for this to accum if this is a keyword or literal token.
 boolean LexgenOptions.setOption(String name, Object newValue)
private  boolean Main.parseSourceFiles(String[] infiles)
          Parses the named *.t files and returns true iff successful.
static void Main.main(String[] args)
          Entry point to the assembler
private  boolean Main.parseArguments(String[] args)
private  void TestLexgenLexer.test_string_helper(String source, String[] expected)
private  String[] TestLexgenLexer.lexThis(String source)

Constructors in org.multijava.util.lexgen with parameters of type String
DefinitionFile(String sourceFile, String packageName, String vocabulary, String prefix, List flags, ArrayList definitions)
          Constructs a token definition file
TokenDefinition(int type, String name, String value, List flags)
          Creates a new TokenDefinition instance.
LexgenOptions(String name)
Main(String[] args)
TestLexgenLexer(String name)
DefinitionFile.KeywordTokenInfo(String keyword, String type, int flags)

Uses of String in org.multijava.util.msggen

Fields in org.multijava.util.msggen declared as String
static String[] MsggenParser._tokenNames
private static String DefinitionFile.DEFAULT_PREFIX
private  String DefinitionFile.sourceFile
private  String DefinitionFile.packageName
private  String DefinitionFile.prefix
private  String MessageDefinition.identifier
private  String MessageDefinition.format
private  String MessageDefinition.reference
private static String Main.shortopts
private  String[] Main.sourceFiles

Methods in org.multijava.util.msggen that return String
 String MsggenParser.aIdentifier()
 String MsggenParser.aName()
 String MsggenParser.aString()
 String DefinitionFile.getClassName()
          Returns the package name
 String DefinitionFile.getPackageName()
          Returns the package name
 String DefinitionFile.getPrefix()
          Returns the literal prefix

Methods in org.multijava.util.msggen with parameters of type String
 DefinitionFile MsggenParser.aCompilationUnit(String sourceFile)
static DefinitionFile sourceFile)
          Reads and parses an token definition file
 void MessageDefinition.checkIdentifiers(Hashtable identifiers, String sourceFile)
          Checks for duplicate identifiers.
 void MessageDefinition.printInterface(PrintWriter out, String prefix)
          Prints the token definition to interface file (java)
static void Main.main(String[] args)
          Entry point to the assembler
private  void Main.parseArgs(String[] args)

Constructors in org.multijava.util.msggen with parameters of type String
DefinitionFile(String sourceFile, String packageName, String prefix, ArrayList definitions)
          Constructs a token definition file
MessageDefinition(String identifier, String format, String reference, int level)
          Constructs a message definition
Main(String[] args)
          Only main can construct Main

Uses of String in org.multijava.util.optgen

Fields in org.multijava.util.optgen declared as String
private static String Main.USAGE
private static String Main.HELP
private  String[] Main.sourceFiles
private  String DefinitionFile.sourceFile
private  String DefinitionFile.packageName
private  String DefinitionFile.parent
private  String DefinitionFile.implement
private  String DefinitionFile.prefix
private  String DefinitionFile.version
private  String DefinitionFile.usage
private  String DefinitionFile.url
static String SelectionVariables.structureName
          Denotes the structure name that the option is using to store the data structrues that store the different selections for that option
static String SelectionVariables.selectionType
          Denotes the structure type that the option is using to store the different selections for that option
static String SelectionVariables.selectionName
          Denotes the structure name that the option is using to store the different selections for that option
private  String OptionDefinition.longname
private  String OptionDefinition.shortname
private  String OptionDefinition.action
private  String OptionDefinition.type
private  String OptionDefinition.defaultValue
private  String OptionDefinition.argument
private  String OptionDefinition.guiType
static String[] OptgenParser._tokenNames

Methods in org.multijava.util.optgen that return String
 String DefinitionFile.getClassName()
          Returns the package name
 String DefinitionFile.getPackageName()
          Returns the package name
 String DefinitionFile.getPrefix()
          Returns the literal prefix
private static String OptionDefinition.trail(String s)
private  String OptionDefinition.getType()
          Returns the correct type, based on whether it is of the type StringList, StringSystemProperty, or not
 String OptgenParser.aIdentifier()
 String OptgenParser.aName()
 String OptgenParser.aString()
 String OptgenParser.aOptionType()

Methods in org.multijava.util.optgen with parameters of type String
private  void Main.parseSourceFiles(String sourceFile)
          Sets this.definition to a new DefinitionFile instance formed by parsing the named sourceFile.
static void Main.main(String[] args)
          Entry point to the assembler
private  void Main.parseArgs(String[] args)
static DefinitionFile sourceFile)
          Reads and parses an token definition file
private static String OptionDefinition.trail(String s)
 void OptionDefinition.checkIdentifiers(Hashtable identifiers, String sourceFile)
          Check for duplicate identifiers
 void OptionDefinition.checkShortcuts(Hashtable shortcuts, String sourceFile)
          Check for duplicate identifiers
 void OptionDefinition.printUsage(PrintWriter out, String dashes)
          Prints the token definition to interface file (java)
 DefinitionFile OptgenParser.aCompilationUnit(String sourceFile)

Constructors in org.multijava.util.optgen with parameters of type String
Main(String[] args)
          Only main can construct Main
DefinitionFile(String sourceFile, String packageName, String parent, String implement, String prefix, String version, String usage, String url, ArrayList definitions)
          Constructs a definition file
OptionDefinition(String longname, String shortname, String action, String type, String defaultValue, String argument, ArrayList tableHeader, ArrayList selection, ArrayList help, int caseValue, String guiType)
          Constructs an option definition

Uses of String in org.multijava.util.optimize

Fields in org.multijava.util.optimize declared as String
private  String OptimizeOptions.destination

Methods in org.multijava.util.optimize that return String
 String OptimizeOptions.destination()
 String OptimizeOptions.set_destination(String destination)
 String OptimizeOptions.getShortOptions()

Methods in org.multijava.util.optimize with parameters of type String
private  void Main.optimizeClass(String fileName)
          Reads, optimizes and writes a class file
private  ClassInfo Main.readClassFile(String fileName)
private  void Main.writeClassFile(ClassInfo info, String fileName)
static void Main.main(String[] args)
          Entry point to the assembler
private  boolean Main.parseArguments(String[] args)
 String OptimizeOptions.set_destination(String destination)
 boolean OptimizeOptions.setOption(String name, Object newValue)

Constructors in org.multijava.util.optimize with parameters of type String
Main(String[] args)
          Only main can construct Main
OptimizeOptions(String name)

Uses of String in org.multijava.util.testing

Fields in org.multijava.util.testing declared as String
protected static String TestCase.NEWLINE
(package private) static String Utils.ORACLE_SUFFIX
(package private) static String Utils.SAVED_SUFFIX
private  String FileIterator.nextLine
          The next value to be returned by the iterator.
private  String Diff.oldText
private  String Diff.newText
private  String Diff.equivReplaceChar
private  String Diff.result
private static String Diff.DELIM
private static String Diff.NEWLINE
private static String Diff.OLD_CH
private static String Diff.NEW_CH
private static String Diff.IGNORED_CHARS_FILLER
private  String[] Main.inClasses
private static String Main.DEFAULT_OUT
private static String Main.SUITE_NAME
private  String TestingOptions.outFile
private  String TestingOptions.destPackage
private  String TestingOptions.sourcePackage
private  String TestingOptions.testDescription
private  String ExternalInputIterator.nextLine
          The next value to be returned by the iterator.
(package private)  String
(package private)  String FileCompareTestCase.command
          Holds the command String supplied in the constructor.
(package private)  String FileCompareTestCase.file1
          Holds the file name supplied in the constructor.
(package private)  String FileCompareTestCase.file2
          Holds the second file name supplied in the constructor.

Methods in org.multijava.util.testing that return String
static String Utils.readFile(String filename, byte[] cb)
          Reads the contents of the file with the given name, returning a String.
static String Utils.readFileX(String filename)
static String Utils.readFile(String filename)
          Reads the contents of the file with the given name, returning a String.
static String Utils.executeCompile(Class cls, String[] args)
static String Utils.executeMethod(Class cls, String methodname, String[] args)
          Finds and executes the method with the given name in the given class; the method must have a single argument of type String[].
static String Utils.executeMethod(Method method, String[] args)
          Calls the given method on the given String[] argument.
private  String Diff.replaceChars(String s)
private  String[] Diff.splitByLine(String text)
 String Diff.result()
          Returns the differences between the given strings.
(package private)  String Main.fixPackage(String pack)
 String TestingOptions.outFile()
 String TestingOptions.set_outFile(String outFile)
 String TestingOptions.destPackage()
 String TestingOptions.set_destPackage(String destPackage)
 String TestingOptions.sourcePackage()
 String TestingOptions.set_sourcePackage(String sourcePackage)
 String TestingOptions.testDescription()
 String TestingOptions.set_testDescription(String testDescription)
 String TestingOptions.getShortOptions()
 String Utils.QuoteTokenizer.nextToken()

Methods in org.multijava.util.testing with parameters of type String
protected  void TestCase.assertEquals(String expected, String actual, boolean detailed)
          Compare Strings for equality with better difference reporting.
protected  void TestCase.assertDiff(String expected, String actual)
static ArrayList Utils.parseResult(String command)
          Executes the given command as an external executable, reads the text produced and tokenizes it into Strings (separated by whitespace).
static ArrayList Utils.parseFoundLine(String content, String filename)
          Finds the first line with the given String in the given file and parses the content into tokens.
static String Utils.readFile(String filename, byte[] cb)
          Reads the contents of the file with the given name, returning a String.
static String Utils.readFileX(String filename)
static String Utils.readFile(String filename)
          Reads the contents of the file with the given name, returning a String.
static String Utils.executeCompile(Class cls, String[] args)
static String Utils.executeMethod(Class cls, String methodname, String[] args)
          Finds and executes the method with the given name in the given class; the method must have a single argument of type String[].
static String Utils.executeMethod(Method method, String[] args)
          Calls the given method on the given String[] argument.
static Diff Utils.compareStringToFile(String s, String rootname)
          Compares the given string to the content of the given file using a comparator that ignores platform differences in line-endings.
static void Utils.removeFiles(String pattern)
          This deletes all files (in the current directory) whose names match the given pattern in a regular-expression sense; however, it is only implemented for patterns consisting of characters and at most one '*', since I'm not going to rewrite an RE library.
private  boolean Diff.areSame(String a, String b)
private  String Diff.replaceChars(String s)
private  void Diff.calculate(String oldTextLabel, String newTextLabel)
private  String[] Diff.splitByLine(String text)
static void Main.main(String[] args)
          Accept command line arguments
 boolean[] args)
          Generate JUnit test suite based on the given arguments.
 boolean Main.parseArguments(String[] args)
          Processes command line arguments and sets up object state.
(package private)  String Main.fixPackage(String pack)
(package private)  boolean Main.isSuite(String testCase)
 String TestingOptions.set_outFile(String outFile)
 String TestingOptions.set_destPackage(String destPackage)
 String TestingOptions.set_sourcePackage(String sourcePackage)
 String TestingOptions.set_testDescription(String testDescription)
 boolean TestingOptions.setOption(String name, Object newValue)
(package private)  void Main.SuiteWriter.println(String s)
 void FileCompareTestCase.action(int result, String outputText, String errorText)
          The user should override this to carry out an action (e.g.

Constructors in org.multijava.util.testing with parameters of type String
TestCase(String name)
FileIterator(String filename)
          Starts an iterator reading from the given external process.
Diff(String oldTextLabel, String oldText, String newTextLabel, String newText)
          Calculate a difference between the given strings.
Diff(String oldTextLabel, String oldText, String newTextLabel, String newText, Pattern regExpr)
          Calculate a difference between the given strings ignoring the portions of each line that match the given regular expression pattern.
Diff(String oldTextLabel, String oldText, String newTextLabel, String newText, Pattern regExpr, String equivChars)
          Calculate a difference between the given strings ignoring the portions of each line that match the given regular expression pattern, and treating any character from the equivChars String as equal.
TestingOptions(String name)
TestMain(String name)
SampleTestCase(String name)
ExternalInputIterator(String program)
          Starts an iterator reading from the given external process.
Utils.QuoteTokenizer(String s)
FileCompareTestCase(String name, String file1, String file2, String command)
          Constructs the appropriate Test.


JML is Copyright (C) 1998-2002 by Iowa State University and is distributed under the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This release depends on code from the MultiJava project and is based in part on the Kopi project Copyright (C) 1990-99 DMS Decision Management Systems Ges.m.b.H.